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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Uh, why, precisely? I'm still trying to figure this one out.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    Keep in mind polls show 40-45% of voters voting against the recall. This debate didn't have to turn off many to put Davis over the edge.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    He's not the smark darling, but he does have his peeps here who keep insisting he could carry a main event feud. I doubt that. Of course, most these people also feel Vince needs to use the ECW name again for some reason.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Now Belee Dis

    Yeah, I know. I tried a variety of transparancies and playing with color tables, but all my Photoshop skills (and I actually do have quite a bit of them) are self-taught on pirated versions with no documentation or tutorials. Thus the REALLY fancy stuff like that is just too out there for an amateur like me.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Rocky belittles wrestling on Letterman

    Rock's come and gone, there's nothing left for him to do although everyone appreciates him being there. He might as well move on. Wrestling is a joke here in the US, it's a good move for him to shit on it and never touch it again. His movie career started with "OMG A PRO WRESTLER DOING ACTING HAHAHA" stuff but he's joining the halls of Bruce Willis and Arnold and so on. He doesn't need to tour around and try to impress a bunch of yokels and smarks (and smarkish yokels.)
  6. Jobber of the Week

    California recall debate

    My own opinions, Marney-style (again) Gray Davis: Up (all the fighting gave the impression of a circus, which is exactly what he is shooting for) Arnold: Down (Made one-liners that just didn't seem to work coming from him, especially with his anti-smear stance. Occasionally vague.) McClintock: Up (Came across as the one guy who could disagree with the positions coming from the other side of the table while maintaining his composure) Camejo: No Change (Equally as unelectable as McClintock, but decided to show it off. That was what was expected, and that's what happened) Huffington: Way Up (stole all of Bustamante's thunder. I personally wanted to reach through the TV and throttle her for her constant tangents and irrelevant discussions, but it got her recognition and she was right on with her accusations on Arnold's after-school measure, which listed no method of actually paying for those programs) Cruz Bustamante: Way Down (Was ignored on at least one question because of the fighting and sidetracking, was swiped on his indian casino contributions. The other half of the time he was sitting there rolling his eyes while Arnold attacked him or telling Arianna that he agreed with her, and just saying "I think this other candidate is right on" isn't the way to get YOURSELF elected)
  7. Jobber of the Week

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    Time for me to say once again that Helms could be to Evolution what Malenko was for the Horsemen, if he'd agree to give up that stupid midcarder gimmick. While the S.H.I.T stuff is getting pops which is more than some midcarders (Christian?) it's not going to legitimately elevate anyone. Hurricane turning on Rosey at this point could actually serve as a decent enough heel turn though.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    HHH's vendetta against RVD

    I suspect Vince is suspicious of putting a world championship on a guy who's so well known as a pothead. With as much border jumping as they do having your world champ get busted for weed would be a huge embarassment. Yes, we just had a year of a steroid monster as champion who just jobbed to another, but generally "the boys" are smart and secretive about that kind of thing, where as people all over are a lot more liberal about marijuana. Except, of course, the DEA and politicians. Also, even Invasion era RVD was never as "charismatic" as DX-era HHH, so I don't get that one either.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    9th Circuit does it again

    http://www.cnn.com/2003/ALLPOLITICS/09/15/...elay/index.html SAN FRANCISCO, California (CNN) -- A federal appeals court Monday ordered California election officials to halt preparations for the October 7 gubernatorial recall election, citing concerns about a "hurried, constitutionally infirm" process. The ruling from a three-judge panel on the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals follows a hearing last week in which the American Civil Liberties Union sought a postponement of the vote. A lower court last month had rejected the request. Voters had been scheduled to go to the polls October 7 to decide whether to remove California Gov. Gray Davis. But the ACLU argued that election officials should have more time to replace antiquated voting machines in several California counties. The ACLU brought suit, saying the punch-card system could disenfranchise voters in six counties, including Los Angeles, the state's largest. "In sum, in assessing the public interest, the balance falls heavily in favor of postponing the election for a few months," the court concluded, citing the U.S. Supreme Court's Bush v. Gore decision that settled the 2000 presidential election. "The choice between holding a hurried, constitutionally infirm election and one held a short time later that assures voters that the 'rudimentary requirements of equal treatment and fundamental fairness are satisfied' is clear." If Monday's ruling stands, the recall vote could be moved to March 2004. Peter Ragone, a spokesman for Davis, said the governor and his campaign will "keep moving forward until it's settled. "It's in the court's hands," Ragone said. "We are taking measure. We'd be pleased by anything that leads to greater enfranchisement in the state of California." There was no immediate reaction from the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, the leading Republican candidate to replace Davis should the recall succeed.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    9th Circut Reverses Recall Election Decision

    Ah, okay. Not sure how far it's going. It's difficult to gauge national reaction to the recall when everything from the governor to our local city council (no kidding) is being recalled and our news is pretty much avalanched by that stuff. And the national sources keep going on about the recall because of Arnold's involvement, so...
  11. Jobber of the Week

    9th Circut Reverses Recall Election Decision

    I know your reason for disliking the recall, but don't you see how all this recalling going on nationwide may *gasp* force the parties to present candidates that voters actually LIKE?
  12. Jobber of the Week

    9th Circut Reverses Recall Election Decision

    I think that is awesome and I think we need more of that. Seriously, people are getting into this because there's so many choices. Sure, not all of them are worth voting for and some people are obviously just there for a good time, but we've been able to seperate the people who have serious support and backing and those who are just there for humor. Regardless of that circus atmosphere, I'm happy for once to have an election with more than just the same damn two choices brought to you by the same two parties. The two choices who have interests that follow the most down the party line, of course. This is more democracy than the constant DNC/GOP pandering that the last election was. EDIT: Oh. Now I see what you mean. I think. I'm not sure. I just know I enjoy having more than one Democrat who totally panders to all the Democrat stuff and one Republican who totally tows the Republican crap. I vote based on issues, not parties.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Judge kills "National Do Not Call List"

    But they're working it through my private line which I pay for. It is akin to planting a billboard in my front yard.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    MrRant's Meaningful AND Current News #1

    If they all move to Macintosh, there will simply be more vulnerabilities and viruses to Macintosh. Really, this is stupid and there's no real answer here as one person or five thousand persons can't fix every possible hole that could be discovered by tens of millions that are looking. But that won't stop us from whining! Waaaaaahhhhh...
  15. Jobber of the Week

    MSN to close down chat rooms

    Uh, aren't most just using IRC these days anyway?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Judge kills "National Do Not Call List"

    Eh, I'm still voting Republican for Governor and Democrat for President, assuming the sun doesn't explode and send us flying into The Bizarro Dimension where Lieberman wins the primary.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Now Belee Dis

    You gonna make a dolla dolla, playa, you bess do it right! I wish I was better at Photoshop...
  18. Jobber of the Week

    IS TSM Still Fun?

    It was never fun for me. You guys exposed some of my previously favorite wrestlers who had little in-ring talent and now I like Chris Benoit. But after my tastes re-adjusted, I still have fun here but that's because I'm mostly posting in non-wrestling forums where I think I can make a difference. For instance, posting in Current Events is no longer like trying to debate at a GOP convention.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Old school vs. New school Final Fantasy

    Yeah, I gotta stop posting right after I wake up....
  20. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Notes From The 9/27 Torch

    Goddamnit. I would fucking MARK if Kane got a match on Raw and gave Goldberg the "chokeslam from hell" through the ring, and then stormed off. THAT'S the kind of character he needs, not Shane's bumping bitch.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Raw rating

    BAH GAWD WHAT A DRAW!!!!!!!! Fuck Goldberg...
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Max Cavalera is the only member left of Soulfly

    Six. Seems like Soulfly is the NEW New G&R.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    New Limp Bizkit Reviewed

    Eh, Fred spent too much time wembling over the album and Linkin Park came and stole the ANGSTROCK!!!!!!!1111111111 crown. And that's not been as successful as it is right now either. Right now it's all about "punk" bands talking about how against the establishment they are while airing hourly on MTV.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    New Limp Bizkit Reviewed

    Eh.. The Mania 19 song is gone. I guess I got to hear the only live performance of that. Whoopie.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX 9/26 Internet Presale

    Oh foo. WM XX tickets are meant for scalping!