Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
Reagan had created a whole faction of Democratic crossover voters. What are you going on about? Well, I'd say that Reagan successfully bankrupted the Soviet Union, but the Pope did more to close the lid on Communism as it became plentifully obvious to the rest of the world through his trips and the media following it just what kind of squalor the people he was visiting were living in, and how all these people wanted so badly to live in a free state. I guess in the end it depends on what they're saying. The Republicans, to me, say a lot of things that feel like religious rhetoric. The Democrats have done it before, too, but the Republicans do it more often. Saying something absurd like "marraige is a sacred institution."
Oh, gag. First of all, Reagan was more or less elected on the premise that he would make them die, as everybody was sick and tired of pussyfooting around and Reagan would ensure that either they die or we die, and at least the whole damn thing would be over. I would say the Pope had a good deal to do with the fall of Communism as well, as his trips inspired people to want to be free of the Oppression. Gee, you'd almost think they didn't hold a group prayer at the end of every day of their flashy convention.
They also may buy more UbiSoft, including possibly a controlling stake.
The way you say that "you see a plancha several times in one match" implies something very different to me than what I'm seeing on my telelvision. I wish I was bored of wrestling because so many people were pulling off beautiful looking spots that previously used to be thought of as unique. Instead, I'd say it's the lack of finesse and constant pound-pound-pound offense of the show that kills crowds. JBL knows a few more moves than Kevin Nash, but not enough to make it worthwhile to distinguish the two (other than Bradshaw can move faster.) Yet despite this crappy offense, he had the Title for how long? He killed the crowd at the PPV because he dominated the match with his mindless beatdown offense. The titles aren't devalued because there's so many of them. The titles are devalued because they simply signify whose angle is going to get the lion's share of the cameratime. Somewhere around the 90s revolution the title became less of a prize than the hand in marriage, the family feud, the controlling interest in the company, or whatever other scripted prize is on the line. I blame this starting when stables became popular with the NWO. Previously, stables revolved around titles, such as the Horsemen revolving around Flair's gold. From the point the NWO started using the WCW title as their personal toy, the stables started eclipsing the titles. Tag teams are meaningless because the people inside them are usually in the tag team to hide their weakness as a worker. To have a shocker of a breakup, you must first have a team the fans care about enough that the breakup will shock them, and when your tag division looks like nothing but rookies and jobbers, nobody will care. PPVs are devalued because they're so damned many, not because Vince runs angles into the ground, because he always has done that. Hogan/Andre did so much money the first time, that Vince kept repeating it with different situations over and over for the next year and until Andre left for good. The difference is that then they didn't have so many shows.
Er, what? Source? I can imagine she'd be unhappy about being jobbed out, but I doubt she'd choose no paycheck at all over some bimbo getting a cash prize.
Wow. And to think it's just the morning after they announced The $250,000 Skank-Off II: Electric Boogaloo.
I guess we had this discussion before, but while there are some inefficient uses of money, some in more regions than others, in general FEDERAL tax (which is what we're talking about) tax is not for "hippie" programs, which are predominately local or state. Federal tax goes into the Feds' funds, and if you look at their spending, military, defense, and homeland security outweighs almost everything by a margin that's somewhere between absurd and ludicrious. So if you want to sit around and bitch about how you'd rather buy another plasma TV than pay taxes, you'd be be able to cope with a reduced military budget. In the meantime, while Dubya gives you your money back, he isn't spending any less of it than he did before. Instead, he's spending money that isn't there and blowing up our deficit. That's bad economics, plain and simple.
Exactly. There's something about people who are destined or pre-ordained to win almost every conflict that they go into that makes you hate them and want to see them lose. This is why I always cheer Undertaker's opponent at WrestleMania, no matter who it is.
I just choked on something, pardon me. *cough cough* (no, really, I did. That was unexpected.) Anyway, you don't think a serious threat of fines or, in extreme cases, jailtime, would make companies more efficient at this? By your examples, I don't know if it's so much liberal agendas as it is lazyness ("Oh, yes. We'll get to that. Sometime.")
This has been going around the internet the past few days, but since not everyone keeps up what's popular, I thought I'd link it here: http://www.hcn.zaq.ne.jp/cabic508/rsf/SF6-2i.swf You're going to need to know Final Fantasy III (SNES) as well as way too many failed and little-known systems to get all the humor, though.
Too bad he polled over 50% in the only poll that matters. I know this is a baseless prediction, but I suspect that if we were here in 1997, you'd make similar jabs at Clinton. Kind of a bad thing to say, since Hoover DID turn a recession into a depression by reducing the amount of money available instead of increasing it. He didn't cause the whole thing, but he turned a down spot that could have been resolved into a fuckup of epic proportions. That and the Smoot-Hawley tarriffs, which didn't help anything. But I think we've gone over this before, haven't we? In case you didn't read, and it would look like you didn't, I said I wasn't familiar with Shays' voting record. I am familiar with Miller's, and how it basically aligned with the White House almost 100% of the time. Also, those comments were sort of in jest, since I know kkk is a big Zell Miller fan even after I've listed my 1001 reasons why I think Zell is icky to be around.
Sorry, Machismo, but I don't believe that every company thinks they're hiring legit workers and then is shocked to find out that that they've hired illegals, though I understand it does happen. You can identify the illegals you work with, you just said so yourself. So why does it take the business up to a year to figure it out?
They should have this match in Canada, just for laughs.
Noooooooooo, no more Hogan comebacks. For the love of God, we've had ENOUGH. I thought it was going to be Austin, myself. The Rockers idea wasn't a bad choice either, though.
But Hassan isn't an Iraqi... To make such an angle work they'd have to go to a crazy extreme such as have Hassan announce his support for the Iraqi insurgents in an in-ring promo or something. And between the tastelessness of that and that he'll probably get death threats, they don't want to go there. If they want to do Hassan versus Guy Who Served In Iraq, they could easily take Road Dogg from TNA and he'd have built-in crowd support since most fans still know who the guy is. As it is, it's too borderline tasteless and insensitive, even for WWE.
Some people have too much time on their hands
Jobber of the Week replied to Jobber of the Week's topic in Video Games
And, as most the jokes go in this Flash, if you can't remember FF6 well or never played it some of the choices don't make sense. In FF6, that scene was that Celes took the place of an opera singer who looked exactly like her. Thus the Dreamcast/Naomi thing. -
Maybe he needed a better lawyer or something? I can't understand how that would happen. I can see how his wife would end up with custody because he was on the road all the time, but generally in these situations there's a ton of legalese and beuracracy if you just want to take the child to another state, much less another country. Otherwise, it's kidnapping.
Oh no you diiiii-n't! Well, okay, he may be, I know nothing about his voting record, but his bit about the Party of Lincoln becoming the Party of Theocracy made him my hero for the week, if nothing else. 'Bout time some Republicans started noticing the neoconservatives grip on their party and started bitching about it. It was getting pretty stupid when you have DEMOCRATS supporting the most conservative, non-interventionist ideas.
Lastly, if you want to make progress in halting illegal immigration, you can either hire people to sit and look out for border jumpers all day or you can do the right thing and actually enforce the laws to fine companies that are hiring illegals. Then you can raise the minimum wage so that Americans will want to do those shit jobs that are currently going to immigrants because "no American wants to do them." I can guess who'll bitch about that, though.
I don't expect them to act like Saints, but the army has typically held itself to some strict conduct guidelines, at least until the lead starts flying. I don't know why it's okay to imitate the likeness of sub-human monkeys because the other side is doing it?
Either that or people were shocked to see what their own countrymen were doing on the job, regardless of who they were doing it to. First of all, why do we keep lowering our expectations for American soldiers to behave like the total savages on the other side? We're supposed to be the heroes bringing this country out of their culture of violence and death. We didn't come here because we enjoy hurting people.
If they're here illegally, my concern for them is non-existant. I had other things to respond to, but I think I'll pass, since your lack of concern at the US beheading someone speaks for itself.
Some people have too much time on their hands
Jobber of the Week replied to Jobber of the Week's topic in Video Games
Kind of like John Lennon and his infatuation with the number 9, Konami has some love affair with the numbers 573 (which was Beatmania in the Flash.) It's a code for unlocking previous Bemanis in later machines, but I don't really know the full details since I try and stay away from that scene. But suffice it to say it's all a bunch of DDR/Bemani gags. Wikipedia has a pretty good write up to the PC-FX. -
Rather than support some stupid bootlegger, just keep downloading. Why give money to a guy so he can take the same fansub you're watching and burn it to a DVDR, or do something similar with an even worse translation? If you want something physical, use a CD/DVD burner. Because there's otherwise no reason to pay money for the stuff and support some thief instead of the people that are bringing it to these shores. I don't know why you're stuck to PayPal (since that seriously limits your options), but eBay's subsidiary Half.com (www.half.com) is basically a store instead of an auction site, and they list DVD's by quality. The highest category is unopened product.
Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Services Turn off things that look like they weren't provided by Microsoft with Windows, reset, and try again. Be careful, though.