Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
It does work with the old adage that gimmicks are the people themselves "with the volume turned up," ala Rock and Stone Cold. Of course, recently, we've stopped basing characters on people's natural charisma for the most part, although Cena is an exception since the guy really is into rap.
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
Taxes are covered by the Constitution. -
Now now now, it'll be NYC. And the Boston Globe headline will look like this: TWO HUB MEN DIE IN BLAST New York also destroyed
(More) So, wait, does he read newspapers now or not? Stop flip-flopping, Mr. President. The people elected you because you mean what you say and say what you mean, even when it's utterly stupid and possible to get us all killed.
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
The "Jerry Falwell wing" didn't reframe this. The people organizing the event framed it with posters like the image posted earlier in this thread. If Frist didn't agree with the tone of that message, he probably wouldn't have shown up. It will probably get repeated over and over on Al Franken and Bill Maher's programs for a week and forgotten about, because aside from being controversial it simply isn't true. Shame, though, as it'd be exciting to see a true secularist power in US politics. Isn't the way the rule works that if one party has (x) number of seats, and the Republicans currently are just a hair short, that they can overrule fillibusters? I've heard a lot of discussion (or fearmongering) about how the Republicans only have to win a seat here and there and they can end the fillibuster and the Democrats will have lost their last method to have any influence in the direction of the government, and will be forced to sit and watch in horror as the Republicans do what they want, when they want, and as much as they want. A true backseat party. If this is not fiction, then by having a rule to overturn filibusters, then it's not an illogical conclusion to assume that somebody thought that eventually someone would make one. -
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
Sorry, Vyce, but this is a little retarded. The people who have connected religion and abortion and filibusters together is not the Democrats. It's the Republicans. Abortion hasn't been much of a spoken issue during this judicial screening process. The GOP and their media types, however, have turned what basically could be summed up as "This is why Filibusters are bad!" into a loony "They're clearly scared because we have power and they want to keep their precious abortions omg religion it all comes together!!" message. -
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
Look at those amendments together. It says that the government has no right to order you around and tell you what you can do except in cases covered by the Constitution. Taken literally, it means the government can't force you to divulge private information. And yet you claim to be the one who wants to follow the Constition to the most literal meaning. What a dumbass! -
No. I saw him on Fox & Friends and thought, "people are still paying attention to that stupid fuck?" My dislike of Mancow is based purely on the talents he displayed here locally.
IGN to sell ads to be put in games
Jobber of the Week replied to MarvinisaLunatic's topic in Video Games
GameSpot I trust much more than IGN. They're generally pretty honest, and their video reviews kick ass. Their Halo 2 review, posted the night the game went on sale, mentioned within the first few minutes that the ending isn't going to satisfy many people. I kind of cringed at the thought of the all the "OMG U SPOILERED ME" or "THAT ENDING KIKED AZZ U FOOL" messages they were going to get for that, but appreciated the thought anyway. And it's harder to find a game more marketing-heavy or fanboy-friendly than Halo. Also good is X-Play on G4, if you like their comedy bits and low-budget SNL style sketches planted around the reviews. If you don't like a comedian, you may just want to stick to the reviews on their web site, which issue the same opinions with a lot less entertainment. While so much of G4 is basically summed up "game industry cock-sucking in an MTV format," X-Play seems to take the opinion of a game going in that it's going to suck, and then hand out good ratings once it impresses them, instead of vice-versa. I've seen a number of ho-hum games with nothing REALLY wrong with them get crappy scores for not really having anything special going for them. And then, of course, it also has Adam Sessler and his complete hate for anime tie-in games, RPGs, and just about most Japanese games that aren't called Zelda or Mario. They tend to ridicule the people on their message boards for getting antsy about that. A review for a poorly-rated DBZ game had a small picture-in-picture the whole time of some guy spazzing out and shouting, representing the DBZ fans on their boards as they panned the game. -
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
You think they don't know about all that already? Jesus, everybody's abortion position is only flaunted for all the media to see every election round. -
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
Why? The country is for all intents and purposes majorily pro-choice. -
What's the deal w/ Bill Frist?
Jobber of the Week replied to Spaceman Spiff's topic in Current Events
You're nuts if you don't think this will alienate regular people. This is like Howard Dean's "I hate Republicans" quote but on an issue more people care about. -
Looks like I'm in the minority in this one. Very well, I'll let it go.
April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread
Jobber of the Week replied to Taker666's topic in The WWE Folder
Again, I must draw Hogan comparisons. His promos were often very out there, and his finisher was a simple leg drop made fancy because it was preceeding with the goofiest sequence ever that involved breaking kayfabe with a bunch of superhuman no-selling. But it worked, and it got over, and it made the company money. Again, as a person who wants to see good wrestling, you may not like Cena. But for the general audience that doesn't seek their entertainment in pure workrate, he gets the job done. -
Uh... What? Fill me in.
You idiots. Even if HHH stops wrestling it's not like they won't find a way to make him look stronger than everybody else. Look at the last two years of Stone Cold. HHH's wrestling doesn't kill the product, in fact when he feels like turning it on he's actually still able to make a decent match. HHH's constant self-fellatio through feuds and 30 minute promos about how great he is which is ruining the product. HHH is trying to be Flair, but has become Dusty Rhodes.
You thought I said that having racist thoughts is worthy of a punishment, and decided to go all First Amendment on me because of it. That's simply not the case, though. I advocated punishing people for ACTING BASED ON their thoughts, not for having the thoughts in the first place. Let's use a couple of young men for an example: A Jewish man is assaulted by another man with a known history (and witnesses that can prove it) of disliking Jews. If it's proven this assault was done because of his irrational hatred of Jews (this happens in more cases than you think, some people will admit to it), instead of something like trying to take his money, then there should be a punishment. Not for having anti-semetic thoughts or opinions (although that's usually a good measuring stick for slime as history has shown,) but for acting on those impulses.
I saw the same ad and thought about it, simply because KFC never comes cheap and .99 seems like a good deal, but realized it was probably tinier than fuck.
I just got to this thread, which is a shame, because it's a laugh riot. That never actually happened. LOL #1. Then Mike goes on about the vast left-wing conspiracy about Ohio fraud, and names a bunch of Democrats who voted to certify the election results and thus send the message that Bush won fair and square. LOL #2. Then Mike claims that Republicans aren't on speaking terms with the Christian Coalition and similar groups when Bill Frist is about to speak at a church and say that Democrats are against people of faith. LOL #3. Then Mike says that crime due to acting on irrational beliefs about things that can't be helped is not deserving of any additional punishment than crime just for the sake of crime. LOL #4. Thumbs up, guys. Thread delivers.
If you absolutely MUST have OGG on your player, look up the Rio Karma. They aren't making new ones anymore, I don't think, as Rio appears to be in it's death throes and their site now shows a vastly shortened selection of players and perhaps a new owner (Denon?) With the right extension, you can convert an OGG to AAC or MP3 in iTunes and then send it on to your iPod without leaving the program, but if you'rse an audio nerd who wants to play a real, genuine OGG file, you'll have to find Karma or that expensive multi-purpose iRiver. Basically, OGG is a format for computer and sound geeks right now. It's not a real high priority on many players except a few players that are marketed towards computer and sound geeks. If you can give up the need to play them, your options go up exponentially.
My prediction: Retired. May not be the grand going-out, though, and it may not be permanent, but I don't think they can find enough feuds to keep him actively doing something for the rest of the year and he may get frustrated. Because they've really done just about everything they can with him now.
I don't think there's any issues with US/Canada relations unless the Canadians have some, but since so many of the sole remaining factories of US-based companies available in North America are sitting up there, they're probably not complaining too hard. Chretien somehow made it cool to be a super-hippie for about 2 years, pissing off the Bill O'Reilly crowd, but I don't think there was anything behind it other than grandstanding. The US started getting more and more and more conservative when it came to personal liberty and more and more puritan about it's social beliefs, and almost as a reaction Canada started trying harder to realize a much more liberal ideal of government. I don't think it really did anything, though, other than make people like me wish we were born on that side of the line. But then it would be really cold, so nevermind.
Personally, I wish we had folders for WWE, US Indies, and Overseas or International, then chuck out the Misc Promotions idea. I think this is much better, especially since the US Indy promotions tend to work together from time to time, and Puro/LL are practically a universe of their own.
Not to mention common sense, in light of events that have taken place in the last twelve years or so... More
April, 14, 2005 WWE SmackDown! Thread
Jobber of the Week replied to Taker666's topic in The WWE Folder
But they're getting over, so doesn't that make it a success? It's like complaining about Hogan tearing his t-shirt or doing the ear-cup thing. Sure it looks stupid, but it IS over. I'm still suprised how quickly "Waaah, they need to put over young guys!" becomes "Waaah, they spend too much energy on young guys!"