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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    If you want to see how to NOT address a problem

    Uh, what? There's nothing wrong with homeless shelters. It's giving the homeless cold, hard, cash that's wrong as it just draws more homeless from the surrounding area. Besides, LA has enough damn room to build a homeless shelter or two. Plus NorCal pays for a fuckload of their services. Everytime we pass some hippie measure to improve the schools, guess where all the money goes? San Fran talks about how bad the schools are as they spend wheelbarrows full of money to help LA's schools rather than advance education up here. As much as I liked visiting downtown LA as a tourist, they could really stand to be stuck on an island by themselves seperated from the rest of the state ala Manhattan.. And there would be only one road to the mainland. And it would be a toll road. And it would cost $5,000 to leave.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Bolton nomination looks to be in jeopardy

    He could sweep floors with that damn mustache.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    New Kane shirts are in..

    My problem isn't even so much the shirtless men tees anymore as it is the ones with umpteen slogans that all amount to, "I can kick your ass, care to try me?" Being of under-average height and lacking in muscle, I don't even want to TRY wearing those shirts anywhere.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The Heart-Throbs

    You guys asking for "It's Raining Men" and other things, although it may go with the regular gimmick, may ruin what could be an otherwise decent gay gimmick by making it flamboyant and obvious. An ambiguously gay duo would be a much more interesting course for the WWE than yet another "gay people wear face paint and thrust their crotches in every direction and blow kisses to male plants in the crowd, or at least Vince says so" angle.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    We got Pope smoke...

    This guy, though he's trying, looks like an old guy in a weird outfit. He doesn't have that holy father aura going for him that the last Pope did. I guess it's kind of unfair to compare a guy who's been Pope for 15 minutes to JPII, but comparisons were inevitable unless they chose something different like black pope or a young pope.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    The Heart-Throbs

    It's another gay gimmick. They're just acting like Grandmaster Sexy instead of Chuckabilly. I didn't think the guys were so great so much as Coach was dropping the hint but not being blatantly obvious about it. "He goes in! He goes out!"
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown SPOILERS~!

    I can't believe Heidenreich is actually getting over on these ridiculous comedy bits about passing gas and the Brooklyn Brawler. I guess the Yankees just job too much for Brawler's tastes.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    New Kane shirts are in..

    I find event shirts at PPVs (i.e. pictures with the card and the logo) are usually not that bad. Yeah, there's a ton of portraits and shit on them but I have yet to be made fun of by strangers, a fear of which seems to prevail around these parts. I don't see them as any different other than a guy wearing a concert t-shirt with the list of cities on the back. Those guys are everywhere and I never see anyone say "HAH! YOUR FAVORITE BAND SUCKS! GAYYYYY!"
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The Lisa Ortiz Copeland side of the story

    The thread originally linked to is gone. I believe either Matt's board got hacked or someone created an imitation account. We can all stop being worked now.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    New Kane shirts are in..

    I think the first one is quite good. It doesn't look like a wrestling shirt because it's just a face close-up without shirtless manboobs like the common wrestler portraits on merch. I think it passes the "doesn't look like a wrestling shirt" test. The only way anyone would know that's a wrestler's face is if they watched wrestling themselves, at which point they probably aren't going to humiliate you for it.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    OMG flame-baiting Ban plz... Didn't you guys know you have to be politically correct around kkk? He's so sensitive...
  12. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    This is the same guy who used to stress that he hated the one-party system as much as everyone does and wished for nothing more than for the Dems to pull their heads out of their asses so they can get competitive again.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Year Anniversary of the OKC Bombing

    I think OKC really has one moment of harsh relevance for today's society, which is a reminder that the next terrorist making the headline news might not be able to be stopped by immigration controls or racial stereotyping.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    Not really. If this country's political and religious makeup went differently than it did, and we had secularists VS the faithful, that the matter of whether somebody was deeply religious, kinda religious, or not religious would be a fairly important debating point. In the case of our country as it is, people who subscribe to one belief or another dominate such a large percentage of our country demanding an appointee who isn't religious is an impossibly tall task, due to the difficulties of finding one. However, just because that's the case, doesn't mean it's "insulting and backwards." It would be, however, if belief in God was something that was forced on you through biologically or otherwise.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    True, but if you wanted to know how well Air America stations are doing compared to their competition, there's places to go that aren't conservative pundits. For instance... http://tinyurl.com/bvbqh Here's the ratings for the SF Bay Area, not exactly a conservative bastion. Clear Channel started running Air America over what I believe used to be a foreign-language talk station on KQKE. Currently, the station is averaging a 1.0, and pulling in somewhere in the lower part of the middle. "Hot Talk 560", KSFO, is #10 in the list. It's a conservative talk station that airs Rush, Hannity, Dr. Laura, and others. It's pulling in a 2.8, almost 3x what the Air America station is. So, as we can see, Air America is nowhere close to beating Rush even in San Francisco, where the playing field would be at their advantage. Of course, KSFO has been around a while, but CC's KNEW, a station that was basically made for Michael Savage when he got kicked off KSFO for being a dickhead, is pulling a 1.2. It's stars are Savage and O'Reilly, one is more extremist than Rush or Hannity and the other is a wink-wink "unbiased" partisan. So, AAR can't even beat the extremist conservatives, or the more mainstream Rush, in America's most progressive city. See? You can spell Air America's doom without having to parrot some wannabe pundit.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Xbox 2 to be revealed on May 12th...

    Sorry for anybody who thought that we would get anything other than smoke blown up our asses for Revolution: http://worthplaying.com/article.php?sid=24...order=0&thold=0
  17. Jobber of the Week

    How much publicity did Akebono/Big Show

    For what it's worth, the slightly audible boring chant shortly after they throw the rice around was my fault. I'm sure that didn't help their image.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Ripping a DVD to my Hard drive

    DVD Decrypter is free and great. Depending on what you want to do with the DVD files, there's a whole variety of software to use. Although if you want to cut and combine elements of multiple discs into one presentation like you mentioned, you're going to need some heavy duty video editing tools. What I would do is compress to Divx AVI then burn multiple AVIs to a data DVDR. The downside is the you can only watch the stuff on your computer, the good news is that you can fit a ton of film on one disc, even if you don't compress as much and go for higher picture quality.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    Well, they're discriminating on religious faith, which I don't think is really that bad a thing as people who are less seriously into the Jesus stuff is less likely to bring it with them into the courtroom. And I think we all know that those in control of the right-wing see this as an oppertunity to advance agenda issues, particularly ones where there's no real good arguement for it other than a religious one, that wouldn't fly very well if it was up to any kind of majority vote, whether Congressional or an election. Well then, isn't that the balance? If you dominate the chamber to such an extent, or can convince others to agree with you, you can order whoever is debating to stop. It seems to me, especially with the way everything just keeps coming down to party-line voting anymore, that the Republicans are crying that they just don't have enough control of the government to make the Democrats shut up for good, and want to take away their stalling tactic. And yes, I'll admit it's nothing more than a stall tactic, but you can't just easily say you should get rid of it because by doing so you're moving things closer, however small a step, to a one-party government, which is a serious issue to consider. Unless your party is the one that stands to gain from the change, I guess.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?

    Taxes are covered by the Constitution. Which doesn't really change that it's a rather obvious violation of privacy. -=Mike But because they're covered by the Constitution, your right to privacy isn't valid, since it's a right you have by default only when the Constitution doesn't say otherwise.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Since HBO is Doing a Documentary

    Only Mike would go to an opinion blog for radio ratings instead of a site that actually just presents the numbers without a poltiical spin. And Air America is hardly all of "liberal talk." I find Ed Schultz better than a lot of the personalities on Air America. I don't listen much because I don't really have the time, but the stuff on Air America sounds like a lecture 90% of the time. The 10% that isn't is either Mike Malloy or Al Franken deciding to be a comedian instead of an interviewer.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Because Stuff Happens In Other Places Also.

    The Chinese government, rather than blaming their own people for actually starting a fucking riot, blame it on Japan. Japan's already made numerous apologies already and the Chinese quite frankly haven't deserved any more than they got. More and more, I'm just kind of hoping China accidentally breaks off from the rest of the continent and falls into a pit of hell or something.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Modern Man's Hustle

    For the love of Pete, man, please change your avatar! That's just absolutely disgusting.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Ever wondered how they do video packages

    Apple's web site has an article about the A/V guys at WWE and the tools and resources they use to put together the on-air effects. Still no answer to my burning question, though: How can they put together those End-Of-Mania packages so quickly? Article sure is kind of blunt, though: “RAW,” “SmackDown!” and “Royal Rumble” are the kind of titles that make people dive for cover — or the remote, depending on the audience.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Weird Problem Here.

    May want to give antivirus a try, too. For something simple you can run in a web browser window, use HouseCall. For something to install on your hard drive for later times, use Avast! Both are free.