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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    http://www.nypost.com/entertainment/32613.htm OUT OF SYNCH SIMPSON October 25, 2004 -- LIP synch? Me? Teen singer Ashlee Simpson says the embarassing snafu on "Saturday Night Live" that revealed at least some of her vocals are pre-taped was all a misunderstanding. Ashlee, younger sister of the pop singer Jessica Simpson, told "SNL" producers that only back-up vocals were contained on a track that was mistakenly played during the live show. "She told us it was only back-up," a show official said yesterday. Apparently, she sings the lead vocal live — but relies on tape recordings to provide the fuller, background vocals, the official said. "That's what she told us," he said. "It's not unusual. A lot of people use back-up tracks" when performing on "SNL," the official said. The Sunday morning news programs and Internet chat rooms were crackling yesterday with chatter about the spectacular foul-up that caught Simpson singing the wrong song on live TV. Simpson, who was the musical performer on "SNL," was to debut her new single on Saturday, called "Autobiography." But as she began to sing, the band cued up the wrong track — it was the vocal accompaniment to the song she'd sung earlier in the program, "Pieces of Me." Flustered, Ashlee stopped — but of course, viewers could hear her singing but could clearly see her standing on stage with her mouth closed. After a few moments, Simpson ran off stage and the show cut away to a commercial. The producers quickly huddled backstage and decided to explain the screw up in the show's final sign off. — Michael Shain
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Your WWE Changes

    Bullshit. Big Show could have gotten over if he had shorter matches. And to that other guy, Jericho and Goldberg had backstage heat. WWE could just get the two to cooperate for one PPV, WCW let the inmates run the asylum and Goldberg is a political monster in both companies. No way would Goldberg job the title to Jericho. Ever. Goldberg's problem was that they decided to sacrifice every guy in the company (which was just about everyone with credibility in North American wrestling except for The Undertaker and Shawn and a couple others) on his way to greatness, so that everyone else looked like a weak moron. There was nobody who could credibly take the title from Goldberg, because they chopped the heads off everyone else to make Goldberg look big & bad. That's why that kind of push will never be anything but destructive.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    Breaking News: WWE Files Lawsuit

    Why? THQ keeps bringing out different wrestling games on different consoles that all suck. The funny thing is that some of the dev teams really know that what everyone wants is an AKI system, but nobody will give it to them. THQ is responsible for abortions like the Xbox/Cube games. SmackDown series hasn't been good for anything other than looking more like the TV product than the other games. Anyway, this is stupid. I was thinking at first they might be suing a current/former worker or something.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    World Series 2004

    He used to play for Philadelphia, wouldn't shock me if he lived in PA for a time. I'm kind of suprised he was wearing a hat advertising another professional sports league more than what team it was for.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    Paper with 100% record of endorsing Republicans

    Stop it with the facts, man. They get in the way. Just keep it down at personal insults and namecalling and WORDSALLSMASHEDTOGETHERYEARATTHEEND10001!!!111~~~~~one stuff. You keep it up with that fancy stuff and GreatOne can't keep up. It's like working a Hogan match. I'll give MikeSC credit, he at least argues against statistics or presents conflicting ones instead of saying "O YEAH, WELL YOUR MOMMA WEARS ARMY BOOTS." Well, not always but most of the time.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    Hall and Nash

    I suggest we just rename the whole TNA folder to "A Serious Debate About Vanilla Ice Lyrics."
  7. Jobber of the Week

    World Series 2004

    Oh for the love of pete, the curse is just a media catchphrase. There is no curse, and whether the BoSox win or lose the series, Babe Ruth will have nothing to do with it.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    Paper with 100% record of endorsing Republicans

    No, sir. It's not Kerry fanboyism. Never has been. Everything so far, it's all out of Bush hate, thank you.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    World Series 2004

    The Sox are making so many errors that I don't think they deserve to win. Oddly enough, St.L doesn't seem to be doing anything to take advantage of them either.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    Gay marriage will destroy the Earth

    If Dobson was a politician, he'd be set to be Dobson's apprentice. I think that Mini-Falwell is more like it.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    Gay marriage will destroy the Earth

    It's nice to have something people can peacefully hate on together, and fanatical social conservatives is one of those things. I heard that in the middle of the Death Star was a church where gay marraiges were performed, which is how they could blow up Alderaan.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    SNL Review

    Nay. Doesn't matter. I'll disagree. And if she does then she doesn't play to her own strengths. That one tune where she goes into a yodeling solo in the middle of the track, aye carumba. Well, the image is that she's some sort of antithesis to Britney Spears, when her fame is every bit as manufactured.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    SNL Review

    I thought it was Jennifer Lopez's Mom that hit the jackpot. Was it? Jesus, I hate way too many people to keep track of them all these days. Besides, we all know that Jennifer Lopez is really just Jessica Simpson in a wig.
  14. Jobber of the Week

    California Proposition 71 - Stem Cell Research

    Short answer: I don't know. Long answer: This doesn't provide any changes to the ethical controls aside from the Citizen's Oversight Comittee or whatever that was in the text, it's rather complicated. I wouldn't say that means there are no restrictions. Gray Davis signed a number of things about stem cell research and any restrictions in that would cross over to here. So it adds no ethical protections. It depends on the protections of previous laws. That said, the usual suspects in the right to life crowd is against 71 if that's what matters most to you. However, the primary complaints are fiscal reasons and a possibility of someone cloning. Cloning is already against state law. http://www.noon71.com/ says: Again, human cloning is already against state law, so I'm rather confused why this is a concern. Think of it like this: This isn't asking whether stem cell research should be okay. Those laws were made last year. This is simply asking if we should spend the money to promote the industry growth here.
  15. Jobber of the Week

    SNL Review

    That question's hard to answer because it varies on who you talk to, what side they're on, and how strongly biased they are to that side, and in an election year everyone's bias goes through the roof. Suffice it to say, you could put on a public access show ala Wayne's World and get more viewers than MSNBC. Also, if anyone ever compared an artist to Avril, that would be a tremendous negative in my book, not a positive. Go away, whiny pseudo-punk girl.
  16. Jobber of the Week

    Today's "fuck you" goes to the Boston Herald

    Has the image changed, or am I supposed to be offended by the "MARK OF A WINNER" cover?
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Doctors dispatched to treat Yasser Arafat

    Twice a year we get a report that Arafat is near death, and every time it never happens. Face it, the guy has drunk some of Castro's immortality potion.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    SNL Review

    My thoughts. Keep in mind I haven't watched any of the episodes this season and basically tuned in for Simpson's fuckup. But I did stay awake this whole time. The Skit I Miss: Well, since Barron can bring up old SNL's, so can I. The skit I miss for this entry was Chris Kattan as Antonio Banderas in "The.... How you say... Ah, yes... 'Cho." I never cared much for Kattan and pretending that he's attractive is a stretch, but the accent was so fake and the men in the background constantly screaming "NO NO NO YOU CANT NO ITS-A TOO SEXY NO TOO SEXY NO COME ON" at his spastic striptease made it work. Anyway... Hardball: Good but not as good as it used to be, it needed more Chris Matthews stepping on people's toes and humiliating them before asking them for their opinion. Bonus points for Zell Miller's duel stuff, which is something that probably would have only been seen by politics hawks like myself until the Daily Show or someone else went and made it funny. Because really, who watches MSNBC? Movie Filming: Eh, Sky Captain made one blip on the radar and disappeared, and I certainly didn't bother to see it. It was decent humor, but considering they had a British actor I would have gone with an Episode III filming as it's more popular and filming the same way (and besides, if there's one thing we know from Star Wars, it's that at least a quarter of humanity is British.) Commercial: No no no. If you're going to make a toilet joke, you have to go over the line of good taste. The pasta thing wasn't very funny, and since I have never seen these vacuums or any commercials like them before (assuming they're parody of a real product/ad.) Debate: I wasn't feelin' it. All this did was make me miss Will Farrel's impression of Bush. Paris Hilton: Keep in mind that I don't like Paris because the only goddamn reason anyone (including myself) knows her name is because she took her clothes off, and I refuse to get on the lovetrain or even care about anyone who's popular for doing what a bazillion other women do. I would have never recognized her if it weren't for the sex tape, and no, I haven't ever watched it. That much said, I thought the impression of Paris was pretty good, she seems to have some sort of problem with looking directly into a camera as 90% of the pictures and poses I see of her could best be described as Picasso shots, where you see an eyeball and a fraction of her nose and mouth. The "Oh, that's hot" thing could have been funny, but wasn't. Ashlee, Part I: NO. And I had this damn song stuck in my head for a whole day once. Between this one, her sister, and her Mom hitting the Jackpot, I'm going to make like George Bush Sr and declare that The Simpsons are what's wrong with America. Weekend Update: Nobody (no, not even Norm MacDonald) has ever done as good a job and at this point they aren't even trying to do anything new. They seem to actually be trying to channel Chevy Chase's charisma with this and slather it with a layer of OMG HOT CHIX but it's. Not. Working. Way too much time spent on Horatio and Yankees/BoSox. Although like any warm-blooded creature I hate the NYY, I live on the West Coast and don't find the feud very entertaining beyond watching the Yanks lose. The past several years I think they've done this a lot (spent too much time catering to locals and east coasters in general) and while this skit wasn't excessive in it, add it all up and it lessens my enjoyment of the show overall. I'm going to actually think the unthinkable and suggest they actually just scrap the news bit entirely. At this point, it's just pissing on the grave. Tony Blair: Political Skit #3? I think they should have kept this and gotten rid of the debate. The guy playing Bush here doesn't have Bush's "help me, I'm lost and don't know what to say" bit down as good as Farrell could, but this segment did play to one of his strengths, which is doing the whiny voice and Bush's cackles anytime he says something he's impressed with. Count Trumpula: Memo to Barron: If Trump really didn't like people who exaggerate, and wasn't just trying to rake that woman over the coals, he wouldn't have bought Stacy's stupid Enron line. I'm currently big into The Apprentice right now so even though it wasn't very funny I still smiled anyway. Could have done without the chyron promoting the day and time as it made it felt like the skit was shoehorned in to cross-promote the show, which it may have been. The guy doing Trump looks and sounds right, but is imitating the wrong mannerism. I heard the "First I'm gonna ___, then I'm gonna..." list way too many times. I suggest if they keep doing this skit, the comic and the writer watch more Apprentice and copy some of the common phrases he uses (Here, I'll give you one: "The ____ industry makes ___ billion dollars a year. That's hooge.") Jane Eyre: Was taking my dinner out of the oven, but I got the gist. It felt like a really long skit to simply get across the message that the Count likes some hanky panky. Ashley II: Can't actually give it a rating, but it couldn't be beat for comedy value. Bear City: Eating dinner. O'Toole: Well, they save the crap for last when most everyone's asleep. Bear City II: Going by Barron's report. Did they actually do this? Both my and my Dad missed it.
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    People in the northwest are reporting seeing the unedited footage, as well. San Francisco Bay Area KNTV reporting edited footage, sirs.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    Ashlee Simpson on SNL

    Damn. The jokes keep writing themselves.
  21. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry scores Hat Trick.

    (Insert incredibly easy Purple Heart joke here) How many times have you been wounded in combat? More than Kerry, most likely. -=Mike that's a pretty big bet to put up. How many times have you been wounded in combat? or at all More often than Kerry. -=Mike Bullshit Did something stop you from going to the army? Just curious He'll tell that it's none of your business, and he'll be right. Of course, when you make a bold claim like he has, you'd think he'd back it up, but he won't divulge any information. I broke my arm when I was a wee lad. That, alone, means I've suffered more wounds than FrankenKerry has. -=Mike Just posting to add one more level of ridiculous quotation. I see. Makes sense. -=Mike Descend into the wormhole! Maybe we can cause the entire board to collapse. -=Mike Or at least a few of the useless folders That whole Graphic Testing folder cannot survive. -=Mike Dick Cheney's daughter's a lesbian. Just thought you'd like to know... I read that Kerry served in a war somewhere. -=Mike I read that John Edwards practiced law somewhere............ I heard Bush said something stupid the other day. I have heard that Kerry's wife lives comfortably. You know, for a woman her age. Like, they can afford all the HBO channels and everything. Really? Even the HBO-Latino channel no one watches? Someone told me that she can actually understand what they're saying on that channel, but she doesn't watch it anyway.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Two arrested for throwing pies at Ann Coulter

    Bullshit. Even today he makes it sound like a pleasure cruise. He is one of the few guys ever to come out of that war and say that he enjoyed it.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    John Kerry scores Hat Trick.

    (Insert incredibly easy Purple Heart joke here) How many times have you been wounded in combat? More than Kerry, most likely. -=Mike that's a pretty big bet to put up. How many times have you been wounded in combat? or at all More often than Kerry. -=Mike Bullshit Did something stop you from going to the army? Just curious He'll tell that it's none of your business, and he'll be right. Of course, when you make a bold claim like he has, you'd think he'd back it up, but he won't divulge any information. I broke my arm when I was a wee lad. That, alone, means I've suffered more wounds than FrankenKerry has. -=Mike Just posting to add one more level of ridiculous quotation. I see. Makes sense. -=Mike Descend into the wormhole! Maybe we can cause the entire board to collapse. -=Mike Or at least a few of the useless folders That whole Graphic Testing folder cannot survive. -=Mike Dick Cheney's daughter's a lesbian. Just thought you'd like to know... I read that Kerry served in a war somewhere. -=Mike I read that John Edwards practiced law somewhere............ I heard Bush said something stupid the other day. I have heard that Kerry's wife lives comfortably. You know, for a woman her age. Like, they can afford all the HBO channels and everything.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    California Proposition 71 - Stem Cell Research

    Here's the part relevant to this from the impartial analysis: http://www.voterguide.ss.ca.gov/propositio...71-analysis.htm The institute would be able to use up to 3 percent of the remaining bond proceeds for general administrative costs and up to an additional 3 percent for administrative costs associated with grantmaking activities. The remaining funds would be used for the grants and loans for research and research facilities. Priority for research grant funding would be given to stem cell research that met the institute's criteria and was unlikely to receive federal funding. In some cases, funding could also be provided for other types of research that were determined to cure or provide new types of treatment of diseases and injuries. The institute would not be allowed to fund research on human reproductive cloning. Up to 10 percent of the funds available for grants and loans could be used to develop scientific and medical research facilities for nonprofit entities within the first five years of the implementation of the measure. Institute Operating Costs. As noted earlier, this measure would limit the amount of bond funding available that the institute could use for its administrative activities. The measure does not specify what would happen if the institute's administrative costs were greater than the amount of available bond funding. The amount of additional General Fund support that would be required, if any, is unknown, but would be unlikely to exceed a few million dollars annually.
  25. Jobber of the Week

    Two arrested for throwing pies at Ann Coulter

    Man, Mike is talking dirty tonight. Are you suggesting with your Air Force crack that Mr. "I Flew Planes And I Enjoyed It" was working harder than Kerry?