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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    As long as it's not the main event, no. Heck, I'd be more curious who everyone decides the better worker is. However, the finish is probably rather lame if Hogan jobs clean, since the big clothesline is nowhere near the whole Hulk Up/Legdrop routine in terms of pops and a sense of finality.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Mozilla. What's so great about it?

    Internet Explorer technology is built into Windows and is used for browsing the local filesystem as well as by other programs. You can disable IE the browser by unchecking it in Add/Remove Windows Components (inside Add/Remove Software), but you can not entirely remove IE's library. For this reason it's important that, even if you abandon IE as a browser entirely, you pay attention to it's security updates. IE has been hooked in as a vital organ to Windows since about 1999 or so.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Quick question

    Have you updated Norton lately? That part is always important. Otherwise, it sounds like some kind of malware. Probably a drive-by install since you're probably smart enough to not install crazy 3rd party toolbars and extensions.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Sell me on... Hating JBL

    I liked Financial Analyst Bradshaw until they gave him a serious political bent. I have a problem with political angles (even this one, which plays to my moderate liberal politics) because not very creative, likely to offend sensitive people, and too likely to inoffend others. What I mean by that last part is that no matter how culturally extreme you make a character, for example racism, there's always some guy out in the trailer park who thinks the guy on TV saying that black people should be considered criminals is right on. However, I've thought that Bradshaw has managed to do well under the weight of a political gimmick and, indeed, made it entertaining despite it's drawbacks. The reason for hating Bradshaw, at least the concensus I've seen, is that he has always been automatically the guy who needs to be carried in a match, and that's something that fans of the actual wrestling don't like to see. They didn't like it when Brock Lesnar was in the same phase, but Lesnar got beyond that point and indeed had matches where he was doing the carrying. Bradshaw's career has been so long that he probably isn't going to get any better in-ring than he already is.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    It's that time of year

    Bumping an old thread to say that George W Bush as a wise man always gives me the giggles. Also, Some Guy's posts are interesting in that he complains that people need to stop taking their religion so seriously (regarding complaining of other religious symbols in the public square) but has no problem taking his own religion too seriously (sees a place for Christian symbolism in the town square and thinks that anyone who disagrees with it should see that they're a minority and shut up.) If I may be so bold as to use biblical scripture, he is pointing out the speck in his neighbor's eye while ignoring the plank in his own.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    EA's UbiSoft buy considered "hostile"

    Honestly, that's the least of your problem. SPLINTER CELL 4! NOW with licensed songs, including exclusive songs by Snoop Dogg and Linkin Park, reinterpreting classic songs that nobody thought needed changing! "Fisher, contact me on your cell phone. Just open up the large ever-present Cingular logo on the left side of your screen! If you want to, there's a mobile edition of 'The Sims' that you may want to play when you need to kill time. Full version available at your closest software retailer for $30. Headquarters out."
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Which way to Die? #2

    Here's one depressing one I've been thinking about for the past six or so years. You are about to be killed. You are to be shot to death. There is no other option. Would you rather be facing your killer, know who it is, and just see the flashes before you die, or would you rather be shot from behind, unaware of who fired the bullet or where it came from, or that it was coming after you?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Iran may attack US

    So you'd need two terrorist attacks in succession to even set that off? I'm not saying their impenetrable forts. I'm saying your scenario (Plane + power plant = near-doomsday) is far oof. Considering that you're usually more conservative than I am, I think it's funny that you're backing the comments of the anti-nuke organization.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Named Time's Person of 2004

    You're confused. What happened is that they had an online poll with a write-in candidate, and didn't do anything to prevent ballot box stuffing. People kept submitting Mick Foley over and over and over. I don't think the poll would really decide who went on the cover, but if it did, they changed their minds when they saw how flawed it was. The same thing happened with Entertainment Weekly's Entertainer of the Year, where a bunch of webmasters and various people started submitting thousands and thousands of ballots for various web personalities, and pretty soon names like ~*BOB WUZ HERE*~ were being listed above all the Hollywood elite. My own opinion is that the cover should be shared between Bush and Karl Rove. A lot of the hardball politics they credit Bush with is because of Rove, Bush went out and played the salesman while Rove played the game behind the curtains.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Iran may attack US

    What??? http://www.nti.org/d_newswire/issues/thisw...12_30_terr.html
  11. Jobber of the Week

    David Brock reaches out and bitchslaps O'Reilly

    First of all, those incidents always happened at WrestleMania, shame on you for not knowing that. Second, eh, I don't know if I'd pay money for that. I might download the show for it and watch it later though. Now, if you changed to a Vertebreaker, I'd be there with $35 in my hand.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 27/4 Video On Demand Service

    Interactive TV was a DirecTV gimmick that was provided by a company called WiNK. The company was then bought out by News Corporation, and then DirecTV was, too. So while I suppose it could make a comeback (it never appeared on a few RCA models) it wasn't very useful, and it certainly wasn't VOD.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    New John Cena United States Championship

    I honestly think that when Cena wins the WWE title in the future, they should make a custom championship belt (ala smoking skulls) that look like it's has little spinning rims on it. They could be powered by a little battery hidden on the back. NiCad or something so that they don't look obvious and doesn't hurt to wear. I don't know, considering how stupid those rims are that keep spinning even when the car's at a stop sign, a championship belt with imitations of those would be even extra irony.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Suprnova and Torrentbits shut down

    Well, that one link sure clues me in as to where Downhome gets his jollys. I mean, classics like "Monster Dildo Masturbation", how can you go wrong with that?
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Iran may attack US

    #1: I'm not sure if this guy understands nuclear reactors very well. He seems to think that all you have to do is grab a plane and fly at it and it's doomsday. #2: Aforementioned "BUY THE BOOK!" strategy. I think the government should look into it, in the same sense that the Secret Service looks into every 13 year old on the internet who writes something threatening an important person's life without thinking about what it'll cause, but I really really doubt anything comes of this.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Named Time's Person of 2004

    On the other hand, if he did run and win, McDonalds would have to give us back "Super Size" on executive order.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Suprnova and Torrentbits shut down

    I swear to God this forum is turning into Piracy Tech Support more and more every month. I'm suprised the **AAs shut down SuperNova. The site's files had long been monitored by the legal teams of those companies and despite the growing reputation that downloading from SuprNova was basically asking for a threatening letter to your ISP, people kept going there anyway. In a sense, SuprNova was like the cheese in the mousetrap that idiots kept going to again and again. It would have been more effective to the **AAs to keep it alive.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    What is the difference between...

    If your concern is about quality, the one with the larger filesize will likely be of better quality. However, how that quality is accomplished may not be worth the effort. Unless you have a slammin' sound system, listening to an AC3 over your computer instead of a compressed MP3 might not be worth the extra download. I've never heard of HRHD but looking at Google the acronym doesn't seem to actually mean anything outside of TV piracy circles.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    With all the bashing going down and no Savage

    McMahon needs Lesnar more than Lesnar needs McMahon. If he cuts down his lifestyle a bit (supposedly he bought himself his own plane at one point) there's lots of athletic possibilities he could consider. At the same time, McMahon has to balance his demands for respect with the fact that everyone from fans to workers to shareholders will want his head on a pike if things keep sliding down. Not that Lesnar would stop it, but good news > no news.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    If TNA does fold...

    Ric Flair? If you don't accept that (and I doubt you will), The Undertaker? I always thought AMW would work as a tag team in WWE as long as they had clear seperate personalities. They need to be more like a Benoit/Angle tag where each guy clearly has his own goals but both guys know they work great together. If you make them so close together that they seem to be sharing the same minds, they'll just be Basham Brothers II.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Bush Named Time's Person of 2004

    Hey, it's pretty much natural for the new President to automatically be Person of the Year. Although they held off with Clinton and went with him and Starr together in 98. Although boy, contrasting that picture to his 2000 cover sure shows how he's been looking old fast.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Ann Coulter Shoot Interview

    Wait until he finds out that they're black.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    AL Judge Wears 10 Commandments on Robe

    I think the word he was looking for was "supernatural."
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Home Networking

    Jesus! Look in your Sunday CompUSA or other retailer ads for deals. My Dad got a wireless G router and a G card for less than that. We also equipped our house with B connections earlier thanks to another clearance.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Ipod question

    A little late on this, but oh well. I don't use one of those things myself, but the pages say your recordings are saved as a file which you can later play on your computer. Don't buy an iPod Mini, though, as none of these products work with it. Apple's site lists one by Belkin and one by Griffin. Both are popular 3rd party add-on manufacturers. The Belkin one has manual gain settings that you choose yourself, while the more expensive Griffin one automatically adjusts it. If you plan to use it a lot, I would pay up the extra $10 for the Griffin iTalk which just seems to have more features in it.