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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    For that matter, they still have yet to be proven right. Here comes one of those long run-on questions that I hate to write but have to: If we knew each other and were friends (a stretch, I know, but let's continue on it..), I was publically known as someone who kicked some bad habits, and a lot of people had already made some assumptions about what those were, and you said something that alluded that I may have tried (not regularly used, but tried) something that was nowhere near as bad as what a lot of people thought I was doing, exactly how damning is that? A breach of trust? Sure. Black-hearted backstabbing? I disagree. If this was being revealed about any regular person in the country, you wouldn't give a shit. Even if it was about someone famous instead of an average Joe, like a professional athelete or a world-famous movie star, you still wouldn't give a shit. The only reason this guy "gave up his soul" in your opinion is because he's causing political damage to a Republican.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    How often did Powell talk about human rights? How much focus was put upon human rights VS weapons? How quickly you forget that this whole thing only turned into Operation: Freedom when Operation: WMDs failed.
  3. Jobber of the Week


    Mike, you first just said he was a bad writer, and I could even agree with you on that because I thought that his books resembled a mountain of boredom with some serious gems on top (i.e. the piece I mentioned in my last post.) But I think to slam the works not for the quality of their writing, but for the quality of their content, is either wrong or just like you, I don't know. Thompson's books were screeds for those who were could sense the hypocracy in America's culture. They criticised the people who drone on about the importance of freedom while always living within the lines and never living a moment of freedom for themselves. The point of the stories is to take life to it's extremes, further than you or I would care to go, and see what you can get away with. You could have a wild time, you could end up in jail, you could even die. It's the mission statement of a previous era personified. But yes, Mike, I understand why you think it's so horrible.I've heard you rant about hippies (and I'm not their biggest fan either, but...) I've heard you rant about baby boomers and how idiotic our parents are for deciding to not conform with the status quo of the time. I've heard you rant about the great crime that so many people think the sixties was a better time for America than the fifties. We get it, Mike. We recognize that your way of being different is to rage FOR the machine, not against it. You've said your peace already. Now go.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    You think they still should have given us approval, knowing what we know now?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    This is a horrible comparison. You didn't hear the entire Big Stick quote. I'd say the run-up to the Iraq war was pretty lacking in civility. And yes, before you say it, I recognize the UN could probably stand to learn from the very last phrase.
  6. Jobber of the Week


    Could we please stop promoting RottenTomatoes? It's far from the best movie review directory. MetaCritic is better than RottenTomatoes just by the system alone. RTomatoes divides up reviews into positive and negative by whether it scored higher or lower than a 50% rating. so a 45% rating is "negative" and added to the Rotten pile with a 10% or lower rating, and a 70% rating is lumped in with the 100% OMGTHISMOVIEROXXORS reviews. On Metacritic, a movie that gets a 7.5 out of 10 gets, suprise, a 75% rating from that review. All the reviews are added together to get a median percentage, so you can get an idea of just how positive or negative the reaction is to a movie, instead of just Good/Bad.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    You know, I wouldn't laugh at this line. But that these tapes says nothing that almost nobody didn't already assume (or worse, hello cocaine,) and that you respond to these tapes in such a method but stood by SwiftVets through thick and thin and all their namecalling.. Well, LOL. But Wead is a fuckhead, if only for being a tool between the religious right and Washington.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Secret Bush Tapes

    I honestly don't care about Bush's pot use, as I don't care about any other politician's. Even in the context of his family values campaign, I still have to try very hard to care. But the local news report about this was incredibly funny. They talked to the head of the San Francisco Republican Party (now there's a futile cause if I've ever heard of one) and he said "There's nothing in these tapes that says he did pot. He said he made some youthful indescretions and he doesn't want kids doing them. He doesn't say he's done pot." I swear I'm not making that up. If you're curious about Bush in "private" go listen to him buddy-buddy with Carl Cameron of Fox News in that video clip. The best part is when the live feed starts rolling on national TV they stop talking about each other's families and wives and how Cameron's wife is campaigning for Bush, and suddently start acting like two serious people who only know each other on a professional level.
  9. Jobber of the Week


    I'm not a follower of drugs and their subculture, but I thought the guy had a pretty good way with words. Unfortunately, in the end he'll be most remembered for downing drugs and Johnny Depp, which is kind of sad because he did write more than F&L in Las Vegas and the babbling insanity which is brimming all over that story is apparent in more than that one book. Still, despite the ignorance of the majority, it's probably the right one to make a legacy by. That whole piece comparing the sixties political movement as a wave that came out of San Francisco and then crashed on the outskirts of Las Vegas before rolling back and dying is brilliant, and rather scary because it's true in the metaphorical sense.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    Rather's got more to lose than the people behind the scenes. My own personal beliefs, which I don't bring into the issue because it's worthless debating, is that if Rather was given the yes or no on the running the story he would have said no. He's a journalist of the old school, not this new scoop-jumping "doesn't matter if we have no proof run it anyway" news mentality. I realize arguing the issue is pointless, though, which is why I rarely talk about Rather when I discuss the CBS thing. A lot of people have it set in their minds that he's some kind of foaming-at-the-mouth lib whose willing to dispose of the decades he's built his career in a desperate attempt to do PR damage to a man whose going to be relevant for only four to eight years. Lastly, I don't care if the Senior Editor of CNN thinks that the government is hiding aliens at Area 51. As long as they're not implying that as any kind of fact on CNN, it doesn't matter.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Alan Keyes Daughter

    You do not call someone else's daughter a selfish hedonist and then pardon yourself when your daughter shares the same "sin." Alan Keyes is Prime Douche. He's making me defend the Cheneys. THINK ABOUT THAT.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    Yup, that's true. Dan Rather wasn't very involved in the story and he was one of several fall guys for Mary Mapes, and Eason Jordan made the critical mistake of expressing an extreme conspiracy viewpoint that had no bearing whatsoever on the quality of news being reported by his employer. Yeah, you're right, can't compare. You got some catching up to do.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Jeff Gannon: Male Prostitute

    So if a guy with a background in porn can get into press conferences with a false identity and directly ask questions to the President, shouldn't we be a little bit more concerned about what this implies for the big picture, what with terrorism on the rise and all that?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Is there a way to circumvent copy protection

    Sure, it's easy to rip. http://www.dvddecrypter.com/ However, do you want to make a direct copy or encode a compressed Divx-style AVI to play on your computer or what? Which choice you make affects which programs you download and what you do with the data after you ripped it.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Bush "Documentary:"

    On topic: This aired on the local religious channel. I watched about half of it, although the topic wasn't my favorite and I try to avoid the station because I know the owner is a sonnufabitch. It was an okay documentary, really, but the whole point was an attempt at "Religious people, get to the polls!" Also, I've heard from multiple people that George isn't the hardcore prayin' type that his image and "reborn" status suggested, but I think since 9/11 he's been hitting the Jesus exceptionally hard.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Alan Keyes Daughter

    In other words, he got owned. In a statement issued Monday night, Keyes said: "Great job I did steering my kids down the righteous path. Boy, I sure look like a huge hypocrite now, huh?"
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Windows Media Player Upgrade problems.

    Ditch the program altogether and use either Media Player Classic or VideoLan . Using WMP to play your videos is about as old and outdated as using WMP to play your music.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Problem with text on internet

    Nevermind, mis-read the question.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Wal-Mart to Canada Store: Fuck you and your Union

    Someone has clearly worked there.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Dean For DNC Chair Thread #2

    I'd just like to say that I know what Georgia looks like beyond the borders of Atlanta. And if you thought Hillbilly Redneck Paradise was dead, think again.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Fighting liberal bias through legislation

    http://www.marionstar.com/news/stories/200...ws/1931667.html I'm.... I'm stunned.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Why is Vince favoring the World Title

    Not really true, SmackDown has a bigger potential audience, since it's broadcast over the public airwaves to anyone in a major city with a TV, while Spike TV is only available through a cable or satellite provider.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    EA's next move: NCAA

    They haven't even made it the past couple of years, but Blitz is shut out as well. Blitz became Blitz Pro because the NFL whined about Blitz turning the game into some kind of fantasy bloodsport. Blitz Pro sucked. Blitz is now going to be a game based on the ESPN series Playmakers, a pro football drama that ended a while ago because, ironically enough, the NFL pressured ESPN into dropping it because of the unfriendly image it portrays of pro football (drug use, affairs/prostitutes, etc.) Though the series was dropped, the IP rights are still out there, so Midway dropped onto them. So expect Blitz to stay around, but to get edgier, with swear words and ho-slappin' and whatever. The dev team seems rather excited to get into something beyond cartoon violence but still plans to keep the football component in the game, though you'll be playing with these made-up Playmakers teams barring any Create functions.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    North Korea says they have Nuclear Weapons

    Well, I never suggested invading North Korea. I just think they were going to be faster to find themselves in a position where they might sell weapons to terrorists. However, I maintain my position that threats and posturing is all they have and if they launch it, even if they weren't wiped off the map, the only bargaining chip is played.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Noam on Iraq

    A progressive's Pat Buchanan? Holy crap. Actually, now that I think about it, this guy's said stuff that seems harmless and agreeable when on national TV, but has a kooky edge to him. Then again, look at Pat today....