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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    You're... Just not going to acknowledge the pure amount of cover-up work that went into Vietnam, are you?
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The Terri Shiavo case

    I think it's time for her to move on, but for the amount of attention this whole thing got you think someone would have raised enough money to make a better assisted suicide than pulling the tube. I mean, cmon, even death row guys who get the lethal injection are getting a more elegant way to go.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Iran Says It Will Never Scrap Nuke Program

    I long for a day when a President will call something "bullshit." Not picking on Bush, there. Just saying. It'd be great if somebody did it someday.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    Looks like prices got updated today: So you basically can just pick your price by $50 incrementals up until the high-end one.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    In general, Creative makes a lot of crap, their support is lackluster, their interfaces have always lagged behind Apple & Dell. They break down often and I'm just not a big fan. I've seen too many Zens break and I'm working on some old long-discontinued sound card so that I don't have to buy a Sound Blaster. Rio, iRiver, sure. Creative, no. This is just as an absurd statement as the people saying there's no MP3 player worth getting but iPods. It's just not true either way. Someone did a "dollars for gigabytes" comparison on all the iPod models a few weeks ago, though, and the Mini did turn up to be a huge cost for such little space. I would say it indeed is a waste of money, but it's obviously popular with the people who don't mind spending money on looks alone.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Masters

    Either that or hire back Patterson to take the Heenan role for his matches.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    There's far more incorrect shit in the book than they had anywhere else. I will not go into it with you because we've ran around it time and time again and now that the election is over there's little reason to. Oh...
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    THat's nice, but to most people that's not a reason to send the US to war. Can't say I disagree with that notion, myself. Just come to grips with facts. The WMDs were the catalyst that provide the war with the wind in it's sails that it needed to come to fruition. Nobody's interested in spending billions to help the UN be relevant and liberate some people who aren't threatening us.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    m4a is another filetype. It's MPEG Layer 4 audio, while MP3 is MPEG Layer 3. That really doesn't mean very much by itself, but MPEG-4 file containers is used for the fancier, higher quality audio compression formats, such as AAC I mentioned before. By default settings, iTunes rips your CD tracks into AAC-compressed m4a files. You can go into the option settings and change that to regular .MP3 files, but those are proven to sound worse at equal bitrate, so the only real practical reason is to either make files for non-iPod players or share the music over online services.
  10. Jobber of the Week


    And for a catchphrase, they can say "Back the Mack!"
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Chris Masters

    I love that gimmick no matter how many muscleheads they try it on, because it reminds me of Heenan babbling on with way too much excitement. "LOOKATTHAT LOOKATTHAT OH MY LOOKATTHAT OH SWEET MUSCULAR JESUS" The wrestling sucks, but Richards sold it all well that it looked like a decent match to the casual fan despite the crappy offense. Really, bring back The Announcer That's Too Excited. I don't care if it's JR or Lawler, just have one of them verbally orgasming all over the place. And lastly, have him learn the titty bounce thing. *wrestler walks to ring, flexes, poses* JR: GOOD LORD HE'S A HOSS LOOK AT THIS IT'S THE GENUINE ARTICLE LOOKATTHAT LOOKATTHAT... *wrestler does titty bounce* JR: OH MY ~GOD~!!! Alright, I'm not being serious. The base concept even as it is now sucks. Come on. Admit it. You'd laugh if they did that.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    USS JIMMY CARTER Commissioned

    And yet no testimony has ever been successfully refuted. How odd.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    He said it would be a benefit of the war, that the Iraqis would be free, yes. Somewhere in there was where that stupid "We'll be welcomed as liberators" shit came from. However, it was a positive benefit from the war movement that was starting for other reasons. It was never alone cause enough to take the country into war, and they never said otherwise.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Hilarity from Kofi

    Then get out the fuckin' door and leave a little resignation note on your desk.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    That doesn't answer the question. Election season attack ads, however, do not. This isn't really about what did or didn't happen or who saw whom do what. This is about what the public saw, and what the public saw wasn't court testimony, what the public saw was election season attack ads, where you can get away saying anything you want about a candidate. About what? I'm genuinely asking you as a favor here since I actively ignored Monicagate. A mix of being a young teenager and feeling that although he probably was having an affair, there wasn't any reason to give half a shit about it.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    hahaha. Is the image on the right the same one from the "Bible = BANNED" ad the GOP sent out?
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    PROOF? None! What'd I tell ya!? Yes, while Kerry was forced to try and come up to some solid conclusion on his ever-changing Cambodia story, there hasn't been any documents or articles revealed that collaborate a good many of their stories. In fact, the evidence points the other way, craftily covered up with the claim that Kerry wrote everything that ever collaborated what happened in the war involving himself and everyone near him. Would you please care to tell me the differences? Wikipedia's entry makes it sound like she recorded them while at work and without the knowledge of either party, I can't see how that's "considerably less."
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    You damn well know that saving Iraqis from a dictators was never, NEVER promoted as reason for war before it started. In fact, the only time that human rights strings were pulled was "we know he has weapons, he's used them on his own people." Beyond that, it was entirely about protecting ourselves from the threat of phantom WMDs.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    It's splitsville for Rush

    http://www.cnn.com/2004/SHOWBIZ/06/11/limb...e.ap/index.html Thank God we have good conservative men like Rush Limbaugh out there preserving the sanctity of marriage. I mean, if the people who yell and whine about marriage being under attack as an institution can't keep a model marriage for the rest of us, then who possibly could?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Paris Hilton address book

    First time I saw this just now. Man... Fred Durst, Ashlee Simpson, Anna Kournakova, Lindsay Lohan... It's like a directory of the has-beens and never-can-bes. With connections like that, you truly are the real thing, Paris. Whoever said she was a flash in the pan with stars like that clinging to her coattails?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    The "iPod + hp", an iPod co-branded Apple and Hewlett-Packard that's aimed at Windows users, does often have some good discounts going for it. This is because HP, not Apple, sets the pricing. Aside from the materials in the box and an HP logo engraved on the back, it's the exact same as the regular 20/40GB iPod models. If you want a non-regular iPod, however, or if you're one of those people (like me) who have a fanatical obsession with Apple Computer Inc, you might not be as happy.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    Aside from a few iRiver models (and they have so many that I can't keep up), Karma is the only real competitor to iPod. It also supports .OGG music files that the audiophile crowd is getting more and more interested in. It has some base with an Ethernet jack that operates as a web server and lets you control what it's playing by remote. There's basically a bunch of inventive features on it that don't exist on any other player. The main downside I remember of it is that if you want to use it as a portable hard drive and put non-music on there (i.e. put on text files, AVI movies, programs, whatever) you have to use a mover utility to copy it to the drive, whereas with iPod and others the drive shows up in My Computer as a removable external drive recognized by the Windows interface. A Karma II is rumored to be coming at some point, but there's no real concrete information about it. For the love of God, do not buy anything from Creative. Dell has a bit better future going for them, but is still catching up.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    The iPod Shuffle does in fact have a normal rotation function. Although Apple is heavily marketing the shuffle random play, you can indeed set your music in a playlist in iTunes and play it in order. The only thing is, since it doesn't have a built-in interface, that you have one playlist order for all your music. But yes, you can listen to songs in the order you want to listen to them.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    I was under the impression, and maybe I'm wrong, but you can add songs to an iPod without having to pay 99 cents a song. I have a large music collection, so I'd be transferring most of my songs from CDs that I already own. If I'm completely wrong, someone please let me know. Download iTunes and give it a try. It's not only the program you use to put music on iPod (although alternative non-Apple programs exist that have other features), but a lot of people consider it the best MP3 player out there. I know I switched to it from Napster when it first came out for Windows. Sadly, 4.7.1 Windows is rather buggy. You'll need it if you want an iPod Shuffle, but look around for 4.7 if you plan not to buy one. Anyway, iTunes provides an interface for playing songs, buying songs from the store, adding songs to iPod, and copying CDs. When you put a CD in, iTunes recognizes it, downloads the title and track info from GraceNote, and lets you import it. The import options vary from MP3 to old formats like WAV and AIFF (yikes) to the lossless format FLAC, which create huge files that have perfect CD-quality audio. The default choice is AAC, which is a format supported by iPod and iTunes (music from the Music Store is copyright protected AACs) that sound better than MP3s at similar bitrate. Yes, they do, no it's not just a matter of preference. Audiophile publications have done analysis and found that AAC does have better quality. MP3 importing is useful, of course, if you plan to share your music with other people. At this point, 50% of my music is AAC, thanks to CD importing. Huzzah.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Thinking about buying an iPod

    Yes, the commercials are misleading. If you stop paying a monthly fee, your songs go poof. Furthermore, all the players play unprotected MP3s, so the fee-based services are only for people who insist on their music being legal. The only legal music I have on my hard drive is stuff from CDs I own, or the occasional song that I've either listened to so much that I've become guilty, or I really like the artist and bought the music to support them. But still, the vast majority of music on the world's iPods and assorted other players come from the dark side of the internet. I'm just going to go through the posts on this thread answering questions and stuff. I may repeat something twice, but oh well.