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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    iTunes on PC

    The only major label that has promised to keep it's new releases at $10 or less like iTunes does is Universal. Otherwise, buying the CD can get very expesnive. Did I mention that you can make as many CDs of these tracks as you want? I guess if you're fine with your 96-128K songs with mondo distortion and system beeps in them, then go on ahead. Damn commies.
  2. http://www.guardian.co.uk/aids/story/0,736...1059068,00.html
  3. Jobber of the Week

    iTunes on PC

    I want to! I'm a quality nut, and these sound quite good. I also don't like risking lawsuits, no matter how unlikely they are to happen to me. Also, I don't mind supporting the actual artists. These are a cheaper than the CD copies in most cases, which makes me think a lot of the label bloat has been cut out. But, since I don't have infinite funds, I'll just buy whatever I have a hard time getting on Kazaa (many times a song will have 300 people sharing but it turns out the song is scrambled or has a fucking Windows system beep in it and appearantly nobody cares to get rid of it and get a real copy.) I'm not going to search to the ends of the earth for proper copies of music if I don't have to.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The ONE and ONLY World Series Thread

    Marlins win, Series gets horrible ratings because nobody west of the Mississippi gives a flying fuck.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    U.N. Passes Resolution To Support U.S. in Iraq

    Hey guys. We were told that Saddam could launch WMD in... How many hours? I remember Rumsfeld talking like he knew right where they were and could find them if he were in Iraq that instant. There's gotta be more than a lab and just a few samples. Just saying that Iraq had an active research WMD program is violating some UN charter, but I want to see what we were being fed when Americans, not just the rest of the world, were being told when sold this war.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Rock Has Another Movie

    Will Smith once mentioned on David Letterman that he was scared of doing more alien movies because then that would lock him into only doing comedic sci-fi. "Oh, you got an alien movie? Send it to Will." My guess is Rock is concerned about the same thing happening regarding him and action movies. Not sure about Walking Tall, but it's pretty obvious from this far out that Spy Hunter will bomb.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Sell Me On the Salary Cap

    ...And Seattle threatened to move to Florida if they couldn't get out of the leaky stinky Kingdome. The weird thing is that in my neck of the woods, both teams get near-equal billing. Safeway has peanuts with Giants logos on them, and just as many with A's next to them. Jack In The Box sells antenna balls wearing As and Giants hats, etc. But truth be told, I can't remember the last time my usual TV viewing was interrupted by an As game, but Giants games have left me cursing about missing prime time most my life. Meanwhile, I think I'm going to chuckle myself to sleep tonight, remembering when the 49ers were good enough to demand a new park, and almost get it... Good thing they didn't bother with that, I guess.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Sell Me On the Salary Cap

    Sent to me by a friend. The top 5 spending figures after mid-season trades: New York Yankees $180,322,403 New York Mets 116,253,927 Los Angeles 109,248,680 Texas 106,277,880 Boston 104,873,607
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Sell Me On the Salary Cap

    Giants on Channel 2, A's on Channel... Not sure. Used to be 4, but 4 is slowly dying since it lost NBC at the beginning of 2002. Your choice which to watch. The hell? Oakland practically IS an industrial park with some town at the edge and some homes in the hills. Actually, the Colliseum and attatched arena (went to Raw there last year) is near an airport. The industry is quite a ways away still.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Sell Me On the Salary Cap

    I'm a Disney nut despite the fact that the company is falling into shambles, and I can tell you why the Angels are sold: After winning a title, they demand more. Disney can't even put some fucking paint on a 10 year old building at Disneyland and has cut maintenance staff so far that accidents like the Big Thunder Mountain crash that took a life are now appearing for the first time in that theme park's history (all other deaths were because of customers breaking rules explained to them repeatedly.) So when the players say, "Hey, we think we're worth a little more than that," off they go! The cruise line nearly was sold to Sears or something as they take their fingers out of more and more pies. IMHO, they need to ditch Michael Eisner. Too bad the whole board is made of his best friends.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    U.N. Passes Resolution To Support U.S. in Iraq

    He may never apologize for going to war, but he may soon be apologizing for his reasons. We will never EVER find WMD in Iraq. I'd guarantee it.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Stu Hart dies

    Sorry, but fuck WCW. I doubt they "respectfully objected." They just did their usual thing of fucking over Benoit. The guy who jobbed to Fit Finlay on PPV. Good lord.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    More like 90/10. I know I'm not the only guy out there who thinks RVD's workrate is boring, though I don't deny he's a draw more or less. I'd say he's far more likely to get TNA a TV deal than Hogan.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    EDIT: Nevermind.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    George, George, George of the Jungle

    Oh come on, it has JOHN CLEESE in it doing voices! No doubt as a John Cleese-esque character like he always ends up in. How could it be bad?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Stu Hart dies

    No doubt they will find a way to use this occasion for a lawsuit that they can fight over. So long, Harts. All the truly good guys are gone and all the egotrippers and selfish types remain.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    iTunes on PC

    Looks a lot like a Mac interface. Brushed steel window with Aqua-style buttons. A lot of people will bitch and moan about how it organizes music. If you aren't careful, it'll make various folders by Artist/Album for your music. Those of us who chuck all our MP3s into one gigantic folder will be pissed to find things changed unless they BE CAREFUL. Registered a Music Store account but haven't decided what I'll buy for kicks.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    So who voted for Arnold?

  19. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Except that it will be a Russo Renaissance. There's one itty bitty matter TNA needs to take care of before I can wipe away it's chances of going bellyup overnight.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    Except that it's his decision. I don't understand what this is about McMahons not letting people go, when there's really nothing they can do except make the rest of the industry such a wasteland that people DON'T want to leave. RVD's current contract probably isn't that great, they'll probably lowball again since they're the only big game around, and he can just refuse and let the time run out. When your contract runs out of time, that's it. It's not the same as getting released. There is no funny no-compete agreements or anything. You're free to do what you whatever. My guess is he'll live off the comic book store profits for however long it takes TNA to make a deal. If they can provide enough bucks to make Hogan work for them (and we all know how Hogan bitches and moans about pay) than certainly they can match RVD's last WWE deal. Right?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Infant Rape on the Rise

    ^Yes.^ Not really. It makes me scratch my head and wonder WTF is going on over there, though. And it also helps that I know stories about this appear in the US media that make it look like it's a faster spreading problem than it really is. Though I'd love to see tougher sentencing.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Lame local political slogans.

    Can we make an agreement here? Calling your opposition "Unamerican" with little reason why is stupid. It means you have nothing of considerable worth to use against him, but want some scary words to keep people from voting for him. I guess part of the thing is that I don't know anything about this race or it's players and thus I'm probably not getting the full story, but so far all we're doing is questioning people's patriotism and what makes people patriots and crap. Let's leave all that psychological drama to Ann Coulter books (OMG TRAITOR!) where it belongs.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Infant Rape on the Rise

    There's quite a few things that send shudders down my spine. Torture, for one. However, adult/child rape doesn't do that. It just simply makes me disgusted. Both should be legally persecuted, but shivers > disgusted.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Tries To Resign RVD

    But nobody's that stupid. Because money makes the world go round. My guess is he lets it run out and goes to TNA. Less trouble and less traveling around.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Infant Rape on the Rise

    Keep in mind South Africa isn't all baby rapists, AIDS, and huts of towns with people covered in flys. Someone I know from that country says that a lot of people get bad impressions that 60% of the news stories coming from that region deals with those two subjects, plus everyone's mind-picture of almost any African region.