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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    AutoCad 14

    Oh shit you mean this forum ISN'T titled "I want my free stolen software?" I am shocked.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    Because Canada, the UK, Japan, and Australia are just burning down in an inferno since they diversified firefighting, right? If "hippie social engineering bullshit" is "twenty quintillion dollars to encourage you to recycle that bottle and stop smoking," yeah, I'm there. If you mean shutting down something like free health clinics, sorry, can't really agree with you. I mean, all those uninsured Wal-Mart employees need to go somewhere when they get sick.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    How hyped are yall for WM21?

    Well, I'm going so I'm more excited than I usually am for this show, but not as much as I was for 19, just because in 19 there was so many oppertunities for elevation. None of which happened, of course.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    That's a vague statement. Are you suggesting that nothing should be done for those below the poverty line? That sounds like more of that illogical "Well, if they didn't WANT to be poor they wouldn't be poor" thinking. We can't keep credit-card spending forever. The current government is running up quite a tab for the future of our country to swallow.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    It's easy to say "If you want to raise taxes, you suck." but then you expect the public to give you things. You think it sucks to raise taxes, but you expect the public to provide you with police and firemen to protect you locally and soldiers to protect abroad. You make them out as your country's heroes, but when it comes time to actually pay their salaries, you complain about taxes. Sure, you may love W right now because you're seemingly getting everything you expect with more money back, too, but wait until we finally get to see what the deficit looks like when all the damage has been done.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Er, what? Last I checked I saw character classes, equipping/unequipping items, inventory, merchants, etc. The typical hallmarks of an RPG. I finally got to try it a bit today and thought it was quite fun but not enough to overcome the price tag for me, personally. No, no, not really. Got packed in after they marketed it to death to the people who already owned SNES. It's not so much a moneymaker as something like the NES classics series is, but it's trying to make a point. Nintendo's core base is S/NES nostalgics, and they can't get much further than that because they only make major new games so fast and they have almost no third party support for GameCube. Their GBA fortunes have fared much better by the virtue of being, until now, the only game in town. But how many of these games are carbon copies of their PS2 counterparts? Metal Gear Acid isn't a clone of any previous MGS game. By what I've read, Ridge Racer isn't a clone of a previous game. Ape Escape and Tony Hawk would be. I'm not going to defend the pricing scheme. I didn't like that they decided to charge $50 more in North America than they did in all the other regions of the world. At $50 more than DS, it would have been competitive. Right now, it's a high cost toy I can live without. Eventually, the cost will come down. However, assuming Nintendo starts a pricing war, expect the same events that happened last time between SNES and N64. Sony makes stronger gestures to third-parties to please come and develop for their system through one of several methods, including perhaps lowering licensing fees, and Nintendo rails on third-parties to do what they want them to do and pay what they want them to pay because they're Nintendo damnit and they own this sector. That's how they went from conquering the world with Super Nintendo to finding themselves on the verge of irrelevancy with N64, excluding moments of consumer interest with Goldeneye and two Zelda games. I didn't say that. I'm saying that Nintendo has a core base that is fiercely loyal to them, and will always buy the Nintendo machine in addition to whatever other consoles they own (if any) because they have been playing Nintendo since Super Mario rescued the Princess for the very first time and they sure as hell aren't stopping now. In North America, Nintendo is using that base like a crutch, relying on it and exploiting it more than ever. It would be like if Volkswagen decided to quit making all their cars except for the New Beetle because they can survive as long as children of the 60s keep buying that car for nostalgia.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    In testing the unit as an MP3 player with the screen turned asleep, PSP's battery lasted about five hours. I imagine if you had the all the functions on all the time, yes, battery will get used up. Third-party distributors are planning on making bigger batteries, and Sony will probably release a Battery V2 with some technology they announced a time back to get more use out of them.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Four years ago tonight...

    I've managed to put 2001 out of my head. Aside from WM, there wasn't one show worth remembering. Except for weird oddities like The Rock: WCW Champion.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Well, considering that "GOSH DARN GOVERNMENT CAUSED A BUNCH OF CHILDREN TO SUFFER" only starts popping up in the wake of someone saying "Janet Reno," I'm not quite sure it fits that criteria. Maybe THEN it did, but now it doesn't. But even then, I remember polls showed a majority of people blamed the Branch Davidians for their own death.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    This explains a few things about you. Well gosh, now I'm just darn curious to know what that meant.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    School shooting in Minnesota

    That was a fuckup, truly. Still, every politician makes one, it seems. Yeah, I was pretty steamed at that Dean interview where he promised to relinquish the US' right to self-defense to France. Oh wait a minute...
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Do you need a "FOX Blocker?"

    This is nothing new, however, you guys are either more dense than I thought or not understanding the idea of this. It's not for your own feed, it's designed so you can block Fox out from your right-wing neighbor or friend. There's even a "nudge nudge" warning against doing this on the site. This guy just took some old technology in a tiny case and resells it to liberals who are willing to pay money to watch the guy next door with the "Gun Control is good aim & a steady finger" bumper sticker on his pickup truck throw a shitfit.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Something I thought recently: If PSP didn't launch with an RPG, then what in the heck is Untold Legends?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    For anyone curious what's happening here, they tried and failed once again in court. This time, they tried to educate this braindamaged woman to say "I want to live" and then propose that the sounds “AHHHHH” and “WAAAAAAA” were interpreted as such. They were denied because, well, cmon. That could interpreted as anything. Even if she was cognitive of what was happening, that could just as easily have been "I want to die" as "I want to live."
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    That wasn't even released here. And there's no point dragging every Sony product that ever failed into this, such as that laptop, because I was talking about gaming stuff. Besides, we could spend a whole day talking about Betamax alone. Was that pumped up as being something more than it really was? I seem to remember it was always promoted as just some bonus feature on the side, not as some kind of revolutionary new way of changing how we think about playing with games or whatever. That doesn't change my point. That it's much more useful to me, personally, to be able to get my hands on any copy of a title and be able to access my savegame. This did wonders for RPGs especially, as more people started getting into them when they could casually rent the game a few times and keep their characters. The largest one is a good deal over $100, and you're right about it starting at $40, however, the $40 stick is 128MB. Those $25 PS2 memory cards are only 8MB. So, yes, the price is a little higher, but as long as people are smart with their memory as they already are with their GameCubes and PS2s, they shouldn't ever need to buy more than one. Seems decent to me, how about you? It's more than that. They've been doing this since Super Mario All-Stars on the SNES. Look at all the WindWaker pre-orders that happened because they waved around Zelda 64 on a minidisc in everyone's faces. Look at how they not only rereleased the old Metroid in the NES Classics collection, but released a "new" Metroid game in Zero Mission that's... Oh, I see, it's Metroid again with cosmetic surgery. That's not a problem. That's an effect of consumerism. The movie industry sees this too, which is how something like Jurassic Park can get 3 sequels despite not having enough plot to support 3 sequels. Er? PS1? Way to ignore the popularity of Tekken (alright, it's tired today, but when the first one was new it moved a lot of units early on) and Gran Tourismo. And while all of FF7's exciting moments drew upon taking things from Evangelion, it was still put together quite decently compared to it's sequels. I don't know if I'd put it in the good category with FF6 or in the bad category with the games that followed, though. If nothing else, at least 12 looks to be a refreshing change of pace in gameplay. I'm talking about the blatant repackagings like Sonic Mega Collection and the Phantasy Star thing for GBA. It helps when you tell me what you're talking about. Sega Classics Collection, I take it? Sadly they made the mistake of passing development onto some Cheapware producer. IT seems like they do that once every 10 years or so. We're comparing apples to oranges here, I believe. I'm talking about how Nintendo, the company with the guys that let loose those huge rants about the death of the game industry, have sold me back the same Super Mario World game over and over again unlike anyone else in the field. YOU seem to be on some sort of general rant about sequelitis. Between this and Prince of Persia avatar, I'm starting to sense that vibe that you're one of those people who bitches about how things go downhill once they become popular. It's cool to hate _____ because it's trendy. Mario 64, Wario Ware, and Metroid Prime rehashes on the phone, calling Andrew! Come in! And guess what's coming to DS next month? NFSU. Besides, launch titles in the end usually either don't matter. They either become some sort of instant classic because everyone who owns the system buys it or got it packed (SMB/DuckHunt, Super Mario World, Sonic the Hedgehog, Halo) or completely forgotten about (the rest of the early N64 lineup, the rest of the Xbox launch lineup, which actually had variety.) Because Nintendo's sole remaining market with any kind of reliability is Nintendo Fanboys who were growing up with NES controllers in their hands andpine for their early years in those innocent 80s, when Nintendo was to gaming as Kleenex is to tissue paper. Thus, even the new stuff that is rather innovative, like the bongo drum game, is wrapped up in the 1980s packaging of Donkey Kong. DH would probably beg to differ, however taking a look at what's slated for both systems, the worthwhile games for each are few and far between. Neither are going to have libraries that make them must-haves until Christmas or beyond.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Halo 2 "Expansion" is Real

    If previous experience has taught me anything, almost nobody with Live will pay for these maps, so unless you play with friends locally, just wait until summer.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    New Outlaw Country

    There really isn't anything that can be called Outlaw Country anymore, and to say there's such acts being created today is almost an insult to the real outlaws of country. I don't care how edgy their presentation is, they're still just another act from Nash Vegas.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    F-Zero GX was frustrating beyond all belief because they cranked the difficulty up needlessly high, and I enjoyed the original, difficult F-Zero quite much thank you. I don't think either F-Zero or RE4 can really be compared to Super Mario Bros 3. If you didn't already like arcade racers or survival horror, neither game is going to do anything to change your mind.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Sometimes they hit, sometimes they miss. I'll be damned if they hit this time. Do remember that for every analog stick and controller vibrator that Nintendo made popular there's always a R.O.B. or Super Scope, eReader, or Power Glove. http://www.gamefly.com/psp/ There is a vast difference between making a sequel and literally ripping the complete code of an old program, bugs and all, and putting it onto a new media format. Nintendo's been doing a lot of the latter, especially for GBA. At least Sega's nostalgia collections come out maybe once or twice a year. Nintendo is King Of The F'n Mountain when it comes to the art of repackaging your childhood in a fancy new format, and selling it back to you for 3/5ths the price of what you paid for it almost 15-20 years ago. None of the games you listed above are ports of older games. I looked up the Wipeout and Twisted Metal ones, since I was unsure of those, and they aren't either.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Who's going to be at WrestleMania?

    Agreed, especially if the only other event you've been to is Undertaker chasing Stephanie around while HHH cuts a 45 minute promo.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Who's going to be at WrestleMania?

    Also in the shitty seats crowd, somewhere practically behind the set. Let's hope I don't get fireworks in my face.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    As George Carlin said, "Hey, when a bunch of crazy religious people decide to set themselves on fire, I'm a pretty happy guy." Also, you can't blame the ATF for shooting kids when Koresh was giving firearms everyone age 12 and up.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Booker T resigns for two more years

    Everything I've heard has said that Booker is one of the few guys in the business who has managed to save his money and use it well. I figured he could get out at any time he likes.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Gimmicky shit is fine as long as it doesn't get in my way of actually using the software. But right now the most widely-anticipated DS titles are the ones that use touchscreens and microphones as a gameplay crutch. Eventually the developers will get over that and either use it wisely or not use it at all. The same abuse of technology came when FMVs first became available on the SegaCD, too. Remember the endless floods of titles that were just watching an FMV play while pressing buttons to keep it playing? The most fondly remembered SegaCD game, Sonic CD, barely used FMV at all. In fact, most of the time it looked like a Genesis game with more sprites and better sound. Would you prefer the bulk of a built in burner or hard drive? If we're going to start using read-only media, we need to save our data to SOMETHING. And yes, I prefer memory cards to on-cartridge saves because it allows me to rent something and keep my save. I don't know if you were as active in renting and playing things in the S/NES days as I was, but I hated renting Link To The Past from Blockbuster and then getting it back to find out that my Death Mountain save was rewritten by some guy on the 3rd dungeon who named his hero Fred. You're bitching about something not worth bitching about. First of all, you don't have to buy UMD movies, and I don't plan to because I have a DVD player and an HDTV and a portable DVD system so I don't need them. But secondly, and the point you apparently missed, is that Sony isn't the only one doing that stunt. The industry is stronger than ever. Well, I guess if they're examining themselves. As far as I know, Nintendo is the one most heavily the games of the 1980s and 1990s on modern system. The choices outside their bubble are much more vast.