Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Vengeance estimated buyrate
Jobber of the Week replied to Prophet of Mike Zagurski's topic in The WWE Folder
Meltzer > Scherer, okay guys? I don't think they're even worried about ECW nostalgia trumping the sales of their current product, especially with that WrestleMania buyrate that they got this year. And, ONS still did excellent by their own expectations, which was that 250,000 would be a success. Everyone here keeps smelling conspiracy because someone put on their rose colored glasses and released that bullshit approx 1mil figure two days after the show, and Meltzer simply replied to that bullshit with "Well, it could be, but it might not be, I can't say" which was as honest as he could be. -
Cripple H is never going to take a Pepsi Plunge. Too much stress on his knees and besides, legs seem to be the Clique's weakness.
the one who leaked CIA op's name to Novak was....
Jobber of the Week replied to bobobrazil1984's topic in Current Events
They kind of did themselves in on that "I'd fire anyone..." line, though, and now they're trying to make build evidence so they can say "Well, you know, you DID say that..." Granted, anything that takes Karl Rove out of politics is a good thing for the tone of politics. He's led some radical wing of the right to take over the Republican party, turning them into this ultra-competitive, ultra-vicious atmosphere where winning elections is a life-and-death battle and listening to the other side or coming up with compromises is something only pussies do. As a supporter of reasonable debate, I support this whole "kicking the shit out of him through news stories and revelations" thing. More important than that is this: Now that this is out there, you may see some sort of about-face where the White House places the blame on Novak. -
And you thought Jessica Simpson was the biggest dumbass in music. http://uk.news.yahoo.com/050707/325/fmw5r.html I almost threw this into General Chat for it's absurdist quotient, but figured it was possible more people in Music would know who this guy is, if any.
POLITICAL FUELED ANGLES SUCK. Politics and religion are two things you never discuss at a dinner party. Why? Because many people see the issues as important, life-or-death, with-us-or-against-us quality stuff, and it doesn't make any friends to just turn off the people who will inevitably disagree with what you say. Ditto to wrestling. POLITICAL ANGLES SUCK. They sucked with the sympathizer angle, they sucked when Test and Christian were trying to burn flags, they sucked with La Resistance and the expanded "omg neone who doesn't want us to kick ass in Iraq is an enemy" message, and they sucked with JBL calling people tree-huggers who will be responsible for us all speaking Spanish in 25 years. They've even sucked with the "queers should be made fun of at all times" angles that go all the way back to the days of black & white wrestling telecasts. POLITICAL. ANGLES. SUCK. Especially since half the country has gotten more progressive over the past 30 years and most of Vince's political opinions still resonate with the trailer trash crowd. I think he's somewhere between Mississippi and Alabama when it comes to politics. No tears will be shed when this one is put to bed for costing Vince viewership and/or advertising dollars.
Rather than complain about suicide bombers and targeting non-combatants, we just need to understand them better. Maybe if we just stop having a cow about government-sponsored beheadings and targeting non-combatants and just say "Hey, it's part of their culture," all the weird tension we have with the Muslim world will just disappear, just like the many hands they chop off for stealing. GOARIDHOUSTHSUGHUISLGHLSUIDFHSLIUDFH Goddamnit, why did I click "show this post?" I am never going to take that risk again.
ABC News station here played a clip of some official trying to calm people down while dodging questions. Then he says: "This is the biggest attack in the history of England." Way to forget about the blitzkreig, fella. Al-Qaeda ain't got nothing on the Luftwaffe.
Matt Hardy backstage at RAW tonight
Jobber of the Week replied to LucharesuFan619's topic in The WWE Folder
I'd put a question mark on this one. The source is something I've never heard of before. -
You know, after all this talk recently about embryos and what they are and, more to the point, what they aren't, that people would begin to see this whole "life begins at conception" thing as fraudulent, or at least scientifically dishonest. This conversation is supposedly about whether or not there's a fundamental right to an abortion, but it seems to be going on more and more about what is alive, and far from about why the constitutional DOESN'T guarantee abortion rights, but why the constitution allegedly outlaws abortion. Myself, I'm in the middle. I don't think it should be a guaranteed yes or a guaranteed no, it's one of those things that is open to discussion and were opinions may sway with the flow of time.
Wow. So it really doesn't have to be true to be made law. And that, I think, is where a lot of people get the heebie-jeebies about letting states decide possible life and death matters. Or government at all, but at least the higher governments appeal to a larger variety of constituents.
AW GAWD MY BRANE HURTZ. Everything that doesn't have the ability to declare it's intentions for life and death is protected by the state? Great, now I'm going to have to deal with the state when I want to put my cat to sleep. And don't tell me something like that won't come up, because that kind of strict unconditional "in all cases" law is the kind of thing that's an easy target for those who want to abuse, exploit, and expand powers. I see it exactly as I do animals, actually. I accept it but only when it's done as humanely as possible. That's why I don't support PBAs, nor do I support taking Yeller out back and blasting him with the shotgun. In the case of abortions, when it's too late in the pregnancy to go with the humane method, that's when I say "You fucked up, now you'll pay the price."
Holy cow. You'd think the feeling of virgin ass would get a tad tiring after something around the eight thousandth time. And what the hell, nobody knew about his record of being exiled from various states and nations for sucking off six year olds, because he declined to offer that informatin to the Megan's Law database. That's the kind of retardation that appears when people who complain about "the government snooping into our lives" go too far. So, is NAMBLA going to assemble a legal defense fund for this guy or what?
HAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA. Okay, ideally, we'd all be able to come to an agreement about what is and isn't life, but it's clear that time and time again we aren't able to. If you leave this interest to the state, however, it will judge in whatever way most pleases, not you, but the state. And we'd still have Terri Schiavo's shit filling up our screen. Like the saying goes, "The Republicans want to tell you what you can and can't do with your own body. The Democrats want to tell you what you can and can't do with everything else BUT your own body."
New TVs give HDMI/DVI their own input.
omg fix't.
Anyone who wants to bitch about Brock leaving or pissing on wrestling or doing something that he was bound to fail instead of sticking around needs to remember one thing first: Loyalty to Vince McMahon almost never gets anybody ahead. Please go ask Bret Hart about this if you won't believe it. Even if he left to go move to Hawaii and take cooking lessons on making meals with SPAM, I wouldn't have held it against the guy because this is not a company that will make anyone sacred out of loyalty. The most you'll get is to be booked in a way that protects your job security until you're past your due date, ala Undertaker. But should people ever stop reacting to a guy no-selling and sitting up from powerbombs, then that dog is taken out to the backyard to get shot.
Do you like WWE.com's new approach?
Jobber of the Week replied to Exslade ZX's topic in The WWE Folder
Not really. The whole thing doesn't make very much sense at all anymore. Richards is upset is because Bradshaw beat up Meanie. But isn't the point of wrestling that the other guy gets beaten up? But then that's just kayfabe, but the fact that he wasn't careful is now part of a storyline but... So Richards beat up Bradshaw in a storyline as revenge for a stiff shot, in an angle that basically says "Storyline beatdowns shouldn't hurt as much?" So he gave him a storyline beatdown? What the hell? You see where I'm going here. Worked shoots are absolutely terrible for this company, since they can't figure it out right. If the storyline is that storylines as a whole are pre-planned and don't hurt much, than what's the point of even having a storyline in the first place? You just made everybody else on the show look bad by calling what they're doing phony. ECW managed to save themselves from this corner by making EVERYTHING look like a shoot, and as a result becoming an entirely new kind of work by itself. -
Do you like WWE.com's new approach?
Jobber of the Week replied to Exslade ZX's topic in The WWE Folder
I don't care. I don't consider myself some kind of elite because I read what people post from the Meltzer newsletters, and I don't need people booking towards that knowledge just to enjoy what I'm seeing. I prefer set-ups that everyone can understand, but may not want to admit it. The Edge/Lita thing is stupid to people that don't sit and read dirtsheets. But remember that kick-ass promo that Benoit cut on Austin about how Austin doesn't do much wrestling? "I'm talking about real wrestling, Steve. No chef hats, no monster trucks, no middle fingers. Do you remember what that is, Steve?" That was a great promo because anyone who has followed the show for a number of months knew that Austin matches had more style over substance and those who watched longer took the "do you remember that" line as a reference to the old days when Austin displayed more technical skill than he does in his PUNCHPUNCHSTUNNER period. That kind of subtle acknowledgement that everyone can get on some level, that's how you work towards those in the know. What they're doing now is borderline Russo WCW. -
Whoa, I guess that power of Jesus' healing bit didn't really work out that well after all.
Finally some half decent looking t-shirts
Jobber of the Week replied to BHK's topic in The WWE Folder
You know that's going to wind up on the Auction page eventually. And it's going to make a damned fortune. -
Well, I doubt Janetty will be able to do as well anywhere else. That's the one that really pisses me off. Not only because Rockers matches would have been a much-needed shot in the arm to the tag division AND because it would give Shawn something new to do again, but also because Marty stopped taking Indy bookings past a certain date for this thing and now that he's working on his last appointments they dropped him.
Wrestling isn't a sport, it's a business. Business sometimes has strange bedfellows while seeking out the ultimate goal of making another dollar. Both guys have told each other to fuck off and are pretty much even now. Lesnar managed to make a departure that left McMahon scrambling, and Vince let Brock sit there and get desperate for about eight months. NCAA matches: Angle is injured, but he always has been. The neck damage occured somewhere on the road to the Olympics. In 2003 it simply became something that he absolutely had to pay attention to. He was having these legit matches with Lesnar, Big Show, and others before then.
Donkey Kong is going to be back and doing that stupid retarded ape dance on the stage again. I love it. I just honestly hope the ring rust hasn't affected him TOO badly, because without the better matches he was putting on late in his first run, he's basically just a big stiffy stifferson with a side-order of stiff. One with a marketable look, but regardless...
While wrestling is entertainment, people are still going to get uppity if their entertainment appears to think that the customer is stupid and take it for granted. The real klutzer is that all these angles are aimed squarely at white people. Do you think blacks see Mexicans as lowlifes that mow their lawn? Do you think that Mexicans see blacks as ghetto scum without any intelligence? Do you think women of any nationality think their main purpose in life is to wear skimpy outfits and ask men if they can make babies? Really?