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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Is Dennis Miller getting his own show...

    Then watch Crossfire, where even I wind up agreeing with the right wing guys from time to time. And besides, according to Colmes, "we go after the guests, not each other." I actually get Savage now again as of a few days ago. I listened to a few minutes of him the other day, but the commercials were really piling up and I eventually changed channel. In the minute of one segment, he made a point I agreed with and then made me upset for agreeing with him. But I've talked about that across about a dozen paragraphs now.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Guliani to replace Cheney?

    Why.. Yes, yes it will. You really don't think Congress will approve the all that money for Howie Dean's universal healthcare, do you?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    For Tyler....

    That was stupid. The best parts were Arnold and the house blowing up at the "YAAAAAHAAA!" It'll be nice not having to deal with these anymore once he drops out.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Malenko at WMXX?

    I don't think this CW battle royale that everyone's been groaning about ("OH NO, THE CRUISERS ARE SO UNDERAPPRECIATED! :( ") is actually even going to happen. Why? Well, for step one, it's not really a good idea. Secondly, McMahon has been pissed about the show plans being leaked, remember, and you know there's going to be at least a BIT of false news in order to work us. Would be great if Malenko came back, however.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Guliani to replace Cheney?

    Huh? I've always made no bones that I was a big Rudy fan. I've always made no bones that I think Bush has been pretty awful. I'd vote Rudy over any of the eight Democrats out there or anyone considering running next time (i.e. Hillary.) I'm a self-professed mark. But I wouldn't vote Rudy if it meant having to put up with the lunkhead who's been nosediving us into the ground recently.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Guliani to replace Cheney?

    I don't think a vast majority of GOP voters are more socially conservative than Rudy is. At this point, I think it's mostly the power base and the big money investors, as well as the individual fundie organizations. I don't think this is true. But if it, it would almost make me cry. Not for the electoral impact but because I think Rudy is a great man and a powerful speaker, and Bush is an idiot who gets a "deer in the headlights" look when using words with over five syllables. He could always run for the big seat in 08, but I think his Veep run will kill him. If you've enjoyed the past four years of uncontrolled spending and all the perks going to the rich and powerful, buckle up if Bush wins because the next four will be a goddamn blast.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    Yes, they do. Parental responsibility. One idiot heard a child scream and went back to bed. Another idiot thought it was okay for their kid to be hanging around a 40-something man they only fleetingly know. Both are supreme dumbasses. 12 year old kids need supervision. ESPECIALLY if they're touched in the head. Anyway, my thought for the kid's punishment... Two words: Mental Ward.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    Uh, no. Unless, of course, you want to say that the parents are totally guilt-free in the Michael Jackson case for not looking twice that their kid is hanging out with a millionaire celebrity who's been previously accused of child molestation.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Ryder sells...

  10. Jobber of the Week

    Boy in 'Wrestling Death' Freed From Jail

    Well, for obvious reasons, kids shouldn't be in prisons with adults. If you thought soap-dropping was a problem before... So obviously we need a kid prison. We gotta have a kid prison! DAMNIT BUILD A KID PRISON...... But not here.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Who are you leaning towards voting for?

    Wasn't loud enough. If he said something like: Then I'd know it was the real Howard Dean.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Who are you leaning towards voting for?

    MrRant, Hardball on MSNBC interviewed Dean's brother the other day. His name is, ironically enough, Jim Dean. I'm not sure if he makes food products, though.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry leads Bush in opinion poll

    HELLO? JOBS? Maybe you missed the part where the stock market took a bit of a dive when analysts expected 100,000 new jobs to be created in the December job report, and it was revealed that only 1,000 were made.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    ALSO Regarding the PS2 Net Adaptor

    I don't see why you can't use the PS2 network adapter with your static IP address. You just can't go online with the PC at the same time. That's what your question was, right? Or did I misread?
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Kazaa Lite Resurrection

    Bad Files? Viruses? Just don't download .vbs or .exe's.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

  17. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/01/21/elec04.prez.main/
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    I don't know why. I wasn't even here from 11:15PM Pacific until 1:30AM. Has someone stolen my account again? I guess we'll find out soon enough when the posts start showing up.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Donate to your fav candidate... on Amazon.com?

    That's like someon saying "the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Ronald Reagan." You're either outraged or you're not, I suppose.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    I saw Bush and HHH mentioned close together and pictured GW in those shorts shorts coming out to lasers, fireworks, dark lights, and a heavy rock remix of Hail To The Chief with Cheney behind in the managerial role. "Wrestling fans, the champion. From Crawford, Texas; Halliburton presents: THE PRESIDENT!" *smelly angry fans at one side of the arena* "BOOOOO!" *on the other sice, wealthy well-dressed people with their noses buried in the Bible* "Yay!" *they pump their fists in the air, not once looking up* *Bush sprays water in the air, throws the bottle into the crowd* Marney: "OHMYGOD OHGODOHGODOHGOD I CAUGHT IT!!!" Look out, champ, Howie Dean and "Vietnam" Kerry are going to offer you pretzels as a peace offering!
  21. Jobber of the Week

    New Hamsphire debate

    On right now. Consider this a comment thread.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    20 years ago tonight....

    And the midcard has never been the same.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Kazaa Lite Resurrection

    PeerGuardian has often been junky for me. It's blocked me from perfectly good IP addresses before. Frankly, I don't even understand why PeerGuardian would be necessary for Kazaa. Just don't share the music you download and you're fine. The RIAA is only collecting IPs of accounts sharing dozens or hundreds of songs.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Bush remarks in a restaurant in Roswell

    Oops, forgot include propaganda, too.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Which candidate is for you...

    I often use Camejo's comments on immigrants ("Why do we call these people illegal? What's with this word illegal? They are part of our family!") as my reason for frequently disliking California leftyism. I actually voted Yes/Arnold. I was going to vote No/Arnold until Davis decided to hand out licenses like candy to whoever could make it past the border patrol.