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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    FBI shuts down Elite Torrents

    Depends on whether that country respects US Copyright Law or not.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    InterVideo WinDVD 5 Questions.

    VLC Player
  3. Jobber of the Week

    ECW One Night Stand matches announced

    I think the show was wrecked after tonight now that they're bringing in so many guys who don't even remotely seem ECW. If Bischoff's crew were WCW guys that were formerly ECW that at least would keep the card intact. But Edge? What? I mean, when you think of ECW, do you think of Tyson Tomko run-ins?
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Folder Restructuring Discussion and Suggestions

    Axe. I'd probably avoid those conversations, but I'm a fairly regular poster so less of me might help. I say give it a try, though. Whoa, a comeback!? I say it should be deleted entirely. This is a wrestling board, and while discussions like fans of certain bands and TV shows or political commentary will break out as part of any group of people (and thus why we have forums like those), there's no need to have a forum to share your stories about the day your penis was acting weird. Help increase the collective IQ of the forum and axe it.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    Just for future reference, fucking up your own hardware is not a valid reason for a repair or replacement, under warranty or no.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    Three.... Two.. One... DEY TUK AR JOBS!!!1
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Guantanamo Bay “has become the gulag of our time"

    You haven't been to Gitmo, therefore your opinion on the issue is null. Ditto for all of us, we've never been, so why are we even talking about this? Don't ask me, that's just your logic.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    More Furnature mishaps involving WWE

    Poor title. You hint at some kind of glass ceiling conspiracy, but the only thing they have to go on here is suspicion and a guess. "Well, I guess a roid money or two could toss a couch over a cyclone fence." != Some guy breaking shit in the middle of a crowded hotel lobby
  9. Jobber of the Week

    My pictures from E3

    While I understand that Shadow doesn't actually come with his own gun but instead takes it from Robotnik's machines, I really do wish Sega would stop making these OMG SO HARDKORE artworks (and now, statues!) of Shadow slinging around a Smith & Wesson.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    Bigger version of a pic above: Hahahaha. Advance Wars and FF Tactics Advance has gotta be a blast on that. ROFL.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Wireless keyboards and mice

    Does your computer have Bluetooth? Would you consider buying a Bluetooth connector, such as a USB device, for it if it didn't? In general, Bluetooth is the superior wireless method. That said, if you can afford it, Logitech's MSRP $100 Bluetooth mouse is great. For Bluetooth keyboards, Apple's make very good use of their batteries. They are oriented for Mac people, but I use mine with a WinXP PC all the time. The only thing slightly confusing about using it is that your Windows key and Alt key are switched around (the Apple key = Windows key, Option key to the left of it = Alt key.)
  12. Jobber of the Week

    DVR to DVD

    You're going to need a video capture device. You can get external USB ones. Hook it up to the outputs that normally go to your TV, play the program, and record. From there you can clip out the commercials and convert it to something DVD compatable. But as always, video work likes lots of CPU and even more free disk space.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    That wasn't even the start of it, when he got out and stumbled around I said "Frankenstein walks!" That line was totally not meant for James Earl Jones, especially Un-Vader like, too. 1980s Vader would have been like "Eh, who cares?" I think Vitamin X is going overboard slamming on ANH as hard as he is up there. The movie isn't very good, the characters weren't as developed, at the time it more about a new form of cinema tied together with a decent little "save the princess" plot. Problem is, ANH changed the movies so much that every sequel has the same formula: People talk about how the next movie will be the greatest one ever (I've even heard one person call Ep3 "the movie of our time." The fuck is up with that?) and it turns out to be exactly as bad as the last one, and not as revolutionary. So everyone is disappointed and immediately builds their hopes up for the next one.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    You do Halo 2 clan play? Poor, unfortunate soul. Obviously your PC is not worth a damn or you wouldn't be sitting around in front of your TV with analog sticks under your thumbs in order to get your frags on. If you need help adjusting to mouse movement, just give a call. You got verbally pwned by Edge. I TOLD you that you should reached for the shoot comments before he could.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    TNA Wrestler Speaking Ill Of The Booking Committee

    Yes, the quality of your booking doesn't have as much to do about wrestling knowledge as it does how easy you can get laid. That's why WWE has all the great angles, because 70% of them revolve around sex. I mean, isn't the whole "Edge and Lita making out months after she has sex with Kane while Viscera stalks women and Divas fight over Playboy shoots" thing the best period of wrestling you've ever seen?
  16. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    How is this? It's a rather unique concept by what I've heard but I've tried to ignore the major media's preview hype for it becuase they'll always slobber over any kind of quirky game (Evil Genius turned out not to be nearly as good as everyone thought.) You poor soul. If you need therapy to get over the "omg sega wtf r u doing" experience, sit back and ask me to tell you about the Master System and it's software library. You'll feel better. Shoot on him.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Ready for the Revolution?

    We've heard this a hundred times before, about the miracle device that will put Nintendo in a dominant position. Megaton, anyone? I know how badly everyone wants to see Mario rule the world again, but it's not going to happen. They'll unveil a funky controller at the end of the show and opinions will be split on it, although at worst it'll be like Celda where everyone howls bloody murder until they try it.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    MONSTER SIZED DoA4 trailer Honestly. Almost 500MB, zipped. You've been warned. The pro wrestling sequence is quite nice, though.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Bask in the greatness of the computer I'm getting.

    My computer is close to that, but I prefer have an Nvidia (have previously used a Radeon though, don't have a problem with either) and I'm an Intel fanboy so Athlons aren't really even considered. I'm calling it quits after this machine, though. Once it gets too old, I give up on the PC platform entirely and dedicate myself to Mac. Fuck PC gaming, there's almost no big exclusive games other than MMOs and the occasional Valve/Blizzard game once every eight years, and the consoles are running Unreal Engine 3 for launch titles.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Ready for the Revolution?

    The Sonic series is dead and doesn't know it yet. Advance Wars would make a cute mini-game but is basically rock-paper-scissors as a standalone game. The Marios interest me, but I don't think they'll move systems personally. but the Mario Bros game seems to hint at co-op play.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Ready for the Revolution?

    I'm just suprised we're getting anything, and that we are proves it to me once and for all that 90% of the Revolution's buzz so far has just been Nintendo blowing smoke up everyone's asses. Just days prior we were told there would be almost nothing about Revoltuion at the show at all. No matter how unique the controller, there's nothing revolutionary about the box or the parts inside of it. If it doesn't even have progressive scan support, it's de-evolutionized from the GameCube.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    Well, I have a slight Xbox bias only because I enjoy the hard drive and all the modding developments it's brought about. I'm not that big of a Halo fan (the whole universe doesn't seem much deeper than your usual Id Software sci-fi shooter game, wherein the story is paper thin and used only to explain why you're blasting shit.) I also only own two Live games and only play one of them rarely, the other never. I own all three consoles and have the most software for the PS2. I'm also greatly enjoying my PSP, so *shrug* I'm strongly anti-bullshit, though, and Sony is pumping even bullshit into the atmosphere with these faked Killzone videos, Powerpoint frames talking about how PS3 is "OMFG 20 TIMES MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYTHING THE TESTERS PASSED OUT FROM THEIR RAGING ERECTIONS" instead of a more honest number, and likely spreading rumors about devs jumping ship that people keep repeating ad nauseum. I'm simply highly skeptical of Sony's bullshit because of the bullshit we saw before like "PS2 can render Toy Story in real-time" and "SEVENTY MILLION POLYGONS AT ONCE" (which turned out to be seventy million square, unshaded, untextured polygons.) They laid off the bullshit-o-rama for the PSP for the most part, though, so who knows, but I've seen this kind of unrealistic pipe-dream numbers from them during E3 time before.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    E3 2005

    What in the hell are all you people talking about?
  24. Jobber of the Week

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    That first Jedi must have been pretty sad, then, to lose with the Force and everything else on his side.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    One and Only Star Wars Geekiness Thread

    I haven't watched Clone Wars (good god does the animation suck) and have been keeping myself free of EpIII spoilers for the most part, but I have a Greivous question that I must ask: If lightsabers are weapons of the Jedi, who are attuned to the Force, then how is a droid using lightsabers? Is it using the Force as well? What is going on here? Because, seriously, I saw a picture of a droid using lightsabers on a Pepsi box or something the other day and thought 'Okay, now they're REALLY messing up their own continuity.'