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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Surviving Dallas

    It wasn't that promo. It was Shawn and Nash doing commentary while Big Show and X-Pac kept running in on Brock/Booker. By the way, Nash is the only guy I didn't mark out for. Even though I was yelling swearing like a newborn sailor at Shawn while in the middle of marking out, Nash just did.... Nothing. I don't know why anyone ever thought he should be either company's champ. He just doesn't inspire anything to me.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Mario Kart: Double Dash!!

    I loved Super Mario Kart. I hated Mario Kart 64. I like this game. It's probably the best Mario Kart game yet. It is a little too simple to justify paying a whole $50 for, though.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    More on this guy: http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,...,361521,00.html
  4. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    In Pryor's case, the evidence was clearly against Moore since Moore fell on his own sword at that point. Also, maybe Pryor is a good guy who didn't let his religion fog his view of what's right here. Doesn't mean this guy will do the same.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Colonel to be court martialed for...

    His "punishment" can be as simple and insignificant as asking him to leave a penny on the way out the door. I just don't want it to be completely erased away from history because of the positives. The government does that often enough already. You want me to say it? Fine. I applaud this guy for going out of bounds. But that doesn't mean he didn't go out of bounds.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bush v. Dean: The Sparring Begins.

    If you can create a campaign finance reform that doesn't just protect the incumbant (and I don't just mean Bush, but I mean any person from any party, current or in the future) to sit and rack up money, I'll be there.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Huge ammounts of police swarming "Neverland"...

    Why do they never mention that in that same interview he said he sleeps on the floor?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    Aside from Jerry Falwell and the others trying to inch us ever-so-slightly into masquerading as a Christian theocracy, I don't know how a guy that writes about "A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality" being placed in the FDA's position of overseeing abortion is supposed to thrill a lot of people. It's not like he's simply saying he's pro-life or even that he thinks abortion is murder. He has a religious interest in it. This makes it incredibly difficult to believe he'll be fair as people are a lot more hardnosed about their opinions when they bring Jesus into the picture. Looking at this, it's pretty hard to NOT find his view extremist. And thank you for not being a hypocrite and supporting states' rights only when it suits you. That's one of those Republican concepts I've become a fan of after participating in enough arguements about gun control.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Had to apply corrections to the above quote for accuracy. Okay, just kidding. Yes, most of the people organizing the protests are quite extreme, but not everyone who goes to them are. Most the people I talked to at one locally last year weren't telling me the guy was Hitler Incarnate or anything, but simply didn't like the guy or his policies and wanted to vote him out come next round. In that sense, I find it iteresting to see such large numbers, although obviously UK protestors are going to have no effect on US elections. If nothing else, it's nice to know people are still willing to make some noise when being limited to "Free-Speech Zones".
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Surviving Dallas

    Screw the people who were giving you heat for supporting Team Eric. They probably say "WHAT" in the middle of promos. Anyone who gets heat for being the one guy cheering Chris Jericho is a good poster to me! LOL. WWE shows need a heel area or something. At the rate the shows aren't selling they can afford to block off some seats for specific purchase. At a local Raw I got heat for telling Shawn (nWo at the time) that he sucked.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Muhammad guilty of murder in sniper slaying

    I would be scared of this, honestly, because it would create a new wave of terrorism charges being tried where they aren't really warranted. We've got enough post-9/11 powers being used against people who haven't done anything close to 9/11, thanks.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    He didn't say he was against nation building as an idea, but he was against using our military to use it. If he really meant that, he wouldn't have basically pissed on the United Nations. Yes, he probably was going to have to anyway because the Security Council didn't have any teeth, but rather than offer to assist in that he went and did it his own way, to the cheers of those who like to foam at the mouth about how the UN is some evil anti-Semetic anti-American organization who exists to undercut US power. Well, I'll go ahead and admit that they're rather tame compared to W. David Hager, head of the FDA reproductive advisory comittee. After all, with best sellers under his belt like "As Jesus Cared for Women: Restoring Women Then and Now" and "The Reproduction Revolution: A Christian Appraisal of Sexuality, Reproductive Technologies and the Family" how could he possibly be slanted? Because Republicans are generally of the mindsets that the federal government should stay out of stuff that they aren't needed in. The 1996 "Defense Of Marriage Act" says that states have the right to choose whether to have gays marry or not and that and individual states can choose whether to recognize gay marriages or not. By wanting to implement a constitutional amendment, Bush is steamrolling over the states' authority on this issue to please the evangelists. What a model conservative.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    If it were drugs they would have let him go right NOW.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Cena steals Benoit's spot

    Cena doesn't draw. According to recent numbers, more people (albeit a small number) actually tune OUT when he comes on, despite his charisma. I see Cena vs Lesnar vs Benoit with Cena pinning Lesnar while Benoit is either out of the ring fighting someone else, or hit over the head with the chains. That way, Cena pins the proper champ while Benoit looks screwed over. Then they can do Cena/Benoit after they find out that Cena doesn't draw.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Goldust Not Getting Renewed Contract

    If TNA's crowd were marks, this would be true. But I don't think there's anyone at TNA shows who DOESN'T know what the current angles are going on in the WWE, and a good deal of them read the dirt sheets too. He's a big guy with a moveset that's better than Genericism By Kevin Nash.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    Now that's not true at all, he should have just chosen his words more carefully.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    "...and that's the bottom line..."

    So, did Hulkamania have legs or something? I never could get this whole "running wild" thing.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    So, is Taker presumed dead now?

    Uhm, what happened to when he used to wear the big Amish hat?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Bush v. Dean: The Sparring Begins.

    I like how they use the phrase "the terrorists" for Iraq, not the people who attacked us.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Bush vist to the U.K.

    His repsonse about how they couldn't do this in Baghdad until recently made me laugh. I wasn't aware they can
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Colonel to be court martialed for...

    He did something that, according to his job, he's not supposed to do. However, it had a positive effect in the big picture. They will probably give him a virtual slap on the wrist due to the circumstances, and I'll agree with that. But that doesn't mean it was suddently alright for him to do.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Mass. court turns over gay marriage ban

    EDIT: Nevermind. Let's keep our fourms clean, and on-topic.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    NPR Ombudsman still getting flak from OReilly bit

    No, I mean, with the exception of RobJohnstone's ramblings about how the holocaust never happened because Pat Buchanan said so, someone trying to compare Roy Moore's ten commandments to gay rights, and TheMikeSC applying the wrong economics to an RIAA thread, I've at least understood the rightie view of things on here. I understood PowerPlay and others' complaints about the filibuster in the judicial nominees thread. I understood what Marney was talking saying in the gay school thread, though I didn't agree with her logic. I still don't understand why Republicans aren't enraged with this guy. He said he didn't believe in using the military to nation-build. Look what's going on right now. He wants to be a uniter, yet he wants to bring his own military force into Britain and nominate abortion extremists to the supreme court. He's talked about assisting gay people even if he doesn't agree with their lifestyle, but had attorneys hammering out how to make a constitutional amendment to make sure they can't marry, taking away the states' rights that Republicans love so much. The lies are so thick and overwhelming, I can't imagine why fair-minded Republicans aren't pissed off. Are you that in love with tax cuts that you're blind to the rest of it?
  24. Jobber of the Week

    So, is Taker presumed dead now?

    Maybe this could be the rumored role for Heenan at WM20?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Angle Slam

    This reminds me of the Figure Four. When Flair is a face, the Figure Four is the BAH GAWD MOST DEVASTATING OF ALL TIME WHOOOOO When Flair is a heel, feh... I could reverse the damn thing turning over in my sleep.