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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Vince has really done it now

    I doubt it. With the big media ban and everything, I suspect this is just a work. This kind of information just isn't gonna leak out there anymore. Either that or it's sour grapes by a worker. Yeah, yeah, apologist blah blah blah, but this is just too easy to call bullshit.
  2. I was out on vacation all of last week, and in the past few days I've been hitting the binaries newsgroup like a demon to catch up. After watching two RAWs, a SmackDown, and a PPV, these are my opinions on recent events. * FUCK GOLDBERG. I am so glad he didn't win! I don't care if they finally managed to get him over properly (and it will probably fall apart once they leave old WCW territories again and go to some place like Canada) the fact remains that there's some people here who want to switch champs from The Guy With Ten Moves to The Guy With Two Moves. That makes no fucking sense to me. If you like matches that last longer than 45 seconds, boring or not, you want HHH over Fuck Goldberg. * Somebody give the fucking Raw belt to Jericho already. * Kane + Dumpster = HHH no-selling death 2003 * Lesnar is dead. I know he needed to be taken out of the main events, but hopefully it would have been done by distracting him out of the title race into a feud with a midcarder. The "you just made him even angrier" thing works except that he just jobbed again two shows in a row. He needs to turn into Donkey Kong again and go ballistic on someone like Benoit (not Gimp Gowan for chrissakes) to regain his monster status and then feud with a money name when the time comes again. * How many Eric Bischoff matches in a year do we really need?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    So I've been catching up, and I gotta say...

    Goldberg vs Lance Storm = 1:06 according to Keith AndrewTS: Oh come on. You don't think he'll keep threatening to walk out the door when the belt is around his waist? Ghettoman: He's got the generic power offense, but I don't count that because even Mark Henry has that. HHH has a number of offensive moves that are distinctly his. Instead of just the Pedigree and the usual array of spinebusters and DDTs, he has the figure four (okay, so it's just supposed to show inheritance from Flair, but it's not like Flair is really using it anymore), USING THE KNEE~!!!!, was using the Indian Deathlock for a while (even though it failed to interest the crowds), etc. He's been changing his moves for a while now. Goldberg still does the same shit he does in WCW. That's because his whole fucking aura is "Hey, remember the stuff I did in WCW?" We've even admitted that when Vince changes things like his pants, his music, etc that it ruins the main reason to sign him. Why should a guy like that be champ? Mr. Jag0 Overexposure risk. He just had the biggest lame duck champ run since Jericho. Crowds might get sick of seeing him hanging with Kurt has not only pinned Brock, made Brock tap, and beaten three guys at once that Brock couldn't (Big Show and Not Team Angle in a handicap match) that it's actually MORE embarassing than when DK was steamrolling the Angle faction leading to WM.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    So why didn't Kane just....

    As comedian and candidate for California governor Gallagher says, "It's about style!"
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Buffet Mania!

    I know this thread is a little old (whoo one day), but I just came back from Vegas and BUFFET BABY YEAH... I mean... Er, it was quite good. Where else can you get cheeseburgers in your buffet?
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Bill Simon drops out of recall race

    Well, the official Arnold thread turned into a big-ass abortion debate, so I'll make a new thread for this, I guess. http://sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n...1234EDT0050.DTL Ah, Bill Simon.... A tale, for those of you who don't live here. Bill Simon's last campaign was actually quite humorous. Simon was the more social Conservative who beat L.A. mayor Richard Riordan in the GOP primaries out of blind luck in 2002 and got burned in the November election. It started innocently enough. A letter from the Simon campaign to the Log Cabin Republicans, a group for gay conservatives, stated that he'd endorse gay marriage. Word got out and some of the fundamentalists donators raised a stink, and Simon then claimed he never signed or agreed to any such thing in the first place, and his position on the issue was to simply not repeal any current gay rights laws. His campaign advisor Sal Russo (who now works on someone else's campaign) took full responsibility for the mishap, but the Log Cabin group still felt betrayed. Simon went on about his business record and how the state ought to be run like a business until an investigation into his own business practices in the middle of the whole corporate crime bust turned up that a big business partner of his was well-documented as one of the state's largest drug-dealers. This came RIGHT after he campaigned about being tough on drugs, of course. Simon claimed he had no clue of his partner's dealings and the judge eventually threw the case out and said Simon did no wrongdoing. Simon brought in ads of Rudy Giulianni kissing ass and talking about what a great governor Bill would be, blah blah blah. Rudy was supposed to come here and stump for Simon as well (he came last year but the two were not even seen together, the visit was mostly to advertise "Leadership," his book) and that's quite sad really as I rather like Rudy and it's political russian roulette to associate with a guy like this. Oh well. Simon then stated that he had a picture of Davis taking a campaign contribution in the Governor's office, which is illegal. After some research it turned out the picture wasn't taken there at all and the guy who made the contribution was more than a little upset that he had been unjustly claimed of breaking the law. Simon started running ads where he claimed "I'm not perfect" and told the viewer that he's at least not as bad as Davis is. Seriously. Being the lesser of two evils became the focus of his campaign. As you could imagine, the competition between those two resulted in one of the lowest turnouts in California history. Go, Arnold, go!
  7. Jobber of the Week

    What Has Everyone Got Against Nash

    Why Does Everyone Hate Kevin Nash He Is One Of The Most Talented Wrestlers Of All Time? http://imdb.com/name/nm0621760/board/nest/2470201
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Soul Calibur II

    No, it's still proven fact. Now all we know is that you have bad taste, too. Black and white really aren't meant to be primary buttons, that's why they're different shape/size. Because the Xbox uses analog triggers with spring instead of the PS2's buttons along the top, they can't have four buttons up there. So instead they have two triggers and two buttons on the controller face. The only time I've ever seen a game where white or black are critical to gameplay is Agent Under Fire. And thanks to that game's shitty-ass control scheme, playing it on the S controller doesn't work.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The One and Only Smackdown! HCTP Thread

    IGN has an Elimination Chamber video emulating tonight's PPV for paying customers. Although I could deal without the IGN dudes trying to show how smart they are by going on about the clique and HHH/Steph, etc, the video itself is pretty good. All the location damage seems to be there, and the loud "THUMP" and red flash that occurs when someone starts bleeding took me by suprise.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    What Has Everyone Got Against Nash

    Actually, we could stand to no-sell more of the trolls here, really. Besides, I used to love the guys who insisted HHH was all-natural and the guys who talked about how Nash wasn't pushed enough. The guys who were intentionally taking sides 180 of almost every smark out there just to piss us off. Now what we have is a bunch of repeatative trolls stirring up the same old shit.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Oh, Dear God...

    Sweet jesus. I was hoping this would be a house show. Trish and Molly are busy, so they're out. She'd have to carry Gail Kim, so she's out. And Skinny Bitch is too good to be true. My guess is Jackie Gayda. Oh dear god.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Take 1 Part Patriot Act 2 + 1 part War On Drugs

    They'll also be crowded! Unfortunately, do to the threats of terrorism, Gee Dub hasn't had the chance to do his latest spring cleaning of our nation's jails like he so enjoyed in Texas. Too bad. There's one murderous cretin on death row who's affected my life personally that I'd like to see roasted.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Pedophile Priest Murdered

    Our local sex abuser priest (raped 13 and 14 year old girls) had all his charges dropped as the Supreme Court chucked out our state law that was used to convict him. Can't win em all, I guess. =( Oh well, at least he's still serving his sentence for assaulting a newspaper reporter.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    The line about stoning virgins I'm not sure about, it just came about from an arguement The Media Whore got into with a fundie from CWA (hey, a time the Whore actually did some good. Amazing.) The sorceress bit is from Exodus. Whether that's an "official Catholic Church teaching" or not is a straw man. Your arguement was that the ethics of the Bible is the basis of our laws. I could find more, but I leave for another trip tomorrow (hey, it's free) and won't be back until September 1st. I suspect the monument will be gone and this issue will have died down by that point.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Theme song of the day - John Cena (current)

    Hey Eagan: In the future, use the My Webspace at Netscape.com.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    Well congratulations! I guess it's A-OK if we stone virgins in the town square and execute anything resembling a "sorceress."
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News sues Franken

    Well then you're watching BIASED news! OMG! Come on over to the only unbiased media outlet in the whole world (they said so!) When I first started watching I was blown away by just how many things can be blamed on Bill Clinton that are just faintly related to him! Thanks, Fox News!
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Ultimate Warrior MAY Return Again!!

    I'd laugh, but after that Road Warriors cameo, I'm actually kind of scared. I thought the Attitude era "good guys who aren't afraid to act like bad guys to win" thing had sealed the fate of guys like Hogan, Warrior, LOD, etc.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Invasion vs Goldberg

    I think it was mostly at first because he looked like a young Shawn Michaels or something. I really really doubt that RVD had arenas full of people who knew what he was at that stage.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    I guess I can scour for direct quotes if you want, but in the last page I mentioned he did not install this a symbol of justice, but as a way of worshipping his God. In that case, it's perfectly acceptable for his superiors in the system of checks and balances to step in and say "Whoa, you're abusing your position to decorate the courthouse. That has to go." We've talked about the various ways this could be purely symbolic and therefore legal, but he's opened his big mouth and taken the more controversial route. He's also refused to accept the validity of other religions in this aspect: http://www.au.org/churchstate/cs12021.htm I'm not going to deny that this link isn't biased in the matter (they even say they were part of the people filing suit against Moore), but to the article's credit it makes direct quotes from the case: Here's more regarding the legality of it all: http://www.everythingchristian.org/news/ps...id=2108&catid=2
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    Well, the first two are written by The Media Whore, so I'm going to have to hope that the others provide less spin than Mr. No-Spin. The next two are about 1998 while the Whore's is dated 2002, but whatever. Limited Government link talks about a "community center" but provides no info as to exactly what it is and whether it's city-controlled or a private enterprise. NewsMax link is all about city displays. The only one that seems odd to me is the Texas one about "The REAL reason for the season," as that sounds tackier than some Santa and reindeer, but little information is provided about the case itself. My assumption is that the nativity was owned by someone and the city gave them the room to display it, so the Atheist wanted equal time for his own display as well. The Fairfax County, VA bit also sounds ridiculous, but since it's only source is word of mouth to the author, there's no way to validate that as fact. My schools have used the phrase "winter break" since as long as I can remember. It was never meant to avoid an ACLU lawsuit, but simply to be nice to the kids who's families don't celebrate Christmas. ukrweekly.com article: It's hard to take the author seriously when he at first complains about public school recitals changing their song list. Appearantly, the removal of these songs are entirely about the ACLU trying to sue people. Not a single one of them is because maybe the school administration decided it would be the best solution to not exclude students of other cultures. There ARE a lot more of those than there were in the 1950s. The article by lc.org pretty much explains it all out to you. If taxpayers are going to afford to buy and put up a nativity scene on public land, there should be equal room for other decorations of general holiday nature. Taxpayers who don't believe in the message that nativity scene sends shoudln't be spending money on that, so to make it easier regular Santa/Reindeer style displays are given as much room. I mean, really, you're telling me that you wouldn't mind if your local government filled up public land with a celebration of, say, Kwanzaa, and nothing else, and you were partially footing the bill?
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    *sigh* No. This country was founded on the belief that there is a creator. As for what creator to worship, the founding fathers left that up to the people to decide for their own. Don't forget the ancestors came over here so they could practice whatever religion they wanted to. But they don't HAVE to. But they are symbolic. Moore is one of these "What Would Jesus Do?" types that is taking this very literally. In fact, we've talked about how this monument would be largely symbolic if it weren't that he has made it quite clear that he considers the monument a form of worship instead of a form of symbolism. And as you sort of stated below that quote, just saying "God" in a general context does not explicitly imply THAT God. If I said "Dear Christ in Heaven," then I'm yes that narrows it down to that one God. But to say "Dear God" could mean whatever God I believe in, be it THAT God, or Budha, or Allah, or whatever. The problem is not only that pesky first amendment which specifically imples the Judeo-Christian God as the only real God, but also that it's owned and been put there by a guy who's going around the bend on this. He is not simply saying "This is a symbol of justice," he's specifically outlined it as recognition of his faith. Bring me a source on that. I can't believe that could happen if you own the property it's placed on. And again, we've discussed this angle, too. Alabamans from all around are paying for Moore to "acknowledge God." Maybe the majority of those folks don't want to.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    These people are putting their sense of religion over their sense of country. It's not inconceivable they'd put it over sense of job, too. Although, FWIW, there's some really well-off people over there. You might remember Alan Keyes from his MSNBC show "Alan Keyes is Making Sense" which died a quick death against FNC, although the predictable groups are blaming a vast left-wing conspiracy for pressuring it off the air. Bullshit, as proven how Michael Savage lasted months until falling on his own sword, but anyway... Jerry Falwell is over there, and his organization makes a lot of money. I would be shocked if Pat Robertson wasn't over there too, and he made billions when Saban Entertainment (the Power Rangers people) bought his Family Channel network years ago (that network is now owned by Disney and still runs Robertson's 700 Club program as part of a contract so tight even Disney can't get out of it.) Religious Right = Living large and in charge
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments monument controversy

    The lawsuit over the plaques by the ACLU were in 1995. They were chucked out over lack of any kind of substantial evidence. There have been lawsuits in the past year or so that are different. Here's a big PDF on the recent one, Moore vs Glassroth And also, some commentary on the monument itself, since we've discussed the religious implications of it all: http://atheism.about.com/library/decisions...ssrothMoore.htm
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News sues Franken

    Uh.. Why? They're just selling more books, Al has the legal high ground with the parody defense, they tried and lost once, and they're hardly fair nor balanced. I mean, jesus christ... In other words, he's casting doubt as to whether they can even do that or not. FNC would be best just to shut the hell up and just take cheap digs at Franken on Fox & Friends or something, or else they risk losing their trademark. Then they'd have to try and think up some other catchphrase to repeat every 10 minutes.