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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO State of the Union address thread

    Well with that kind of in-depth understanding, I'm sure he sees the realities of the situation and is not doing this as a favor or a stunt. I was awaiting the debate about what he really said and what the reporter said he said, but this is from the actual White House page. Holy crap, he's totally lost.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    The End of Hubble?

    Fixed to reflect the sad truth.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    The Budget

    Balogna. Cutting taxes means cutting the budget. This is actually MORE responsible than what he's been doing before.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO State of the Union address thread

    So very sorry if those opposed to gay relationships go the same way as the people opposed to interratial relationships. It's all cut from the same cloth, anyway.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO State of the Union address thread

    Your kinda Jews is the type that is intolerant to those that do not agree with the choices you have made and want to force acceptance. Your kinda blacks is the type that is intolerant to those that do not agree with desegregation and want to force acceptance.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Help me buy a hippie Mac

    Heh, well for what it's worth, the idea that Mac users are free-spirit hippie types certainly rings true in this area. There's a few over/underweight nerds using the system because there's no spyware, or because they prefer the design, or they've used Macs since they were small, or it's unix-based. The kinds of guys you see everywhere around computers. But then there's the wild ones. And the wild ones come in too flavors: A) White or Near-White hair that hasn't been cut in ages with a similarly long beard. In other words, looks like Gandalf. B) Younger, looks like either a punk rock show or a gay district emptied out into the room, but with a bit more taste and civility. The B-type is all over our Apple Store. It's practically an Apple Closet because they bought the smallest space in there, but there's colored hair and piercings everywhere you look.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Wrestlemania 21 Commercial

    See, now I wish we had Lesnar again. That stupid monkey-like HappyDance he did on the ramp was why I always called him Donkey Kong. My complaints isn't that they're trying for humor instead of that overdramatic "performance of the Gods" routine they've done for about four years now. My complaint is that the humor wasn't funny. I liked the Rumble ad, because it was funny.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Shias demand sharia law

    I didn't care for the insult, but I thought the reversal of words that was used there was pretty cute.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

  10. Jobber of the Week

    SuperBowl XXXIX Eagles vs. Pats

    That's the way it should be.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Shias demand sharia law

    Mike is a billigerant bully, always has been, and it's nice when people make him dance for credibility. There's been far more requests to ban him than to ban, say, you or me, but he never gets it. I guess because you can't really ban people for having stupid beliefs, and as idiotic as these far-right wargasmic fantasies are, he really believes in them. However, the vast improvement of the Current Events board over his little departure proved that it's him, not everyone else, that descends the board into a maddening cycle of flames and arguing. The catfighting that he causes also inspires decent people to leave this corner of the forum. I was right when I told him that he'd come crawling back to CE to get the attention he so desperately desires, and I wish someone would seperate him from it. Permanently.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

    Mike isn't anti-gay. He's just waiting for people to give him good reasons to be pro-gay.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Shias demand sharia law

  14. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

    RobotJerk: I had considered that, but decided to give the fellow the benefit of the doubt, since he was so keen on only using "actual" sources. MikeSC: Nah. I'll permit you to find it. As I used the amazing little-known (sense the sarcasm?) search tool in Adobe Reader and found nothing about CAIR in it, you lost plain and simple. At this point, you are like a man shouting "And another thing!!" 10 minutes after he lost the arguement.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Shias demand sharia law

    "Seeking weapons know he's used them can't allow smoking gun mushroom cloud terrorism training camp. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now. Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go." --POTUS, circa 2002 It came down to the same thing, a bum's rush of urgency to compensate for a lack of information. Seriously, Mike, you're getting destroyed on all sides here and it's because you keep making arguements that are completely indefensible. Get back to asking people if they want fries with that.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    Very well. We're doing an awful job of telling our government to do something about this, for as much of us that want to.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    This isn't the same thing as having no conservative ideals whatsoever. Proof, please. Well, we're just going to have to get by without them. My own idea is to try to reach out to the midwest, but the south is basically as set in their ways as San Francisco is. Well then, clearly, you're the best person to educate, since you have all the statements and facts. No more than Enron Lobbyists. He's not running for President, so his hometown has little to do with it. He's already displayed an ability to get middle Americans to understand that voting Democrat aids them more than voting Republican, even if those people then decided he wasn't appropriate for President. Big deal. 48% VS 51%... You make it sound like it was 3% VS 96% with the doom and gloom speeches. Completely anti-war? In all the speeches I've seen, he expressed support for the war in Afghanistan. Where to begin? You're putting other peoples' words in his mouth, and conflicting his personal opinion on the issue with clarity to see the reality of the situation. Yes, Dean's pro-choice, but since then election he's admitted that room needs to be made for pro-lifers if we want to stay in the game and win elections, which according to your own posts is the measuring stick of success. He has handlers, spokespeople, cabnet members who refuted the story for him. I'm not sure how that's any more impartial or any more noble than getting your own hands dirty and confronting the issue yourself. But that's really just a difference of opinion.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

    While the Schumer quotes referenced do exist, they do not appear in this 800+ page document that you were saying did and was telling us to find ourselves. Admit it, you were bullshitting. Now are you done, or are you gunning for a THIRD embarassment?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

    By the way, Mike... A serach for just "cair" turned up two results, both of which were a portion of the word Cairo. Would you like to throw another dart at your Wheel 'O Debate and come up with a new arguement, or call it a day?
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Do you have a problem with what

    If you think regret doesn't happen on a battlefield, there's a bunch of guys who served in Vietnam that would like to talk to you. I disagree yet still accept your position when it comes to terrorists, as they don't represent a country but a group that got together specifically in the interest of causing death and violence. In the other cases, though, there is a difference between political leaders and soldiers who are causing atrocities and people who just happen to be affiliated with them .Your average Nazi wasn't routinely gassing Jews. Your average Communist probably didn't do anything other than wind up living in a Communist country, likely not by choice. WashTimes Op-Ed. Nice ACTUAL sources there, man. Nothing is said that hasn't been said by the religious right. That their religion should be the controlling one, all our answers can be found in their book, and they should refuse to secularize their lifestyles. This puts that guy in the category of creeps, to me, but more like Christian Coalition than Osama bin-Laden. How dare they! Don't they know that privatization grants immunity to criticism!?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    Based on the kind of press and interest this situation is getting (i.e. none.) For month after month, it's been avalanched under elections, insurgents, Laci Peterson, a tsunami, etc. It's not a need, it's just a fact. The same is true for you, since regardless of what I think of your opinions, you do keep yourself informed.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Yes, loudmouthed Dixiecrats are slowly fading away, thank God. Dean has: * Said that the party needs to make room for pro-lifers * Been endorsed by the NRA on multiple occasions There's two credits to Dean as a guy capable of holding and drawing Democrats closer to the center to the left. More evidence than you've brought so far. Now will you please do us all a favor and finally elaborate a bit on why Dean will be such a disater? Otherwise, you are talking loud and saying nothing.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Howard Dean: The Next DNC Chief.

    Never thought I'd see the day when Mike is defending political correctness.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    UN clears Sudan of genocide

    What the fuck are you talking about? That doesn't include the "What? What's a Darfur?" people who can't find Sudan on a map. These are the American majority.