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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Israel vs Palestein

    No you just don't approve gays but think Hitler was just misunderstood. I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm missing Mike, Marney, et al. They used to bash the snot out of guys like this.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    Saying you're going to donate zillions isn't a good move at all. While people have been sitting around and sniping at the US as cheapskates, this strategy is the smartest way to go about things. If you say up front you're going to donate hundreds of millions of dollars, the people in power in that region will basically realize that they're filthy rich and start making plans on what to build or do with a crazy sum of money. By saying you're donating $15 million or $30 million, and moving up, you're keeping their mind on using this money to help the people who actually need it. And already, we're finding out that relief isn't getting to the victims it needs to get to. Seriously, these countries are going to make so much money off this disaster that some people high on the totem pole there are going to wish for another tsunami.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Huge earthquake wreaks havoc

    NY Times said the other day that although a bunch of aid is being raised, none of it is getting through to the people that need it. Whoever the fuck said the US is cheap first sure made a great move, now we're throwing cash into that region and it's probably not going to help the people who lived near the beach that need it most. However, we're going to make SOMEBODY in that region and their family very, very rich, if you get my drift.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Mozilla. What's so great about it?

    You'll also be hammering the fuck out of any server you visit. Bad netiquette.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    Old Testament = screwed-up Jewish history book. It got God down totally wrong and it had nothing to do with Jesus.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    And So it Begins

    Obligatory "laughing at Yankees" comment. Their farm system is going to be an near-empty room with a couple out of shape guys sitting there at the rate that they're going. George wants to buy a Championship so badly (and MLB won't do anything like implement a salary cap to stop him) that now he's going for guys who have a couple years left in their career before he has to find a replacement again. Between the inflated salaries, old men who'll barely have it any longer, and the owner determined to buy whatever has worked for anyone before at any price, the NYY really is pro sports' equivelant to WCW.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Linux Compatible Portable Ogg Player

    iRiver. Some of their Flash players and both of their larger more expensive hard drive based ones play OGG. I'm not a Linux user, though, I'm not sure if anyone else here is. You'll have to check with your Linux sources to find out about compatability. However, since iRiver is making a Linux-based media player, I'd be suprised if there was no compatability.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Copying Age of Empires 2 and Conqueror's Expansion

    Oh boy, another "Help me pirate shit!" thread. But since, I shoulcn't criticize you without providing some kind of content: If you wish to play single player, you'll likely need a hacked EXE (often called a No-CD) to bypass the CD check on launch. If you want that, Google for it. No need for me to do all your work. You'll probably be out of luck on multiplayer. Most games like this check your game's serial number and don't let two serial numbers play at once. Battle.net started that trend, I think AOE2 follows it.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    iPod assistance needed

    iTunes Menu -> Preferences Click Importing tab Choose MP3 if you want to.* Choose a bitrate, too. Uncheck "Play while importing" so you don't have the computer trying to play music while it's working. Highlight your WAV songs in the Library. Hold down the Apple key to select more than one track. Advanced menu -> Convert selection to MP3 * By default, iTunes encodes in AAC which is better than MP3 and iPods can play them (locked AACs what's used for Music Store.) The only difference is that MP3s are more easily tradeable online. So if sound quality matters to you and online swapping doesn't, go that route if you want to.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    JBL isn't at the marketplace in Fallujah when the bomb goes off. JBL isn't first line of defense when the base gets attacked. If someone wanted to abduct JBL and record his beheading on a cheap VHS tape, they'd have to get through a ton of guys. Even the aid workers who aren't doing the fighting have a better idea of what Iraq is really like than JBL, because he's protected as a VIP. While it's certainly admirable that he goes over there as part of the USO, I've never heard any celebrities who participate in the USO tours (not ol' Bob Hope and he did a ton of them, not even political pundit Al Franken) talk so brashly about really knowing what's going on there. They understand that they're getting what they're being allowed to see. Bradshaw acts like the war is over and he's a freakin' veteran, and that attitude is what pisses me off when he decides to banter about with people who email him about Iraq.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

    Oh, come on, you didn't notice it? You're telling me you didn't see the Republican commentary (not pro-America, or pro-war, but the actual party line)? Or are you just agreeing with Bradshaw saying Vince has a right to do it even if it's a kinda shitty thing to do? Because honestly, Vince waved the "Support Our Troops" flag around in the air as a distraction while airing his controversial opinion? I agree with Keller (can't believe I said that) that, even if you want to say "it's his right to say it," you can't deny that he probably planted a seed in that crowd's collective thought process that their actions abroad are being demonized back home. If I was overseas fighting a war, and someone coming through for one day, who has better access to news than I do, said that, I'd be expecting a whole Vietnam spit-in-your-eye style parade of shame when I got back.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    WWE and it's trademarks

    Naked Snake is right. You can't trademark someone's real name. So Chris Benoit could go wrestle anywhere as Chris Benoit, because that's who he is. But some guy who's not named Chris Benoit can't go running around with the stage name Chris Benoit. Real-life examples: Bret Hart leaves WWF for WCW, loses the "Hitman" Chris Benoit (go figure) leaves WCW for WWF, is still Chris Benoit, but trades in "The Crippler" for "The Rabid Wolverine" until Vince buys WCW's trademarks.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Campus club seeks right to exclude gays

    See, shit like this is just part why I'm not a fan of Clinton, and why I groan and roll my eyes when I get "But Clinton did/didn't/woudln't do (x)" replies when I attack Republican politicians. I'm sure it's what won him elections in the middle of a dry period for Democrats, though, and that just makes me more outraged. Those of us who don't like an active Judeo-Christian society have nothing to love about Bill Clinton.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    It's that time of year

    And to complete the circle, I'll acknowledge that Christianity doesn't have nearly as many calls for revenge and war as many other large religions do in favor of generally abiding the golden rule. Too bad it seems like a lot of people haven't paid attention to their holy scripture lately. And now that everyone's getting along, the thread can successfully die.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    It's that time of year

    In some ways that might be true. But people are taking it too seriously in the degree where they are offended at someone else's different religion or lack of religion.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    Oh, of course. I don't hold it against him because it's Carlin and he could just be standing onstage silent while the words go by on a screen behind him and I'd still laugh. Also, this is not a gig to get him publicity in Vegas. Anyone who says that probably hasn't been to Vegas and doesn't understand. Although the big shows like Cirque Du Soleil can sell months in advance, comedians are often a limited headliner event. When you check into a hotel in Vegas, there's almost always some magazine on the table with a name like Showbiz or What's On that tells you everything that's playing in town along with restaurant and attraction info, and all the ads are nothing but ads for the various casino shows, or nightime flights over town, or whatever. These magazines + The existance of small-time comedians nobody's heard of before doing well = Carlin will have no problem drawing a crowd in a reasonable-sized theater.
  17. Jobber of the Week


  18. Jobber of the Week

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    See, that just blew me away. Maybe all big comedians do that and I just don't see enough of them, but it seems to me that it's a two step process, learning how to say the joke without studying your notes in the middle of a crowd and then seeing how funny it is. Not only is the joke made less funny by virtue of a guy reading from a notepad on the stage (counterproductive,) but it makes them feel like they're not really getting their money's worth if you have to consult your pad.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Muhammad Hussan

    Sigh. I really hoped that everyone would share my sentiments when I say that political angles are dumb. It's timelyness isn't the problem. The problem is that people usually don't like to be preached to about world events, social climate, or politics while watching a pro wrestling show.
  20. Jobber of the Week


    Where the hell is INXS? I want to see what happens when he and Slapnuts! agree on something. We may actually open a gateway into some kind of parallel dimension due to the rules of impossibilities being broken. And no, even he isn't going to be silly enough to agree that Hitler was just misunderstood. I hope.
  21. Jobber of the Week


    No matter how you quantify evil, Hitler exceeds his quota of it.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Suggest me some X-Box titles

    Nostalgia? Knights II was just released. I don't understand people who say that the new Prince of Persia game somehow ruins the series. It was used and abused far worse than this as a Broderbund property.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO Help CBright w/ Grand Theft Auto: SA.

    Look at your radar in one of the bottom corners of the screen. Head along the streets towards the direction of the blip on the edge of the radar.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    George Carlin Enters Rehab

    I'm likely moving there next year. I was getting kind of concerned because until you said that I haven't encountered anyone who's had anything nice to say about the experience.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    It's that time of year

    Perhaps that isn't because "the PC Police" have convinced the store's. Perhaps because the stores, as a private enterprise, want every customer they can. You like to ramble about the PC Police but you forget the other people who contribute to this situation. Like the people who wouldn't shop there because it says Happy Chanukah instead of Merry Christmas. Or because it says Merry Christmas instead of Best To Yours This Kwanzaa. This is not the PC police, this is the religiously uptight folks, and the stores want their money because it's just as green as anybody else's. Technically, you ARE pushing beliefs and opinions on me, but that's beside the point. The point is that you see all this villainy as being solely responsible to some unofficial crowd you nickname "The PC Police", but don't see people from other religions who are as determined in their belief that their holiday is being persecuted as much as you do. I bet a lot of "The PC Police" is just people trying to make all of you happy so that you'll stop your yapping. Yawn. Random ACLU Case Pulled Out Of Nowhere to try and claim some massive silencing of Christianity #831. Irrelevant.