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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Geek Squad

    Best Buy renamed their service department and makes them wear outfits that would make employees from Disneyland say "Good god, that's tacky."
  2. Jobber of the Week

    What political speech(es) inspire you the most?

    I liked that Cancer Marney speech about how the Republicans were going to milk Reagan's death for every ounce of money or sympathy it could get them, and how Ronnie would be seen smiling at them from the clouds for doing it. Perhaps it wasn't greatly inspiring, but it certainly was honest.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    "You screwed Matt!"

    It's not so much because it's shoot, but because it's MSG, and one way or another, the regulars at that building will find a way to be entertained, even if the match going on in front of them is one of the worst programs of the year.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    If it's anything like other critical downloads, it'll appear in OXM's demo disc.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    File this under: Duh, but we're going to ignore it

    That's not real. It's gotta be either a doll or a Photoshop.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    File this under: Duh, but we're going to ignore it

    Boy oh boy, aren't you just painting a whole big big bunch of people with one big brush. Not that I'm complaining, mind you. I do it with Christians all the time. Need some help painting?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Remember When He Claimed to Care about CFR?

    Well, I don't know about you, but now I feel better about R.M.Scaife and associates' $300+ million in donations.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    Guys, you will NEVER get the perfect licensed wrestling game you're all waiting for. Those of us who were skeptical of WM21 came out looking a little less embarassed. This isn't NFL/EA. WWE will never pay anything more than peanuts for video game production and isn't interested in making a good game as much as making sure that Edge and Cena look close enough to life that you'll run out and buy it up. WWE games are nothing more than a quick way to be robbed of your money, and so many of you choose to be robbed every time. I'll settle for the minor shakedown and just rent this thing.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Ourcolony.net(X Box 2)

    I'll just wait for others to post the results. The actual rules of play are too terribly vague.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    My PS2 makes grinding laser noises...

    Launch Xbox here. No problems. Meanwhile, the PS2 is pretty famous here and abroad for breaking apart. Google "disc read error" and welcome to the club.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Ethics DELAYed

    Rob's article with the big Tom picture makes it sound like DeLay is talking about himself in the third person now. Also, you know he's desperate, because he's comparing himself to Ronnie Reagan, who wil always be invoked by any undeserving two-bit conservative trying to keep his nose up above the rising tide. It's like Nazi references in a debate thread or something. You can always smell the fear.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    I'm a believer that people on college campuses should never be compared to people in the real world. If you don't believe me, examine how almost every news story that involves the phrase "College Republicans" involves some stupid media stunt that makes the lefties LOL and the righties hang their head. If those were representative of mainstream Republicans, the party would have 80% more idiots. Geez, you act like they get outvoted 70-30 in every race. There's evidence to the contrary. On the other hand, since Biblical times, God has threaten to smite those who choose not to believe. (why do I feel we've had that debate before?) Islam and Christianity both have quite a bit of blood on their hands, although the former is the only one still doing morally reprehinsible acts in an otherwise civilized age. Unfortunately, I'm not a scholar on these issues so I can sit and give you specific scripture (although I tried looking up the subject in Google), but there have been times wherein the Bible encourages religious war. No, but the boat is, ever so slowly, drifting that way.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    We got Pope smoke...

    BAH GOD KKK, THAT WAS A REAL You knocked him clean out of the ring and all the way to the wrestling forums with that damn "hippie" comment. Oh, wait. You call me hippie 50 times a year and it doesn't effect me any.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    No. I have been informed that it is enough that I read your pithy comments and reply with put-downs and slams.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    So, are you going to boycott Canada now? -=Mike No, I'm just going to lay low and let Bill handle the issue. He'll intimidate and scare away anyone who disagrees with us.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    I don't have a lot of state complaints, really. Depends on if you view illegals as a state or federal issue, and I view it as a federal one.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Texas Legislators vote to ban gay foster parents

    Whoa, that's farther right than Bill O'Reilly. Goddamn, only Texas could put me and that media whore on the same side of a debate.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    "You screwed Matt!"

    With the way that Matt is bitching and encouraging people into realizing just how fucked over he is, I wonder if he realizes that he's further burning his bridges by ranting on a message board about how cool it is that people are chanting for him and how he was a real company man and got screwed, etc. I mean, I don't get the feeling that his departure was so grim that they wouldn't invite him back. His brother's departure was over something worse, and even then they held the door open with that "Well, we'd love to have Jeff back when he isn't a junkie" thing. Matt's scorched earth strategy is only going to backfire, as he'll be working in gyms for the rest of his life instead of laying low until the Hardy's tag team return to SmackDown or something.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    New Diva to debuet

    I don't think this will actually happen. I'll throw it into the "Forgotten Diva Gimmick" pile like that woman woman who was supposed to be Vince's Illegitimate Daughter.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    I've never heard of fundamentalist gays and born-again gays, but hey it's your crazy little imaginative world, we're only living in it. Although I actually do see your concern, that's just part of the process. It's like bitching that hung juries make trials by jury useless. Then it will only serve to bite them in the ass when things shift and they're the majority. I'm tired of "people like you" arguements. Stop it with "people like me" and address the point directly. There is suggestive evidence, but you're right that there is no definitive proof. However, it's never been suggested that religion was anything but a concious personal choice made with oneself and, if a such a being is involved, God. Keep in mind anyway that I don't have any problem with religions on the whole and someday I may find myself interested in one. I am running extremely low on patience, however, with religions that either (A) have a being beyond existance who tells you what to do and not to do, or (B) tells you that it's okay to raise hell and make war to extend the reaches of your religion. That's accounts for pretty much the majority in this country and the middle east.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Big Vis gets POP

    I never liked this guy, but I thought it was funny that he got unintentionally over.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    They've been talking about the DS as a "third pillar" (IOW, new product line) some time ago. Shortly after they officially announced the thing, they quickly went into interviews and mentioned that it's not the heir to the Game Boy throne but should be seen as a completely different product that in no way will compete with Game Boy. Of course, they also spout that the DS isn't meant to compete with the PSP, but launched it way too early just to make sure that their presence was out there. If they think they can really sell the public on two portable Nintendos without one cannibalizing the sales of the other, they're nuts.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    EB Games and Gamestop to merge?

    Chances are one of those GameStops was a Funcoland, as that chain had branched out pretty far before being eaten by GameStop. And for those wondering how they can afford it, GameStop is a division of Barnes & Noble. Which is a shame because the B&N here is beautiful and the GameStop just down the street is a suckhole.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    I should listen to Ed Schultz's show more, but he makes me kind of upset because they cut off other Air America shows for him. But still, from the few times I've listened, I found that his Chris Matthews impression is gold. HELLO THERE IM CHRIS MATTHEWS LETS PLAY HARDBALL I AM SHOUTING REALLY LOUD
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Bolton nomination looks to be in jeopardy

    'STACHE-IST! -=Mike I just picture that stache as comically large, and him walking down the hallways of the UN swishing his lips from the left to right side of his face, causing the massive stache to clean up the shiny marble floors of the UN Secritariat that Kofi installs with oil for food money, usually on the same day that he bitches about the US not giving enough to Africa.