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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Not really. Almost all of Sega's first-party titles were disappointing except for sports games and the occasional something like Virtua Fighter. Oh sure, there's a number of hardcore types that will swear up on down to love the qurkiest games like ChuChu Rocket and Shenmue, but they're few and far between. Plus, Sega really failed at getting broadband adapters even while marketing the SegaNet service like mad, then failed to even produce the DVD add-on when other consoles were making big noise for playing DVDs.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    I don't mean in terms of numbers, I mean in terms of being a rotten egg. My guess is it will have a short lifespan as Nintendo will introduce a new Game Boy that keeps the traditional one-screen setup shortly down the road. I guess I was simply using VB because it's Nintendo's only real notable bomb. I guess to be more accurate I should say Sega Dreamcast instead. Rehash. It might be good, but nobody's going to pay $150 for it. Semi-rehash. One good game. Ehh.. Supposedly, it started life as a tech demo and shows it. Bullshit. The day they announced the thing they had a video with representatives and some programmers from various companies all talking about the thing and how exciting it will be and how they're making games for it. All that time to make the game and so far, nothing. Even the damn Metroid game is still a demo and they've been showing that off since trade shows before the system is released. What? Those are the most gimmicky features of the system. At least the vertical two-screen setup allows for something even the laziest developer can use, such as having a minimap on one screen. The touch screen and the mic are the next SNES mouse or NES Power Pad. Goofy little tricks that will be forgotten about except by the nostalgic in 12 years. If you think that voice games are the future, go play LifeLine for PS2 and you'll quickly change your position. So far, the touch screen has not proven to be anything other than a novelty and both Xbox and PS2 have microphone support. And those have always sold so well.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    OMG I think I am going to be sick

    I wish he'd get to guest host SNL once. He's usually pretty funny, and that program's had far worse.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Hulk Hogan

    And Lex Luger would be something like a six time NWA/WCW champion, just from his feud with Flair alone.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The Rockers or Rock n' Roll Express?

    I wasn't watching wrestling when mullets were trendy, but I think some people are confusing "which team put on the best matches in your opinion?" with "which team got bigger crowd pops?" If that is the determing factor in match quality, then Hulk Hogan and Goldberg put on the greatest matches of all time. I can't judge myself, having never seen the Rockers in their prime, but having seen something about 15 PPV-level NWA events that either team, I have to say I like the Midnight Express more than I like the RnR.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Complete HOF and inductors

    I've been talking for a while now that the whole list, pardon Hogan, is nothing but heels. But now it's starting to look more like Hogan VS Every Major Guy He Fought For Six Years. Piper, Orton, Mr. Wonderful, Shiek, Slaughter, and Stallone. Throw in Bobby Heenan as the guy who made disparaging remarks about Hogan all the time. You think they may make some sort of acknowledgement as to this?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Aside from the use of a Memory Stick product to hold savegames, none of the PSP's extras don't have any kind of an impact on the gameplay experience. They're just simply there in the background. Just like how PS2 DVD playback. Well, I'm going to own both eventually, I believe. I'm simply not buying one until a game I want to own is sitting on the shelf. With the last generation of consoles I was so awestruck by new hardware that I bought all the systems so I could bask in the greatness of their awesomeness and then noticed it would be at least six months until I saw something I wanted to own. I'm not doing that this time. I've expressed interest in DS titles in the post above, and I've heard some good things about a couple. I'm generally not a big fan of Nintendo's franchises, so those are non-issue with me. And I believe that Iwata and the other Nintendo suits are slowly going insane by calling online play a fad and going on in artistic terms about how the game industry is dying from innovation stagnation so the DS is the Gaming Jesus that will save us. Hell, they're beginning to do the same song and dance on the Revolution, which is, well, I mean, look at the codename. Sheesh.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Yes, but where's the software? Everyone I know who has a DS just uses it to play their GBA games better than ever. It's like the PS2 launch in Japan where 90% of the owners were using it as a DVD player until games finally started appearing. Is bare. Fucking. Thin. Are not coming out anytime soon. And believe me, I'm as interested in Mario Kart and Katamari on the DS as anybody.
  9. Jobber of the Week


    Oh for the love of us who don't watch SmackDown, I wish there was a full video somewhere of this skit
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    By the way, my prediction is that DS will be the next Virtual Boy, and Nintendo will find themselves in the Last Place for handhelds like they are in consoles now. It's not even so much the developer lineup for that guess but the system specs. People just want the old handheld design made more pretty. That's what the PSP, once it gets over it's launch jitters, provides. People don't want touchscreens and dual monitors and the gimmicky shit that Nintendo is trying to promote as innovation. I really think senior management at Nintendo is going off the deep end if they think this gimmick system is a successor to Game Boy. Regardless, once someone finally makes a game for either of these I want to play, I'll look into getting one.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    No, it turned out there was a flaw. The chairman of SCE said something about how the PSP is a work of art and if there's a problem with it you don't change it because it's artwork or something like that. And then, later on, they noticed that a small percentage of PSPs were in fact being flawed in the manufacturing process. It wasn't part of the design, it doesn't effect all PSPs. It was a small in a portion of the stock. Regardless, I think all these posts about dead pixels and broken buttons and stuff are useless. If you look on the internet, it look like the PSP is a failed broken-down product because you don't actually hear the stories of the ones that work as advertised, just complaining from the people whose units broke.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    School shooting in Minnesota

    I can see the McCain-Lieberman connection, sort of, although I think it's funny that you complain about people calling Lieberman not a Democrat and then follow it up by implying that McCain isn't a Republican. I like McCain a lot more though, because at least he errs on the side of individual freedoms more often, while Holy Joe wants the government to take away those Ninja Turtles so the kids don't karate chop each other to death. Still, neither of these guys compare to Zell, because neither of them were premiere convention speakers for the opposing party. Just because he's finally gone now, thank God, people are turning their attention to Lieberman. I wish they were paying more attention when he was sic'ing the PTC on everything.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Bill O'Reilly is Popping Wood Now

    You know, I'm all for the rights of the conscientious objection and will run like hell myself to avoid having to do any military service. I also believe that if you're being ordered to march to your death (such as those guys who were told to escort an unprotected fuel truck in a place that has regular explosions), then I will also stand up for the personal right to object to being told to go out there and get killed. But when you walk into the recruiting office door and say "suit me up, Sarge" you cannot really complain about the reasoning behind wars. You offered to go fight for whatever reason they told you.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Once again proving that when our Great Well-Oiled Republican Machine is in jeopardy (and judging from how such even evangelicals seem to majorily support removing the tube, they are), guess whose there to convince us all that we're just simply wrong? I really like to think he DOESN'T get all his stuff from some blog or radio host, but I'm having a hard time now. He seems to be just as inconsistant as they are.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    You still seem to cling to the emotional of view of "starving to death." That carries the physical yearning for nourishment and the mental anguish of not being able to eat. Terri feels none of this, as her cerebral cortex is gone. Stop using terms of art. And yet, somehow, I feel the lack of a cerebral cortex is more of a telling sign as to whether she can recognize pain or not, than some nurse's guess as to what is going on.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bill O'Reilly is Popping Wood Now

    Eh... Somehow, I'm not as worried about this as I thought it would be.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Ah, you finally made a fact. The proclimation from one of Michael's relatives about Terri's comment was also in an affidavit, yet you don't buy it. In this case, our skepticism towards them shall work both ways. I still don't think it is smart to deem the phrase "starving to death" as accurate. Again, she is not aware, she feels no pain, her movements are involuntary. You cannot confuse the issue by saying that starving a cognitive being is the same thing as allowing a PVS patient to die by withholding the feeding tube. Ditto all this stuff about shooting people, property, etc. You've been letting this sewage in for the whole thread and it's time someone called you on it. There is a HUGE difference between killing someone, and not forcing them to live simply because we have the ARTIFICIAL means to keep them alive. Your statements make it clear that you do not want to play God by ending something which may still be alive, but if it were up to nature, she'd already be dead. It is because we already decided to step in and play God that she is in her current situation. She has no chance to have any kind of life. If she could sustain life without the use of tubes, then we should not take it, regardless of what she's experiencing. But it is another book entirely to talk about withdrawing the tubes. We were not born to live with tubes. Do you, personally, think that she would WANT to live this way? And hey, another successful ignore of the fact that the parents encouraged him to go date other women. Excellent.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Did anybody get a PSP?

    Dead pixels are a fact of life with color LCD displays. GBAs have them. Even expensive laptops and monitors have them, and even the buyer-friendly manufacturers like Dell or Apple won't take them back unless there's a certain number of dead pixels on one screen. Sometimes it's not always a dead pixel, but a piece of dirt or dust from the manufacturing process. A dead pixel is probably better, since at least on the softer LCD screens you can massage it back into working again. The button sticking thing didn't affect all PSPs and was just some flaw. I haven't seen any proof of claims about discs popping out except for one stupid animated GIF of some guy playing Ridge Racer when the game flies out. If you look, in the few frames right before the game flies out, you can see he's trying to contort the console by twisting one direction really hard away from him and the other really hard towards. Too rich for my blood, though. I will get one down the line when I see a game I want to have but not a moment until then.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Mexico finally speaks out on illegal immigration

    Well, I don't think you can blame immigrants for making you look like you're uneducated with a sentence like that. Too bad you didn't criticise them for not speaking Enligsh. The irony would have been thicker than a McDonalds milkshake.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    That's actually just the portion of the sample that had living wills. The real demographics are even scarier for the right's extremist crowd: "There are no partisan political differences on this issue: majorities of Democrats (89 percent), Republicans (72 percent), liberals (84 percent) and conservatives (76 percent) are in agreement that the government should not be involved."
  21. Jobber of the Week

    School shooting in Minnesota

    Well, yeah, I just about had a conniption when he was announced as VP because he's gone after my video games and pro wrestling. "I really wish that we could ban them constitutionally." I love you, too, Holy Joe.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Wrestlemania 21

    From that review: Jesus, are you guys TRYING to get them to not send you future games or something? That's the kind of attitude usually reserved for.... Uh.. Here.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    School shooting in Minnesota

    One of these things is not like the other, One of these things does not belong Yeah, 3 of those musicians are nowhere near as insane as John Lennon. Anyone who has listened to "Revolution 9" can agree.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Favorite internet lies?

    Also, since I didn't want to contribute in that all-caps shitfest I just made above, this is my favorite internet lie: