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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Trish heads to Hollywood

    Seems like all the people with talent are going to the movies. HHH, too.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The newest rumored return for WMXX

    Backlash is only like two weeks after Mania, dude. I guess if you wanted to throw out the stable and cut to the chase, sure. But I guarantee you the vast majority of people in the building (usually the same people who think that women's wrestling started with Sable) are going to sit on their hands.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    To You Power Ranger Marks

    See, back when he was younger, I always thought he would have made an interesting karate-style cruiserweight. He'd naturally have tons of heel heat. Perhaps you didn't notice that Jason suddently stopped appearing in all episodes shortly after that? The reason he LEFT is because the actor quit the show, and they didn't write out his exit immediately. I stopped watching the show around the time he left, but some episodes (like the Lord Zedd Halloween episode) had no Jason, Trini, or Zack at all. I think they made up an excuse about them doing something else. When the characters did appear in costumed form, their voices sounded drastically different.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The newest rumored return for WMXX

    Personally, I'd rather see Steamboat appear at WMXX and he can work up a babyface group to feud with Evolution for some months. Drawing younger people into the feud will make people who weren't watching in 1986 care about it while still keeping the history behind it. Then Steamboat & Flair can fight each other to double retirement at Summerslam and have their match at a big stadium show.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry makes mighty stupid move

    I've been laughing pretty hard tonight, and this just made it worse. Thanks.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    The newest rumored return for WMXX

    "Good" is a subjective quality. I can't think of anyone who would say these guys are bad, but they're not the reason everyone watches, and it will continue to be that way. So basically you're going to ignore everything I wrote and say your opinion is justified and move on. Not elitist. At all. If the future consists of a kayfabe revival, then the future is going to consist of mighty stupid people. This kind of genie doesn't go back in the bottle again.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Has Benoit's time arrived?

    Well, who else is going to job?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    New XBL Content

  9. Jobber of the Week

    The newest rumored return for WMXX

    Can I mention right now the new trend on the board that bothers me? The constant belief running around that mat-based technical wrestling is the best ever. It's like people keep repeating it thinking it will be true if they do. I'm not sure who it was that said wrestling was like a circus where if you don't like one act maybe you'll like of the four other ones, but there's enough room for everybody. Personally, I mark out more for the high-flying spotfests that usually get torn apart by the guys who think they can judge talent. Some guys like garbage "hardcore" wrestling, some actually like the big guy power matches (although seemingly none more than Vince McMahon), etc. And yes, there's good and bad in each. Nathan Jones is a crappy big man, but Undertaker has actually put on good matches (though not in recent times) using his big man offense. Rey Mysterio is a great high-flyer, Billy Kidman not so much. Mick Foley could do hardcore, so could Terry Funk, much better than Bradshaw for sure. I hope I don't wind up outcasted like those guys who complained about Angle and Benoit being overrated, but I'm tired of the elevated opinion technical wrestling gets above all else around here. That's just simply your opinion.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry makes mighty stupid move

    So it's not just a rumor...
  11. Jobber of the Week

    White Judge Draws Fire for Costume

    I hereby declare Los Angeles County to be racist. I hope that our state, in order to appear non-discriminatory, removes Los Angeles County immediately. Thank you.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Savage to do interview

    I don't understand the point of shooting on a dead promotion. Furthermore, I don't understand the point of getting offended if someone does. It's DEAD.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry makes mighty stupid move

    I'm sorry, I just thought it was ass-backwards that he abandoned his constituency so that he could continue his Presidential run.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    CPU Usage at 100%....computer SLOWDOWN!

    Okay. Here's a free Trend-Micro virus scanner that runs over an application in your browser: http://housecall.antivirus.com
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Coke or Pepsi

    The real answer is Dr. Pepper. But I voted Pepsi since that's what I'm drinking now and they're going to do a big iTunes music giveaway next year.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    New XBL Content

    Awesome. I'll remember to make a game where you sit and watch while I read out of Thus Spake Zarathustra for an hour. At least someone'll buy it. Alright, maybe not. The thing is, I don't understand exactly what it is that isn't "there" for you. So you like turn-based RPGs? You may not have noticed this, but KOTOR *IS* a turn-based RPG. The action looks like a battle going on in real time, but as you input commands (special attacks, item use, etc) they happen as turns. The attacking animations you see is simply the default attack command, which repeats itself unless you tell it to do something else. People who don't like Star Wars like KOTOR (you don't really need to know more than the average person about Star Wars either because it takes place so early in the universe), even people who don't like RPGs like KOTOR. It's a great gameplay experience you won't give a fair chance.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Outside view: Emerging Democrat minority

    But they're also not Bush. Bill Clinton used to be in the single digits leading to 1992. It is possible that once all the Dean hoopla wears off, someone more centered but lower in the rankings can get attention.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Stone Cold to return as Stunning Steve?

    Hey guys, remember what happened last time Austin got more political control? In case you forgot, "peeing" on Arn Anderson.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    New XBL Content

    Oh god. Here we go again. Just because the Japanese don't like the games doesn't mean the games are not good. These people buy dating sims like crazy, which should give you an idea that perhaps they aren't exactly the judge of what constitutes a good game either. The reason it doesn't have so much support over there is because they seem to be very picky about liking games that are, well, very Japanese and anime-influenced. Just because a game fits that profile, doesn't make it good (Xenosaga), and just because a game doesn't fit that profile, doesn't make it bad (KOTOR.)
  20. Jobber of the Week

    New XBL Content

    Most games don't get this kind of content from developers. I wish StarCraft was still getting the support WarCraft III is (new maps released regularly, for instance), but it's not so. I'd also rather pay $5 for the download than pay $40 for the "sequel" which looks and plays like the same game with a couple new game modes. Nobody got it in the shorts from this. They gave more content for free than any XBL game I can think of.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    CPU Usage at 100%....computer SLOWDOWN!

    This sounds like that worm spreading across the internet some time ago like wildfire. Microsoft released a patch many months ago, but since PEOPLE NEVER GO TO THE DAMN UPDATE SITE and install the update, six months after the update is released everyone is taken for a doozy when an exploit is made. This worm was known as Blaster. The exploit works through port 135, and can allow a hacker to run whatever on your computer. It's not uncommon to find your computer being used a kiddie porn file server or whatever else the hacker has chosen to use it for. The worm itself is just simply an automated way of opening the doors. If you wanted to be GOOD about security, you'd reformat. There's no telling if your computer is hacked or not, and most people wouldn't want to play risk with their credit card numbers to find out. But in general, the rule here is: Use a firewall. If you can't use a firewall, get interested in how to turn off unnecessary services that go to the outside. Go to Windows Update regularly. It's not just there for decoration.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    New XBL Content

    The game is old, be happy they're still making ANYTHING for it. They gave out free content when the game was new and still in it's life cycle. They could have just not made anything for the dwindling number of people still playing, you know?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    One and Only Anime Thread

    Currently watching: Nothing, actually. I ran out of money while I was watching Saber Marionette J, and I simply don't have the time or payola to keep going. It was okay, but was on a friend's reccomendation but my friend is also one of those guys who thinks the quality of an anime is directly proportional to the number of cute girls in it. I have higher standards. All-time favorite: Cowboy Bebop. Never have I seen so much story told in a series where only four episodes have a sense of continuity. Second place is Vision of Escaflowne, which was beautiful but left me feeling a little lost from time to time. Want To See: I keep meaning to see Sonic X, preferably in English since I'm an old school fan that used to watch the USA Sonic cartoons as a kid, but I never remember to set the VCR when Friday nights roll around.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    WWF needs to go back to formula

    I thought they always looked tiny as hell, especially with guys like Nash in there. Basically what we need to do is calm down on the chairshots AND the germans. If you want to clean them up though, any list of Stiffy Stiffersons must start with Goldberg.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WWE denies Goldberg winning by DQ

    What we need is Vince to be right there so he can sit and yell "RING THE FUCKING BELL" everytime a match ends. This will both help the timekeeper, put Vince on TV, and keep bringing up Montreal on a constant basis. The company's mission objective is secure.