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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Ruining OUR international image? Watching Colin Powell try to use theories and possibilities to justify the war ruined it enough.
  2. I can understand, too. It's just they aren't locking out the countries that wouldn't want to see a free, liberated, democracy in Iraq, untainted of fascist or theocratic rule. Rather, they are simply locking out the countries that gave them a stink-eye at the UN. This is backwards priorities and to me personally speaks that they're still more interested in the war than they are the reconstruction.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    A Moment of Silence

    You missed the other half of the bill. Special interest groups aren't allowed to fund ads supporting/attacking candidates. News organizations are exempt. Now, all LOL2003s aside for this example, this means that Fox News Channel or another station (such as the proposed NRA station, which they want purely so they can air their idea of politics) could attack a candidate's record on issues, but a group can't buy airtime to defend the candidate. It cuts into the freedom of speech and it basically limits campaigning at a cruicial time to whoever can afford an FCC license and get on a major carrier.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    A Moment of Silence

    Okay, how about this: It's your money. You earned it. You should be able to do what you want with it. Well, okay, that's debatable. But free speech just got trampled here. Again. I guess I should keep my eye out now for that NRA station, now.
  5. Pardon me, but I think Germany and, yes, even France is more likely to agree that Iraq should be a democracy than the aforementioned Saudi Arabia or other similar governments through that region.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Mr. Piss is pissed...

    If it was one of the older Concordes, it was probably going to break down on you some upcoming day anyway.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    CPU Usage at 100%....computer SLOWDOWN!

    This is normal behavior. System Idle Process is kind of like a gauge of cycles that are being wasted. If you load a program that tasks your computer (Photoshop, for example), you'll see the number go DOWN as the program loads up and Photoshop sucks up CPU cycles. Then when all is done it goes back in the 90s again.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    XP Problems...

    Windows Update has had the patch for months and months and months. You're going to need another tool to remove the virus files though. And the only way to make sure any security hole it might have opened is closed is to reformat and do better next time.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    New Trial for Wrestling Murder

    PTC wound up with egg on their face after evidence in the last trial was thrown out. They put up a letter saying they wouldn't get involved in WWE's business again, IIRC.
  10. I'm not going to defend the French but I think it's really stupid to ban them while not banning, say, Saudi Arabia?
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Battlestar Galatica

    I thought it was okay. Sci-Fi did a good job with Dune, and as a guy who read Dune I always thought it was a massive pile of monkey crap. So to see it done in something watchable blew me away. Galactica is better than that, the original had the same issue of "good idea, done not so well." I think this has shades of that, too, but oh well.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    ATTN: Hoff

    You made a new thread to complain about someone's post quality in public? Why not just PM him or something? Christ.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

    Speaking of Flame Warriors: Cancer Marney I think this is more like Kamui than "Godzilla" Myself
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Toning Exercises?

    5'9 130 is thinner than average, but if you're skinny and have no muscle mass it's healthy. A friend of mine in high school was 6'2, 140 and was what I'd consider borderline too skinny, but not that bad since his height was all legs. Too skinny would be my ex-boyfriend, who was 6'6 and 135. Not quite counting ribs or anything, but being a big-all-over kind of guy (don't take that the wrong way *cough*) he could literally fit his hands around his stomach. O_o
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Rock's new entrance.

    Then how come the music fit perfectly? The only thing I remember missing was the LOOKATTHETONGUELOOKATTHETONGUE and like I said earlier, I thought that was kind of a blemish on the whole presentation.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Rock's new entrance.

    This was WM. IT was the Full FULL entrance, just like No Way Out but without the quip after the music starts, and I think it works better that way anyhow.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

  18. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

    K. Here's Kamui lurking well after he said he was leaving the thread.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

    Leonardo whines, Donatello likes to brood Raphael's got a bad tude ("Gimme a break!") Michaelangelo is a drunkard, too ("PAAAAARTY!")
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

    Sure. Like a real Attention Whore, you'll simply never go away. You won't give us that satisfaction. I declare this thread:
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Idiots. All of you. Every single one.

    So, rather than being merely stupid, you're actually a stupid troll?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Rock's new entrance.

    I am proud to have seen the full helicopter entrance in person. It makes great TV, but kind of kills his pop as it steals the initial roar.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    CPU Very High(SOrta Like other topic)

    I'm running a rundll32.exe process on my system right now and I know it's clean. Two? I don't know. Trojan/Spyware might be at fault, it might not. A site that indexes processes says it's likely harmless: http://www.liutilities.com/products/wintas...brary/rundll32/