Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Carlito? Doesn't even have a finisher. I don't think Shawn can make a star. The ultimate question of whether someone can make a star is if you have a new guy, that nobody's ever seen before, run into the ring and just beat the shit out of the guy and go over him clean, does he become a star? I don't think anyone would be impressed if some rookie ran in and beat Shawn clean. No, the only guys left who have that are HHH and Hogan.
I think the best they can do for Eugene is have him get brutally "injured" and everyone just assumes it's the end of the character and that the guy could possibly get cut any week now. Months later, a mystery reveal angle is pulled which plays him up as an intelligent wiley heel after said beating.
I like what Lewis Black says in one of his routines. They should use federal funds and go out into some flat part of the country and build A Big Fucking Thing. And then advertise it for all it's worth on TV, and people will come from miles around to see the Big Fucking Thing, and people will soon set up a Big Fucking Thing hotel, and a Big Fucking Thing restaurant, and a Big Fucking Thing gift shop that sells Big Fucking Thing t-shirts. That'll do something to boost the economy. The same principle applied (in part) with Hoover Dam.
I'd say, "Sounds like another awful shock angle killed, hopefully never to return." Seriously, angles like this are bad shit, especially this one since they forever taint the people associated with it. People still talk about Sgt Slaughter the sympathizer, and he got death threats at the time. That Mark went through with this angle proves that he's either dumb, desperate, or deep down inside beats the heart of a company man.
Really? Damn, how the hell did he make it out alive?
I don't know, I almost thought they were halfway to DX-era with that Larry King segment. You know, still a fan favorite, but a rude bastard instead of kissing babies and thanking God.
Shawn has become Smark Promo God again, reminds me of his "no, that offends me as a wrestling fan" promo that got everyone excited. If Shawn truly goes back to the "old" character again, then I'll mark for him. On the other hand, if it's half-assed and he's still doing Jesus poses and he goes back to being a good guy the very next night after seeing who's the better man, then I won't.
Using that logic, Freddie Blassie never left because he appeared on Raw for various skits skits, including one days before passing away. "You and the WWF have something in common, you're both about to DIE!" That was sure a tasteful promo in hindsight.
That's unfair, Hillary's a woman. If Hillary wins, then I fucking hope they use McCain because at this point the establishment is so neo-con that a desperation move is the only way he'll get the chance at it. I'd be in a fucking wonderland if we had someone like McCain instead of "RAAR! EVOLUSHUN IS JUST AN OPINON! DECLINE OF MORAL SOCIETY! CULTURE OF LIFE! FIGHT BATTLE LIKE IT'S LIFE OR DEATH AGAINST THE LIB COMMIES!" And I'd also prefer him over the opposite "REPUBLICANS LIKE TO BURN BLACK CHURCHES AND HANG ARABS BY THEIR TESTES SO THEY ARE EVIL AND PROMOTE HATE OMG," too.
Masculinity, who needs it? While there's a couple guys with muscular bodies I admire (none of them associated with wrestling, most of them related to soft-core porn) I prefer guys with thin bodies and looks that could easily cause gender confusion if they tried.
I think what he means is that she's so ultra-liberal that she goes around the bend and becomes ultra-conservative. Things like bringing an investigation of Grand Theft Auto before Congress put her hand in hand with the whackjob "conservatives" who think we need the nanny state to look after us and make sure we all stay Christian and keep our upstanding morals. On the other hand, Zell Miller would be "a very conservative Democrat."
Those Koreans really hate Japan don't they?
Jobber of the Week replied to MrRant's topic in Current Events
What the fuck are you guys talking about. That does it, it sounds like a damned sci-fi/fantasy convention in here. *leaves* -
Like I said before, they're still pissing in the wind, but now they're pissing on the people in the other direction, which is just incredible. Conservatives have always been somewhere between "feh" and "oh, screw those guys" when it comes to Westboro Baptist, but now Phelps is taunting them, too. You disrespect people for serving in the military, and you're going to have the O'Reillys and Hannitys and More Patriotic Than Thou types on your ass. Which is kind of funny, because I picture this big curbstomp where the Gay Activist crowd and the FreeRepublic/MikeSC/Fiercely Pro-Military crowd work together in the beat down.
They need to figure out who's going to be playing the heel, and fast. If Batista's going to be the heel, then he needs to start taking on faces RIGHT NOW, first as the "champion who takes on all comers" but eventually turn heel. Brock should go to Smackdown and will have to DESTROY JBL and go clean over Taker, preferably kicking out of a Tombstone, to look a threat to Dave. If Lesnar is playing the heel, do the "this guy doesn't have a contract!" spiel we've talked about before. Brock Lesnar: Unofficial WWE Wrestler. Have him attack Cena at some point in an "unsanctioned" fight and put Cena out for a week, escaping when the rest of the Raw locker room comes out to rush him at once. Then the story line is "Hey Dave, I can't get any competition on this show, why don't we go one on one? And why don't you put that hunk of gold on the line, too?" Lesnar as the "unofficial" chapmion who refuses to give the belt back (perhaps do the Ric Flair routine of distorting the belt?) would rock for a couple months.
Crowd Reaction: 60% Actual Content: 0% Overall: 30% *KNK* has lost overness from this thread. PS: They're not going to make fun of straight edgers when half the ads on Raw are "DON'T DO POT AND PEOPLE WHO MAKE CIGS ARE TRYING TO KILL YOU TRUTH DOT COM!"
I don't really agree with that, but even if you want to play it that way, it still is bullshit. Like Alberto Gonzales said, the US can technically get away with torture. Doesn't mean we should. Doesn't mean intentionally holding these guys without any kind of trial date is a good move after all this bravado about "bringing the terrorists to justice." The fact of the matter is that we're no longer playing by the book and it's hard to ask other countries to give respect to do so in the future, especially when you wrote the damn book. re terrorist profiling, you need to check all sorts of people because terrorists come in so many forms. Make it known that there is nothing uniform that shouts "check" and "don't check" because it's foolish at best and going to be exploited by the enemy at worst. Otherwise, we're going to look stupid when six months of searching Muslims brings up nothing and Tim McVeigh's Biggest Fan drives a flaming truck into a government office.
Here's a story for everyone in a thread: There's this guy, you see. He owns a team. He's kind of a moron, but everybody thinks he's a nice guy even when he's in over his head. He looks in the other direction while Palmiero shoots up and suddently becomes a star player and some seats are filled. The dimwit from before goes on to ramble about how the MLB needs to do more about steroid testing in State of the Union addresses. His former employee goes to Congress to lie about his steroid use. The MLB actually does something by testing him positive. I know that this borderline political rant but since Washington's hammering on the league to clean up is an important issue in this whole thing, I have to point out the irony.
You forgot about the part where fighting terrorism intelligently is a bad strategy because it fails to address the fact that they could be attacking us any second now. Go go, knee-jerk reaction. My favorite part was the part where "liberals want (x)" like "liberals want Guantanimo shut down." This liberal just wants the wheels of trials and due process to start moving.
If they aren't white... it's alright.
Jobber of the Week replied to MrRant's topic in Current Events
I disagree. "Beating down straightedge people repeatedly" is the new "beating down Trekkies repeatedly." -
If they aren't white... it's alright.
Jobber of the Week replied to MrRant's topic in Current Events
I never, NEVER expected to find drivel like that on a web site called tolerance.org -
EDIT: Damnit, meant to put a question mark at the end of that title. Mods? http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?.../w182142D96.DTL The rest of the article is just a timeline of the Plame thing. Gee, John, forgot you had anything to do with that whole ordeal, huh?
Someone has an agenda to grind. The fact of the matter is that NASA only just recently found out about this problem. Just becuase they only found out it's there a few years ago doesn't mean it didn't exist before then. The only difference is someone has decided to put cameras on-board pointing at things that can go wrong. The shuttles, although they need some kind of successor before they tear themselves apart, have been flying missions for 25 years with no evidence that this kind of thing hasn't happened regularly over and over during that time. Due to the right combination of heat and weakened shielding, Columbia did what it did. As unfortunate as it may be, it must be filed into the category of "shit happens" because the greatest scientific minds in the world may have been wrong, or maybe they weren't, but at the end of the day the job of the astronaut is to accept that the highly intelligent people on the ground have plotted out the best course of action and go about pulling it off. There's no evidence that a similar incident involving foam hitting a place is going to = dead crew. This very well could have been happening for years, on dozens of successful flights.
Cena is much more over. More over at WrestleMania (although the absolutely shitty match with the out of nowhere finish that people thought was a botch kind of killed his heat) and more over at Vengeance, from my experience at both shows. However, I see Batista as a more long-term champ because he's a big guy who busts shit up, and that's what Vince likes. I can see him turning even before dropping the belt because if there's anything he likes more than a big champ, it's a big heel champ.
What I find worse is when it's the singer and the whatever band. Usually this happens because the singer has either been kicked out or dumped a whole bunch of bands. Like, for example, Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band. I think he even mentioned once that this was his last band and if it screws up, then he's just not going to get another.
Yes. No. Dean's opinions on some issues such as gun control or death penalty may be different from the far-left platform, but he's just as loud and proud about his positions as all the other partisans are. "Moderate" implies that you listen and give thought to a dissenting opinion, and I've never really seen Dean do that other than change his death penalty position from "you might kill an innocent" to "these victims deserve justice."