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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Lawmakers Tour Gitmo

    See, the problem is that they're holding people in limbo, possibly intentionally (and I'm being generous and moderate when I say "possibly") in order to just keep them hanging around. If they were handing down sentences, I wouldn't have a problem. But it seems in my eyes that they won't progress to that point because they're building some kind of a human zoo.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Western backlash against the Liberals

    See, this is why I support government-mandated civil unions over marriages. They should have just opened up a channel to allow gay couples to receive benefits and let provinces sort the terminology out. In Alberta it's a civil union, in Liberal-topia the same certificate counts as a marriage, and the national government doesn't care. That way, people in regions who get picky over a word can have it their way, and people in regions who are like "OMG THE GAYZ SHOULD BE MARRIED ANYTHING LESS IS AN OUTRAGE" can see what they want in their province, too.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Dear Conservative Party of Canada

    Now that I finally squinted and looked hard and read the article a bit deeper, I notice that there's only one actual quote from Harper in that article, and C-Bacon failed to bold it when that was what the article was about. Granted, it was difficult to find since the article also included quotes from about a half-dozen politicians and their aides about same-sex marriage. That's all he said. And it seems that the hypocracy here was that they were previously working with the Quebec party on a budget? I could understand that pissing people off, although I believe we've seen far dumber stuff in US politics.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Lawmakers Tour Gitmo

    Then for pete's sake let's start putting them on trial already.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Conference Call Report

    You know, it would probably save a lot of money if they simply acted as film agents for the wrestlers instead of buying entire movies to act as vehicles for the wrestlers. There's a lot of projects out there that call for a good looking bimbo or a large imposing dude, and the company has those in spades. Instead, they're paying out the nose to make crapola Santa With Muscles style films for the likes of Kane, who is pretty good at the sinister villain role on Raw but doesn't equal box office draw. They should accept that most their guys don't have the chops to be anywhere near the starring role. The only guy in the company that I could see in the lead role of a movie would be a comedy starring Big Show.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    PS3 Pricepoint Revealed

    Blue-Ray will get killed by an outrage of customers and Netflix style shops in that it can barely take any kind of scratch. The extremely super high amount of storage is offset by terrible reliability. Imagine subscribing to Netflix and finding that 4 out of 5 of your discs won't play because the last person was just a little bit more rough with the disc than it would have liked. There's your Blue-Ray future.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    OAO WWE released talent/staff thread

    I'm going to guess Mordecai and Tomko. Tomko could easily be written out of the show by being "injured by Hogan" and then being forever forgotten about afterwards. I'm going to bet Shannon Moore isn't fired because they do seem to want Matt back and pull a trigger on an angle, and the Matt's buddy gig was over as a jobber act and could apply in a much bigger way here.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    One and Only "ECW: One Night Stand" Thread

    Screw that. The torrent versions always have awful video quality and are split into multiple versions, which can create syncing issues. I'll just put it's audio track alongside the DVD video as best as I can and get the best of both world. But I won't do anything at all until I find out what this July release is.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Dear Conservative Party of Canada

    "HARPER IZ INSANE!!!!!one" = The reason why the Liberals will be able to sit and loot Canada for as much as they like for the forseeable future
  10. Jobber of the Week

    After last night, can we finally end the myth

    Not particularly, but that doesn't change the fact that Triple H buried them at a time the company needs new stars. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Perhaps it wasn't HHH burying people, Jericho-style, but the company decided that these weren't the right "stars" they needed? Anyway, my complaint with the Batista-HHH feud is that HHH starts off taking control in every one of these matches. You want to know how they should have booked WrestleMania? Batista just annihilates HHH and flings him around like a rag doll. Crowd sees HHH get the shit beaten out of him and treated like a total jobber. HHH cheats to turn the match around and gets 5 minutes of offense, loses the advantage, jobs. Goddamn, you could have even done that to start off Vengeance's HIAC match and it would have made sense. But no, HHH started the offense in the HIAC again. Why is this? After two prior big matches, Dave should know not to let Trips take the opening
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Lawmakers Tour Gitmo

    I don't care whether it's Auschwitz or Club Med, just go ahead and PUT THEM ON TRIAL ALREADY. I thought this whole war was about "seeking justice," so get on with it.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    With Live 8 around the corner

    I'm actually going to respond to that post because it actually started off well until somewhere around the half-way point. I guaran-damn-tee you that once those third world countries are on their feet and are self sufficient and generating their own income, the first thing they're going to do is acquire weapons to protect what they have. "MAKE FOOD NOT ARMS" is a fun message, but only in that ideal "I'd like to buy the world a Coke and sing in harmony" way. It never really quite works out like that, though.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    The TV version is funnier because you can hear a guy near the microphone explain to his friend that it's a boring chant. Good accoustics in that building and it didn't hurt that it wasn't near full and that people don't sit that far away from the ring. I believe I even heard some of my Chants That Didn't Catch On in the replay. Isn't that what we thought about Viscera, too? One person's favorite wrestler may be your borefest. Also, the ECW PPV had a huge roster full of guys that they were trying to get on TV however possible. I mean, they hired Gertner for just two tiny scenes just to make sure he got on camera, too. Ditto BWO and others. On this show, they have to try and fill an hour with just the Raw lineup, which itself is in a bit of a disarray with trades going on the month before (thus making buildup hasty at best and near-nonexistant at worst) and some other oddities like the abscence of the Women's Champion.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 24/7 Recieves Clearance on Cox Cable

    I thought I'd bump up this old discussion to say that they previously said "end of March in select markets" and it is now the end of JUNE and it is still in one lone market. Granted, they've got a page set up and everything, but now that I got digital cable boxes installed in my new abode, I frowned upon seeing that the VOD offerings here in Vegas are what they were months ago, still just PPV and Premium Movie Networks. The one market offering WWE 24/7? New Orleans, LA. So, anyone here who lives there go get it and enjoy, ya' lucky goddamn bastards.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    After last night, can we finally end the myth

    Because you REALLY wanted Orton and Eugene in the main event?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    With Live 8 around the corner

    My opinion is that a bunch of guys getting on a stage and playing music does not make the world's problems disappear. If those guys gave up some money, well, it probably still wouldn't happen, but it would be progress from the first scenario. Reminds me of that Sarah M. "World on Fire" video. "$35 that could have been spent on renting a better video camera for the weekend are instead going to be used to teach children to read in Zimbabwe." Well, that's nice, BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DAMN ROYALTIES
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Big Show

    Google And you'll get all the reports and legends. The most common ones I've heard is that he'd weigh down his car with coolers of beer and order a table's full of food at restaurants because he was huge and because he was making more money than anybody else on the roster (although nobody was openly jealous because he also invited everybody out to eat on his nickel quite a bit.)
  18. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    You guys make it sound like Shelton was Heel Of The Century. He wasn't. I heard some people who like Carlito but not heavy boos or anything. I think a lot of it was disappointment about what he was doing. I thought his offense was lackluster tonight, as was Angle who was doing a lot of brawling instead of technical.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    OAO Vengeance Thread

    Fun crowd, but VERY full of marks. When even the markish-smark stuff like Bret and FUCKING MATT HARDY CHANTS are shrugged off by the crowd, you know you're not going to be able to get anything out of the people. In vain, during that god-awful promo/song by Lillian I tried to get a "We Want Wrestling" chant going, and they wouldn't even listen to me then. Show was predictable, but fun. I enjoyed Angle VS HBK the best although the thing wasn't even in shouting distance of the WM21 fight. I have no pictures to share because my best camera is broken and, let's face it folks, this wasn't Wrestlemania.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Romney Strikes Back: Gay marriage ban

    http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/conte...5061600797.html The Christian Science Monitor strongly speculated recently that this guy will be the GOP's candidate in 2008. To compare, Dubya has never publically voiced disapproval for civil unions (whether his proposed marriage amendment would block them or not is an arguable issue.) The funny thing is that opinion seems to be that he is otherwise quite a moderate.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Big Show

    Show is a really big guy, but I don't think of him as a "oh my god he could die any month now" kind of guy. Aside from some mild (for his size) obesity, I don't think he has any health problems. Andre drank enough to stop a horse's liver, was more overweight than Show, didn't have the treatment available as was described above, and was obviously the walking dead by WM3. According to one of the unofficial books out there, Andre was basically waiting to die when Vince asked him to come back, getting some seriously icky surgery to be able to do it. I imagine he'll see the end of his contract and do something else afterwards. My own prediction is comedian, judging by his sense of humor in interviews. And yes, an invincible run could really work so long as his TV matches are such total burials that they barely have time to stop playing his tune before the match is over. PPV matches against major babyfaces should be longer than that but not longer enough to leave him exposed. And for the love of God, no tag matches.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Us House Passes Flag Burning Amendment

    Somebody ought to be booted out of Congress for this. Even if you agree with a ban on flag burning, this distracts Congress from spending time on pressing issues. Think about it: You haven't seen any rash epidemics of flag burning lately, have you? Any mass flag burning events? No?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Lesnar wants back in.....

    Aww, Big Unstoppable Guy fights Big Unstoppable Guy, throw title belt in the mix, audience ponders who wins. Really it's pretty darn simple. You could even do it for WM if you have Batista hold onto the belt beating down the various former champs for a few months. Lesnar appears at Royal Rumble and wins and spends Feb and most of March talking about how he wants the belt and wants to show he's better than Batista. Fuck, bring back the triple powerbomb finisher and use it to finish some JTTS level guys like Jericho and Carlito. If you STILL think I'm high, maybe my fictional PPV poster can convince you. Introducing the latest in the "Jobber's WWE poster ripoff" series: Click this text for bigger picture! Yes, I know it's nowhere near as funny as last year's "BROKEN BACK versus BROKEN FREAKIN' NECK" poster. Deal. It's bad enough that I'm such a big nerd that I make posters for my fantasy book.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Lesnar wants back in.....

    I've heard he's out of shape. If so, he should get a development deal and be kept off TV until he's in better form. It would be stupid for McMahon to not give him a tryout over petty shit. As for whether or not he should be in the main event, if he can keep up with, say, Benoit then I think he should. I'm just mentally masturbating to the thought of Brock running in on a title unification match and ambushing both guys. BROCK~! versus DAVE~! = Money.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    The dems are losing.

    Except that it hasn't been in trouble. We've talked about it here before. All predictions on Social Security have been made on the assumption that the economy is going to fall in the future, however it's always done better. Now that it's sliding a bit, there's more alarm about a future problem. But the impartial accounting offices see it not happening for decades, even assuming that things continue on the path that they're on today, and there's no guarantee they will. Look, I agree the Democrats have a very muddy message on Social Security reform, but there's no reason to need to slam the panic button. First, I'm not a fan of Uncle Ted, so whatever. Second, everyone, Uncle Ted included, assumed that they would actually fund the program. Policy without funding is nothing more than discussion about how the world would be better if we only did _______. No, I'm simply promoting majority rule democracy. Nope. I doubt the 2002 race was fixed. I doubt the California recall was fixed. Heck, I don't believe there was some sabotage in the 2000 race, I think there was general piss-poor mismanagement. But, this most recent presidential race, where the guy behind in the polls came out ahead in states with voting machines that have no paper trail? Why, yes, I think there's enough of a mystery there for some idle speculation, moreso depending on how much of the "Bush and Diebold were working together" stuff you choose to believe. That's not so much a "whiny liberal who can't stand that he lost the election" opinion, it's a "after the Enron debacle it doesn't seem so suprising if this was the case" sort of thing. Wait a minute, I swear that I remember something about Clinton fighting with some guys in Congress. And wasn't there a guy with a funny name like Newt or something?