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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week


    I tend to dislike a lot of opinion shows, and as many of them are on NPR as they are Limbaugh, Hannity, Media Whore, etc. I watch Fox News Sunday sometimes depending on who's on and I see "Studio B" a lot since my parents watch it (and Shepard Smith is the guy there left with credibility anyway) My two main tests of an opinion show are (if it's a solo show) whether the host can ever admit to being wrong on something, or (if it's a two-side show ala H&C or Crossfire) whether I can agree with the guys on both sides on different issues. H&C is 83% about Hannity, so I can't ever come to a conclusion besides "Boy, that guy is a real ass."
  2. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    If that's not a straw man, it's damned close. Look, I'm trying NOT to turn this into an arguement here. If you want to provide your opinions on the measure Marney, then I wouldn't even attempt to stop you, but this kind of statement is just trolling for flames and you know it.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Now Belee Dis

    You fucking win.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    I don't know what bishonen means but whatever. They generally don't have a lot of money, living in their parents basement and all that. But there are a huge number of college-age guys and stuff who have jobs but who's interests consist of video games and Japanese cartoons which are meant for children over in that country. I've seen enough of them. Square is quickly becoming to RPGs what ClearChannel is to music. Could someone please make an RPG that's more complex than "watch movie, push X button" AND give it enough marketing so more than 5 people see it?
  5. Jobber of the Week


    I'd like to take this moment to plug CNN's Crossfire and say that Tucker Carlson (the main rightie on that show) likes McClintock and doesn't really like Arnold. A 30 minute partisan shoutfest doesn't exactly make a great show, but it's certainly better than Hannity & Liberal To Be Determined.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Yeah, I was asking Spicy for his take. And then I was requesting that the two of you don't tear into each other as sometimes can happen in these issues. It took big bucks to get the signatures the first time, and the GOP can just barely get a majority of the state to agree for one recall. I doubt the Democrats could convince them to do it again.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Another Presidential debate

    On MSNBC. Was on CNBC earlier today but the timing was really awful as people on the west and east costs were both working. Just posting here in case anyone else catches it. From 9:00 to 10:30 PM Eastern.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    And your reasoning is? I don't want you and Mike sidetracking this into a 54 arguement (and I'm letting both you and him know in advance), but I might as well get both sides. And Mike, Davis is only 10 months into this term. It took Bush 9 months before he got viewed as something more substantial than "harmless idiot", so I don't think the new Gov won't have enough time to get anything done.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Second Password for WM XX Ticket Sales

    Yep, this sounds like the right place.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Criticisms aside, I'm still awaiting for NoCalMike to tell me why I should vote no. My mind isn't made up and I still only have a slight grasp on the issue. Arnold's view on the matter is, as usual, too vague to understand.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    Everybody but Red XIII was dead after hundreds of years, actually. Doesn't make this any less stupid though. There is a creative bankruptcy over at Square, and their answer is to market specifically to the guy with all the action figures and the 12 foot "Sephiroth walking through fire" poster on his bedroom wall. Hey, it'll keep them afloat for 5 years, but I doubt much longer than that.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    SquareEnix's Been Busy Today

    The game is over. Done. Finished in 1997. Let it be. This FF7 thing is going to be uglier than an nWo reunion.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file...9/25/MN3041.DTL Although you were right on one thing: Also, for those who weren't paying attention: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../25/MN24247.DTL
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Fuck the McMahon devil child

    Considering that Jericho's height keeps holding him back, I'm going to laugh if this kid turns into a big HOSS BAH GAWD and in twenty years we're sitting here bitching about how the kid has no talent. Waiting for the first "no way Jericho is a smark darling even if his kid sux ull say hes great lololololol" reply. Also, Fuck Goldberg's baby nearly behads everyone else's baby in games of "Tag, You're It."
  15. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    You got me there, but simply stated, the recall thing was, from signature gathering to even after that, not top headline news or a comment of regular debate on a national scale. Everything went from "gee, we've never done this before but let's hope we do it right" to utter chaos after that Tonight Show appearance.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Drugs aren't cool????????lol, who's this Nancy Reagan or a pimply teen-age virgin?LMAO. Well, I already covered the drug thing. I think it's a non-issue, but if it isn't then it's a negative. We all know how Vince likes his babyface champs to be smiling heroes everyone can look up or relate to (even Austin was your blue-coller dude fighting the rich and powerful), and despite the more than experimental nature of drugs in the locker room, much of middle America (the ones with D.A.R.E bumper stickers who believes that buying drugs off the street helps Islamic fundamentalists because their TV said so) doesn't share that.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    I hope you aren't going to argue with me when I tell you how much more liberal California is than darn near the rest of the country. With current trends a nationwide poll on these candidates, assuming everyone was known by those taking the poll (and those farther away from Cali probably don't understand the brouhaha about Bustamante's Indian casino ties, Huffington's tax loophole, giving illegals licenses, etc), would probably have the soft Republican Arnold in front, and then Bustamante and McClintock fighting for second depending on where most this polling is going down and the phase of the moon. Most California political debates are not broadcast nationwide. Most do not get stories in Sydney newspapers. Why did this one? Because there's a world-recognized movie star participating in it. If that's the main reason people are watching, then they obviously have higher interest in him and that will reflect in places like non-scientific internet polls.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Jericho carried Hardy to watchability at No Way Out.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Yep. Channel 5 and the Chronicle polls (assuming you discount Camejo, who's activists gave him the #1 spot in the Chron) go the same way, and I kind of trust them more as the CNN web poll allows non-Californians in. http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/12/...l.ap/index.html For numbers a tad more realistic: http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c...21/BA209426.DTL And again, these polls include people from other states and countries, where the political climate may be different, people might not know about the issues or anything except Arnold's star power and thus have their minds already made up, and they aren't voting anyway.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

    Yeah, but not superdraw status like Austin did, which is what McMahon is shooting for. I'm talking about by comparison, guys. Sheesh.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Brian Gerwitz's amazing resume

    He was a writer on the Raw video game? No wonder it sucks so bad. IMDB is so bogus it once said that Howard Finkel was married to Steph with three kids. I'm sure if you dig deep enough you'll find a claim that Patrick Stewart will play Jean-Luc Picard on "Enterprise"
  22. Jobber of the Week


    Yeah, but that's because Vince can be cheap if he hires family to talk. It doesn't really count.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

    I doubt it, that kind of thing isn't really necessary in today's environment. Austin got over from WM 13 while jobbing to Bret. HHH retired Foley and went over a bazillion guys and never got over.
  24. Jobber of the Week


    Well so far the only role she's taken on TV was a nurse last week, and she hasn't been on other than that, so I say that's pretty good. I'm betting Shane gets 51% just because his last name will still be McMahon.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Bans the state government from collecting racial data. I'm not exactly sure why the left is against it, since Michael Moore and his merry band like to talk about how much urban black people are looked down upon by whites as criminals and no-goods. My main guess is because it would prevent more studies like "Poor communities made up majorily of black/latinos/whatever have worse school/medical/voting booths/whatever and we must spend money to fix that!" Frankly, as a poor white guy, my initial impression is that I ought to vote in favor of this to prevent reverse racism from keeping all the education resources and stuff from leaving my area simply because of the racial makeup of my area. If someone who knows more about it wants to chime in, go ahead. I'm listening.