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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Detectives release photos of girl in kiddy porn

    But which lovely Walt Disney World hotel do the child pornographers prefer? I'll go ahead and guess Boardwalk.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Well, I edited it with more juicy info, but I forgot the vague stuff. Sorry.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    I am everything and nothing at once. I would like to live with someone eventually, but am not really interested in sex. So my bitching about things like the state law to prevent putting dick in BUTT is just me getting upset about government being where it shouldn't belong. Ditto marriage, where I think it's got to keep it's profile minimal. Having watched my family divorce and seeing how ugly that gets, I don't think I'll ever be interested in marrying anyone, myself. To answer the sexuality question, I find certain qualities of men and women to both be sexy, but again, actual intercourse is very low on my list of priorities. I did once find a person I would have felt comfortable spending the rest of my life with, and that person was another male, but that relationship got ripped up after one really great year because his fundie parents found out and made themselves a potential force for ruining my life.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    Suikoden also has the always-uncomfortable public hot tub that inevitably winds up in your base of operations.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Nintendogs (DS) gets a perfect score from Famitsu!

    Okay, this Famitsu thing has got to be the biggest lie to scam the net or something. Famitsu comes out on Fridays, but last Friday's issue had nothing on this game. CONFUSION!
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Let Nobody Ever Criticize the American Media

    No, but listening to a bunch of Fox pundits talk about the media's political focus is like listening to Jake Roberts complaining about the amount of drugs in the wrestling business. The point is still a valid one, but lacks credibility coming from where it does.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The House less environmental than Bush

    Oh, goodie goodie gumdrops. I can't wait to see the fiasco that erupts if they want to use Yerba Buena as a refinery site. The folks on Treasure Island will flip so high that I'll be able to see them from here.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Nintendogs (DS) gets a perfect score from Famitsu!

    It's still a virtual pet game. If you have had no interest for the previous virtual pet games, there's nothing in this one that's going to turn you into a virtual pet maniac. And yes, a perfect score from Famitsu isn't a common occurance, but it's also not far from the norm. They're a blowjob magazine that is only relevant in the States just because they get to play games before anyone here can.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    The dock is nothing more than a cute way to stand the iPod up and show it off in a little holder. The same connection that connects the dock to the computer is the same connection that connects your iPod to your computer or Dock. So instead of having it in a little stand, you have it lying on something and wired directly to your machine. Also, Apple is phasing out FireWire for the newest iPod models, as only the original iPod and it's U2 clone have the FireWire. The new Minis and Photos don't. This isn't really a problem since nobody really uses Firewire anymore except for people with older Macs.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    That's part of the reason why iPods come in such large sizes (60GB!? Ye Gods!!!) However, if your iPod isn't that big, a CD or DVD burner can help. You'll have to burn the MP3s to the CD/DVD as data files, though. Make especially sure of it if you're using a CD, since if you burn it as an audio CD you'll only have an hour or so max of music fit per disc, where as with a data disc you can fit about 700MB of files onto one CD.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    High-End Analog TV or

    If you're going for Dish, then just get an analog set UNLESS you're a big video game player. Next year's consoles will probably have a lot of HD support, especially Microsoft has been making a lot of noise about it. However, I wouldn't bother with HDTV over satellite if you're on a budget. Don't forget that you have to buy an HD-capable Dish Network receiver, and that costs at least $400 depending on the model you want. This is kind of why cable companies have the edge right now for HD, it simply isn't as expensive a venture. If your cable company is hooked up for the 21st century (i.e. you aren't moving into the boonies), chances are they let you rent the hardware for a few bucks a month instead of making you pay hundreds up-front. You also get video on demand, which is home to a selection of major network shows (Discovery seems to provide the most) and a bunch of niche programming that can't finance it's own station ala WWE 24/7.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    The Slowly-Dying Death of RPG's.

    I started with FF4 and the Game Boy games, but I still disliked 8. The system was broken, magic was worthless because by wasting your day drawing a bunch of spells you could raise your stats up so high you didn't need magic anyway, and some summons could only be gotten by drawing during one battle only or else they were gone for good and I thought that was rather retarded. Then there's the whole sappy romance novel aspect, but I know somebody out there liked it. I only really managed to get excited during Garden VS Garden. I am one of those guys who tells you about how brilliant Square games were when they were sprite-based, but that's because I believe they truly were if you liked to put your own personal spin on the game and do some actual, you know, role-playing. FF8 was such a linear story with characters so fully developed, that you couldn't change anyone's name other than Squall. It's a change towards the more cinematic nature of games, but I didn't really care for it myself. That said, not every old RPG is golden. There were plenty of duds, although for the most part the US got lucky and got very few of the dozens and dozens of bombs appearing on Japanese shelves regularly. I still play RPGs, btw. I'll keep playing Suikoden games no matter what they do because I lived through #3 and I don't think it can get much worse than that. I've also gotten a little bit more interested in the tacitcal RPGs, and someday want to try out Disgaea because I've heard good things about that. Lastly, FF isn't FF in name only if only by matter of it's slow integration in to the FF line. FF11 uses a job system, and FF12 will take place in the FFT universe. Late addition: I am an admitted FF4 fanboy and even I had a problem with the end boss of 9, although I knew what they were going for there. It would have helped if he at least wasn't waving his hands in front of his crotch as an attack and, most importantly, wasn't directly quoting The Phantom Menace on his way down.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    RACIST letters terrorize college students

  14. Jobber of the Week

    RAW Rating

    4.0 really isn't that great. In 2003 we used to regularly have "OMG 4.0" threads during the dark period until it became obvious it wasn't really that big an accomplishment.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    No, socialism is when the government owns everything. Communism in it's unattainable idealistic form is the government handing the populace control over everything and then winking out of existance.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    High-End Analog TV or

    I have an HDTV, and I can honestly answer this. Which one you should get depends. What do you plan to use for your TV service provider?
  17. Jobber of the Week

    World Leaders: A bunch of lying douche bags?

    FactCheck.org and Spinsanity (RIP.)
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Well, I think I both failed to communicate my ideas clearly and got my words twisted around a bit. I'm no fan of highly oppressive governments. I was specifically talking about the phase of Communism that never really comes to pass, wherein everything is the property of the community instead of an organized state. I never meant to give the impression that I thought the road was pretty.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Let Nobody Ever Criticize the American Media

    Depends on which Tucker Carlson you're talking about. Tucker Carlson on Crossfire was terrible. Tucker Carlson on shows that aren't Crossfire is decent.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Let Nobody Ever Criticize the American Media

    Would it be any less humorous on any other network? I think not. It would be less humorous on C-SPAN, but that's because C-SPAN is boring and unfunny as hell.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Well, that was previously addressed. Almost sort of doesn't matter, though, since we're talking about such an impossible occurance.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    We got Pope smoke...

    Well, that's why when you hear "Southern Baptist," you run away. Fast.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    The whole thing is so fucked up. I'm warm to private accounts. I'm a little concerned because a CEO is much more difficult to kick out than a politician is, but your money is practically guaranteed to be stolen from you the way things are right now. I am HIGHLY against any plan that involves stock market investments, though. That's just crazy to risk people's retirement futures on the health of the American economy. If Dubya introduced a plan with private accounts without the stock investment jazz, hey, I'd be there with a big grin on.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    "Robert Novak, are you calling Matt Drudge? I don't know what's going on I don't have a computer, but a kid from Air America called me this morning because he saw something on the Drudge Report. Anyway he's got this thing going on with his website that says I'm being investigated by the Secret Service. So when I left my house I expected to be surrounded, I even wore comfortable shoes for the investigation, but there was nothing. One thing about this show is you're not to make threats about other people. One time we had a guy who did this. The Secret Service called, asked me what I know about this guy, I said 'He's a kid, he probably got caught up in the heat of the moment," they said okay and left. I thought 'cool guys, do their job, whatever.' So this morning I get a phone call (...) that says that Matt Drudge says that the Secret Service investigates ME. I am the most nonviolent person... (...) We're here in Florida, we're not in New York, we didn't produce that bit, I'll apologize because I don't believe, you know, I didn't even hear it. I put on the headphones and heard gunshots and something about the "American Association of ARMED Retired People." The AAARP. And I said 'No, don't arm the old people, I'm here in Florida where they all are. Why all the killing?' (...) So people ask me if I have email, and I say no I don't have email, and they can't believe it but they say 'Well you better get ready because they're going to surround your house' and I said 'Who? Who is surrounding my house?' and they said Matt Drudge says the Secret Service is investigating Air America. (...) So I apologize to everyone, I apologize to the President of the United States, I don't really believe in violence, we didn't make that bit and I don't agree with it anyway. But now the question is for you, Matt Drudge, who TOLD you that the Secret Service was investigating Air America? Who's spying? What government agent, who told you about it? Was it Robert Novak? Was it Judith Miller through Robert Novak? Was it someone from the New York times, the liberal paper? Anyway, if the Secret Service wants to talk about this, let's make this clear, we're at (address) at the Clear Channel building. If this is happening then please come and talk to me about it. Anyway, only happy talk about the President's safety from now on, please. T-shirts anger this administration, a bumper sticker can get you kicked out of a 'town hall meeting,' so just imagine what a radio bit can do."
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    Admittedly, the gunshots kind of send it over the edge, and I don't even know why they did that sketch when support for Bush's SS plan is so low. But I honetly don't think it's any more serious than that one "Kill Bill" Al Franken Show sketch where Katherine Harris (or it could have been Karen Hughes, I forget, but either way she was voiced by Al's co-host with a fake southern accent) goes undercover as a reporter interviewing Bill Clinton (voiced by Al) as they go to brunch and she tries to stop Clinton's heart by feeding him a crapload of fatty foods that he can't resist. In the end, Clinton is saved from eating himself to death by George Soros (voiced by someone, I forget), who uncovers the scheme and foils the plot. As entertaining as it was to hear Al's impression of Clinton, it was kind of unnerving that they'd imply, even humorously, that the Bush campaign was desperate enough for re-election to have Clinton die.