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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Then intelligent decision-making is what should be happening. She has no cerebral cortex, and cannot accomplish involuntary actions like swallowing (hence the feeding tube.) Anyone who thinks she's just going to come out of this isn't operating in any sense of reality. And now our one-party political system is trying to intervene because the result without their interference didn't come out to something they want, possibly overstepping their boundaries. Hope everybody who voted this government in got what they wanted.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Bret Hart to be in LA during WM 21 weekend

    Heh. Well, I wound up across the street from the hotel the WWE booked up for WM, so I spent all hours of the night with a bunch of other people running around the block of the hotel towards various exits trying to see wrestlers up close. Midcarders and jobbers would actually stop and meet with you. Big names were almost nonexistant, although I did see Rock packing a limo. This year, I'd bet real money they're staying at The Westin Bonaventure in downtown LA, just a few buildings away from US Bank Library Tower (the tallest building in the downtown skyscraper chain, also known as "that building the aliens blew up in Independence Day with the glass top.") This hotel has been sold straight the fuck out since reservations for the Mania date even showed up, and hotel rooms around town, even close to the arena, have been available late in the game, so I don't think the Westin filled up with overager fans, if you get my drift. Anyone who will be more mobile than I am in downtown LA may want to pass by the Westin (the building looks like this) and see if there's an unusually large crowd outside the doors. If there is, that would practically clinch it.
  3. Jobber of the Week


    I can guarantee you for a fact that it works, because I have seen it happen myself. I live in a region known for it's wine, but in a section of that region that specializes in dairy and has been known to be rather hippie-fied (although that's starting to change, I see.) One of the biggest local businesses around here is the dairy that makes everything from milk and cheese to ice cream and more. Ever since I was a kid, the shit-eating-grin of the Clover dairy cow has been one of those icons of my life that I'm as well acquainted with as I am Mickey Mouse or Ronald McDonald. In the mid 90s, enter BST growth hormone. The government assures people it's safe, the FDA says that milk created by that isn't going to hurt you or anything. The enviro-types here take a moment to stop worrying about global warming and complain about BST. Clover announces they won't use the drug and even today their jugs and boxes still say something to the effect of "This product from cows that have NOT been given rBST." You can read their rambling about the thing here, in the very remote possibility you care. Clover has since price jumped by my count (I guess they have the anti-BST people in their pocket, they assume) and I don't drink it anymore. Since moving around last year, I get some generic milk at the store that has no such warning that I can see. I don't really care about the issue enough to pay the extra for Clover, and since I see other people buying the stuff, apparently I'm not alone. So, in the end, even despite the hippie fears about BST, milk without it exists for those people who care and other brands exist for those who don't. Everyone is educated and continues buying shit, and a local dairy that may have had trouble competing before got themselves a new audience in the group that doesn't want the hormone. Everyone wins. Yay free market and personal choice.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    Florida's done about 60 executions in the past 20 years, which is well more than California... *confused*
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    That's quite an accomplishment for someone who's so far gone that even involuntary relfex actions don't work anymore. Not to mention that to determine that she wants to live, she would have to figure out what's going on anyway. The husband isn't a saint, but the lifers are really blowing this well out of proportion. I guess because they managed to get the story so much attention that it will be somewhat embarassing if they "lose."
  6. Jobber of the Week


    No, Mike, I think he means to label things as products of the GM process. Nothing more, nothing less. If, for some reason (and again let me remind you we don't need to for now) put these things on the shelves, inform the consumer with hard facts and information and let the free market decide. That is, after all, what capitalism is all about.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    I'm going to Smackdown.

    Hahhahaahhaa. Although this is funnier when it's one of those eight-person monstrosities.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Questions About MP3 Players

    To assist on metr0man's comment, iTunes (the provided software component to iPod) doesn't copy songs from the iPod, but that doesn't mean it can't be done. You just need to use one of many non-Apple programs out there to do it. Ones that I've heard people I trust vouch for are: SharePod EphPod Anapod Explorer iPod Agent Anapod is money, the others are free. SharePod is just a simple program to copy the music from the iPod. EphPod and Anapod are practically iTunes replacements if you don't like that program. iPod Agent takes music off the iPod like SharePod does and can also do a bunch of other interesting things if you want like put the weather forecast or movie showtimes on your iPod using the built in calendar and notepad functions. It also manages Podcasting, where people make updated feeds of radio programs and send them over the internet and your computer automatically downloads them and sends them to iPod. Podcasting is becoming rather popular right now. Don't listen to people like the above who are either upset they don't have an iPod or just hate it because it's trendy and they hate trendy things. Software options like the above are rare to nonexistant on other players because they don't have the huge community of third party developers that iPod has.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    I'm going to Smackdown.

    Sign suggestion: THIS IS A BLANK SIGN
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Somebody Needs To Shut Up Barbara Boxer

    Yeah, I'll admit that quote is pretty stupid. But it seems like everyone in Congress is having braindead moments from time to time.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    The latest twist in the Schiavo case.......

    "Doctors removed Terri Schiavo’s feeding tube Friday despite an extraordinary, last-minute push by Republicans on Capitol Hill to use the subpoena powers of Congress to save the severely brain-damaged woman. But court appeals were continuing and Republican lawmakers warned that they weren't done trying to keep the brain-damaged woman alive." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7212079/ Geez, guys. I've heard to playing to the base, but come on.
  12. Jobber of the Week


    Well, their claims are their claims and not mine. I have no idea how much of it is scary words meant simply to alarm people, although I wouldn't be shocked if that claim about the generational thing isn't true. Point is, though, that this nation is putting away a lot more fast food than other nations, and the average waistline is representing that more and more. In the long run, that can't be good unless people do like what Vyce suggested and cut down on that and exercise. And again, I'm not some granola hippie, I ate Burger King last night to be honest. I'm just smart enough to know that man cannot sustain himself on Extra Value Meal alone. And if Congress is going to waste their time on something as trivial as MLB steroids, they need to take a look at this, too. And calm down on the genetically modified food. You and I are on the same side on that one, just for different reasons. I don't like it when anyone tries to put a stop to science and deny us any benefits of that science or what it will lead to in the future. Even if we grow enough food that we don't need GM foods, it's no reason to close the lid on it and not learn anything.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    The third one is right because it most closely holds up the founding ideals of America. Don't forget that we wound up on this rock because we were tired that some chaps back there were telling our ancestors what their religious beliefs would be.
  14. Jobber of the Week


    The United States grows so much food that the agriculture industry used to throw food away because even after feeding our own people and our very generous donations overseas, we still had more food than we knew what to do with. Nowadays, the crops have gone down a bit to where we aren't throwing food away, but we're still meeting all our old standards in regards to feeding ourselves and others. Although I believe that it's unfortunate to stifle science, using hunger as an arguement about genetically modified food is about as dogmatic and illogical as a lot of enivronmentalist arguements themselves.
  15. Jobber of the Week


    We're doing some things right, but we're doing some things wrong as well. Thanks to our dependency on the clown, the king, the jack, the colonel, and the smiling yellow star, some nutritionists are predicting that very soon a generation will arrive that won't outlive it's parents. Keep in mind I enjoy cheeseburgers myself, so I'm not advocating hippie granola or anything, but it's becoming a very real threat, and one that's local to America. However, when faced with the light of other countries that don't hit the chain restaurants as hard as we do, yes, those claims that we need to start living like scavengers don't really hold up.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    WWE to leave Spike TV

    USA Today quoted a guy who has been an analyst in entertainment stocks for around 20 years as suggesting that Walt Disney Co buy either the TV rights or the whole damn company, not sure. He said they should "acquire World Wrestling Entertainment or NASCAR", and it wasn't really emphasized what he meant. ESPN would do a damn better rating than USA or Spike TV, though. And if Disney actually bought the whole damn company, the product would probably get better immediately.
  17. Jobber of the Week


    Er? Care to expand on that?
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Ten Commandments before Supreme Court

    We should really have a seperate discussion for the environmentalism stuff. I think we could get some interesting opinions out of it.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    A Harvard Professor's Take on the Summers Vote

    What exactly did this guy say? Because I get the feeling that his words have been twisted against him, since everything I hear is "Ivy League dude says men are smarter than women OMG FEMINIST RAGE"
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Record a webcam?

    VirtualDub can save the frames of a movie as a series of images. Use your favorite image program to go from there.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Will Smith disses Eminem

    If only. U RAPPIN AWFUL. Still, Feminem sucks, too, so let the both of them snipe at each other. After Ali, Smith had nowhere else to go but down.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Judge Says California Can't Ban Gay Marriage

    Oh, I said from my very first post that I let it slide because it's kkk, and it's his bit to say things like that. I'm not saying he should be kicked, I was just saying that if anyone else said it, they'd be dead, because it exactly is his reputation for saying such off-color remarks as a gag that lets him get away unsinged. That's a first. Usually, the things he says would sound stupid coming out of the mouth of someone else, but not over-the-line offensive.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Judge Says California Can't Ban Gay Marriage

    My blood started pumping until I saw who posted it. I realize that it's kkk's gimmick to say things that will get a rise out of people without really meaning it. Still, it's true that if it was said, even in jest, by someone like C-Bacon or INXS, there would be a public burning at the stake going on here.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Judge Says California Can't Ban Gay Marriage

    Fuckin' hell, that's just rude. If I hadn't already knew that saying shocking things was your cliche, I'd report you for that.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Record a webcam?

    If you mean remote control, I don't know, but if you're at the computer the webcam is hooked up to then all you need is software like this If it's one of those "This web site takes a new picture of my room every 30 seconds" pages, you just right click and save as the pictures.