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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    CBS didn't intercept it. -=Mike You know, CBS is like the oldest and frumpiest of the Big Four Networks. I don't understand why you think they're so liberal when THEIR TARGET DEMOGRAPHIC IS OLD PEOPLE. Crikey, haven't you seen the dinosaurs hosting 60 Minutes recently?
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Maybe I'm just a cruel bastard

    That really won't be a factor if we get another four years of the current road.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Osama, you want a duel, you'll get one

    In your opinion. Which you are more than entitled to. The supernatural experiences that those who fought based their decisions on were all too real to them. Oh come on. I'll die and go to heaven/hell/purgatory/limbo/whatever. Sure. I might as well say I awaken from The Matrix.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Matrix Revolutions

    It's much like how I complained about how the first film had that whole "I know Kung-Fu" karate scene and then when it came down to the final encounter they were all using progressively bigger and bigger guns. If they could do anything from physical combat to melee weapons to guns to DBZ fireballs, then why go with the last one? Hell, I'd rather watch Smith and Neo make monster trucks and relive the WCW MONSTER TRUCK FACEOFF than this.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Matrix Revolutions

    I was hoping for that. Namely, I was hoping for him to wake up as Ted and tell Bill about his most excellent dream.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Is the draft coming back?

    I saw the subject line and laughed. That is all.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    How would you handle Iraq right now?

    I'd start by trying to reduce the amount of soldiers over there by re-establishing an Iraqi army. The administration is hesitant in arming the country again for obvious reasons, but it's going to happen sooner or later. And the regular Iraqi Army was majorily just average people and not hardcore Baath loyalists which resided in the Republican Guard. So I'd say this: For every two soldiers that were NOT Republican Guard that return to duty, one US soldier will be removed. That's just one problem of many of course. My general complaint of the "Oh yeah, well how would YOU reconstruct Iraq?" question is that our original answer was to simply not rush in.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    A Few Things

    As a poor-ass white guy a voice tells me I should be offended by that statement, but I'm not. He could have chosen better words, but the amount of flak shot at him for it wasn't appropriate. Fuck the politically correct crap.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Who DESERVES the Democratic nomination?

    He's gotta bring his hairstyle to something respectable first. I also gotta say nobody. Gephardt is currently my favorite "business as usual" Democrat (a category that includes the likes of Edwards, Kerry, and Graham until he dropped out), Dean is my favorite topsy turvy "business NOT as usual" Democrat (which includes Kucinich, Sharpton, Carol MB) I have no strong feelings for Clark but I get the feeling he's going to wind up the most electable of them all.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    And thus I'm suspicious. I'll eventually form a deeper opinion when I see how the whole thing plays out.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    A Few Things

    It makes great ammunition for WHOEVER ISN'T IN POWER. We just had a "Well, at least he knows the definition of the word 'is', hyuck hyuck" post here. Remember when that was the flavor of the month?
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Let's See Them Defend THIS

    I might have cared if the people who intercepted it wasn't the most biased source in big media news.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    A Few Things

    Sorry, I don't count The Daily Show, David Letterman, or SNL's news bit as national news.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    A Few Things

    Seems exceptionally likely it means Arabs in other parts of the region. Keep in mind Iraq is a politically unstable country with various secular divisions. Sunni, Shiite, Kurds (although I wouldn't say he was bothering to pander to them much =b), etc. Piss off the wrong people and you might accidentally start a revolution. Keep everyone convinced you're the right man and it won't be a problem.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Proof Disgaea is RPG of the year

    Because I hate FFT-style RPGs. Then put aside your hatred, and join the thousands of FFTactics haters turned Disgaea lovers with a simple purchase. Or don't. Or do. Whichever. I would if one of my rental places would carry it, but it seems to be too little-known to actually make it to shelves.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    The action figure you must own

    Yes. The penis is still there.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Will Lesnar/Goldberg even happen at Wrestlemania?

    I need to see either Goldberg/Lesnar or Goldberg/LowKi before I die. I wanna make sure that he knows what it feels like to get stiffed.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    New poll finds voters, polticians split

    This one poll seems to have been split into two news stories, so I'll just post them both. The poll statistics have been bolded for your convenience. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...6-2003Nov1.html http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/artic...2-2003Nov1.html
  19. Jobber of the Week

    FCC Moves to Stifle TV Piracy

    Hope you're ready to look at grey bars 80% of the time.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    A Few Things

    1) And Bush has NEVER made a verbal fuck up, right? 2) Not suprised. 3) I admit I read over it lightly, but where's the whole US prominent personalities and politicians part? 4) Yeah, that suprised me. I think it will be interesting. I hope for a Hardball bit.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    FCC Moves to Stifle TV Piracy

    Yeah, right. Even if it's true, nobody's going to move overnight.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    "The Reagans"

    Showtime literally doesn't have to deal with ratings. They only deal in subscriptions. And I doubt thye're going to get tons of conservatives calling up and declaring this movie was tasteless considering the other things Showtime runs would probably get that reaction already. It's like Al Franken vs The Media Whore. The more you want to make a stink and get the word out, the more publicity you're harping upon it.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Osama, you want a duel, you'll get one

    But at the end of the day when all the smoke is cleared, it STILL all just means "my God's cock is bigger than your God's cock." Who cares who's lame view is represented when all the views are lame? It doesn't make the conflict any less pointless. These historical jihads are the largest example of much ado about nothing being taken seriously that I've ever seen, and the sad thing is that is has some very real ramification. People might as well have killed each other mercilessly over whether the glass of water is half-empty of half-full.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Osama, you want a duel, you'll get one

    Having watched the President throw out the first pitch enough times, I'm pretty sure he could take out Osama with a hand grenade and a clear view. I'd have to forever let his "Bring it on" stuff slide if he did that personally, though. Isn't that kind of unfair? It's like saying that Luke gets the Darth Maul lightsaber and Vader gets a pointy stick, No Force Allowed.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    FCC Moves to Stifle TV Piracy

    This has been around for a while but not en masse. I'm not sure how it works fully, but there's a number of issues. The first of which is that only the rich folk own digital TVs, and those aren't the people who are pirating generally, because they easily afford to do it legitimately and not deal with the risk.