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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The Pope

    Could they please get a YOUNG POPE after this guy? Before him, they had a line of very old men who were all at the brink of death waiting to be Pope. The result was that it seemed like the Pope dying was a regular news event. This guy was something like 50 when they sat him on the chair, and it did them a lot better to have a Pope who could actually speak instead of just simply nod his head.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Behold! The obvious about Iraq is revealed!

    That's a hypothetical at best and a straw-man at worst. Tear apart an article for what it says, Mike, not what someone maybe said by chance twenty years ago. Just a few more decades before that, doctors would have told you that smoking isn't going to kill you. Does that mean that you don't listen to doctors today?
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Checks and Balances question

    Well, it's generally considered that judges will do a better job when they aren't being heavily overwatched, beholden to the Constitution instead of the ever-changing winds of culture and popular opinion. If you're asking this to find out who to complain to so that the fags won't get married, the feeding tube will be put back in, and the ten commandments will go back in the courthouse where they belong, can't help you. It all kind of boils down to personal style in whether decisions are made based on the spirit and implications of what's written in the constituion, or whether something explicitly appearing in there in black and white or not ("Well, it doesn't SAY anything about goat fucking being wrong...")
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Hilary Clinton slams GTA, among others

    At this rate, I will only vote Hillary for President unless either Michael Savage runs as the Republican, or Bill Clinton becomes UN Secretary General. The latter is only so that I can tune into Rush & Hannity after election day and hear their tortured cries.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Checks and Balances question

    The President appoints the judges that go on the Supreme Court and have the ultimate power of authority of the judicial branch, that's what. The power balance goes like this: President can't write laws, Congress can. President doesn't have to approve of the laws Congress sends him. Courts can overturn law for being unconstitutional. President appoints people to appear in the major leagues of the courts. The way you override a ruling is to take it to a next higher court, topping out at the Supreme Court, and what they say goes. As recent events have proven, though, if the Supreme Court doesn't want to hear your whiny ass, the next court down basically gets to make what goes.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Rob Thomas - "Lonely No More": Ummmm.......

    I thought Rob's voice had that horse-like heehaw sound while singing in M20, I doubt I'm going to like him much more as a solo.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    Since then? Even the beloved WM X?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    WHAT!?!?! You did not just slam the Lexus RX400h and GS450h. Nuh-uh. No way. And if nobody's buying these things, at least the luxury market is. RX400h already has more pre-launch orders than any Lexus ever. I can't find any hard mileage numbers, but auto megasite Edmunds.com calls it "the best fuel mileage in the SUV industry." Now what they need to do is produce a Toyota variant.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    Lighter vehicles? Aluminum. However, for safety cars are always going to have big metal heavy panels, and if they don't who the hell wants to take on the freeway in something that fragile? Still, I know aluminum can be done to an extent. It was a selling point on the Audi A8 luxury cruiser a while back, because Audi struck a deal with Alcoa. However, in general, Americans don't want to drive smaller vehicles, ever, unless something like a 1970s oil crunch forces it on them. Cars prior to that look like cruiseliners compared to the cars of today. The only way the auto industry could assist in that regard is to stop treating all small cars as economy cars, by applying the same techniques of reducing noise and increasing comfort that they do on regular sized sedans.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    I Really Don't Get This Verdict

    Does anyone have any other story on this matter? For some reason I don't think we're getting the full story. Obviously the LA Times as a media outlet has a stake in this issue, and so does any other paper or channel, but they're also one of the few big names I'd say are flagrantly biased.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Exactly what process do you have to go through to be eligable to bring a complaint to the Supreme Court? I would like to propose to the Supreme Court that they hear some issue or complaint I have with someone. You know, nothing too serious, but still. Because if these parents can get denied by the Supreme Court something like five times, certainly I have the right to get denied by the Supreme Court just for an ego boost.
  12. Jobber of the Week


    Well, the Ten Commandments thread spurred a brief discussion on the zealotry behind environmentalism, so I thought it was worth it's own discussion. To spark some debate, I'll throw out this Kristof column, which, if you don't immediately judge it by virtue of being an NY Times column, is actually pretty critical. I'm inclined to agree with him. Thoughts? http://tinyurl.com/49fjc The wolf-howling of environmental groups has always been grating IMO because most people honestly don't want to live in a world without a healthy system of nature, but are distrusting of the current face of preserving the ecosystem. Politically, I think there's only so long before Democrats can keep saying that the latest thing the enviro-hippies are against is just some tip of the hat to a corporate donor, and are going to have to admit that it's the right idea.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    You're going to need the biggest stage of them all to fit both guys.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    I've Been Out Of The Loop For A Few Years...

    Chris Harvard got injured. Bradshaw is simply Vince's pet project, his character of being DiBiase 2005 really wasn't that bad an idea as an obnoxious heel but it was immediately thrust into the main event and quickly overexposed. Plus, he went from bragging about his wealth to winning the title in a blowoff to a racism angle of all things, with him as the racist. Yikes. Benoit is still kicking ass, Shawn can be decent when he actually wants to be, nobody else is really allowed to do anything special. Brock Lesnar faded away with a match VS Goldberg, whose WWE career was a shitfest-sized dud. They put on what may be the worst WM match ever, beating UT VS Gonzalez in non-workrate. Both guys were leaving the day after, so it didn't matter who won, neither guys wanted to bust ass for the audience, and Vince probably flipped a coin to decide who won. Orton is currently being flipped from face to heel like Big Show in 2000. He's current a bad guy because he wants to fight Undertaker, and they've tried to cement that a bit by having him beat on women. Of course, once WM is over and Orton is back facing Raw wrestlers, who knows whether he'll stay a heel, because his feud against HHH isn't exactly THAT old. Batista is nothing more than the latest wall for HHH to tear down, but crowds really do enjoy watching him fling men around like dolls. Nobody from Tough Enough ever becomes anything, you should know this by now. They did do a Tough Enough 4 live on Smackdown, that was a disaster as they had guys who didn't know shit and would no-sell the Big Show in front of the live crowd, exposing the business for all. Russo found Jesus. RVD isn't doing anything special, but he also isn't the most charasmatic or over guy on the roster anymore, either. I'm a poor judge of workrate. Basically, the theory was proved correct that people WILL react for Benoit if he's played as a tough-as-nails serious threat. Eddy Guererro still gets a ton of crowd heat even though he's been shuffled down to the midcard following WM20. New guys on the scene? Uh, haha? The only new guy on the scene that blew anyone away was Marty frikkin' Janetty. As for "big" news, Rock is basically gone for good now, Austin couldn't cut it in Hollywood and is mooching to Vince for roles, Lesnar didn't make it as a Minnesota Viking and wants out of his no-compete clause, Lita fucked Edge and Matt Hardy made a public spectacle out of it, Vince tore both his quads in one little accident that didn't even look that damaging on TV, Hogan just won't ever go away, Piper came in and did his thing and then fucked over his own chances and got kicked out to get recognized in the hall of fame two years later, and Scott Steiner went from feuding with HHH to feuding with Test in four months.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    I know that, I'm just predicting that he and Steph will run it into the ground and decide to cash out by selling it as damaged goods instead of completely going down with the ship. The McMahons own a big majority of WWE stock, so to cash out and give control to someone else, they simply have to sell that stock.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    How would WWE react in the event of a tragedy?

    If Vince keeled over, I expect about a year of shitty booking before they accept a big buy of stock from someone and they take control. That would either be a large conglomo like Fox or Viacom, or an individual who could afford it like Mark Cuban or something.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

  18. Jobber of the Week


    See, here's more of what I'm talking about: Whoops, bad link. Heh. http://www.guardian.co.uk/international/st...1447863,00.html
  19. Jobber of the Week

    That sound you hear is the PS2 screeching

    http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=news&cat=3&id=332037 Better buy your PS2s before they become rare items, I guess. Who here saw that coming, raise your hand.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    Well, I don't know how saturated Iowa is in Wal-Marts compared to fast food restaurant chains and/or gas stations, but I'd expect to see other usual names in the Shit Jobs category appear there somewhere, too. But they aren't, which kind of makes me wonder what Wal-Mart is doing.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    By itself it's not bad, but I find it suspicious that Wal-Mart has so many compared to everyone else. Maybe because it's not the most glamorous well-paying job in the world, but Burger King and K-Mart and all those other enterprises that have numerous shit jobs that keep our lower classes paid for aren't on the list.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    With Johnny Cochran dead, Jerry Falwell in critical condition, and Terri finally ready to move on, this is lining up to be a great week for death. Don't know about the rest of you, but as a freedom-hating death-lover, I haven't been this excited for death in quite a long time
  23. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    I'm afraid of death insomuch as I don't want to die but try to not think about the depressing aspects of it enough to keep from scarring my mind for life. You've simply managed to abandon fact and logic in exchange for lunacy. You've chosen prolonged death over a dignified life because it doesn't hurt or affect you personally at all.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Jesus, you sound like an idiot. I'm just going to wait for "Why do you guys like death so much?" You have managed to take an opposing side in an issue where there is no opposing side, and there is logically no way you can take the other side. I don't see issues like that very often, but this is one and you've managed to do the impossible.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    That's just intelligent math. Assuming those clinics are around 10 miles apart instead of 50. http://www.qctimes.com/internal.php?story_...is&c=24,1046701 That article isn't even a month old.