Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
I'll type whatever I feel like typing, tough guy. Remove the stick from your ass and stop taking the internet so goddamn seriously.
That makes no sense at all. If they hated her because of her race, then Colin Powell would get a slagging, too. This guy shouted something off he heard word of mouth from somebody else without proof, probably thinking nobody would ask for it. I wouldn't call it slander, but I would say it's probably a lie. Sad thing is, if it turned out someday to be true, I wouldn't be very suprised.
It's pretty honestly embarassing that a hundred people sit around and let 3 guys take over the plane. It wouldn't even been an issue if someone armed was on-board. And Justice, if the guys have a bomb there's a very real chance everyone could go down in flames anyway. They aren't going to just sit, because the risk of not putting people at risk of crossfire is possibly a mid-air explosion or even worse a crash into a building.
EA treats their employees like trash, and the only reason they stay on is because they badly (presumably) the job. Also, Visual Concepts changed hands from Sega to Take2.
Off topic, but how do you know you want a Revolution? Virtually nothing has been said about it yet, and if the DS is any indication, top management at Nintendo are losing their minds.
The Candice Michelle/GoDaddy Controversy
Jobber of the Week replied to SuperJerk's topic in The WWE Folder
How in the fuck did we wind up with so many Divas? Just a few months ago it seemed like everyone had a personality and now we have a ton of women with only one name (and usually a bland one) that I may or may not have seen on TV, but they don't stand out enough to ring a bell to me. -
It doesn't matter. Air Marshalls shoot and kill hijackers if they have to, at risk to their own safety. It's even more embarassing that the 9/11 hijackers were armed with nothing more than box cutters and intimidation. There's nothing different about the 9/11 plane hijackings that differed from any other plane hijacking, except that there was a series of them all tied into a terrorist attack. But plane for plane, it was your usual "we've taken over the plane, don't try anything" bit.
Shit, next thing you know they're going to be giving everyone healthcare, instead of sticking to tradition and beheading people who have something nasty and contagious. Fucking communist nazi-terrorists. Go back to Canada!
North Korea says they have Nuclear Weapons
Jobber of the Week replied to UZI Suicide's topic in Current Events
If you want to be invaded, talk loudly about wanting a nuclear weapon. If you want to be left alone, go acutally get one. -
Wal-Mart to Canada Store: Fuck you and your Union
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in Current Events
Verizon? -
I was just blowin' hot air to get a reaction out of people like you. A game you play quite a bit. Yeah he was. Not entirely successful, but throughout 2002 it was kind of considered that re-election would be a cakewalk for Bush, running on a "9/11NEVERFORGETVOTEFORME" campaign. Michael Moore, I think, may have hurt more than he helped. It's an even divide. A poll was even ran over whether Bush was a uniter or a divider and it came back 49% uniter, 49% divider, 2% undecided. You either love the guy or hate the guy and there's very little in-between. Clinton didn't do enough to cause that kind of feeling because most of his ugliest moments were political underhanded stuff that people that don't read the political page of their local paper ever day wasn't paying attention to. That was performed to how many people? It hardly even made news beyond Drudge's GORE FURIOUS, CALLS BUSH A LIAR crap headline. I guess it's the fault of the liberal media for burying Gore so he wouldn't be heard. We didn't, we kept saying "he was too hasty, he didn't have any recent enough proof," and in the case of Kerry, "I have a plan." Cite one. "The poll, conducted Saturday through Monday, found that the percentage of Americans who believed the situation in Iraq was "worth going to war over" had sunk to a new low of 39%. When the same question was asked in a similar poll in October, 44% said it had been worth going to war. Now, that's an LA Times poll, and even *I* think that paper has a liberal bias. So even if I moved, say, 5-7% points in the opposite direction to compensate, that's still less than 50%. Gallup, which leans with a conservative bias, is flipping back and forth: On the question of whether sending U.S. troops to Iraq was a mistake, 52 percent said "yes" and 47 percent said "no" during the week of January 14. But last week, the numbers flipped with 45 percent saying "yes" and 55 percent saying "no." Even with the 55% yes, if I play the same number compensation game I do for Gallup and their right-leaning polls as I do the LA Times and their left-leaning one, it still winds up being a tossup. Such as? -=Mike Off the top of my head I can say supporting the elderly (which does help the middle-class as everyone usually winds up supporting a grandparent in their end years), supporting the unions, funding education. And don't get on my back about Bush's education plan and Ted Kennedy's backing and shit, because for one he didn't fund it properly, and for two you always point out that kind of spending as the reason why Bush isn't a true-blue conservative.
Beyond that, how many people here browse the forums at work? NoCalMike, obviously, but how many others? How many people here even have jobs that let you sit and bum on the internet on paid time? That's usually IT/executive/dot-com stuff, and we're mostly an underpaid college kid crowd. And I bet most of us don't even tell our co-workers we watch wrestling, let alone read a board about it while there.
So, I'm beta testing The Matrix Online.
Jobber of the Week replied to Dr. Tyler; Captain America's topic in Video Games
Even though this game has an NDA, it's pretty well known that everyone who plays it thinks it sucks. Oh, Sega. You just can't get a break. -
Wal-Mart to Canada Store: Fuck you and your Union
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in Current Events
No love for Wal-Mart. They're one of the most politically fierce comapnies ever, and big friend to China. Seriously, walk through Wal-Mart someday and look at everything you find interesting. See where all the stuff is made. It's fucking ridiculous. -
Apple used to really sponsor the heck out of the Mac on movies. They actually made commercials talking about how the Mac is used to save the world in ID4 and Mission Impossible. Alfred videoconferenced with Bruce Wayne by using his Twentieth Anniversary Mac. Nowadays, though, the presence of Mac on TV is because they still rule the roost in professional video production. It's a lot cheaper to stick the sound guy's Powerbook into the shot then buy a junked out computer. And what's also changed is that a lot of the time the Apple logo is covered up. Guess they decided not to piss off the paying sponsors by giving free ad time.
WalMart is going to kill the allure of the Ipod
Jobber of the Week replied to MarvinisaLunatic's topic in Technology
Yeah, I mean, a cheap Flash based iPod was only what everyone and their brother was praying to Computer Jesus for a year ago when Apple instead introduced the Mini, which had a bit too many features and a bit too high a price for what everyone was hoping for. Now that they finally did it it's just TOTALLY GONNA KILL 'EM, MAN. "Download an album from the iTunes Music Store and listen to it in order before you Shuffle it into your collection. Or just drag and drop individual songs from iTunes onto iPod shuffle. With Play in Order mode, you manage the music. If things take a turn for the predictable, never fear. Turn iPod shuffle over, flip the slider to Shuffle and mix on the go." -- http://www.apple.com/ipodshuffle/ Which would jump the price up considerably and wreck the point. That can barely display much information in a tiny window, natch. Ah, good. So in case all that music with no commercials gets boring, you can switch over to the Clear Channelization of music and listen to lots and lots of ads That's nice, but I don't think anyone has ever, ever said Apple products were the most inexpensive choice. Sounds like someone just has iPod Envy. -
WWE to announce 2005 Hall of Fame inductees
Jobber of the Week replied to spman's topic in The WWE Folder
I thought I was the only who noticed this? More than that, I feel like I'm the only guy who noticed that everyone inducted is a heel. -
Because while the rest of the world is becoming downright socialist, we have to argue ass-backwards from everybody else over who can be the more conservative party. Which, ironically, makes us most like a middle eastern country arguing over keeping tradition. To keep this focused on Dean, I don't think his "OMG COFFEE DRINKIN LIBERAL GO BACK TO VERMONT YOU HIPPY" stuff is really going to have an effect as chairman like it did as a candidate. He was successful in getting people to unite and build an opposition to Bush. His defeat, before that stupid scream, was that the opposition forces he brought together decided he wasn't going to be the best face to put forward, especially since he was putting ideas on the table which were only right of Dennis Kucinich. That won't be a problem here. Just because Dean is chairman doesn't mean they will all agree with Dean's unpopular decisions, like adopting Canada's healthcare system.
That would have been a nice statement if everyone voted, but polls show that peoples' outlook on the war is much more iffy. Yes, I know Bush won. Yes, I know everyone doesn't vote. It's a shame. It was a crap shoot until the very end, and the Republicans managed to get more people out to vote AND the youth the Democrats were marketing at didn't turn out. It's not like the whole country was told "US interventionist pre-emptive strike policy: Yay, Nay." And looking at his approval numbers, I'm guessing there's some people who didn't like him that voted for him anyway. Anyway, it's not this great victory where everyone came out and said "YES! We like attacking countries for sketchy reasons!" Uh, what? The Democrats do MORE for families, on average, than Republicans do. Republicans tend to shy away when it comes to using the government to give the middle-class a boost. And when you lose your middle-class, you lose your democracy. The neocons' idea of family values is.... Well, check out the FCC lately.
Yes, but Rock is basically a one-trick pony, at least at this point. If people don't like his macho hero act, he doesn't have anything to fall back on. Right now, Rock's hollywood career has about as much substance as Vin Diesel's.
All it's going to take is for one of these movies to bomb out. I thought Walking Tall might do it, but it managed to hold on and make enough dough, I guess. I'll put my bets on Spy Hunter, because movies based on video games do badly 90% of the time.
I don't mean that we decide to become big on socialist programs like universal health care or something. I mean we should have done more to channel the dislike of Bush more in the campaign. How many years has it been since there has been such public outrage over an American President? None of that was reflected in this campaign. Kahran is sadly correct in his post, I think. But what we could hardly attack the President's judgment for going into Iraq after phantom WMDs when our guy said he'd still go in even if he knew it turn out the way it did. But, they have a machine that eats Democrats in their current profile. Notice the echo chamber. Notice how "liberal" has all the impact of a swear word but "conservative" doesn't, etc. The machine has got to stop somehow. If we just keep shuffling heads and giving things up the metaphorical walls will close in anyway. A watered-down Republican message gives people no reason to not just vote for the real genuine draft, and I think we were watered down this year.
Shit. I wish you had posted earlier. I had written up a huge post about how this moderate middle of the road Clinton crap isn't working, and how far more than the Democratic base hates Bush and Kerry failed to capitalize on it, trying to hard to not offend anyone or outright criticise the guy's judgments in his little "Well, I like the President and I think he's a nice guy, BUT..." fence-sitting. We needed more Bush is Satan, honestly. We're not going to get anywhere without playing as bloodthirsty as the GOP do.
Dingdingdingdingdingdingding, give this guy a cigar, because he's got the right answer. For a while now, the White House has been running on a "Arafat is an asshole and a blockade to peace" line. I thought for a while that it was simply an excuse to ignore the situation and allow Israel to keep 'em busy while the US goes around fighting terrorism, real and imaginary, in other places. However, it seems like they're actually going to mean what they say on this one, which is a relief. Doesn't mean they're going to think any higher of Arafat than they did before, though, nor should they.
I don't mind as long as the numbers balance out and the bills are being paid. But then, I'm moderate like that. My complaint with this is it turns out that this doesn't include crapola about the Iraq war or Social Security, throwing the budget out of balance. Nice work as usual, guys.