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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Al Qaeda's No. 3 captured

    Needs more Zwahiri captured lovin. Please? Some day?
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Evolution is a Mystery

    Uhm, it's certainly been proved on a small scale. All you need is a petry dish, a constantly reproducing virus, a microscope, and a really cold room.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Black leaders want new million man march

    I never said white women aren't racist, I said that white men have less control over the tone of racism than they did just a few decades ago. Women did not have great deals of power until recently.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Black leaders want new million man march

    Actually, I've been in the defense a racial descrimination suit. Which is not that I or anyone in the family did anything racist according to the suit, but I acknowledge that like anyone else I have a fault.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Black leaders want new million man march

    Point is, racism still runs through the mainstream in this country, even though white men don't control as much as they did in the 1950s.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Evolution is a Mystery

    I have, sadly, seen this too. It is sad to see things like Creationism and Scientology discussed seriously. Someone even complained to me that in our society people don't want to accept things as truth unless they can be proven. Uh, yeah, people generally like to accept only FACTUAL INFORMATION as "truth."
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Black leaders want new million man march

    Sure, it's not the 1960s, but the WASPs still pretty much control the majority share of the country. Anyway, beyond that stupid comment, I don't really give a shit, and I can't imagine that many will. We have more problems in the world today, and anytime someone uses the phrase "black leaders," like they were chosen in a vote or somehow appointed with an official title, crack me up.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    It wasn't a gun, but burrito was loaded

    So says the worst poster on these forums since that one guy who had "5 days til ban" gimmick that eventually wound up with his being banned beause he sucked. I'm going to drop the F-bomb up in this hizzy: This is Fluff.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Denny's in trouble

    Denny's is a place I go to during those weird times when I'm asleep all day and awake all night. Their gimmick, AFAIC, is being open 24 hours.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    JBL... 1 year later.

    That building was full of Cena marks. I was pretty sure that Cena could have had a match full of chinlocks and nobody would have minded. The reason everyone died wasn't because of Cena's offense, it was Bradshaw holding the offense for so long and Cena winning with the five moves of doom at the end. The crowd would have been much more hot if Cena hit the five moves, took a pounding, and then made the comeback.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    JBL... 1 year later.

    Well, I don't know about you, but there comes a point in time for me when someone who has been pushed in my face finally does something to deserve the attention. I know that when it came to Brock, when he started finally having matches that went on longer than 2 minutes and carried a couple slugs and picked up the Big Show with a busted knee (holy crap,) I started to accept him. Bradshaw isn't at that point, though.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Hulk Hogan just called me

    Nah, they regularly do that. I used to get calls from Steve Austin all the time.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    High-End Analog TV or

    Getting HDMI inputs doesn't matter if your HD box has DVI inputs, which it may because it's the older interface and is on a bunch of TVs. For the record, it really doesn't matter, since DVI and HDMI are compatable with adapters at the end of the cable. HDMI is simply DVI + sound, while DVI requires a seperate, regular audio cable. If you want a receiver with 5.1 sound or whatever it was you were talking about when you said that sound was imortant to you, then you're probably going to want to use an optical-out connection, so it won't make any difference. Also Monster Cables = Regular Cables + Higher Price. Don't listen to any salesperson or any marketing material about the cables being any better than any decent any-other-brand cable. It is the biggest bullshit story ever told since the Bible.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    The Political Compass

    Economic Left/Right: -4.63 Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26 I don't really like this test because it basically offers a bunch of extremist viewpoints along with a few normal ones and then rates you seemingly across the extremist ones. I've never heard anyone say that anything that's good for big corporations is always going to be good for us.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Frist Has a Good Idea

    You're only chuckling because you refused to accept that I was making a minor point about good intentions and instead warped it into me being a Marxist.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Frist Has a Good Idea

    I'm guessing he means this.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Frist Has a Good Idea

    I never said that, but the minority holding some power does help keep things balanced. Frist and Reid came to an agreement that will have two nominees cleared. I think obviously if both sides are able to negotiate a compromise, it's working. No, but good ol' Strom Thurmond sure filibustered his hardest to delay the vote. That's why comments like Czech's "We need more pointless bullshit being spoken in the U.S. Senate. Yay Democrats." like this is something new will never stop amusing me.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    Yes, turning AutoSync off will certainly help files from being inadvertantly deleted. I was talking about solving your full hard drive issue, though. One option is to throw all your favorite songs onto the iPod and take them off your computer or put them on a CD. When you hook your iPod up to your computer, you can play songs on it through your computer.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Nintendogs (DS) gets a perfect score from Famitsu!

    No. This information has been out since Tuesday, and even includes what looks to be a scan alhthough the review table doesn't match what they regularly use. Some more cynical than myself have already called it a Photoshop. But if this news has been been around since early this week, and Famitsu doesn't appear until Friday... See, it doesn't make any sense.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Houston Oppresses Hippies

    They're not saying you have to bathe. They're saying if you're going to bathe, you're not going to do it at the library. How misleading.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Frist Has a Good Idea

    Good luck, gentlemen, and may whoever has the most idealogues win!
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Frist Has a Good Idea

    I'm going to smile when the tables turn someday (and let's face it, we can't have a Republican-dominated government FOREVER no matter how badly the Dems are doing) and all these majority wins re-writes of the rules are thrown in their face.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Matt Hardy to go to ROH

    And that's iffy if Vince has his say. Remember that in the Lesnar lawsuit they're trying to claim that Brock sitting in the audience of a Japanese show violated the agreement.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    RACIST letters terrorize college students

    Go sit in a book store sometime and find Al Franken's "Lies..." book. Don't worry, it won't make you a lefty just by touching it. Find someplace to sit nearby and turn to page 261 and read chapter 31, "I'm A Bad Liar." It's about Franken's trip to Bob Jones where he was basically going in to make fun of people and write jokes about the idiots he encounters. He kind of feels pangs of guilt through the whole thing and in the end sorta-kinda thanks the people there for putting up with him. I'm guessing it had nothing to do with him trying to steal an election?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    "The problem with capitalism is capitalists."

    I wouldn't really say that so much as it is on the side of incumbants. That plus that two parties have basically decided that the best platform is to be 100% opposite of the other one. Do you really think the Republicans are that interested in preserving marriage, or are they just trying to make themselves Not Democrats. Similarly, do you think the Democrats really care THAT much about the environment, or do they just see it as an easy way to say that the Republicans will let corporations strip-mine the Earth?