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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    The matter of concern is who, if anyone, has the moral "right" in this case. Your claim has always been that the bombers put innocents at risk. I won't deny that, but Israel's strong-arm tactics also place innocent people at risk.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    Did the tanks go away during Hamas' caese-fire for the road map? Well?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    So, Israel puts absolutely no innocents at risk when they run a tank through the city street or use helicopter-launched missiles and blow up an entire comlex in an effort to kill one person?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

  5. Jobber of the Week

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Score one for Bush domestic policy, I guess. http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/29/...call/index.html Hurrah.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats dogpile on Howard Dean

    Did you see Dean telling Gephardt to fuck off on TV the other day? HI-LARIOUS! Go, Howie, you'll beat Jimmy Dean yet (although I think Jimmy locked in the omlette vote)
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Democrats dogpile on Howard Dean

    But will he be able to properly eat a pretzel?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Savage does XM Radio appearance

    For those who don't know, XM is that pay radio service over digital satelite transmission with about 110 stations for everything from numetal to polka. They also play Hogan's BUTT-buddy Bubba The Love Spongue because of a deal they have with Clear Channel for talk programming. When I heard about his appearance I immediately started recording, but anyway here's his appearance on channel 9 (The 90s) about 45 minutes ago. I clipped out his Hogan Diss song they played. He rambles on a bit and he and the DJ sit and pimp the album and XM together and once the jock mentions WM 20, he keeps bringing it up again and again and talking about Madison Square Garden and stuff and even mentions if he would "pass the torch to the other guys" if he got his hits in on Hogan. My guess is the guy won't be there, and I really can't think of anyone who's interested in seeing the two go. My guess is they'd sit and do their usual routine with a run-in finish and that's just lame for a show like WM. Guy's really begging for work, though. MP3 of the interview (7.15 MB)
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Student may wear Bush 'terrorist' shirt

    It reminds me of the guy who wore a pin-on button that said "SUSPECTED TERRORIST" as a sign of how the administration wants to investigate all our lives to make sure we're not going to blow up a building. He wore it through the government's passenger security checkpoint without problem. He explained the meaning of the button to the passengers around them so they'd understand, asked them if they were uncomfortable with it, and when they said they didn't mind him wearing the button, a stewardess asked him to take off the button because it made people uncomfortable. He refused and said he'd talked to all those within eyesight of it and she had security throw him off the plane. Later, he had a talk with a woman from the airline who admitted that they'd have no problem with a "Go Bush!" button but then had no answer as to the problem with this one. Now, is it smart to wear stuff like that in these areas? Not really. But should we have the right to? Absolutely. People like this are probably just trying to stir up attention, but bless them because if they were silent the rest of us would never know that those rights were taken from us.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    ^The hell did this come from?^
  11. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    I don't think we should do that, but I do think we should give money to Israel under the same rules we give money to other countries. Over multiple payments, instead of one lump sum. We also need to make sure when we say "Here, have this money, just don't spend it on weapons and military" that they actually do that. What we do right now is write a blank check, and we don't do that for any other countries. Despite what the right-wingers want to say, neither side has a moral high ground. Israel puts as many innocents at risk with it's tanks as innocent Israelis are at risk by terrorist bombers.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    This just creeped me out

    Fox I can understand. But Savage deserves all the criticism he gets, him and the Media Whore, where this comes from btw. If the ACLU dropped this I'd support them, but they won't and thus I'll take their good and their bad but support neither.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    Much like how not all Israelis want to develop settlements on that land and everything else Sharon is doing, not all Palestinians want to blow up Israelis. This is like saying how Southerners would never stop being racist as the children would be taught by the generation who were using blacks as slaves, and so on. While we still have Trent Lott and a few southerners that are thinking backwards, that's no longer a majority.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Communist Party to Support Dems in 04

    You know, there are bad parties that have actual support you should actually care about. Britain's nazi-like National Party, for example. Glad to have you back, OlympicSlam. Your game of making mountains out of molehills to jump to conclusions will be a welcome change from TheMikeSC's game of splitting hairs and pulling facts out of the ass to jump to conclusions. (I'm being sincere btw, and hopefully you'll actually debate with people instead of stick your fingers in your ears, because I'm getting tired of that act, too)
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Student may wear Bush 'terrorist' shirt

    Oh come on. Freedom of Speech is all cool as long as it's on your side, and when it's not it ought to be on sight.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    More people watched Coach/JR than RVD/Xian

    Mmm. The ratings have done nothing but drop since Fuck Goldberg has become champ.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Well even Bush said a few weeks ago that there was no connection to Hussein and the 9/11 attacks. Marney went off on connections with people who have connections to Al-Qaeda, but that's a different story than aiding them pull off the attacks.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Suing casino's because of husband's gambling...

    It's hard to find information from the source on that kind of thing since it's not too happy a subject and thus they don't like to dwell on it. I thought I had a gambling addiction flyer from one of my trips but it appears I don't. They can punt out anyone they like, which they often do to card counters at single-shoe BlackJack places. Also at card games, they can close a table if they want a person to take their chips and go. The Mirage, one of the more premier places on the Strip, has a page that says among other things: And that's about as close as I got. Again, they don't like to dwell on it.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Savage does XM Radio appearance

    Part 2 of Macho's XM appearances, this one's quite better as it's with another 90s DJ, who didn't like him and destroyed a copy of his CD on the air prior. The sad part is when Savage says "I'm as good a wrestler as I am a rapper!" MP3 link
  20. Jobber of the Week

    President brute forces Do Not Call into law

    Does that mean that nobody wants to go home? I can tell you that's not a fact because I've had someone over there complain to me in the past few weeks about the lack of concrete information on this. He doesn't MIND being over there, not at all, but wants to know when he can leave.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    Can't think of any time I've ever seen that as a rule in war. If it was so, we'd have Germany and a few Arab countries now.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Suing casino's because of husband's gambling...

    Not sure what the laws are regarding Riverboarts, but over in Vegas there's plenty of laws about gambling addiction. All the hotels provide a phamplet with phone numbers etc and how to recognize an addiction. Casinos shouldn't have to bear full responsibility, but they should have SOME responsibility, and to whatever extent Vegas is doing, it's worked. I do, however, find it funny that the "victim" shares the same name with San Fran's mayor.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Justice Dept investigates White House leak

    http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/29/....cia/index.html A bunch of people were playing Clue on PRI and coming up with theories about this but it should make for some entertaining bitchfests on TV.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Latest Shopzone Haul: It's a big one!

    Make your own joke. Austin Halloween package, impress all your friends and intimidate your girlfriends. They advertise that big skull as "his [Austin's] mask" but I don't remember Austin wearing masks. But whatever. The mask is sold seperately for all these Halloween packages they won't sell, of course. Personally, I'd wait for a better shirt. The original XIX shirt looked like hell, and I haven't seen mine (the card and everyone's headshots on the left and right sides of the Space Needle in the center) anywhere else but at the show. I'm sure there will be a bazillion different shirt styles for this event. Then again, it is more subtle, which is what we've been asking for. How many bad Angle shirts can we stand? Gentlemen, prepare your rumors! 3...2....1... The 1980s called, they want their shirt back. I always liked the tattoo design. I'd buy it if I didn't hate the guy represented.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    News on new WWE DVDs...

    Angle Video. Sold.