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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    I was looking at that area last month that month. It's just a gigantic pile of dirt now: (This crappy construction zone goes all the way around in back to the site of WMIX) I know everyone will bitch me out on this one (not enough for your money, watching 2/3rds the show on bigscreen sucks, etc etc), but I think a WM 2 style thing with cheaper seating that took place in the Mandalay Bay arena, MGM Grand Gardens (where WCW did a lot of events), and Thomas & Mack (where WWE does their Raw and PPVs in Vegas) would be kind of neat. You could advertise it as the brawl that goes all the way across the Vegas strip.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Eddie Guerrero get into a confrontation with a fan

    I don't know, I consider Vince chucking Gowan's cane into a woman's face to be a bigger deal and a better chance of suit, personally. Eddy was provoked.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Construction of Arafat

    If I remember right, the reason he walked away was because of those stupid-ass settlements. The U.S. has recently took away a bit of the funding it gives Israel and noted that it was because of the settlements. It's a step in the right direction, as those have always been a violation and will halt all peaceful attempts, Arafat or no Arafat.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    I'll cry if HHH retires Flair (unless it's another Flair/Funk "retirement.") Give it to Benoit or someone who at least has the technical skill that it makes sense that he beats Flair at his own game. Besides, I always thought Heel Benoit was much better than Face Benoit. If he adopted Flair's "dirtiest player in the game" bit and added some cheat moves to his list, he'd get more heat because his straight-up technical wrestling means squat to most WWE fans.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    You didn't travel the approx hour to 15? *bonk*
  6. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only I GOT WRESTLEMANIA TIX Thread

    If I go (and that's a big IF, because I've realized I've become such a slouch living at home since I left school that even I wouldn't hire me, so I might eBay some stuff to make the fare) it'd be the grueling flight from California's Bay Area. Add in that right after the show lets out I'm immediately getting a cab to the airport (since NY around midnight is not at all safe) and waiting to go home on another grueling flight and just imagine how blitzed and destroyed I'll be when I get home.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Kane jobs to Shane McMahon at house show

    Wait until Shane McMahon injures guys like RVD does, then maybe he'll think twice about that move. It's so cliche'd though that I wish they'd drop it.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    ~The Hate Game~

    HHH hating was really only a smark thing at first. People thought it would be nice if HHH would lay down for Jericho at X8, but nobody really thought he would. The "smartest man in wrestling" bit was being used repeatedly already though. Going over Jericho AGAIN in the Hell In A Cell at Judgment Dayreally started the hating thing up though. It really hasn't let up from there. I think more people hopped on the HHH hating wagon when Bischoff named Hunter the guy he needed to win the Monday Night Wars, and by the time the Big Gold Belt was introduced the train was already going. Really, the hating has kind of tuckered out a bit, because there's so very few who had the energy to keep bitching all the way through that insane title reign.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    What's stopping a union in WWE?

    The first guy to step up and say "Hey, we should have a union!" would get blackballed immediately, and there's no WCW to turn to (and even then, WCW would have blackballed him too for having the cajones to think of such an idea) At the same time, anyone who backed the guy would be blackballed because the idea will NOT have 100% support. Multiple people will see the scene as an oppertunity to back the boss and get a big pay raise for loyalty should things remain the way they are (and they will.)
  10. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    I'd love something like an extended Gimmick Battle Royal, as that turned out not as bad as I thought, although it'd be scary to see the conditions of some guys today. You know there's going to be a cage of some sort, although it may not hang from the ceiling because for aesthetic reasons. They could always construct it during a music performance. So how about a WarGames, just because McMahon can use that one now? Also, I want one last cliche'd Hogan/Oakerlund promo where Gene asks Hogan a question and he shouts "WELL LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING MEAN GENE" and rambles on about crazy shit like Hulkamania and "going to the top of the mountain" and whatever else. And with all respect to Hendrix, he needs the right theme song for once.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Vince tells Bret what?

    STROKE VICTIM vs BROKEN NECK Smell the ratings!
  12. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    That's hardly THE money feud for the company. Even Hogan/Austin would draw more, I bet. It's still THE reason to bring Goldberg in, but it hardly justifies his price tag.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX

    XIX wasn't so bad really seeing that I only expected Angle/Lesnar when tix went out in January. Austin's last match (for now), Hogan's last match (for now, and we're counting "Mr. America" as another character for this because Hogan pseudo-characters never have the appeal and draw of his main one), and what may very well be Rock's last match of any importance (and no, a Goldberg insta-feud does not count) elevated that show above it's crappy booking. As for XX, they started by marketing it too early. Now it's incessant, to the point that the troops in the crowd are wearing XX gear. Cmon! You'll never be able to keep people from getting disappointment when you drill it into their heads that hard.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Bah. The sad thing is that exact arguement of Vyce's is my arguement against theocracies. This has been a really bad week for me in this forum. Oh well, they happen. Although I will take issue with the latter half. It was years between acts of terrorism.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Brits! Please torture David Blaine!

    A man launched paint-filled balloons with a catapault at the box. Blaine is now being charged for all the police watch required around his stunt.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Judge kills "National Do Not Call List"

    http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/business/A...o-Not-Call.html Hey, maybe we don't need different parties in power in Washington to make sure nothing gets done. Judges will simply overrule everything that will affect our lives.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Tucker Carlson gives wrong # on Crossfire

    CARLSON: OK. Well, on yesterday's program on telemarketing, some of you may have seen it. I jokingly gave out what I said was my home phone number. In fact, it was the main number of the Washington bureau of the Fox News Channel. (LAUGHTER) CARLSON: I thought it was funny. Fox did not think it was funny. (LAUGHTER) CARLSON: Apparently, many of our viewers called that number, hoping to speak to me. Instead, they reached a grouchy Fox switchboard operator. Well, to our viewers, I'm sorry I gave you that bad information, even in jest. Last night, Fox responded by posting on its Web site my unlisted home phone number, the phone number where my wife and four small children often answer the phone, as they did last night, during dinner, when the first of several hundred Fox viewers called to scream obscenities at them into the phone. Fox had every right to be annoyed by what I did, amusing as I thought it was. They had no right to invade my privacy or to enable their followers to threaten my family. (APPLAUSE) CARLSON: And you know what, James? (APPLAUSE) CARVILLE: I say this seriously. You have four children. One of your child is in the third grade, the same classroom as my child. And you know what my definition of an operation that would scare the dickens out of little children and a mother living at home and a lot of times you being out of town? This is a pond scum operation that would do that, that would terrify children, that would put something like that up there for the bunch of nuts that watch that thing to call and harass you. (APPLAUSE) CARVILLE: You pulled a joke. If they want to go adult-to-adult, person-to-person, that's fine. You're big enough to take it. They have no right to be scaring the dickens out of children, out of little children, when their daddy's out of town. And they ought to be ashamed of themselves. CARLSON: OK. CARVILLE: Ashamed of themselves for doing that. (APPLAUSE) CARLSON: Well, thank you, James. Incidentally, we have Roger Ailes' home phone number, but we're not going to give it to you. (CROSSTALK) CARVILLE: No, I wouldn't do that, because Roger Ailes has a small child. He showed me the picture of it. I think Roger Ailes is a good man. CARLSON: OK. CARVILLE: I don't think he was behind this. CARLSON: All right.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only I GOT WRESTLEMANIA TIX Thread

    Eh, you live here too, so you know that they don't come to our neck of the wood very often. Hell, there's no show for the Bay Area or Sac-town for at least the rest of the year by what I've seen.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only I GOT WRESTLEMANIA TIX Thread

    Bah. You missed the crazy-funny "Master TicketFuck" Gold FuckBerg
  20. Jobber of the Week

    "Dangerous" U.S. Leaders

  21. Jobber of the Week

    Tucker Carlson gives wrong # on Crossfire

    Carlson on Crossfire just bitched about this. Saying that maybe he wasn't very funny doing this although he personally thought he was, but his wife and four kids got FOXNEWSLOL@))% people calling them day and night yelling obscenities into the phone. Carville called them dispicable but called Roger Ailes "a good man" and assumed he wasn't responsible for this.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only I GOT WRESTLEMANIA TIX Thread

    At this point you lose credibility for taking it too seriously. 'Tis a wrestling show. There's not even any guarantees it'll be a good one. O_o*
  23. Jobber of the Week


    He is an Isabel-like source of hot air, that's for sure. But my thing is that he's a real social conservative and has bitched about Reupblicans that aren't the same. The minute Arnold comes on his show, he starts BUTT-kissing. Arnold told him over the phone he was Pro-Choice and Hannity hardly flinched, moving onto gay unions and stuff. I guess I'm used to the Carlsons and the Ben Steins of the world, both of which have bashed Arnold for not being Republican enough for them. Although I'm still planning to vote for Arnold and probably wouldn't if he pandered to those groups. It's just funny to hear Hannity go from a right-side loudmouth into more of a centerlike personality when in Arnold's presence.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only I GOT WRESTLEMANIA TIX Thread

    Sure. Even if you choose not to go, you have to be pretty foolish to not go AND lose money on it by not putting it for sale. Shit, someone here was using WM tickets like an ATM machine this year, ebaying several times, getting a platinum seat and still making profit.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    What's up with all these fake SurSer sets? Can they not get an MSG entrance to work right? WrestleMania 2000 had doors that opened for your wrestler and everything. This makes me scared of what the WM XX set is going to look like in future games, whatever they do with it I'm sure it'll be the old school entrance.