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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    WWE begin the releases

    Not really, I'm not sure why people say this. Test was let go and Stacy is still around. Do people get their ideas about how the business works from EWR or something? A paycheck is still a paycheck, and Kidman is so banged up that IIRC he was considering retirement anyway.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The Bubble Vince lives in

    Why not make the Mexicools faces? They're getting pops, they already have an unbeatable Latino heel in Eddie, and the whole Pacific time zone has a large enough Mexican population that they could move some shirts. It would also make the stereotypes a little more tongue-in-cheek than negative.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    WWE begin the releases

    WCW, along with virtually all of its trademarks and archived footage, was sold to McMahon and World Wrestling Federation Entertainment, Inc. for a paltry $7 million in March 2001. --Wikipedia entry for WCW.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    WWE begin the releases

    Shannon Moore was wasted so badly. What little I saw of 3 Count in WCW was I noticed that he was kind of cute in that little-guy wrestler way, and I sat around on this forum about four times and said that a Moore/Kendrick team would draw, and then later a Moore/London team when Kendrick left. Get two guys together who bump like pinballs and have that neighborhood boy charm and aren't roided monsters. Guys will pop because they kill themselves in the ring, girls will pop because they're kind of sexy compared to all the Mr. Olympia slugs in the promotion. But I guess that McMahon didn't ever bother to figure out how he was selling so much Hardys merch back in the golden age, because he failed to put 2 + 2 together. Moore's interest in putting holes in his face and Creative's lack of any kind of original idea combined to create a black hole of suck from which he couldn't return. The last time I watched Velocity, he appeared to look like The Littlest Road Warrior.
  5. I just read this thread and laughed. Zyn is so desperate to be arguementive that he's going in circles and contradicting his own logic. ROH is the greatest promotion ever and everybody knows who they are, and they suck for running "insider" angles that won't be able to draw in the casual fans they need.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Halo 2 Maptacular Pack

    These maps are eventually going to be free? Thanks, you just saved me $20 tomorrow.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    United Church of Christ Backs Gay Marriage

    EricMM: Different strokes for different folks, my man. That your church isn't one of those southern Fred Phelps style churches is A+ to me, the news just kind of makes me sigh and wish church and capitol could find enough space to exist that they aren't sharing ground.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    Okay, the context that it was written in about his speech is incorrect. Thank you for pointing that out and I wish I had noticed that before. Zogby's numbers are still considered trustworthy enough that the media spouts them off, so they certainly can be posted and dissected here as such.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Problems starting up computer

    It means it's one of the numerous programs and DLLs that activate in a full start up that's causing the problem. Safe Mode is just bare bones Windows with just enough drivers to allow you to browse around your drive and edit files. Scan for spyware, if you have an antivirus scan (dear god you should) then do one of those boot scans that scans your drive before anything can load up. If all of that turns out clean, your Windows is installation has simply fallen on it's face and needs to be reinstalled.
  10. Jobber of the Week


    Laptops can run emulators such as NES, SNES, GBA and other similar systems quite well. PlayStation and N64, no not really. And they're also not so hot for high-end PC gaming unless you're willing to blow so much money that you'd rather spend it on some better cause. I hate to dabble in computer fanboyism, but if you ever thought about trying a Macintosh, the 12" iBook is the lowest-cost Mac laptop and made really sturdy. Macs have caught up to PCs in just about everything but games, and if you're a Unix lovin' type underneath the skin of the OS is a Unix system complete with terminal prompt. They also have support for the same kinds of emulation listed above, as I play GBA games on my Mac when I'm away from my PC. Only reason I bring that up, is because even if you're not interested in a Mac at first I think it's a pain in the ass to have to keep two PCs free of viruses, spyware, etc and keep them running well. One PC is so much work for me that I wouldn't want to double the job of keeping it working it's best. Macs really don't have any of those problems other than the occasional system update. Networking to a PC is a snap and so they make great secondary computers.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    United Church of Christ Backs Gay Marriage

    I think the message is a good one for Christianity as a whole becuase holy crap does the idea of religion bring out a lot of intolerant fucks guisinig their hate as "the way things have always been," but I couldn't find any more information on the UCC other than "it's like your average Church but more liberal on the social issues." That's nice, I guess, although if I was religious I'd pick my church on something a little more spiritually deeper than that, provided they aren't equally as active in promoting the opposing political views. Where's the Church that stays out of politics? Anyway, at least when some sort of compromise or position is taken on this issue to make gay marriages happen, we'll have a Church to perform them just to piss the yokel redneck churches off.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    I find a Zogby poll (even a disputed one) to be more "news" than some peacenik editorial
  13. Jobber of the Week

    The Gay Comes To Comcast

    I honestly expected this to go to Cox, considering their name and all. Zzzzing. I was interested in this channel when it was announced, and checked in once every 10 months or so, but since I last looked it has been announced that they're going to run Birdcage and other "OMG it's gay teehee" crap rather than make any kind of programming that puts being gay in a real light. Screw it.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    I'm just simply giving a comparison of what it would be like on our "side." And to the other guy, yes, I know INXS was banned, which was why I used him as an example. I started writing that post using C-Bacon, but then realized that risked starting shit and backpedaling that I didn't want to get into. But give me Slapnuts!'s "MYTH/FACT" copy and pastes any day over newspaper or magazine editorials rambling on about how the wealthiest 85% of the world is screwing over the remaining 15.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Why No Car Sponsors On WWE Programming?

    This confuses me. I've been to events in Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Oakland, San Francisco, and Seattle and I've never once seen them sell beer to the crowd and I've only ever seen one person visibly drunk.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    The sad thing is that PowerPlay, Slapnuts!, and others were much smarter and more fun to talk to because they weighed pros and cons instead of just reading out of The President's Five Step Plan For America. It's a little bit like if you, me, NoCal, and others took off because of an INXS banning. I'd probably be the first one here to say how nice the forum would be now that we don't have to listen to about how Hamas protects Palestinian infants from tanks.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    ECW One Night Stand

    It really needs to be repeated that the internet was the intended market here. It makes a lot of sense that TV buyrates were low and webcast buyrates were high. Especially since webcast is cheaper than satellite/cable, and this seems to be the Mother of all "don't really want to buy it, don't really want to miss it" PPVs as far as the retellings of bar and movie theater showings go. It seems like the internet crowd bit onto it, but not many others did, and those that did were unsure enough about how well the show would be pulled off to watch it somehow other than ponying up the cable fee, like going to a more public performance which only counted as one buy. People were hesitant until the last minute whether this show would deliver. Adding Raw & Smackdown stars may have added to that hesitation, or it may have not.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    the one who leaked CIA op's name to Novak was....

    This is who the media was protecting all this time? And this is supposedly, if you listen to the echo chamber, a liberal media? WTF?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Why No Car Sponsors On WWE Programming?

    I don't understand why they've never sold out locations around the ring than they do. You have this big flat ring, all those little turnbuckle pads, etc. Why not sell some ad space?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Real Songs for WWE Wrestlers

    While we're on that train of thought: Chris Masters, Randy Orton, or any other lug who gets pushes yet isn't over: Depeche Mode - Enjoy the Silence Personally, I think it works best for Orton since Depeche Mode is honestly pretty damn gay.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    O'Connor resigns

    To the contrary, I expect 5-4 decisions to be Insane Rulings From Hell. I hope everyone is excited about seeing the way we never were, as was pictured by the 1950s, because that could be our next stop. Rehnquist's retirement would have meant swapping conservatives, and the balance of the court would remain intact. That's not what idealogues are interested in doing when they run every office in the Capitol, though. Don't underestimate the possibility that some people are masturbating about: That Bush will put conservatives in both spots. The Democrats will complain and try to filibuster, the Republicans will use the nuclear option, and a social conservative agenda will be enacted in America for the next 20 years. I think it's a low possibility that could happen, although the more short-sighted Congressional Republicans would be ecstatic about it because it gives them an excuse to end the filibuster as well and take care of two birds with one stone. And to be a nice guy about the situation, I hear Alberto Gonzales' name tossed around quite a bit, and I think he'd be decent considering the circumstances. People's eyebrows arched up a bit about the torture thing, but it was technically true and he was doing his job by saying it. Didn't mean he agreed with it. Just no fundies, please.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    ECW One Night Stand

    You have the right idea. The numbers were low, but they spent a lot less on a building, pyro, teardown crew, etc. There wasn't much else to do other than move the ring. Also, although ECW has the most loyal cult following, it's still a cult following in the end. 250K is much higher than any "real" ECW PPV, and it's about what you'd expect from the mainstream fans when you're talking about the show where the main event is Tommy Dreamer and some guy many of them have only heard about before. For people "waiting for a final number," don't hold your breath. They don't give that kind of information away easily and these drivers.pdf files released every quarter about as close as we can get to a final buyrate. Besides, it's what the company itself is budgeting for. Don't you think they would WANT to claim the show did way beyond that?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Why No Car Sponsors On WWE Programming?

    From Sex, Lies, and Headlocks, a pretty darn good wrestling book if I've read one: --- Mark Kaline Manager, Media Services Ford Central Media Mr. Brent Bozell: I am writing you in response to the letter you sent to Mr. Jacques Nasser regarding Ford Motor Company's participation in the UPN program "WWF SmackDown!" We share your concern regarding such programming and as such, Ford Motor Company does not participate in this program on a national basis. In fact, we steer clear of network wwrestling programs overall. John G. Clark Chief Advertising Officer Dr. Pepper/Seven Up Dear Mr. Bozell, It is our belief that the placement of any of our advertising on any telelvision program should not be equated with our support of any theme, storyline or content. However, your comments do greatly concern us. Since the beginning of the year we have discussed both sides of the issue at length. The programming is extremely targeted to reach the teen audience. On the other hand, the content of the show has steadily deteriorated in both it's quality and entertainment value. As a result Dr. Pepper/Seven-Up made ad corporate decision not to advertise it's brands in any type of wrestling programming. Carol A. Sanger Vice President, Corporate Communications Federated Department Stores Dear Mr. Bozell, Let me assure you that the day any of our stores sign on to sponsor world wrestling is a day to expect blizzard conditions in hell. (...) In a small office building in Arlington, Virginia, fifty researchers spend their days videotaping every show in prime time for a weekly report published by the nonprofit Media Research Cener, a creation of Brent Bozell III, a conservative commentator whose father was an adviser to both Joseph McCarthy and Barry Goldwater. Before he syndicated a newspaper column, Bozell had dabbled in politics as finance director of Pat Buchanan's 1992 campaign for president. After that he founded the MRC and its fax-happy cousin, the Hollywood-based Parents Television Council. Though tiny, the PTC made a minor splash targeting a syndicated show with Howard Stern. When UPN alloted 40 percent of it's advertising budget for promoting SmackDown! in the fall of 1999, Bozell decided to go after the WWF, too. An indication that Bozell would be more than a nuisance came when he sent out a mass mailing and received a reply from Coca-Cola, where there was already high-level concern about the WWF. The bottler, which had pulled it's ad dollars out of Raw earlier in the summer, had been promised that SmackDown! would be a toned-down version of it's cable counterpart. But the first few episodes left Coke's executive's feeling hoodwinked. There was the episode in which Mark Henry's sexual travails took an inexplicable dark turn with the story-line admission that he'd been having incestuous sex with his sister since they were eight. And the match where Terri Runnels and recent arrival Ivory wrestled a "hard-core" match in a shower stall dressed in thong panties. (It ended with Ivory burning an iron into Terri's back.) The reply to Bozell, from a lieutenant of chairman M. Douglas Ivester, expressed Coke's dismay. It was severing it's two-year relationship with McMahon's company. At UPN, Dean Valentine barely paid any attention to the flap because he'd been down this road before. While serving as the president of network television for Disney, he'd green-lighted the episode of Ellen in which Ellen DeGeneres kissed another woman on-screen. Between the Baptists that already hated Disney, the talk show demagogues who harped on the decline of American values, and the idealogues in Congress who loved bashing Hollywood because it helped them raise money, that show had become his gold standard for heartburn. Bozell was a hiccup by comparison. Valentine also didn't have much of a financial stake in the PTC's call for a boycott. In an unusual agreement, he'd allowed the WWF to sell it's own ads in exchange for giving UPN a guaranteed cut of the proceeds. UPN gets the same amount of money whether Coke came or left. McMahon, on the other hand, had an enormous stake. Coke represented 3 percent of his advertising revenue; if other advertisers followed suit, he'd be left having to scramble to cover his UPN guarantees. At first he behaved badly, calling Coke's move "discriminatory, hypocritical and an affront to free speech" and "it's worst decision since New Coke." But the publicity from his shoot-from-the-hip remarks only helped Bozell as he continued lobbying advertisers - from the U.S. Army to MCI. Not suprisingly, McMahon was more contrite by the time he spoke to the Wall Street Journal on November 29. He had heard the verdict of the advertising community, he said. "From now on you'll see less aggression, less colorful language, less sexuality." The concession wasn't only designed to stem the flight of money out of the show. It was also timed to impact the talks that he was having about his long-term future in television.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Why No Car Sponsors On WWE Programming?

    More importantly than the redneck stereotype is the damage done by the PTC. Coca-Cola used to advertise on Raw back in 99, so did Dodge, IIRC. That was during the raunchiest Russo days. The deal was that Vince would give them the eyeballs of the vital 18-30 set, and they wouldn't ask him any questions about how he's getting their attention. Then the PTC sent out inflated statistics about what was being shows (each crotch chop was a seperate sexual innuendo, among other things) and that scared all the mainstream names away except for Castrol and M&M/Mars.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    42% of voters favor impeachment

    Actually, I'd say it's more representative of America. More and more people are beginning to realize that Bush is a terrible commander in chief, and while there will always be some True Believers, there was a way higher percentage in CE than there were in reality. Keep in mind I'm not saying the country is majorily Democratic or anti-Republican, but when it comes to W specifically, well come on, the guy's only still holding a positive reputation in the reddest states. Plus we just all pissed on an SC ruling that allows government to kick people out of their homes, so I'd say conservatism is still alive and well here, just traditional light-libertarian conservatism instead of Bush Fanboy 'tax cuts while doubling military spending is kewl' conservatism.