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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    FF X-2 thread

    I had to go looking through archive for this: 95 Theses Against Fandumb
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    I couldn't believe it at first either, but there we are. They should COMPETE for the contract! You know, competition, right?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    FF X-2 thread

    Huh? My ex-boyfriend used to flush the toilet while he tinkled. But then again he's not a woman either.. *scratches head* Also, the people who think that Saturday Morning is the appropriate place to make a stand on the American view of homosexuality or nudity (OMG THEY MADE ZOICITE A GIRL HOW DARE THEY!??!!) crack me up.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

    If you shoot and kill someone you didn't intend to, it's an accidental shooting. How hard is that?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    No, but sometimes he's more hostile to FGB about it than others. It's just like his period where talking about wrestling would bring up this "PROMOTERS ARE EVIL AND VINCE MCMAHON USES HIS EMPLOYEES LIKE DOGS AND HE TAKES THEM BACK AND SHOOTS THEM LIKE OLD YELLER WHY DID THEY SCREW ME THOSE MOTHER... But I'm over it."
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle's neck worse than originally thought

    I really, really hate to say this, but RETIRE ALREADY.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The Bret midget, Hogan/Piper duo, Foreign Fanatics

    "He beats the big guy with three superkicks." "We have just learned that Mick Foley, who used to wrestle here as Cactus Jack, is gonna win their world title. Yeah, like that'll put asses in seats."
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    Money talks, even the most passionate bullshit walks. And while I hate Goldberg with the power of a thousand suns, his "GOLDBERG ENDED MY CAREER FOR GOOD THAT STUPID SON OF A BITCH but lets not dwell on that" column reminds me of his simliar Montreal-related whining back when.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle recruiting Bret Hart

    The guy's got books to shill. He'll want the attention that he can't get outside of the Canadian media. All the people who write Hart off amuse me, because he's obviously teasing the idea in his head. He wouldn't be writing about dreaming of wrestling like a few columns ago if he didn't really want that last run. I think at this point the only thing holding him back is common sense. I don't like the guy, but it'd be the weirdest moment ever if he ever did return.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Democratic Debate: Part 800

    Oh, I'm not that well educated in bad movies, I guess. I don't even know what Mad Max is but a movie that everyone says is very cheesy. And NoCalMike, it'll be reairing at 6PM, choose if you prefer the debate or Raw, I guess.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

  12. Jobber of the Week

    Democratic Debate: Part 800

    Is Thunderdome a wrestling gimmick I'm not aware of or something?
  13. Jobber of the Week

    FF X-2 thread

    I know ones who are 25. It doesn't make them less annoying when I can't discuss even the most innocent movies or books or TV shows without some crazy pseudo-pedophilic matchmaking. And to think that I was enjoying Harry Potter until that point. You are not nearly as bad as you are anymore, and like I said, when the subject isn't on yaoi you're a much better poster than you used to be. Again, people keep thinking I'm singling out posters on this board when I'm complaining about fandom as a whole. I wasn't flaming Yuna so much as the people Yuna used to act like.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Goldberg to play Santa

    Oh dear god. SANTA WITH MUSCLES, PART 2
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    Schlumberger and Bechtel.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Huge ammounts of police swarming "Neverland"...

    Weird. And to think there was such a huge outrage when the same thing happened in the Kobe Bryant trial as well.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

    Actually, I was calling Saddam's connections to the UN simply there for appearances. The most important reason to involve the UN in some functions is because it reduces our bill. The second most important reason is becuase, despite what you said about bombings, I don't think the people there consider the UN an occupying presence. No I said they're taking our resources: Money, time, manpower, etc. Energy and dollars that could be used to better America will go to that other nation dragging at our coattails. Judging by what our arguements are and what's come forth, they were seeemingly right now to. But let's not get into that here. Because it won't be too long before a new generation is taught by their parents that life was good until the Americans came in and started squatting on their land. The faster we CAN leave, and the UN can speed that up (and no, I didn't suggest completely leaving the UN to do it all, I was talking about cooperating to get the job done faster), the less likely that is to happen and then we won't have to deal with a gang of Iraqis flying planes into buildings or otherwise necessitating our need to go back there. No, because he's a loyalist. I doubt there's an "average" loyalist though. There is your average Iraqi who sees a US machine gun fill a car with bullets or someone who's neighbor's house was raided the night before last with the US "shoot first, then ask questions, then file answers away to be investigated some other time, then leave without bothering to look for innocent deaths" policy. *Points up to the paragraph above the "will your average loyalist" quoting* I haven't studied the options in the business angle all that well really. I'm just playing Armchair Politician here for the most part, but at least I'm sounding better than Wesley Clark.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

    Well, no. I posted a plan to try and make the country able to defend itself to any outside threat and give them the oppertunity to make it stable, not use it as a pet experiment in industrializing the middle east at the expense of our time, our money, and our military. Well, part of the whole picture you have to come to grips with is that it will never be theocratic-free. At least, not in our lifetimes. That region is most stubborn to change, and religion is going to unfortunately always have a role, even if a minor one. My guess is that the first sign of a corruption in the Iraqi government will be that the religious representation is not equal to the people. Already the various sects of Muslims are arguing over who should get how much representation. Iraq's former UN presence was simply about keeping up appearances. It was one guy just spouting off the dictatorship's propaganda and it was pretty obvious that UN visits were considered an inconvenience to Saddam. Now, if the UN is involved in building the government, that gives them inroads with the new government.You either trust others to help do it right or decide to do it all yourself, and I don't like the idea of another country hanging on our back like a heroin monkey, taking our resources while not really liking us anyway. But I was under the impression that was supposed to be the work of Saddam loyalists? For the most part, they're going to have to grow their own economy. Importing a bunch of American businesses and culture (which is what I was talking about when I mentioned that they're not going to get overjoyed at their local McDonalds and decide we're good guys after all) is going to create more violence. Iraq is actually pretty far along for a Muslim nation. People actually drive cars, women can read, etc. That's a good deal more advanced than, say, Afghanistan. They WILL get there. But they're sensitive to our presence and want us to leave as soon as we possibly can.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Help with PC

    My guess is that the PSU (power supply) barely has enough left in it to power up the LED on the front, much less power up the video card to give you a picture or anything else on the board. This would also include the hard drives, so don't let MrRant's post above get you in too much panic. Yet. Of course, it might be worse than that, but this would be the least expensive problem.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Help with PC

    My best guess: Sounds like your power supply burned out.
  21. http://www.npr.org/yourturn/ombudsman/2003/031015.html
  22. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    Actually, it's more about how flexible you are about them. AFAIC, whether or not this move was political, Pryor should get his pass. His actions have spoken. Yes, you heard me right.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

    We could rededicate our efforts to getting it working, getting elections running, getting their military operative again, and leaving. Getting the UN involved from the ground floor would at least insure a government that an eye can be kept on, as opposed to the Saddam government style of using smoke and mirrors to try and hide from the UN and commiting heinous acts of brutality behind the scenes. Of course, if you're not willing to trust the UN and believe it's secretly against us, then you're never going to get to that point and you're going to wind up at square one in another dozen years. If the new government's first order of business isn't to adapt themselves into an order that's not ideal to our situation (and trust me, it won't), then yes, we'll have to deal with the fact that this area is far too steeped in religion and history to change in a few years. These people are NOT going to put down their guns and eat a Big Mac and forcing them to through occupation and fear will only make enemies in many years to come.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Iraqi Teens Drag Bloodied U.S. Soldiers

    I never suggested that. But I think these visions of a commercialized Iraq with unrevokable freedoms and a government with as little theocratic influence as possible are all a pipe dream to anyone who knows the reality of the situation. Iraqis are not going to change their minds because a McDonalds, Wal-Mart, and a Blockbuster were built in their town on our dime.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    I don't know if you're sure what Soros' angle is or what. Do you think he's trying to buy his way into the next administration or something? Get a Haliburton style contract with some company he has an interest in or something? By what I've read, he's given money to various humanitarian sources but has a personal vendetta against Bush. How is that a special interest, besides being wealthier than most?