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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    It's Time That He Lets it Go

    Hold on, you're not going to actually defend people who do something illegal because of an irrational dislike for some random aspect, are you? If someone decides to kill someone just because they're black, or they're gay, or they're Jewish (hello, that ought to ring some bells) should their be no recourse for actually acting on those impulses? It's not so much the impulse that's illegal, but the decision to act on it.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The Minuteman Project

    I think there's a need for the numbers the volunteers provide, and never said otherwise. I said I'm uncomfortable with just letting people play cowboy sherriff, holding no legal authority while capturing people.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Report on the Sgrena Shooting

    Oh, okay. I hadn't been keeping up with her insanity, as I kind of stopped reading her opinions when the car turned out to not even have lost it's windshield while she rambled on about millions of bullets penetrating the cabin.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Stern's a tool

    Mancow used to be based here in San Francisco. Dead air is better than Mancow, he is a waste of a perfectly good radio frequency.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Stern's a tool

    Contrary to that age-old opinions about Republicans in the heartland and Democrats in the big cities (which isn't really true, if you look at a map that counts the popular vote all over the whole country looks rather purple), Rush is carried in more stations in dense cities than he is in the plains and valleys. In many high-density cities, all the major Republican talking heads can be found on many stations. So basically, you hear Rush more and more as things get more dense, yukyuk.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    Not that I'm proud to be in such company, but you can't tell me Ann Coulter and Shawn Hannity don't do the same thing. DO YOU BUY THINGS MADE IN OTHER COUNTRIES? DO YOU BUY THINGS MADE FROM PARTS FROM OTHER COUNTRIES? If "yes," to any of the above, our deficit affects you. Prices on things made in other countries will go up. US companies that make things with parts in other countries will have to pay more for their parts, they'll pass those expenses onto you by raising their prices. No, you're screwing yourself.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The Report on the Sgrena Shooting

    Fuck the police, although in Iraq I think they tend to be a less assholes and more interested in getting work done. The critical thing missing in this report is exactly why they didn't have clearance to pass through in the first place. Clearly somebody inside believed the people at the checkpoint knew in advance what was going on. Contrary to Mike's title, I don't think anything in this article implies anyone is lying or disproved anyone's claims, although long before this point it was painfully obvious the reporter who survived is a raving loon.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Molly Holly released

    I'd peg it sooner than that and say La Resistance. The first one-trick gimmick of recent times that really insulted people's intelligence.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    John Cena CD Cover Art

    Ah, okay then. If I was marketing this, the front and back cover would have been swapped around. People who aren't into wrestling would be less averse to buying the album if it didn't scream "wrestling music" from the very front. Channeling the spirits of PileDriver and Hulk Rules into people's heads won't move stock.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Stern's a tool

    OMG WHAT A CURRENT EVENT. I even downloaded this and I don't get it. Are they calling Stern a sellout? Is it funny because he's advertising satellite radio when he's still on FM until sometime well into 2006? I guess I just don't keep up with the Immature Shock Jock Wars.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Worldwide Race to Destroy Flu Virus

    That's what I thought. I got sick several days after coming home. I'm not sure if I got it on the flight there, at Staples, or on the flight back. But I knew the trip didn't start out well when I woman at the terminal leaving Oakland coughed directly on the back of my neck without covering her mouth. Let's hope I don't die from this thing, or you'll have to stop calling me a hippie and resort to picking on INXS like everyone else does.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Scott Peterson's new prison friend

    Yeah, KTVU seems to be real interested in who Scott's going to be spending time with now. This morning I saw Ross McGowan interviewing some San Quentin spokesman who was detailing the accomodations. Darnit you guys, I watch you guys because you keep a clock on the screen and you're rather centered politically (OMG FOX AFFILIATE say it ain't so!) Don't toss the remains of the Peterson case at me, I got sick of that shit before it ended, or before it started, I can't remember.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    They probably would have had a stand-in waiting in the wings, like Snitsky VS JR. That would be fun, too, because not only would JR get beat up, but it'd probably be too stiff and he might fall victim to a badly botched move.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    John Cena CD Cover Art

    Well, the new belt looks okay by gimmick belt standards. It even has another attack bird on the top, although they could have found something better to write up there than "You Can't See Me."
  15. Jobber of the Week

    HHH injured neck, collapses

    Goddamn, I knew that was going to be bad. I cringed when I saw that legdrop spot on TV, as it looked like Rosey's fat ass crashed down nearly on his skull. BTW, if it isn't obviously apparent already, Rosey is target #1 for future cuts.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Low Taxes-->Robust Economy?

    I'm supposed to take advice from this guy? My favorite LessonInMachismo moment is: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...l=deficit&st=30 I guess he doesn't buy anything made in foreign countries. Or anything made by parts from foreign countries.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Hogan to return @ Backlash!

    I can imagine the announcing. BAH GAWD KING HHH IS GONNA PUNISH HHH IN THE RING TONIGHT!!!! Well, JR, The Game may be that damn good, but one thing is for sure, the other Hunter sure has better hair! GOOD LORD KING YOUR RIGHT LOOK AT THOSE LONG FLOWING LOCKS! NOW IT LOOKS LIKE THE CEREBRAL ASSASSIN IS GOING FURIOUS OVER HIS RAPIDLY BALDING HEAD!!! It hasn't even been ten years, but it looks like twenty! Aiyee! If today's Triple H wants to keep anything left, he better lay off the stuff! THAT MAN TRADED IN SUCH GREAT HAIR FOR JUICED MUSCLES DAMN HIS SOUL FOR THAT!!!
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Ethics DELAYed

    Oh. Well, they became a LOL2005 kind of organization that I don't take seriously since they decided to cancel their Riordan protest when they found out he insulted a white girl, which is appearantly not as big an injustice. That sounds like an SNL or Daily Show skit for some reason, it's comedic because it's so dumb.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    The Minuteman Project

    Actually, if you go to foreign countries, you can usually do pretty well on English. I don't think it will get you as far in the workforce, but English has a pretty big following overseas. My tolerance on the whole thing is kind of middling. I don't have any problem with people speaking Spanish in public places or anything (and yes, I have heard way too many people say "They should speak English in this country" over something as simple as talking to one another at the dinner table of a restaurant), but I think that in the end they should at least have enough langauge comprehension similar to someone who listened to a "How to speak English" books on tape course. Personally, I see the border as a federal issue and the cultural issues of this as a state issue. Washington should not be enacting legislation to make English an official language, and if a state decides that they need to slowly start adopting Spanish as another language, go ahead and let them. It will create more teaching jobs and hopefully that will encourage some more proper immigration.
  20. Jobber of the Week


    That makes no sense. What do you think this is? WCW?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I honestly thought it improved things, and by what I gauged, the crowd did too. Just as well, because Austin and Piper have both been played out for every single thing the company could get out of them.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    I think I'll actually watch this. From the sounds of everyone here, MNM looks like it could be quite good, although I don't know if it'll liven up the tag situation entirely. If Shawn moves to SmackDown for his rematch with Angle, MNM vs The Rockers could be really entertaining. At least, by looking at them on paper it would seem that way. And the SD belts could really use the help.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Smackdown and Velocity spoilers

    The best win loss record in the WWE continues. Has she ever been defeated in any contests? I expect her to win a tag title or challenge JBL or something soon, because between Titty Contests and shitty wrestling matches she's goot a winning streak that would turn Goldberg green.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Ethics DELAYed

    Okay, you're talking about Democratic leadership. I thought you were talking about a majority of the nation's Dems on the whole. Misunderstanding, that's all. I wasn't saying the Media did anything about it. I'm just saying that by trailing the Pope along on everything like they do, they sent those images around the world of people desperate to leave Communism. Yeah, that's pretty bad. Who said that?
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Hassan has raken over YTMND!

    What the hell is this