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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    The Republican Wish List

    No way, nuh-uh. At this point, even the conservative Democrats are holding out hope these guys can make it through four years, because if they don't we quickly start bending for the religious wackos. My previous take on the filibusters was basically "Eh, well, you know, there's nothing that says that they CAN'T." But having spent years bitching about the religious vote and seeing arrive in larger numbers than ever, I'm fully prepared to sell out my integrity if it means not having to deal with a Jesus Judge who's still young and will take for-fucking-ever to get ill enough to step down. Rather than listen to the people who voted for "moral values," I'm hoping instead that we can simply survive them without any long-lasting mark by them on our country. However, I'll still say that I'd be happier instead if we could convince some moderate Republicans who are becoming more and more concerned about their party to join us in knocking down these appointments rather than create karma with this fillibuster tactic. Not that all of Bush's appointments have been reprehensible, mind you, some of them have proven themselves in my eyes. But I think the choices we'll see between first term Bush and second term Bush are going to be different.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Pundits you love/hate

    Mom used to watch it at first but then... Mom: He's on at the same time as Letterman and I just can't stand the guy. Please, go watch this in your room. Dad: Alright. (The next week) TV (approximate): San Francisco's #1 pot-smoking tree-hugger commie station is joining the rush! Rush Limbaugh at a NEW 2AM time! Same arrogance, now shoved away so you don't have to see it. Dad: Fuck this shit, I'm getting some sleep.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Meet your new senators!

    Well, there goes ALL hopes of tort reform, which was always an important issue and never something that we just made up!
  4. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    So? Bush had a popularity spike the likes nobody had ever seen and has been trying to keep the nation rallied for war during all but eight months of his Presidency. Clinton had none of those bonuses. Fourty-eight. Fifty-one. That is the dividing line.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Pundits you love/hate

    Nah, I very first mentioned that was from his book the time I posted an entire chapter from his book by typing it all in by hand. Anyway... Rush: Dad watched his TV show when I was a kid. I was interested in politics enough that I thought voting was neat and cool but I didn't really know anything about the issues and was naive enough that I didn't know why anyone couldn't like the President. Rush was where I learned that people have reasons to complain about the President. It was okay stuff, but I was a kid so what can I say? I stopped watching it when Mom blew up about it and made Dad go watch it in the bedroom. Dad stopped caring about Rush when his TV timeslot moved even later. Oh, and I remember the $1 ribbons. Mikey "Fatty" McFatFats: I loved TV Nation. Watched BFC and while there was a few things that made me want to applaud for being brought to light (like that the media will tell you something to be afraid of 10x more than they'll tell you something to be happy about), I started smelling bullshit somewhere around the McDonald-Douglas segment and had to resist turning it off when we got to the woman working at Regis' restaurant. Already talked about F9/11 enough. HATE his books after reading two, and would love to enjoy his movies if only he wouldn't keep adding so much conspiracy bullshit that causes people to ignore the rest of the movie. Al Franken: Hated him on SNL. Love his books. Find his radio show amateurish and 1 or 2 hours too long for the amount of content he has, resulting in a lot of filler. Sean Hannity: Listened to his radio show a few times. I refuse to watch H&C no matter who's on. About as far right as Ann Coulter, but takes himself seriously. Paul Begala: Entertaining on Crossfire, although I've watched him defend too many positions that I coudln't defend, and I think maybe he doesn't even want to defend, so he's clearly a party shill. My favorite Begala one-liner comes from a report on Bush speaking in front of the troops: "About 30 years late, President Bush FINALLY showed up with the National Guard today." Larry Elder: Listened a few times. Didn't know what to make of him, but I enjoyed listening to the show anyway. Bill O'Reilly: By what I've found on the web, Bill is 6'4, and I had no idea they stacked bullshit that high. Wraps conservative opinions in claims of impartiality, spins more than many guests in his own no-spin zone, and worst interview style ever. "SHUT UP, CUT HIS MIKE." Randi Rhodes: Another Hall of Shamer for the same interview style as O'Reilly. Mike Malloy: My favorite of the left-wing radio hosts. Yes, he's nowhere near center. Yes, he's very opinionated. But he's also really knowledgable and doesn't drown out other people by yelling or playing sound effects of toilets flushing or cutting mics. Ann Coulter: Ugly as hell, makes the Olsen girl who went into rehab look like Yokozuna. If I feel like having a good cry, I think about the people who take Coulter at her word. Probably about as far to the right as Hannity, she spits out heavy statements that are probably meant to shock and horrify even if, deep down, her own opinion is really a bit more subdued. Bill Clinton isn't in office anymore, so she no longer can work to direct as much negative traffic onto him as possible, so she's made a niche by calling liberals vampire bats from hell who are here to give the country to Satan. Michael "Savage" Weiner: Slime. Why isn't this guy stuck on a public radio station in Mississippi? Was actually very entertaining back when you knew that the things he was saying was so batshit insane that nobody could believe it. This was back where everything he ever talked about was a life or death battle that could result in America being taken over by the Chinese. Now that he villifies gays like crazy and treats even the most modest Democrat as some kind of communist, it's a lot harder to like him because you get the feeling this isn't just about entertainment for him anymore. His books are like he asked someone to write down everything he said on a few radio programs and then sent it to a publisher. Carville/Matalin: Most entertaining when they're disagreeing with each other. I almost never see Matalin alone other than fundraising events and Carville is a lot crazier and almost unintelligible without Matalin to bounce things off of. Robert Novak: HALLO WELCOME TO CROSHFIRE, I AM ROBERT NOVAK AND I SHOUND LIKE ELMER FUDD WENT TO A BEER BUSHT AND GOT SHLOSHED. I know that's not entirely fair to the guy, but it certainly contributes to why he's a better communicator in the newspaper than he is on TV. Still a smart guy who does seem to correctly understand the Democrats even if he intentionally smears them during his partisan delivery. Novak + Carville + Debate show = Completely unintelligible dialogue. Chris Matthews: I AM CHRIS MATTHEWS LET'S PLAY HARDBALL, AND I TALK LOUDER THAN NOVAK AND THIS IS JUST MY REGULAR SPEAKING! Been aware of the guy since he was in the McLaughlin Group. I like him although I thought in the 2000 elections he was acting like a huge Republican until I saw Republicans complaining about him months later. Mostly plays it down the middle, gets points for making people answer yes and no questions with a yes or no, will talk over someone but doesn't humiliate them or cut their mic.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Keyes Blames Loss

    Not really. Any discussion about what the Dems are going to do next (which is currently the story of the week, since Bush's post-election agenda is "staying the course") is not going to be without him. He's basically the best shot we have right now. I just hope he doesn't get overhyped while we're still in the planning stages .
  7. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    That most liberal thing was a loaded question. It looked at Kerry's record when he was basically Senator Gone, dropping into DC only to vote on a party plank issue. If he was there without a campaign to deal with, it would have wound up differently. To be honest, I think Kerry's campaign promises were way close to the middle of the road.
  8. http://www.andalusiastarnews.com/articles/...ews/992news.txt What kind of state is this even a tight issue? And yes, that's rhetorical. The next time someone complains that it's stereotypical to call people from the bible belt racists and uneducated, I'm going to point them to this CLOSE RACE on whether we ought to get rid of this language seperating the whites from the coloreds. This isn't even a questionable issue of racy, like those tributes to the Confederacy (personally, I approve of the tributes to people and leaders, but not to the institution itself), this is an old example of racism printed plainly in black and white. WTF IS WRONG with people!? Arrrrrgh....
  9. Jobber of the Week

    Alabama amendment to remove Jim Crow law fails

    It's not because they read the bible, SP. It's probably more blamed on heritage. That's simply the name of the region that folks of this heritage come from. If I said "bible thumpers", you'd have an arguement. And KKK, it didn't pass
  10. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    NBC's poll found that the youth vote did vote more for Kerry, but only by a slim margin. Like their parents, they were divided 50-50 on whether the war was a good idea. In short, aiming for the young isn't a good idea for Democrats, because they simply tend to follow in their parents' mold. Perhaps in a more rebellious age, it would prove a more successful tactic.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Keyes Blames Loss

    Well, I'm sure Obama so hurt that he isn't sending him a Happy Holidays card anymore. Of course, despite that it's an empty gesture, Keyes still looks like a girl here. "That does it, Obama is NOT sitting with us at the lunchtable now!"
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Bush's 2nd term cabinet

    I kind of like the Colin Powell belief that you should only put people on the ground when you have enough of them that they can completely overwhelm the enemy and easily conquer, and when there's a plan for them to get out of there. Unfortunately, Powell kind of sold out his own beliefs for this administration. That's probably the greatest gift they've been ever given, although everybody's realized it by now.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Kurt Angle was beaten by a TE kid.

    Oh jesus I wish I didn't stop watching SmackDown. This stuff sounds hilarious in a trainwreck sort of way and I want to see.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    Oh please, the French simply can't handle this much chocolate. They'd take one bite, say it's not bitter enough, put out their cigarettes, pick up their poodles and go home. Even the Bite Size leftovers from Halloween are delicious.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Bush's 2nd term cabinet

    I can deal with Bush by himself, but add in the people he surrounds himself with and the acid starts to rise up in my throat. If I had to get rid of two, I'd pick Ashcroft and Rumsfeld. Ashcroft is a patriotic guy and all but he's way too out of touch with average America since he doesn't respect privacy and rights as much as most people do. Rumsfeld is... Aggggh.. From the "smaller, faster, more likely to get killed" military strategy, to the revival of Star Wars, to his flippant attitude towards the press. My ideal reshuffling of this administration would have been putting Powell where Rumsfeld is, putting Rice where Powell currently is, I'm sure there's plenty of candidates to take Rice's current position, and I think everyone here can agree with me when I say I'd take a guy off the street for Attorney General over Ashcroft. Other than that, can't complain. I'm not a Cheney fan, but the puppet strings don't pull themselves.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    I like 3 Musketeers the best.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    11 States ban gay marriage

    I'm suprised this whole "take it to the public" thing is still being said over and over even after the election. You know the slack-jawed locals that you see (or used to see) at WWE House Shows in the south? The marks that thought it was all real? They're pretty much the majority in America now, and they hates them some fags but they love God and they want the government to love God, too.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    That article is a lie. Moore's first thoughts after the election involved junk food.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    I'm betting those plans are TOAST now. Hillary comes with way too much baggage to be able to campaign. The only way I'd enjoy is if the GOP ran Rudy, because then both candidates have way too many scandals to be able to attack each other properly. ("Well, when MY husband cheated on me, at least he didn't throw me out of the house!") I think Terry's days are numbered, we're just letting him sit so that when we do let him go, it doesn't look directly related to the election. I think the whole Clinton dynasty died this week. It's time to try something new.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    Reminds me of Michael Jackson and the contacts at the end of "Thriller," really.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Star Wars Teaser Trailer Thoughts

    They should have done like they did with IV-VI and get a big bodybuilder guy to do Vader instead of making a Hayden Suit. Now not only will Vader suddently tower over subordinates in later movies that he didn't in III (unless we're using lifts, midget subordinates, or tricky CGI) but the suit looks wrong. Look at the tiny fists. Anyway, this commentary comes from simply pausing on the last shot of the "rising on a table" scene and I'm sure in motion I'll have a great time.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Religious beliefs aren't political beliefs. Or at least, they shouldn't be, and I'm not going to consider them such. If you want to actually make a case against gay marriage, fine. But religious reasoning does not work because (and here's the big important part) not everyone believes in your religion.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Can't we just keep our religious beliefs to ourselves? If we keep it in the church, I think things will be fine.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    3% is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE margin, all right. Let's look at the other results during times of war: Lincoln 55.02%, McClellan 44.96% FDR 54.6%, Dewey 46% LBJ 61%, Goldwater 38.4% So, yes, for a wartime commander, 3% is clearly way way larger than we've ever seen in history. No, it's not.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    Netscape is really weird. It takes news from CNN but operates independently from them, and I've seen a lot of kooky news stories (including the Clinton UN story) linked there that go to oddball little news "sites" I've never heard of before. We're talking Drudge level quality. I only know this because a custom Netscape frontpage with Apple logos is the default homepage on Mac and I haven't bothered to getting around to change it.