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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Dean's gone from angry...

    See? I outta be working on Howie's campaign... I'd love to see you as a speech writer. You could even work him to give "advice" to the other guys that furthers your forum gags:
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Update On Goldberg's Santa's Slay Movie

  3. Jobber of the Week

    Dean's gone from angry...

    So basically, it comes down to who you believe.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Dean's gone from angry...

    Yes, but he says that his CONTRIBUTORS are people that have only sent in a small amount. He does get a lot of small donations, but not from different indivduals. He has a larger amount of people who send in $25 again, and again, and again.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Democratic Debate

    Kind of correctly emphasizes it's lack of spoiler potential, doesn't it?
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Dean's gone from angry...

    Err? Sorry if I don't live in Iowa and didn't get all this news. I don't think Dean has a shot, but he could still stage a small comeback. I lost my interest in him after all the lying about his money coming from "regular people" who just sent him a $25 check.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Dean's gone from angry...

    Oh? Do share, if you can (though you make it sound like it's public material.) EDIT: Oh. Never mind. Sounds like a lot of accusations without any real source. GQ is hardly the nightly news.
  8. John Kerry 82,594 39% Howard Dean 56,353 26% Wesley Clark 26,554 12% John Edwards 25,849 12% Joe Lieberman 18,392 9% Dennis Kucinich 3,015 1% Al Sharpton 342 0% Seven states are coming up on Tuesday. Who do you think will win? My prediction: Kerry: Four states. Edwards: Two states. Clark: One state. Dean: No states. Drops out. In frightening news, Lieberman didn't drop out after pouring it all into NH and STILL winding up with his name sitting next to Dennis Kucinich.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    More WWE superstars to ask for release ??

    PWTorch reports that the meetings are helping morale, story gets a thread here. 1Wrestling reports that the meetings aren't helping and people are contemplating quitting, and it gets a thread here. We need to stop accepting ONE of these guys as a reliable source.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    New Hampshire results/Super Tuesday predictions

    There's a debate now on MSNBC. I await the bitchslapping and holes being shot in feet. Dean was first, now Clark. EDIT: Lieberman just called himself a moderate.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    What are you registered as?

    Whoa, Ann Coulter finally is here, AND she stole KKK's account. I enjoy my Independent registered friends. We can usually discuss subjects on their merits instead of everyone taking up their fed positions and sniping away. I love the Ann Coulter take on Independents, btw: That's right. You heard it from Ann. Us liberals, we have IQs higher than toasters. Sorry, conservatives.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    New Hampshire results/Super Tuesday predictions

    More here: L-O-Fucking-L! This guy can spin anything into something positive/victorious.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News Exit Poll

    Aww, and here I was hoping they only managed to find two of the Al Sharpton voters.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    New Hampshire results/Super Tuesday predictions

    You're not registered or you're a Republican? If it's the latter and youv'e got a primary, you can always write him in. Heck, Kerry got well over a thousand write-in votes from Republicans.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Guliani to replace Cheney?

    LOL, the greatest part of the 2000 chaos was watching boards full of Republicans who so desperately wanted to see the Clinton/Gore families leave Washington. "Why won't these people LEAVE?!?!" Ah, how fun it will be to watch their blood pressure rise this year, assuming nothing stupid happens. Did you not read my f'n link?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News Exit Poll

    The two people who voted for Al Sharpton were netiher male nor female.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    One Last Time

    By these numbers: * Gail Kim is a draw * Trish Stratus is not * Kevin Nash is a bigger draw than Booker T * And so is Gail Kim * And Billy Gunn * John Cena barely draws, despite a good deal of merchandise that moves well at live shows * Billy Gunn is a draw. Yeah, I know I mentioned that two points above, but it really needs to be mentioned again. * Charlie Haas is a bigger draw than the Undertaker
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Hardy to return?

    My interest in Jeff disappeared when he started looking like a zombie. I was never a big fan of the gay jokes (so what if he is?) but he was actually less disturbing when he and Matt wore identical clothing and kept standing a little too close together. I would much prefer that than the crazy guy with the hankies, arm covered in paint, and clothes that looked like they hadn't been washed in 2 months.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    One Last Time

    Vince's numbers are higher than others because he's always involved in main event matches and he kicks off the show a whole lot. When he's on, he's pretty much on only during the periods when a lot of people are watching. That doesn't mean anybody is watching for him. Which is the arguement put forth here.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    One Last Time

    Oh good God. Is someone trying to use the numbers that say that Vince McMahon is the most over worker in the company to try and make a point again?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    Sitting around watching your life waste by tends to do that. And with your logic, I could say that anyone should get the death penalty. How do we know that 13 year old who shoplifted from the grocery store won't do it again in the future? Death penalty. This man is jaywalking! Death penalty. The Supreme Court is now reviewing the whole death penalty for minors thing anyway.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Guliani to replace Cheney?

    Better that a Democrat President veto everything and Congress choke the President for money than our current situation. They had no reason to place expansion powers for the Patriot Act hidden in a larger bill other than to try and fool the public. Also, I think BX has been reading too much Slate
  23. Jobber of the Week

    New Hampshire results/Super Tuesday predictions

    No way Dean drops out this soon. He's the idealogue canidate for the Dems, and won't give up until the end. If you can't get a first place victory in either of the opening states or Super Tuesday, you basically go home. I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that you need more than 20 year olds and 50-something former radicals in order to win! However, he does have a big enough war chest to keep going and hang out in the debates if he likes. And that talk about small money contributors is utter bullshit.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    No Way Out

    Do they sell the posters at the show? I'll probably buy one if they do.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    I don't think that this kid should get a chair while Charles Manson gets a life sentence. Mental ward. 25 years.