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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    11 States ban gay marriage

    Did anyone see the voter's guide in Oregon? The arguements in favor of banning gay marriage were absolutely crazy, and were basically large all-caps write-ups saying that we need to act now before our kids are learning about gay men in kindergarten. Insane stuff.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    You don't think the Republicans are going to run this blank check so far that they fumble huge and set their whole ideology back 20 years? Because that's pretty much what I'm expecting.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Do the Democrats need a makeover?

    The problem is that the Democrats helped make the social wedge issue a problem. Gavin Newsom fucked over his previously bright political future by marriage licenses with two dudes names on them. A great number of Americans suddently felt like the world's moral compass was unraveling through their fingertips. Gavin Newsom was shut up by the state. Big deal. That should have been the END of it. Instead, gay marriage actually became the most dumb issue of importance in this election. I'm putting it above "the draft" because even with the military's reluctance, one cannot completely rule it out until the selective service dept is dismantled. But people, Republicans even, were going out and voting because of GAY MARRIAGE?! This is like somewhere after mercury levels in the water in the order of importance. The Democrats fucked this one up by making an issue to cater to a crowd that would have voted for them anyway. Gays hate religious fundamentalists that keep trying to take their rights and their children away. There was no chance of gays going and voting Bush en masse. The position that should have been taken was that any changes from the status quo would be left up to the courts. Bush's "activist judges" shit was so ridiculous it should have been popped without having to make gay marriage an issue.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    I've woken up now and I'm putting all these pieces together and I'm still not figuring it out. I shit talk because I care and I like to think I have it right, even if other people don't agree. Though I restrained myself from making comments about it because it is so cliche, I seriously did at one point consider relocation in the past twelve hours, for about five seconds or so until I realized that my family is falling apart financially so I can just about forget it. But man, what a bunch of people who don't agree. I think my biggest problem with this one is that I still just don't get it. I don't know why people would vote for this guy. I know the reasons why John Kerry sucks, I've heard them here plenty of times and I've factored them in, but it still makes no sense. Especially the spending, because of the Congress races as well. People either do not recognize, or do not care, about Bush's credit card economics. I like to think the former, and we could have done a better job communicating that instead of talking about Purple Hearts for the better part of a season. That said, I'm pretty sad that our country will continue to have no fiscal responsibility for the immediate future. The other thing that I just don't understand is the amount of people, allegedly, who decided to vote over morality, which is something I very clearly believe wouldn't be legislated. That there's so many talking heads saying this could be a result of the echo chamber, but I think there's more to it. Watching our media last night, one would forget we were in a failing post-war effort to win the peace in Iraq. The way they make it sound, one would think people actually came out to the polls just to vote against gay marriage, and then decided to vote for a President while they were there. The mind boggles. To those voices who say we need to compromise our values and do more catering to the south and social conservatives by squelching our agenda, shut up. I would much rather lose more races as important as this one than win because of the bigot vote (which does not count for all of Bush's vote, of course, so don't bark up that tree, but it does exist, and it did clearly go to Bush.) If that happens, I'm switching to Independent. Bush won the popular vote, I'm sure I'll have this rubbed in my face, and it doesn't change my opinion that the electoral system is outdated and needs changing. Either something like the Colorado proposition (which had no chance in hell of passing during this election, unfortunately) or an outright removal of the system and going to something like the Brits' Parliament, which would require a lot of interesting amendments. I am not sure we will ever have another Presidential election without five news stations and three networks all bearing down on one state that makes the others irrelevant. At least this time it wasn't Florida. Lastly, I think the packing of Daschle was a good thing, and it's time to send Terry with him. The whole Clinton thing is done. Hillary should not be clearing out her calendar for 2008. While Bill is a great speaker and has his fans, they'll be voting for us anyways as long as we don't compromise now. So, congratulations Republicans. If something fucks up now, there's no more blaming it on the past four years.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    And some good SCOTUS appointments? Ronald Reagan is gaining some serious stock in my book. Not only for having the guts to raise taxes in his first term, but because I doubt Bush is going to smart enough to appoint an O'Connor instead of a Scalia.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    One Day Left by Michael Moore

    Okay, then you can not love Ann Coulter and not hate America, since she disagrees with you on the first part.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    I can't tell if this is a joke or not. I'd normally say yes except the bit about tax cuts lends it credibility.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Uhm, what? Have you looked at Congress' spending record lately? With nothing to fear, Bush will shakedown these guys for even more money, and they'll gladly hand out provided he signs their spending bills to blow cash on everyone's pet project to help boost their image in their home region come 2006.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Aww, fuck, here's another guy saying we've "lost the culture war" and need to start tipping our hats to the whole guns/god/gays thing. "They aren't doing well in towns that have Wal-Marts but don't have Starbucks." A-hyuck.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    CNN is talking about how appearantly a lot of votes for Bush, even in Democratic areas, came from his morality stance. You know, I hope this launches an even larger firestorm of indecency in our culture just to piss these people off. I want a big name director to go on the record of saying "Fuck the children" and making his PG-13 action flicks into R rated gory productions. I want more wardrobe malfunctions and people appearing on TV making lewd gestures or wearing shirts with naughty language on it. We can't change these people's minds, but we can make their lives uncomfortable.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Hahahaha, just as soon as I made my above post they found out Bush wasn't coming and started filing out.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Look at that shot of Bush HQ. There's still a ton of people there even though the sun has gone around the globe and is starting to rise up on that coast again. THIS IS WHY THEY WIN ELECTIONS, people. Check out that dedication. They're even trying to make as much noise as they can to make it look like it's still 9PM over there.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Because then they have to give Bush the election. They're in a position. They don't want to be the first person to give a guy an election and, as much sneering as this comment will generate here, possibly the wrong one. Oh yes, I went there.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    She is the most vapid talking head ever. She went on Bill Maher's show and rather than speak up and fight she just sat there and pouted, making her everyone's bitch, even fucking D.L. Hughley (I think that was the episode he was on, but if not another celebrity which seems to be on the uninformed end of the spectrum.)
  15. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    You can travel around San Fierro but your missions for a while will be entirely based in the mountains area. Eventually you'll get a mission called "If You're Going To San Fierro..." that officially moves you into the city. The whole wilderness region with it's various tiny hick towns are like another city unto themselves.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    (sets volume to mute, unzips pants)
  17. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Fox is fucked. Bush won NV, but Fox doesn't want to report it because it puts Bush over 270 and they can't rescind their Ohio decision. Wonderful manipulation, Fox. And just last night one of their reporters was on the Daily Show saying they required verification from four different people to go ahead with a projection this time.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    You can do any of the missions with the $ sign on them in any order. My advice in the gas tanker one is to get out of the gas tanker right after you hook up the tank and shoot up those guys' car. The guides suggest they drive like maniacs and tend to explode themselves by accident, but they actually cost me the mission the first time. The second time I lost because I accidentally jacknifed. And, if you didn't notice already, the chick you're with is from GTA3. She's the asshole that shoots you in the face at the start, and you get revenge on in the end.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    25 years of journalism and appearantly he isn't capable of performing this late or for this long. Dance, Larry, dance.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Oh, I think it's hilarious that Edwards was too oblivious to recognize it. -=Mike Either that or this signals the beginning of the Democrats crying about being the persecuted party that gets kicked around unfairly. Because that kind of snivelling during the Clinton years (and it continues now, appearantly the entire media is biased against 52% of the country) has done the GOP some great success.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Even if it's looking bad or indeed impossible, I think every vote should be counted. Wait until either legislation begins or a recount is proposed and then we can start making a case.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    So, where are you at in GTA?
  23. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Yes, he's clearly a sore loser because he's waiting for every ballot to be counted! What illigitimate trickery is this!?
  24. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Internationally, they're centerists. I don't really care for Daschle and don't like Kennedy just because I hate legacies. I'm also not a big fan of Byrd because, well, duh. But I don't think those reasons alone are enough that the whole party needs to be flushed down the toilet. I'm curious. Are you one of those guys that genuinely rambles about how the 1950s were the high point of America and things got all rotten once people started fighting for civil rights? I know they exist, I've just never talked to one.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    CNN Live projections

    Supposedly, it could be around 300k.