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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Hallowe'en Political Party

    That does it, Mike has FLIP FLOPPED.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Hallowe'en Political Party

    You forgot that's just a method for homosexual indoctrination, and any man who wants anything to do with a fine ass might as well just step out of the closet now. It is in MikeWorld, anyway.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    A Piece on the True Victim of the Election

    Oh man, an editorial bitching about the integrity of the media from the in-print sister of Fox News.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Today's really proven how delusional Mike really is. Appearantly, Kerry has made a bigger issue out of his religion than Bush. How many religious talk shows has Kerry been on to campaign? While Bush hasn't been doing that circuit this year because it's locked up, he certainly was in 2000. Every US President for decades has said that in an actual war between Israel and the (grits his teeth), er, Arab factions, that they'd side with Israel. Bush's record in regard to Israel is scarier because he hasn't really bothered to make any kind of a peace plan. It's not very public, but you kind of get the impression that he isn't interested in a peace plan, and wouldn't lose much sleep if Israel just went ahead with full-out genocide. I'm still sure we'll win here. The only thing that could have shaken my confidence would have been if Bush had dropped Cheney for a new VP when that was rumored for a couple weeks. Otherwise, the poll numbers, the idiotic debate performance, and the fact that people just don't like war unless there's damn good reason for it. These things will oust Bush.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    SNL Review

    Was there no commercial in this? How sad. I didn't see it, myself. I flipped to it 15 minutes after the start and saw a Horatio skit was going on, then I turned it off.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Apprentice 2

    The whole show is about sucking Donald's dick. They had a whole episode where people tried to convince other people to pay money for regular old water with Trump's face on the label. I mean, honestly now. Now that Bradford's back, they should just fire everyone besides Bradford, Kevin, and Andy. Those are the diamonds in this mountain of crap.
  7. Jobber of the Week

    How far is too far

    First, I'll get this one from Slate out of the way because I'd rather get the one with a debatable source out of the way first: Next up, this story of a woman and her family denied tickets to a rally because of a bumper sticker. Lastly, this story has the most amazing story I've ever read. This makes Protest Zones look like freedom and liberty: That last one is absolutely frightening. And while the spokesman is right that people wearing shirts for the other candidate are probably not as undecided, loyalty oaths? How are you going to court undecideds when you make them announce or sign a pinky pledge to hear what you have to say?
  8. Jobber of the Week

    GTA: San Andreas

    Robbing Uncle Sam was extra difficult for me because I accidentally destroyed one of the crates and had to travel to the other side of the base to get another. Anytime you're out near the truck and hear gunfire, get out and shoot the guard with your machinegun. Ryder buys time but has difficulty killing these guys. Someone mentioned a few pages ago the appearance of the nameless dude from GTA3. The crazy bitch with him is actually the end boss of GTA3, in the beginning of that game she talks to you and says she doesn't love you anymore and shoots you in the face. At the end, you either already know or can probably guess what he does to her. And not a moment too soon, either.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    WWE Raw V.S. Smackdown!

    How unfortunate that the one game where they add Bret Hart, they remove Vince McMahon. And that was pretty much the one good reason to have a weak-ass Vince McMahon character in the game anyway. Those two guys just can't ever exist in the same universe, huh?
  10. Jobber of the Week

    How far is too far

    Is there anyone who isn't, really? And don't answer that question. I want it to remain rhetorical or else I'll cry.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    FBI to investigate Halliburton

    Another option is that Halliburton gets fined but the final report denies any ties or corrupt dealings going on with that whole "former CEO is the Vice President" thing. It would be a cute way for Halliburton to pay back the money they overcharged for while Bush can go "See? There is no conflict of interest or secret deals! The FBI said so!"
  12. Jobber of the Week

    Teresa Heinz can't keep her mouth shut...

    It's time for a DELAYED RESPONSE~ because I appearantly forgot about this thread. It's not like they've never covered the people who praise Bush. 60 Minutes, though clearly not a bastion of smart journalism, did a rather long piece on Bill O'Reilly once. I remember it distinctly because they went into the absurd amount of money he makes. FNC was basically banging that drum over and over. Spare me. It simply proved once and for all that the UN deserves better than Kofi. What the hell was that about? She doesn't. She doesn't have to. You see, it's not that she's campaigning for Bush and Cheney or, in my mind at least, even if she worked FOR Bush/Cheney. The point is that Carl is letting his wife's connection as a campaigner influence his job as an interviewer. That's the point when I cry foul. Not that I expect them to behave like bitter enemies, but do you really expect a reporter to not throw a softball interview when before the cameras are on they start a Mutual Admiration Society? And that Bush seems to be so knowledge about Cameron's family? The two guys that are paid to be partisan and take sides? Unheard of! I doubted it because CBS has integrity to risk. The other publishers have integrity to risk. Drudge does not have integrity. The talking points folks don't have integrity. The blogs and their near-anonymous authors don't have integrity. Newsweek dumped the Lewinsky scandal because it would be a blow to their integrity if it turned out to be false, and Drudge jumped on it and made himself almost relevant because he had no integrity and had little to lose if it turned out to be wrong. Even though the story turned out to be true in that case (and the integrity he gained from that has since been pissed away on false stories and stupid shit like Kerry/Edwards homophobe photos and publishing the private numbers of people he doesn't agree with) , the reason Newsweek wouldn't publish it was because they weren't sure enough it in it to risk their standing in the country. And that's why I initially believed the CBS thing, because I figured if CBS was willing to run with them and not sweep them under the carpet and put their integrity on the line, the chances that it was true VS FreeRepublic and their utter lack of integrity (or civility, or hygiene) it seemed like CBS had more to lose and so I trusted them until it became obvious that I no longer could. Since then, I've lamented how absolutely stupid they were in their process leading up to running it.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    I'm considering swapping my vote...

    Not to mention that you KNOW a bunch of Republicans are posing as Nader voters in swing states just to boost Bush's numbers in big Kerry cities will this will get lots of viewers such as New York. NoCalMike: Why not Cobb? You're not helping boost any 3rd party voting for an independent.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Survey Sees 100,000 Civilian Deaths in Iraq

    I admire their manipulation of numbers, but that's it. The iraqbodycount.net page has an average of approx 15,000 which seems far more reasonable to me.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    Michael Powell the gues on Gene Burnes show

    Kind of hard to regulate something which isn't owned or operated by any one country, bucko. PS: My neighbor has owned XM for 2 years and Sirius for a little over one. Says XM is experience a massive talent hemmorage and many channels are run without ever hearing a DJ voice, live or voicetracked. Also says that Sirius is run by a bunch of idiot executives who would rather stick their heads in the sand than admit a problem. Their stations only really like to play hits, rarely play a B-side, and even if someone requests a more obscure song by a popular band, they'll just play one of the well-known songs and screw your request. He blames Sirius' problems mostly on a consulting firm for FM stations that they've hired.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Doctors dispatched to treat Yasser Arafat

    Well, I can't say I'm wishing him well. Honestly, I hope he chokes on his own vomit and dies. It'll do worlds of good towards helping get a peace plan off the ground, presuming we have a President who actually will put together a peace plan.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Well, We Have Better Election Coverage

    Is this your new name for Sharpton or have I not been keeping up? Also, some of you people really need to go air out your venting at FreeRepublic or Lucianne and then come back here. I'm no longer taking any claims that I've changed this close to the election seriously now, since the people who are saying that are now going on about hippies, NY Slimes, RINO, etc. Teke's post, while continuing the right-wing circle jerk, was actually analytical. The rest of this has been tired name calling.
  18. This appeared in the brief news sidebar of the local paper today: LMAO. Even loyal Republicans can no longer endorse this guy in good concience. Those of you who treat him like he's a God among common men in the interest of presenting an angelic picture of your party's candidate can back off, even the conservatives don't want to see this guy win.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Views From the Left on a Bush Win

    Please note, everyone: The above quotation was from a guy who thinks that the entire mainstream media is trying to silence the position that he and approximately half the country shares, and has no problem sourcing right wing blogs and Drudge Report exclusives.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Views From the Left on a Bush Win

    And why is that?
  21. Jobber of the Week

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    Shortest. Episode. Ever.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting article by Reaganite on

    And spending wouldn't have been worse if you had a Republican with no interest in rejecting a spending bill? See, that's not the problem, the problem isn't that all Republicans are big spenders or that Democrats are conservatives, because that's not true. The point is that Bush hasn't had a spine to not sign bills for every $2 million community swimming pool or $70,000 toilet that's come his way.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    Interesting article by Reaganite on

    Oh for the love of God. Conservatives aren't so conservative when they control all three houses (reps, senate, WH.) Liberals would likely, yes, be even worse. I don't understand why some people and their love for the Republican Party are blinded to these facts.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    Just like last time! This time, I'm assuming at the start that Florida is going to be Jeb'ed no matter what the polls say. I've been more interested in Ohio much more than FL.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Hallowe'en Political Party

    But you forgot the unmentioned cost of having to deal with being called "cretin" the whole night in return. PS requesting Marney/Coulter make-out pics. Thx in advance.