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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    New Hamsphire debate

    Hey, a question from Rock The Vote that wasn't pandering or stupid!
  2. Jobber of the Week

    New Hamsphire debate

    Whoa. Edwards as a big lump on his lip. wassupwitdat
  3. Jobber of the Week

    New Hamsphire debate

    Kerry's face all of a sudden isn't all droopy anymore. Must be good lighting for once.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    New Hamsphire debate

    First thought: I'm suprised Brit didn't call Jennings a communist hippie.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Dean loses poll & endorsement after Hulking Up

    So the past week hasn't changed your opinion/vote? EDIT: What the hell am I thinking, you're volunteering for him. Duh. It's been a while since you were here, ever notice?
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Perhaps you failed to see the point I was making in all that. I don't understand how giving equal, non-religious (i.e. not marriage), domestic rights to gay couples somehow sends us spinning out of countrol into some kind of undemocratic socialist paradise controlled by the Chinese illuminati, which is pretty close to what I heard Savage say back when I used to listen to him (this is before being conservative was popular again and he seemed really off the edge.) Now, if you wanted to explain this to me, I'd listen. I may agree only in part with what you're saying or might say I fully disagree, but unless you say something truly around the bend, I'm not going to think of you as stupid for it. That one guy who posted here and said that we should all live like cavemen because they didn't have any governments or responsibilities? He's stupid. How about TheMikeSC, who I've only agreed with on (I think) two occasions? He's not stupid, sometimes ignorant, but not stupid. So I can still respect someone with a differing opinion as long as they don't act like a loon. This credo that leftward-thinking Americans are more threatening to the country they also want to protect than al-Qaeda is pretty loony. So basically what I'm trying to say is real honest to goodness stuff that we can agree on, or meet midway on, like illegals (I don't agree with giving them handouts either, though we may not agree on border restrictions) become trivialized due to this attitude that is, well, I'll say it's part McCarthyism, and part Ann Coulter's "I'll just call them traitorous and unAmerican because they don't see it my way" tactic. So out of curiosity, to what extent are we talking about here? Are you simply saying you dont have a problem with God in the pledge in the money? Or are you saying you agree with Roy Moore that our country was based around Chrstianity worship and God should be evident in the government's public square, even at the exclusion of other citizens (i.e. first commandment)? Or are you going even further into Jerry Falwell's territory, wanting to base laws and judgment around what's written in the Bible? And the irony in this is western culture can be so shaped by other cultures. We visit other cultures, create (usually) inoffensive stereotypes of their culture, and emulate it in our theme parks and Las Vegas casinos.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    State of the Union tonight.......

    There's no persecution at work here.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Dean loses poll & endorsement after Hulking Up

    Remixers Make Howard Dean's Scream Funky And Danceable
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Dean loses poll & endorsement after Hulking Up

    Less modesty than Rush Limbaugh when the wind was completely knocked out of his sails. And most viewed the energy he was projecting as negative.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Oh, and PS, if you want to get across a point, use the word "aisle" as an imaginary boundary a lot. I don't know how I wound up using that word so many times in that post. Seriously.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    How do you define a country? A country is made of it's people, right? For if there are no people, then there is no one to defend it's borders and the country ceases to exist. If you believe that, then 9/11 has changed our country, and generally for the better when you get beyond the issue of the deaths. More people are paying attention to what's going on within their country instead of spending five months focusing on Britney Spears' wedding, and more people are voting with a concience instead of staying home or flagrantly waving their voting pens for people they know nothing about. The problem with all this political awakening is people who can not accept anything unlike themselves. They refuse to even listen to the other side of the aisle when it's bringing up worthy dialogue, and consider their view to be some sort of gospel. The only ultimate in truth and what's right. And anyone who disagrees, no matter why for, is wrong because he doesn't see it like they do. They should be given perhaps the most basic respect, but ignore what they say, because if they were so smart they would have agreed with you by now. The kid in the article, Savage, and appearantly you are all like that. Any starting off with the best of intentions (eliminating liberal bias at school, enforcing America's immigration policy, protecting civil rights) never get off the ground, because while attempting to dialogue with others on solving these problems, you demonize them in the discourse. Do you REALLY want to go down that road? There's a number of people on both side of the aisle who believe in a secular America as one of the fundamentals of freedom. I've given this thought previously. Usually when people get overactive to "protect our culture" and the government steps in by enacting some far-reaching protectionist laws, average people find their lives affected. Look no further than Quebec to see cultural protectionism in action. Own a video game machine? Interested in the new Sonic the Hedgehog game? You can't get it, you have to buy it from another country, such as the US, because Sega has refused to cooperate with the law requiring French versions of all box packaging dialog be printed alongside the English. This is a somewhat simple example, but it's simple nature belies the problem with government intervention.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Goldberg told to not use jackhammer

    Er, he didn't use it during the early days when he was a heel. Before Revisionist History wiped that away.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Goldberg told to not use jackhammer

    If Chris Jericho can take down Goldberg, I will purchase WMXX for the Goldberg/Lesnar match and Brock's usual "stiff them back" offense when 'Berg uses his usual "What do you mean it's a work?" offense. I can't wait to see just how many different pretzel-like shapes Lesnar can twist him.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Anyone here ever...

    They have switches you can turn on and off now, like a Game Genie (if you remember the NES/SNES days with clarity.) Obviously, it's not as easy as flipping a switch if you install a larger hard drive.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    And here you are, just like your buddy Savage, declaring liberalism a bigger threat to the country than terrorism. It takes a lot to make me snap on someone. I mean, it takes a WHOLE lot. Normally I laugh off idiocy and attacks. But not this time. Fuck you for belittling and minimalizing the deaths of 3,000 innocent people to display importance for your extreme partisan agenda. And then, to pour salt on the wound, you "agree with the left" on the Patriot Act. Like Savage, you discredit logical arguement with your black or white, us or them, do or die view of partisan politics. And dead Americans are simply a statistic to be taken lightly in comparison to the "threat" of the left. Did you ever look at that with critical thought? I mean, honestly? Or did you just grab a yellow highlighter and mark down that paragraph out of "The Savage Nation" for use in future debates without thinking twice? Because, I've seen plenty of rhetoric, and I've even seen 9/11 used for political ends. But goddamn, this one takes the cake.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Woman Hit by 3 Cars, Left to Die

    You forgot. It's New York.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    State of the Union tonight.......

    I agree. I'm against the gay marraige ban in principle, but I'm specifically against Bush's support of it because I know he knows it won't make it to his desk. This is a stupid nod to the far-right Christian groups to tell them that, even though he's giving additional benefits to illegal immigrants and other typically Dem issues he's taken on, he still knows what side his bread is buttered on. Talk about the sanctity of marriage all you want. That Bush threatens the sanctity of the Constitution to please the religious right is pretty awful, even if it's a promise he knows he won't be tried on.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    I get the feeling again that you don't know what you're talking about. Have you had any relatives who live in other countries who want to move to the US? Have you heard from them lately? My relatives from Northern Ireland visited last year. The wife wanted to move the family to the US so she inquired to immigration. They asked her, point blank, what job she could do that an American can't do. And it was phrased just like that. She couldn't figure that one out and her attempts ended there. Now this is a family that's upper-middle class. They buy toys for her daughter. She goes to a religious private school where all the kids wear uniforms and everything. They speak English, and not crippled English. The husband is, well, let's just he's likely be a supporter of the second amendment, and he tries to squeeze in as many gun shows as he can manage to visit when he comes here. In short, these are people you probably would not be offended to have in your neighborhood. But she couldn't think of a job that she, as an Irish immigrant, could do that someone of American-born blood couldn't. And thus it ends there. My best guess is that the question was basically a nice way of saying "what kind of crappy job are you willing to do that an American doesn't want to do?" And if that's the case, are we not actually encouraging lower-quality immigrants? This is why I'm not a big fan of heavily-restricted immigration. Because who of moderate success is an equally-cultured country wants to give up everything to start with nothing over here? If you want better immigrants, you need to improve immigration to the point that people can come in and do other tasks than clean your toilet and mop your floor. In a somewhat similar point, immigrants who don't own fancy cars or speedboats buy things, and generate money for the wealthy.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    State of the Union tonight.......

    Overturning amendments ARE a problem, because the Constitution is righly held in high regard. It should not be muddied with crap like gay marriage bans.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    But, in my made-up story, Phil from England is an illegal alien! Illegal aliens are illegal aliens. Funny. I've read of a lot of kids who were born and raised in our culture, STILL are poor and still take a lot of chances that lead to crime. Go into your closest inner-city urban area and look around. You'll find some of these youth in person sooner or later. So appearantly, the problem isn't education. It's about prefering wealthy immigrants? But this kid's propaganda had racist undertones. Maybe if you want to sit and expand on it, you can create something more of it. But taken at face value, it sounds like he's only upset about the kids with the funny names and the accents.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Maybe that might work where you are, but not here. I just wound up spending all my free time between classes hanging around with the monitors, and as kids came up and harassed/hit me, the monitor would give them garbage duty or something. I can tell in hindsight they didn't LIKE me hanging around them all the time, but they felt pity on me and chose to go with it. And staff? Heh. A counselor who takes a kid aside or into the office and decides all's well when the kid(s) promise not to bother me. Their word was worth less than a ten cent cup of coffee.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    Did you not read what he said and see the racism intended? He's only talking about Muhammad, Jamul, and Jose. Phil from England is not included.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    First, the Gay Club isn't trying to convince students "turn in" their teachers. Second, I can tell you as a kid who was accosted of being gay, queer, etc (though I never actually outed myself) and was beaten and threatened and jumped almost daily, that there would nothing. I have been ***EXACTLY*** where you're hypothisizing, and I can assure you with every school horror story I can tell that you are absolutely wrong. So with all due respect, you can take this garbage: And proceed to shove it firmly up the part of your body where the sun does not shine. Thank you.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    State of the Union tonight.......

    I beg to differ. Anyway, I'm against it mostly because I'm usually against permanently banning things. What if in fifty years, not giving gays marriage is considered the most ludicrous thing since blacks were kept as slaves? What if it seems like natural common sense to allow gay marriage? Our future peoples would have to fight like hell to undo a constitutional amendment left behind by our short-sighted Republican leaders. Go fig.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Conservative High schooler stirs up trouble

    I'm pissed that I received everything from beatings to death threats the two years I went to public school and didn't get escorted from class to class. I got knocked around so badly that I used to turn my head and whirl around at home, thinking someone was sneaking up on me. This kid just barks off Michael Savage lines and he gets his own security force.