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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Favorite internet lies?

  2. Jobber of the Week

    Anyone know how to set up a store online?

    http://stores.ebay.com/ Here's a video tutorial if you're interested in opening one up. I know that's not exactly what you were thinking of, but you can choose to simply sell something at a set price instead of holding an auction, and you can set a quantity of items so customers see how much you have available. I can see some important positives to it, though. Almost every computer-savvy person in North America has created an eBay/PayPal account for use at one time or another, you don't have to deal with the nervous buyer asking about whether his credit information is safe with your store. Also, you'll have a reputation rating that proves you're reliable, which is always a hurdle for small internet business. People tend to err on the side that the more unknown the company, the higher the chances that their money will be taken and they'll get a box full of sand.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Shannon Moore in a car wreck.

    If Shannon Moore wasn't married, I would have guessed that he drove hummers quite frequently. Oh, you knew somebody would make that joke already.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Florida Bill Would Allow Students To Sue Teachers

    Well over a month ago, Jobber of the Week said this about a similar attempt in Ohio: Is not specifically political, therefore it is vague enough that it may open the door to teaching creationism or "evolution is just a theory" talk in college, which is insane and should be left to the likes of Bob Jones Uni. Goddamn, can I call them or what?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    By the way, as an effort to provide relief in this thread, I'm hence ignoring Mike until he actually provides a fact. That part where he kept going on about shack-up honeys and pussy on the side while no-selling the posts about the Shindlers encouraging him to date to reply to posts made afterwards just shows how hard he's sticking his fingers in his ears and telling people they're wrong. But it has been damn entertaining to watch him advocate divorce and what basically comes to a court filibuster. I guess that's why they call them values, because their value goes up and down as you need them to prove a point.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    And there's nothing illegal about it. It means he's not the most honorable man in the entire world, but how important it is comes down to the Court of Public Opinion. Just like the same Public Opinion that wasn't as concerned about the President getting BJs as they were about him lying about it (and rightly so.) First of all, Christopher Reeve at least had a working thought process still. And how do you not know that if he was allowed to do carry out his wishes earlier, he wouldn't have wound up in this situation? The Shindlers and the people who have turned this case from a family matter into a national circus have stalled for time for years and years and years. If what's happening now could have happened 7 years ago, he would have met his new partner as a single man. And of course, the funny thing is how you've bitched in the past about how divorce is ruining marriage, and here you're advocating it. As much as you can complain about him being an awful husband, the flip side of the coin says that the same parents you feel are right haven't been challenging his status as the person who makes the decision. They've been trying to play a game of seeing if they can wait him out. They waited and waited and have finally run out of time. They've basically fillibustered the issue as long as they can, and while it's a subjective issue, I can't blame the guy for not wanting to relinquish control after such a tactic. Using phrases like "starve to death" carries with it certain emotions that only fuel the fire. It is also misleading. Do the research, listen to the doctors, not the politicians or some blogger's political spin. She is not aware. And don't quote the Shindler's doctors who say she is aware and can be cured. Most of the doctors they reference have never actually examined her. The intangibles that make her unique have all checked out. The lights are on, but nobody is home. She's a corpse with a heartbeat. Some people may disagree, but coincidentally, some people tend to make irrational and stupid opinions, too.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Bullshit. They've looked at videos and looked through her records. Anyone with eyes could look at the X-Rays and look at the fucking facts and tell that there's not just some sort of minimal braindamage there.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Doesn't exactly work, I'm afraid, since the basis of your arguement is that life is so gosh-darn important and it's a crime against all humanity when someone comes in and takes them away. And your response still doesn't disprove my point that there suddently wasn't a bunch of Reupbulicans in Washington pushing the edge of what they can legally do in the interest of saving a life. There's no legal binding to wedding vows.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Actually, I did, but you arrogantly no-sold it on the last page. You are so concerned about precedents, but are not concerned about the precedent that Tom DeLay is trying to make a decision instead of the people she's lived with. And if you don't believe it's a politically-fueled spectacle designed to make the GOP politicians look like some kind of saviors, where were they when this kid was killed off due to a law signed by Dubya back when he was in Texas? Mind you, that child could feel pain. You're also terribly unconcerned about the precedent of the feds trampling state rights. There's nothing illegal about that. It's kind of like "Thou shalt honor thy parents." Good advice, but not hammered into law. Sounds like this is more what you're really concerned about. Figures.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    You're either some kind of gimmick or you really don't know anything. You have no facts to give. You just keep dragging it back, through the mud, to the subjective issues like the right to live to and whether the husband is a smarmy bastard or not. No one here thinks she's going to be able to just just snap out of it - we know the facts, we know her condition, we know what's going on and her life ended some 7-15 years ago already. I don't care if you agree with me or not, the facts are facts and they are not being kind to you in this discussion.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Terri effectively died seven years ago. There's nothing operating deep in her head. Furthermore, she has said she didn't want to be on life support forever and ever. This evidence has appeared in court via testimony from people who are not her husband or her parents. The worst part is the amount of people using the emotions of this case for political gain. You know that when the re-elections come around next year, someone's going to say "Senator ____ didn't vote for putting Terri's feeding tube back in," which will make them sound like some kind of heartless monster.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Shannon Moore in a car wreck.

    I think he had some older Mustang prior to this. That would make me want to jump to something huge as well, at least if the truck/suv:car ratio in the rest of the world is the same as it is here. You know it's gotta be one of those Hummer-In-Name-Only H2s, though. The original model would have just shrugged off that accident.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Forget it, I'm not going to argue a point I half-heartedly can muster the energy to care about.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    What dignity is there in continuing on after you've been beyond braindead for 15 years? Furthermore, if enough did get into her lungs, there's a chance that putting the tube back in would develop some sort of pneuomonia. Again, hippies in trees.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    The idiots of the right to life crowd are making themselves obvious. There'd be a cruel irony if she choked and drowned on water or food being given to her by kooks who are so motivated by the circus this case has become. Then the activist gets charged with manslaughter. This is the right-wing's equivelant to hippies to chain themselves to trees. It's all just shameful.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Having to talked to doctors about this who have had to be caretaker for vegetative patients, I've heard suggestions that pulling the feeding tube is not the only non-action that would cause her to die. It is almost guaranteed that she is a target for urinary infections and severe cases of pneuomonia. Simply don't treat one of those, and you can guess what happens next.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    One of the rights of human vegetables is the right to die. Heck, I'm not a vegetable and I have the right to die, in that I could contract a lethal disease and sit at home not treating it. But in the case of those who are this far gone, their spouse makes the decision about an accepted method of death, depriving them of machine-assisted living and letting the body sink or swim.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Question about MP3 volume.

    If you use iTunes, it has an option called Sound Check. When you add your MP3s to iTunes, Sound Check will analyze the volume for all of them and come up with a normalized volume (you can see the + or - in decibels in each file's property window in the program. That volume will probably be somewhere in the middle of all the tracks as a whole. Here's the option I'm talking about: Here you can see in the info box of this Aerosmith track that the volume needs to be dropped over 6dB to be at the same volume as the other tracks: Create a playlist of the songs you want and then while viewing that playlist push the button that says Burn Disc. It'll burn them all at this normalized volume, so your music won't go from soft to loud in Burnout. If you want, just download iTunes, add all the songs you want to the Library, enable the option above (remember, it's the one in the tab called Burning, not the one in Audio), make a new playlist, drag those tracks in it, and burn the disc.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    .asf to .mpg

  20. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    I do? IMHO, there's no logical reason to need an abortion at such a late stage. You had plenty of time to think about it.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    Question: Has anyone really met anyone who approves of partial-birth abortion? I'm really genuinely curious here. My Mom takes the feminist line about this issue, bitching about a bunch of old men in Washington who never will be pregnant deciding what should and shouldn't happen inside a woman's body, but even she wants to see PBAs gone. Is there anyone who really supports having PBAs? Because I'm starting to think that the only reason anyone defends them is the old "give them a quarter and they'll take an inch" philosophy.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Mr. Rant for President. And somehow, his Al Bundy avatar makes his statement even more humorous, because I hear Ed O'Neill's voice saying it.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Undertaker's Lighting Bolt effects

    What part is confusing to you? The string of lights or the pyro?