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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Exactly. And there's going to have to be some world-class spinning going on to turn this election from the war to gay marriage.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Lesnar possibly injured...

    Assuming Angle retains, Benoit or Ultimo would be awesome. Shit, if I were Ultimo, I'd put my job on the line for that spot. "If you aren't a believer after this match, then you might as well let me go" and all that. Then again, in the less competitive and more corporate realm of the WWE locker room, that would be interpreted as a "morale problem."
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Lesnar possibly injured...

    There was also a bad knee at the time too, I think. I remember we were all blown away by that, as well as the guy doing a match like normal with blood practically shooting out the back of his head.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Is McClintock the spoiler for Schwarzenegger?

    If I was a politician and had to deal with $50 bill of overspending, I wouldn't care who was screwing who as long as they were human and of proper age.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    RIP Johnny Cash

    CNN just announced his death.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    A New York 12 year old sued for file swapping

    The highest cort in the whole land said it wasn't. What part of that do you not understand? If Microsoft can be investigated for monopolies, surely the RIAA should be. I've already went on about how the labels would actually have to compete like companies sharing the same market do, but appearantly that's irrelevant and we should keep shelling out $16 for CDs to an organization that flies in the face of the capitalist principle of free market. Was your ancestor the guy who was on the sidelines at the Boston Tea Party and telling everyone what they were doing was wrong? Thanks for inserting arguable views that have little to no relevance into the thread. I have little love for rap, but on other boards, this would be called trolling. Whatever. This example is simply appalling. But there is no license. What you buy when you pay for the hotel room is the trust that they won't throw you out of it and the usage of the facilities therein, as well as maid service and other things that wouldn't be impacted by our example. There's an actual agreement which has been proven in court to be legally binding. That's not the same thing. No, you aren't. They have the right not to provide any service to any customer for any reason. However, if you feel you were denied unfairly and the judge agrees with you, you can reclaim your damages. However, having a movie ticket is no way legal immunity from them being able to remove you from their property. You are seriously deluded. Your delusions have caused you to lose the debate, whether you care to admit to it or not.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Oh please. This is an issue that, in time, will be looked back upon as simply and constitutionally protected as giving women voting power, and our children's children and their children will wonder why we didn't stop bickering and just get it done sooner. Three words: Faith-Based Organizations.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Ben and JLo call it quits

    I couldn't even think of these two without immediately wondering "Why does this guy want Puff Daddy's seconds so badly?" At least we don't have to endure Gigli 2.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Changing the Rules of War

    That makes sense. Interesting.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Hey, Xbox Live users

    Go to the Xbox Live section without a game in your system. The new dashboard interface is here.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Changing the Rules of War

    On one hand, we are the United States. Although we're tough as nails, we do not act as barbarians even when our opposition do (go read the tales from the captured Hussein bodyguards. There's some truly gruesome asasassinations in there.) There are some minor exceptions, such as refusing to sign the landmine treaty (why is this, are landmines THAT effective in today's warfare?) Act One risks actually making more terrorists. However, they're disorganized terrorists. Act Two requires more work than we alone can provide, as we're finding in Iraq. It's very hard to bring a country into civilzation when many people who live there simply have nothing. Act Three... Well, I don't know. I'm generally against the United States having special rights in privelages in war simply because their arsenal is larger than anybody else's. If fleshed out, I guess it wouldn't be that bad.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    I enjoy how these security guards can take three Bret Kicks Of Death and five Jackhammers and keep getting up. Why did I bother to play revenge as Fuck Goldberg? Ah well.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    Well, actually, in XIX you usually have to start for a while doing regular moves to build up a finisher. There was about seven times in all one of the guys activated turned on their finisher power (you activate it and have to hit it in a few seconds) but didn't actually hit the guy with it. They went at it for a good 10 minutes before the finisher crazyness started. As the match wore on and both guys started wearing out, they got a free finisher for kicking out at the very last second just when it seemed they were done for. They just kept kicking out of EVERYTHING they could throw at each other and as a result a lot of finishers piled up.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    That's what I thought last time, and Bush put on his usual sputtering speech that has about all the grace of a plane spiraling out of the air in flames, but Gore still managed to do worse and actually lose. Are you sure you're not mistaking Dean for Kucinich? Dean's never said anything about leaving Iraq (I don't think, correct me if I'm wrong), but he has said we need international help and, indeed, needed it in the first place. Kucinich just wants to totally withdraw all U.S. troops and go home and leave Iraq on the UN's doorstep to deal with. I can't necessarily say that position would win hearts and votes either. Problem is that those guys haven't been so successful at debating even their own peers, let alone Bush. Dean had the right idea going to try and woo that Clark guy for Veep, as most every successful ticket has a southerner on it, although he seems determined to let the time to the primaries tick away while he hems and haws on running. Of course, I don't necessarily think conservatives are suddently some kind of new hip trend or something. People want to see sand dunes explode after 9/11. I'm not calling them stupid for that, I wanted to see it too. Bush basically gave them what they wanted and now he's gone from the guy all the late-night jesters would pick on incessantly to some kind of political supergenius and hero to all. I can't believe that. Frankly, I think Barney The Dog, if President, could have gotten a 90% approval rating after 9/11 once the B-52s started making their rounds in Afghanistan.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

    Sweet Dear God. I just watched the CPUs put on a MOTYC between Rock and HHH with the WM set, normal match. By the time the match was done both guys were holding their heads and blading. Rock kicked out of about two Pedigrees, NO SELL KIP UP out of another, HHH kicked out of three Rock Bottoms. It ended with HHH giving Rock a Pedigree on the outside, Rock getting up and giving HHH a Pedigree followed by a Rock Bottom on the outside, then tossing him in for one more Rock Bottom win the thing. The match went on for about 17 minutes. Holy shit.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    That because of who the Dems ran. Everyone saw Gore and Bush and said "Damnit, this is the same damn guy. I guess I won't vote for either of them." Unless Lieberman wins the primary, in which case yeah I guess it could be 2000 all over again.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Actually, I was talking about registered Dems. Bush has been 98% along the Republican party line. Centerist Democrats, the left, and the far-left have no reason to vote for the guy (well, the last one never did, but anyway.) You don't have to win "The Democratic Wing Of The Democratic Party," but what about the rest of them?
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Offical Cali Recall Poll

    I see an Arnold campaign slogan: "Drop the Chulupa!"
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Offical Cali Recall Poll

    Hey, Arnold couldn't get himself a single vote on week 2. I take offense to they've moved Lt. Governor Bustamante from the Grilled Stuft Burrito to the Chalupa. His work in week 1 is now a simple N/A. Unfair, I say.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Where are the WMDs? Either they're not there, or they've been moved away and are STILL going to be used against us. That will be THE issue right there when the election starts. Although this president is popular (which may be enough to simply get people tired of seeing him) he hasn't suddently made many Dems question their party affiliation because of his rhetoric. Tell me what President Bush has done to appeal to Democratic voters and then we can debate this airtight chance of victory you seem to think he holds.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX 9/26 Internet Presale

    This must be repeated. I only went there for WrestleMania, but I was blown away by what I saw. It's like S.F., but with wider streets and less homeless people. Granted, I never got to see outside of downtown, so I don't know what the average Seattlite's house would look like, but oh well.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    If Huricane Isabel causes a lot of damage next wk

    Okay. Not really a dumb question if you live over here where the only danger is the occasional earthquake. Everytime a hurricane goes through that area that's particularly deadly, newscaster grimly give damage numbers while helicopters send pictures of blocks after blocks looking like they've experienced armageddon, going all the way into the horizon. So, for those of us who don't know anything about Florida, one wonders why all the touristy shit doesn't get damaged as much.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

    Aw, and I was really looking forward to that Shane/Eric staredown cover, too.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    WrestleMania XX 9/26 Internet Presale

    It's a combination of being all west-side and looking down a long plane flight, and a dislike of big crowded cities like NYC where the buildings are usually made before roads existed. San Fran has this problem too, I'll admit. Seeing four lanes of traffic trying to squeeze into 15 feet isn't fun, and also trying to visit on a budget can be hazardous to your health, shall we say. There's more than enough ghettos to accidentally wind up in.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Bush approval sinks to 52%

    Money don't mean anything if people are sick of the guy, and it's slowly happening. Even if people don't think he's a disaster as Prez, he has done so many TV appearances and speeches about absolutely nothing like the recent one that people may be reacting negatively. Give Bill Clinton some credit, unless it revolved around sex or scandal, you only occasionally saw him on TV. Problem was that Clinton's scandals went on FOREVER, and the right's point-and-laugh routines over crap like Hillary's psychic was stupid and giving them needless attention. Even recently, I saw The Media Whore interview a dietician in his "No-Spin Zone" just to talk about the Clintons' diets. Geesh. And Tyler's right about the economy part. Blame Clinton if you want to (it did start spiraling out of control around the time he became a lame duck) but 9/11? No. We were already at The Bad Times. At least those of us who's livelyhoods depended on Silicon Valley.