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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    ACLU strikes again

    Sorry, disagree with you here. There's clearly places where parents have yes/no authority, but I take a "if you buy it, it's yours" kind of philosophy when it comes to privacy over the phone. I'm kind of big on privacy of a son/daughter, but that's mainly because I have a ton of skeletons in my closet (nothing illegal or dangerous, just shit that would cause stress) so I'm a bit more of a personal rights kind of person.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    AL Judge Wears 10 Commandments on Robe

    Yes, because it's clearly the time and place to loudly state your religious beliefs.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Chevy Chase goes off on President Bush.

    First of all, the article is quoted as being from the Washington Post. Second, the article is easily found by doing a search on their site for Chevy Chase. If you can't find it there, then use news.google.com to either find it or find a mirror story that isn't fucking NewsMax. Third, http://www.bugmenot.com . Learn it.
  4. Absolutely agreed. Who the hell can argue that there's no possibility this woman won't go so fucking crazy again with anything less?
  5. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 27/4 Video On Demand Service

    Philadelphia is home to all of Comcast's top executives. Thus, the cable system is like a TV God and any channel they want (which is everything) is carried. I wouldn't be suprised if this channel was running there.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Brock Lesnar Ready To Make WWE Return?

    hahahahah what the fuck? Great business sense, Vince. No wonder you're doing so well.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    Ann Coulter Shoot Interview

    Ann Coulter is from the suburbs? I figured she was probably some rich bitch from the hamptons. I am that guy from Scanners right now.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    AL Judge Wears 10 Commandments on Robe

    Judges... Not so much. They have rights, but their job has standards that they are to adhere to. It really all depends on the context. Keep in mind that Moore's monument was A-Okay when he said that it represented the foundations of law & order and promised that the monument would someday be joined with recreations of the Magna Carta and other historical icons of law. That never happened, his tune changed to the monument being "a symbol that we are Christian nation," and it had to go because it was a religious statement, and not the reflection of law & order that he originally provided.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Chevy Chase goes off on President Bush.

    Could people please link to the actual story being quoted (in this case, WashPost) instead of the editorial-within-a-news-story bile that is NewsMax? Swear to fuckin' God. Don't really have an opinion about the story, but just making my obligatory "Friends Don't Let Friends Post NewsMax" message.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    ACLU strikes again

    I think a kid has a right to privacy if the kid is paying for the phone line. Whoever owns the line has a right to privacy on it, and nobody else. 2GOLD: I'm 22 and don't have a driver's license because I don't need to drive. I don't deserve any privacy?
  11. Jobber of the Week

    WWE 27/4 Video On Demand Service

    Since satellite doesn't have anything like VOD (can't really, technology doesn't allow for it), the Dish Network announcement could only mean they're launching a linear (i.e. traditional cable network) channel. Whoo, looks like all my begging and pleading WORKED, damnit! Me? I doubt I'll see it. Our area only got VOD this week.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Apprentice 2

    Don't judge the show based on this episode. It's usually an entertaining little series, but last night was reality TV at it's worse. For some reason, every last of season episode is turned into Donald Trump's Laugh-In At The Apollo, giving people tuning in for the big finish a bad taste of what the rest of the show is like. PS: No love for Jen, but respect for being able to sit there while the entire building gives you heel heat for 45 straight minutes. She got no-sold by everyone but Andy, who must be very desperate to get laid.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    Looking at it harder, there's really no detail as to what "exclusive online features" are. It doesn't necessarily mean online play, it could mean some deal for online gamers being provided by NFL. Although five years is a really long time (we'll have new systems by then), I think in the meantime VC can survive by continuing to sell NFL2K5 upgrades over Xbox Live. Imagine if you could just spend a little bit of money instead of a new $50 game to upgrade a roster or a jersey?
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Rumsfeld and Soldiers have a discussion

    I could watch communist government propaganda to get my news, but that doesn't mean the people spewing it are journalists, it means they're propagandists. He has no credentials, credibility, or education as a journalist, and people who watch the show understand that, so it's fine by me. "Justice" (I forgot who you used to be, sorry) got the idea backwards. People watch the Daily Show because things like Desperate Housewives, Michael Jackson's boy fetish, and Donald Trump's new hire get attention and screen time from the "serious media."
  15. Jobber of the Week

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    LOL @ above post. Since when have online petitions ever done anything? Especially convinced a company to be less greedy and take less money? But the Xbox isn't the dominant platform, which is the primary focus for someone who wants to make sales. The reason the multiplatform games for Xbox feel like PS2 games is because the PS2 version was developed first. Almost all the big multiplatform games do this. The Tony Hawk games do this. Spider-Man 2 did this. Etc. Sure they have, but there's no rule that says they have to. I was correcting what you said, which was that the ability wasn't in there in XBL to charge people for content. Well, EA's deal with the NFL calls for "exclusive online features," so I think the NFL will be shutting down the NFL2K servers on Live. We'll see where it goes from here.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Convince Me Our President Isn't A Terrorist

    Yes, but now that Dick is President via puppetry act, look which direction he went in. Poppa Bush's idea was the right one for the here and now and he may have been right then, but at the same time many people think if he had gone ahead that the same thing happening now wouldn't have happened because the Iraqi people were at the critical edge of turning against Saddam. When we left, those who rebelled were tortured, and everyone became much more cynical as a whole. It's a coulda shoulda thing. And I'm not exactly what you'd call a Dubya supporter, either, I just tell you how I see it.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Death for Scott Peterson

    I support the death penalty for certain reasons, and for those same reasons I can't be against the death penalty for Peterson without being hypocritical. Honestly, I just want the fucking story to go away.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    It's that time of year

    Hey now, I get the music at Starbucks piped into my house and that's the only place I can hear the old Vince Guraldi songs. Even Holly, which is supposedly supposed to play all contemporary Christmas music, doesn't play the old Charlie Brown's Christmas songs. King Cucuracha: It's not so much that it's people afraid of being or not being politically correct. The problem is that the whole conflict is religious based, and people are so vigorous in their religious views that once someone claims that Merry Christmas is insulting to his religious view, three other people will stop using it because they don't want to piss off that person, etc. That's why I don't have a problem with companies just saying "Happy Holidays," because they want every customer they can, including the people who get anally religious if they get wished a greeting that corresponds to another religion. This whole thing wouldn't be an issue, of course, if people only adopted my strategy of "Take Religion Less Seriously." Then we would also be without a lot of international terror and bloody conflicts.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    Neither does Grand Theft Auto, but nobody bitches about that game for one reason. It's fun. Graphics aren't the be-all, end-all and certainly aren't equivelant to quality of a game. There's too many whiny bitches these days who are only interested in visuals and either don't know or don't remember the ton of fun games on the S/NES. Command & Conquer sucked because they shut down Westwood Studios. Even when Westwood was active, however, C&C wasn't exactly what you would call a golden surefire franchise. Tiberian Sun got all the hype in the world (USA Today says it's the best game ever!! Stars James Earl Jones!! WOW!) and it sucked the big one. While EA is an awful employer (a lawsuit has started up) and their management ideas rival the pointy-haired guy from Dilbert (Let's not release Ultima Online 2, because it will compete with the aging Ultima Online!), the games aren't as bad as they're made out to be. Online console gaming is a bit of a new idea, I don't think the experiation on online support will last. The PC versions of these titles have had online support forever. That's bullshit. Microsoft has the ability to charge you for things in Live. They've released MechAssault and TopSpin content with a charge attatched once those games got older. The real reason is because EA wanted to have control of the customer information and integrate it into their system. So your login to the EA.com site would integrate with your online game profile and shit. Microsoft is trying to do the same thing, integrating Xbox Live gamertags into Microsoft .Net Passport. So, if EA's acting evil they weren't any more evil than Microsoft was, they were just having a spat over who would control customer infromation. And that's something every PC publisher is doing. People who bought boxed copies of Half-Life 2 found that the publisher had put a stupid CD check application on it that caused glitches for some people. This was actually redundant because the program went through the developer's authorization system (called Steam), so there was no way you could pirate it with or without the CD. But the publishers demanded anyway, because they're stupid like that. And the publisher in that case was Vivendi-Universal. While I don't love EA by any means (the only games of theirs I own are the ones they didn't develop, like Battlefield and Burnout 3), come up with a better arguement before you start raging against the machine.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    Bitch at the NFL. They're the ones who decided to make their license exclusive to one company. The only thing EA did was offer to pay more than other companies for that license. This is why NCAA is still better. This kind of crap doesn't happen because of all the colleges involved.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    EA signs a 5 year exclusive deal with NFL

    This doesn't sound like anything drastic to me. Disney owns ESPN. Disney competes with Madden. EA puts up money to make Madden exclusive. Now, do you think Disney would rather cough up money to top EA, or would they rather sell the ESPN brand and likeness to EA for use in the upcoming exclusive Madden game. I don't see this as eliminating competition. The competition (ESPN) probably realized they could make money instead of spend money.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    DVD Burner Help

    As long as they burn major media, meaning either - and/or + discs, what's to be afraid of? In the case of laptops, you don't really have much of a choice.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    "Holiday Spice" Pesi...

    Am I the only one who likes Blue Pepsi? Coming out as a person who liked Pepsi Blue. I also liked the Mountain Dew Pitch Black for a little while. Then my Dad bought me a ton of bottles and yeeeck.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Rumsfeld and Soldiers have a discussion

    I'm not saying he should read the NY Times. I'm saying that the very first sentence on the front page story about the situation in the NY Times says that Rumsfeld was talking to soldiers who hadn't gone into Iraq yet, and kkk with Fox News (even if he wasn't watching 6 hours a day like he normally does) left him in the dark about it. So, while that's not a ringing endorsement of the NY Times, it's a suggestion that maybe he should ween himself of NY Times For The Right.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Ridge Resigns As Homeland Security Chief

    I can't read one article about this guy without hearing the usual HE WAS THERE and HE WAS IN COMMAND shit re: 9/11. I'm almost happy to see this happen because I'd like to see this administration prove that they can do SOMETHING without 9/11 tying into it somehow. It's like they're fucking immersed.