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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    See, I think if the Republicans were magically marginalized overnight and the Libertarians magically took their place at the same time, Democratic Candidate VS Libertarian Candidate would be a real nailbiter. Even some of the hard partisans on this forum on the left would probably move closer to the right. This whole religious values shit weighs conservatives down in this country, I think. If they could cast that off, they'd be fucking SCARY, as there's plenty of people on the left who agree with them that we need to do what we must to remain a competitive superpower, but choose to side with the liberals because the Christian fanaticism and the party planks that take root in it scares them away.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Rock leaving WWE?

    I don't think he's really getting that physical. The past several times he's done his drop-in act he looks like he needs to get a gym badly.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Contracts with the WWE

    All your contract questions are answered in long winded legal talk in this thread where someone posted the complete text of a WWE contract. I can think of a few guys who have been breaking their contract:
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    That money could buy a FUCKLOAD of armor to people being shot at. Sorry if the seats at the champagne ball are made of cloth instead of leather this year. And "OMG KERRY WOULD PARTY HARDY TOO" doesn't apply and I don't know if it's just the people here saying that or if it's the latest whiny "Yeah, I know it's retarded but they're Republicans so I have to defend them" rebuttal being offered by the right wing bloggers and message board soapboxers. First of all, you don't justify anything if your response is a "what if" question. Second, $40 million in celebratory crap is inappropriate for any President, IMO, but I think a majority of people would say it's even more ludicrous if it's being spent on a man who's already President. Come on, this pomp for a no-change? It's like a slap in the face ten seconds after the knee to your crotch. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Boy, are you out of touch. You've clearly never spoken with someone going over there telling you that their armor is "good if I'm going to get hit with a 2x4 or something, but shit out of luck for anything more deadly than that." You've clearly never chipped in to help buy armor.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Help Ced Buy a Laptop

    What exactly do you want? I mean, are you wi-fi maven or no? Do you need Bluetooth or no? Man in Blak: Cutting-edge gaming is pretty much the domain of a few high end laptops. And they're priced way too high to be worth the experience, since it's nowhere near as immersive.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Michael Powell to step down 3 years early

    Now if we can only get rid of that censorship organization that creates all the complaints. I remember visiting their site once, they had a pre-made complaint form to the FCC so all you had to do was type your name in and click Send and you'd automatically complain about something, regardless of whether you actually have seen it.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The Apprentice 3

    I'm finally watching it over here, been on about a half hour. These people on the educated team are insane. The guitar guy is goofy enough to be unreal.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    The floodgates have opened

    What about NAMBLA? You support that, too?
  9. Jobber of the Week

    The floodgates have opened

    Well this is really odd. I thought you were Bill Clinton all this time. You've met him before, haven't you? With a title like "Fat Chick Thrilla," you must have seen him on a couple of occasions.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Possible terrorism threat in Boston or New York...

    Believe it or not, this shit has happened before. Around days when the largest anti-war protest is planned, the feds raise the color chart, and of course, they'll never tell you why straight to you. Then, at the big public hearing before the protest, someone inevitably says "We're at code orange now, isn't it inappropriate to hold a large protest?"
  11. Jobber of the Week

    New "Batmobile" pictures

    Not really a fan of penismobiles, although I do like lights and a sleek look. This looks like some redneck modified a DeLorean, put metal plates all over it, moved the wheels up front, and stuck a rocket on the back, like some kind of Homemade Humvee Lowrider of Doom.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    When did this happen? Yeah, yeah, I know.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    Before any troops were shipped out, Bush and others went around the country like salespeople trying to pitch the idea of war. For those of us who are used to the US going to war because it absolutely must (WWII), is threatened by foreign powers (Cold War), or in retaliation (Afghanistan), it's pretty suprising to be sold the idea of going somewhere and starting a fight, instead of being called in to clean one up.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    It's not just Fox News. Murdoch's worldwide operations are slanted right. Disney is another company that's had guys at the top publically lean right.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    I think in economics they tend to lean to the right, actually. For instance, I've read heated arguement after arguement about Bush's social security plan in newspapers, but little resistance to it on TV. In general, people in TV news make good money and typically don't have to worry about their jobs being done by people in other countries. Ditto tax cuts until the Democrats managed to have a spine. Sure, socially they lean a bit to the left but so does the general public, as a lot of people on the right are there for the war policy or the fiscal policy, and don't have any interest in the social agendas. They're the kind of people who will continue to support Bush but acknowledge they get a little creeped out every time they hear how tight he is with the man upstairs. Also recognize that the leadership of the social right is considered by many to be, uh, a bit off their rocker. So, representative of the nation whole, they do a reasonable job. IMO.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Help me buy a hippie Mac

    KKK, if you just want to move files between your PC and Mac, set up folders to share on the PC (properties window, sharing, share this folder) and then on the Mac look in Network and you should see your PC computer name. Open that up and you'll be prompted for a username/pass. Use the username you use in XP and usually most XP accounts have no password because people don't want to have to enter it on startup. Mount all the folders, one by one, repeating the process for each one. They'll appear on the Desktop, and you can open them up and drag files around. Alternatively, you could enable Windows Sharing on the Mac and browse the Mac from the PC, but I find the Mac networking interface to be superior to the PC. For one thing, you can get actual numbers about how far along your file transfer is (like the copy window says "7.6MB out of 10MB" where Windows just shows a bar and says "45 seconds remaining.")
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    Congratulations, you too believe the big lie. Exactly when has all the networks coordinated an attack on a Republican politician or program? Where exactly is your proof? Jeebus, I accidentally pissed off a guy who worked at CBS News because I found out by poor circumstances that he was a fundie. And if you do want to talk about influential people with biases, guess where the guys that sign all the checks and run the media outlet's parent company lie? edit: I realized I may have attacked you a little hard there, since you said they simply "lean to the left" instead of making one of those crackpot theories. Apologies in advance for going overboard.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    Similarly, Fox has hosts that give the news one minute and give their opinion the next. Neil Cavuto does it a lot, I've seen Rita Cosby do it before when she dismissed a talking head's comment that we should evaluate our war policy as "waiting for another attack." Brit Hume is the premiere anchorman on weekdays and airing his political opinion on Fox News Sunday. Rather than try to proclaim Fox's innocence, you should look at what I wrote which is that there's a few organizations on both sides that blur the line. Again, I read an LA Times article today that went at length outside of quotes to make it sound like Condi Rice is a testy asshole. She may be, but I don't expect to see that kind of judgment given in my news. Ditto Fox.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Thoughts about the "liberal media"

    90% of the people who cry liberal media can't actually think of a time where the entire news media adopted a liberal stance. Sure, there's an organization or three that do lean that way (I read an LA Times article in the local paper for the first time in over a year after swearing them off, and the bias was really blatant and reminded me why I usually keep turning pages when I see that name.) There's a few that lean right, too. This by itself wouldn't really be a problem except that one of these sources (hint: LOLyearnumberhere) is being taken seriously by so many people that those of us who know better (and yes, we DO know better, and no, don't tell us that we're being pretentious or belittling others because it's just fucking true.) When it comes to this conspiracy that there's some sort of shady illuminati at the top of the mainstream media that coordinates almost every news service in existance in a large multi-pronged attack on conservatives, that's just the echo chamber at work. The news organizations have already shown they're willing to bend over backwards to not be called biased. They flinched, blood was drawn, whatever phrase you like to use. So the echo chamber folks caught onto this, and their parrots and their dittoheads all collectively keep calling bias. This will continue and someday a big name will go so far to avoid being biased that they will fall into the right and look like a propaganda video, just like LOLyearhere. Curiously, 90% of the media is biased against the party that wins election and gained tremendous power in every corner of our country. These people control our lives every day, and yet their outspoken airbags act like they're being unfairly persecuted, a little guy against the onslaught of the Big Liberal Machine. But hey, don't you ever question a result of one of those elections because then those same folks who consider themselves so downtrodden and under-represented in the media will then turn around and laugh at you and say you're bitter and compare you to a crying baby.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    New "Batmobile" pictures

    I'm sorry, not cool. This looks like the product of a Discovery Channel show. COMING UP NEXT ON MONSTER BATCAVE!
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Is Prince Harry REALLY a Nazi?

    Too bad there isn't a "no" choice other than the Rush-tastic "lol liberal media lol" button. I voted yes anyway, because it's different. I don't think it'll bring in younger people, though. I don't know what the fuck CBS is doing trying to attract younger people, as fossils have always been their prime target aside from a couple reality shows and Letterman. And whoa, Barron turned heel on Tina Fey. Wasn't she His Own Personal Comedy Goddess just a few months ago? She was still on WU then, too.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Help me buy a hippie Mac

    Nice computer, although if you want an upgrade path to follow I'd first reccomend upping the RAM. 256 is the minimum in all Macs for just about forever, and it basically gives you enough room to play around with the OS and not do much more. If you're working on a professional publication and going to be using those big industry standard tools from names like Adobe, you're going to want about 768MB RAM, more only if you can swing for it. I recently retired the used PowerMac and bought one of those Mini Macs (damn them for coming out with such a more powerful computer for almost the same price), and I droped Wi-Fi in favor of 512MB RAM just because it contributes so well to performance. Also, prepare yourself to have to spend about $150 on System 10.4 (aka Tiger) when it comes out. These kinds of upgrades are almost necessary. Do you already have a network set up in your location? For the home, a broadband connection with a router sharing the connection between multiple computers is the most common home network.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Inauguration funds: A better use?

    All it being private money means is that somebody's been bought. Ticket funds bought through the inauguration committee I could understand, though. But there's no way they made $40 million on that.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO I Love the 90's: Part Deux Thread

    Hopefully, something happens and a culture explosion happens this year. It usually happens in the fifth year of a decade. It's about time we put the stuff from the latter half of the 90s away.