Jobber of the Week
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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week
For someone who takes this position, you sure are quick to debate it.
This is Dedicated to Some of the Hard-Core Left
Jobber of the Week replied to a topic in Current Events
Nuke-yoo-lar. PS this thread is fluff. -
The problem is that if we bash Mikey for what he believes, there's just so much. You have to choose a starting point and it pretty much requires a team effort of about five people bashing or so. Then, maybe you'll have covered all his kooky points together by dinnertime.
Compared to today, almost nobody cared about politics during Clinton. The general feeling of the 90s was that all politicians were a pack of liars so why bother voting. There was a split, but it didn't really affect common America because common America had given up on politics. That's why everyone's lightbulbs slowly lit up at once when everyone saw what happened in 2000. "Oh, hey, maybe I should vote!" Bush got a 3% margin. So it leaves 46-47% of the country mad instead of 49-50%. You think that's a big difference?
Excuse me? This is entertaining. I find it entertaining that you and the other supporters seem to not care that Bush has by his lonesome divided the country more than ever before. He has made no attempt to make the other percentage of the country any less angry. This has completely polarized everyone, and unlike the Clinton years, it's effected everyone from the armchair politicians all the way to John Q Public.
Mike: Displaying Superiority Through Snobbish Attitude
Us political hounds know better, especially with an administration that only saw Clinton's eight years as Bushus Interruptus.
Moore keeps changing his sugar daddy. In Stupid White Men he was very clearly a Nader backer, and nearly takes credit for sinking Gore with Nader votes. Of course, a couple months ago he was on his knees asking Ralph not to run. His dislike towards Clinton was that Clinton played both sides of the aisle. One of his criticisms was about gay marriage, Clinton bought airspace on Christian radio stations telling them he'd never allow gay marriage. I looked up the story he cited as a source and it help up to his vision, although I imagine such a move in 1992 was considered far less likely to piss off the core.
We'll see. I bet you by the time this event passes us by again, the Euro replaces the Dollar as the currency of record worldwide.
I think this can't be accomplished that way. Like interracial marriage, courts are going to have to drag the public, kicking and screaming and clawing, into something they're not comfortable with on constitutional principle. I would hope that is not gay marriage. I would hope that it is civil unions for all parties involved, with hetero couples able to go to Church to have their relationship named a marriage by a Pastor. This guarantees the equal standing in the eyes of the government as granted by the Constitution. Once this occurs, we begin to slowly move onto completely privatizing the whole process, which is where I ultimately see it going but not very quickly, because smart ideas just don't happen very fast. You mentioned Gavin Newsom. He had what was coming to him and that should have been the end of that. Kerry, IMO, did a poor job on this issue. He should have made it more clear that he agrees with Bush on everything BUT the amendment. The gay vote was already well-informed enough not to be offended, and he would have gotten more right-leaning swing voters while making Bush look extremist to left-leaning swing voters. It would have been win win. Instead he kept droning about man and a woman and Mary Cheney and so on. It is disappointing to look back on, I'll tell you that.
Yes, I know, we have a big military. We spend half a trillion each year, blah blah blah. The world does run on bombs, though. It runs on cash. And once all those foreigners pull out of all their US-based investments, things'll get seriously entertaining*. * not entertaining
This is why the feds need to stop what they're doing and let the states decide. God, I'm sounding like Mike. This is what happens when I become shell-shocked to find out we're a minority voice.
I was just thinking about it. You know, the thing that really frightens me about this is that one-fifth of the states eagerly approved these measures, by double digit numbers. Combine this with the GOP taking even more of Congress and it's very real that Mr. Madison's document will have a gay marriagement amendmend affecting every state nationwide. We've taken comfort so far that the requried number of states wouldn't pass for it, but what do you think now?
This election appearantly didn't teach you anything. We're down to state by state laws now, and that's what it'll always be for wedge issues. You can't make Mississippi and California fit into the same profile. Thank god some people out there (some of them even against us) keep rooting for states' rights, because that's what we got left to work with.
Fine. I just hope you'll play it fair (and balanced lol) and criticize Bush more oftens for the mistakes that even you know he makes but you previously ignored. You don't have to worry about his election chances, he has nowhere else up to go from here, so hopefully you'll give his less Republican-leaning decisions the thrashing they deserve. It should be a sight.
Makes them more likely to get jury duty. I propose we make like Australia and charge money from citizens who don't vote but are legally qualified to. At least that'll help us pay down Bush's deficit.
He did now, btw.
You really don't want that. No, really.
Because they're the fucking rest of the world, and when we stick our nose into their business they have an interest that should be respected as our interest should be respected if the other countries of the world started doing the same to us?
Where exactly do we get off telling the rest of the world how it has to be?
Which doesn't mean that there's still 40+% that DIDN'T go to him. And that's not just a regular election where the average Joe stays at home and only the party faithfuls vote, that was after a huge GOTV effort by both sides. Go ahead and gloat since you won, but could you please stop taking potshots at Clinton? He may not have ever gotten a majority vote but he certainly kicked ass in that all-important electoral college that just until yesterday was supposedly the most important institution of our democracy that should never be touched as it ensures fairness.
Did Clinton bring out record numbers like this? Almost everyone voted who ever would this time, and while we didn't actually win, we proved that no matter how large the group is that supports Bush, there's an (almost) equally large group that seriously hates him like the devil. For everyone's sakes, he would do better becoming more of a centerist to help Rudy or McCain in 08.
Most my family lives overseas, and I have always defended this country and the principles it stands for when they go on a little holier-than-thou wankfest about America that can start on almost any subject (and I mean ANY, from dollar bills to someone grumbling that Americans talk loud.) After last night's elections, I give up convincing my more distant family that we are not a bunch of bible-reading, NASCAR-watching, war-happy shitheads who are ignorant of our own political system. The PR bruises that we take from here on out, we brought upon ourselves.
Probably because Big Media wanted to hide his racist past. I mean, really kkk, if you want to make this guy your hero then go ahead. But I'm honestly glad to say he has no relevance in my party anymore, and that's one down, Byrd to go.
Churches are allowed to be as discriminatory as they want, and are legally protected to do so. This is what allows the Boy Scouts to be so anti-gay. They declared themselves a religious organization so that they could discriminate freely. They then complained that they lost a lot of rights to buildings and land use that they gained as an organization of public service, but that was their choice.