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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Schools named after Confederates debated

    This is like the Thurmond apologists who said all his old behavior was okay because he stopped flaunting his opinion when it stopped being popular. Whether it was originally violent or not, the ideology of the KKK is a *bad thing*. If I told you that I was going to make an organization that would be "like the KKK, but without all the violence" would you like me? No!
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Dusty Rhodes wants credit for Flair DVD

    Go'berg! You gotta pay for puttin' hard times on Tripa' H's fam-ly! When a man can't get his job back, them's hard times! When a man's gettin' stiffed by fallen WCW icon with an ego complex, them's hard times! When a man gets the betta of The Gammmmmmmmmme not once but TWO TIMES, them's hard times! There gonna be some clubberin'! There gonna be some hiney-kickin'! And Go'berg, pretty soon you gonna do some boot-lickin'! Time to play The Gammme, if you weeeeel.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Big WMXX update

    Edge is WWE groomed, so expect ANY noname that was a WCW castoff to appear and get a big push to be buried. Hello, HHH vs Sean O'Haire. Also, my guess is Edge doesn't win a title at WM20 but wins it at SummerSlam in Canada next year. This is not only putting Edge over, but means that McMahon can scrap that whole "giving Benoit the title" thing he's been putting off again and again. The man below me is foolish for thinking Benoit will ever win the strap.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry Says Dean Has No Chance Vs. Bush

    It's not the money raising that's unusual, it's the sheer amount of it.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    No, this really is the real me (really) and I'm not even so much defending it as saying that I don't think it's the end the campaign you guys think it is. Personally, I don't think it's THAT unreasonable but I don't think it's likely.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    I'm leaving New York City.

    NYC is a hellhole. Nice to see you make it out of there.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry Says Dean Has No Chance Vs. Bush

    Oh man, where to start? Excuse me? Did you see the same debate that I did? The man who talked about "Washington Fuzzy Math" all day long and then said he'd respond to an emergency by fighting Big Hollywood before getting that deer in the headlights look and asking what the question was about? As I said in the Saddam capture thread, he can come off Presidential when reading a statement of short and to-the-point sentences then leaving. But if all those conditions aren't met (a debate, a Q&A where the questions haven't been pre-approved, a speech without a script) he displays what must be either performance anxiety or just stupidity, and looks like the understudy for a more charismatic person that was supposed to appear. And although you're so positive he'll win, he sure does seem to be concerned to some extent. That is, to the extent of raising hundreds of millions for a primary where he has no opponent.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    I'm talking ideals here. I'm not saying that concentration camps are being run right now. Well, you made the Japanese comparison, so I'm just saying if that's the road you want to go down, those are the results you'll be seeing. Perhaps if you want less people to make this mistake, you should stop talking with so much "we" (i.e. "You don't have a say in what we do") which makes you sound like a spokesperson.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Kerry Says Dean Has No Chance Vs. Bush

    You really are counting on the 9/11 sympathy votes, aren't you? Yes, Bush is surely such an AMAZING PUBLIC SPEAKER that he'll bust balls and kick ass on televised debates. Sorry, the only people who come off as dim as Bush are Clark, Sharpton, Braun, and (to an extent) Kucinich.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    He ran an international terror organization and had terrorist training camps. What's more illegal than that? Try to remember that Osama has actually done more in his life than 9/11. This is part of the problem in these debates: People who are so full of self-pity they can't see the forest for the trees and concentrate the big picture. Saddam (or his regime, at least) killed Americans, too.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    Which is why I've thought defense, not offense, it incredibly vital. Aside from slaughtering millions of Arabs and Muslims and wiping their civilization off the Earth (hello WW3,) there's no way to stop religious extremists. Whether they be Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, or Other. Name me a world tyrant who's death stopped the cycle of violence he was pitching. Hitler? Nazis still do exist in the world and anti-Semitism is much more evident. Saddam's capture hasn't shattered the resistance, and I can't imagine Al-Qaeda being unable to operate without Osama. Unless they surrender, we do. And I thought a trial was the right idea here, as evidenced by Saddam? So, we need to kill lots of innocents and turn the Middle East into an isolated society (or one more isolated than it already is)? Wonderful. (BTW, I'm not saying through this comment that the Japan bombing was a bad thing. In fact, I feel it was a necessary move. I'm saying, this is the aftereffects of it.) K. Thanks for encouraging me to support somebody, ANYBODY else.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Big WMXX update

    It's Torch, so I wouldn't put any faith in it. They've reported several different matches before and then turned around and said they were never being discussed.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Limbaugh says his privacy is being violated

    The Judge has allowed Limbaugh's records to be seized and the prosecution is allowed to see his records. No one, NO ONE else. http://worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?...RTICLE_ID=36282 Now, I could understand why Limbaugh wouldn't want his records released to the public. I wouldn't want to know if, for instance, he got Viagra. Whether he can get it up or not is none of my business. But the case revolves around whether he got drugs illegaly from these doctors, but he thinks his privacy is being violated. But hey, when they're investigating a guy who's name is Clinton or Kennedy, it's JUSTICE. When it's him, it's a CONSPIRACY.
  14. From Drudge: This could be interesting. Or not. We'll have to see. And here I thought the Republicans were, to paraphrase, using God to campaign to Southerners.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Kevin Nash set to leave wwe on wednesday ???

    Guess who made this joke six months ago.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    But that's what we're doing for Saddam! You do realize that's what Dean is talking about here, right? Taking him back to Afghanistan and getting a public trial there. Sure, he'll be found guilty, but it's the message that counts.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Latest AIM beta...

    More crap I never use! Hurrah!
  18. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    You have won the thread. Also, I don't think those who AREN'T dead set to vote against him are going to care.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    The One & Only "Dean Using Religous Speech" thread

    That's his choice. It's like me saying it's cheap that Bush only found religion after getting over his drinking. Taking the drinking problem itself out of the equation, I'm not going to criticize him on that. That's his own personal journey, let him take it as he likes. Same for Dean.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

  21. Jobber of the Week

    I have a DVD Burner

    I've burned WrestleMania III onto a DVD before. Took a lot of work, and had to make a concession here and there to make it fit, but it worked. You can either record it in some goofy recording software or you can do it the old-fashioned way. The software I've seen for DVD making/editing either fucks up or has horrible picture quality, so I do it the long, painful way. It also sucks up tons of drive space, so you better have a big hard drive with lots of empty room.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle's Full Time Career Over

    The surgery would have been fine if he hadn't been taking chairshots. We need to go back to the time when a chairshot was devastating, rare, and considered capable of finishing off a man in one hit. These days it's like Dueling Chairs.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    The One & Only "Dean Using Religous Speech" thread

    I don't remember Dean claiming to be a big Athiest or any other reason that would make his personal religious beliefs "cheap."
  24. Jobber of the Week

    UBL must have jury trial

    Sorry, I don't agree with this, or with the Gitmo crap. Not so much for the idea, but because it's just part of how the Executive branch has been muscling it's way around the Judicial branch lately.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Twas the Raw before Christmas

    Why all the Cena haterizing? He's got the body. His moves don't typically put the crowd to sleep. He's got catchphrases and mic skill out the yin yang. Sure, his matches aren't Bret vs Davey Boy, but how often is that the case in the main event?