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Jobber of the Week

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Everything posted by Jobber of the Week

  1. Jobber of the Week

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    ^^ Dubya makes the A-list for wanting to act out Revelations with his foreign policy. Adding Alan Keyes and Pat Buchanan to that list.
  2. Jobber of the Week

    Campaign commercials

    That would be really funny if he was. Actually, I was thinking of a canal ride with robotic puppets on either side, like at Disneyland.
  3. Jobber of the Week

    US bugs President Chirac's phone

    I thought this thread might have factual information and would be pretty groundbreaking, but then I saw it was INXS, and bet myself 10 dollars it would be bullshit. Now I need to pay myself 10 dollars. Thanks for the bullshit, fellas.
  4. Jobber of the Week

    James Dobson makes speech, falls off stage

    I guess he won't be standing for marriage this week.
  5. Jobber of the Week

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    Uhm, no. Your point was that the party didn't have any class to tell people to send spam to people via forms. At the very bottom it encourages you to spam five friends with the message.
  6. Jobber of the Week

    And a retrospective of the 2004 RNC

    Is that the video where they just kept playing honking sounds over the first few minutes with a large yellow "MOORE LIES" every 10 seconds, often with sketchy information backing up their claims?
  7. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO Raw is Snitsky in MSG Thread

    I guess I'm the only guy who likes Jericho with the short hair. And for a second during that "You'd be hot if you were bald" thing, seeing Eugene & Carmella gave me flashbacks of Macho Man & Liz.
  8. Jobber of the Week

    K3rry = teh hax0rz??

    Because illegality is FUN! Agreed with Mike on this. I want Bush to win the popular vote and Kerry to win the Electoral votes.
  9. Jobber of the Week

    K3rry = teh hax0rz??

    Don't know about that, but I'll draw a compromise and say LA Times.
  10. Jobber of the Week

    No Mercy PPV.. Looks Good/Bad?.. Discuss It Here.

    My predictions (and I only predict matches that matter) have been 1-1 so far. I predicted Big Show winning but predicted Booker to beat Cena. Predicting JBL wins title match.
  11. Jobber of the Week

    K3rry = teh hax0rz??

    Just highlighting the important part here.
  12. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    You know, just because Warren Buffet says that the people on the low-end of the economic scale are getting screwed, doesn't mean that he doesn't take advantage of every perk and oppertunity offered to him, likely including ones he considers wrong.
  13. Jobber of the Week

    Fox News: We report

    The guy who's family is organizing support for Bush!? AHAHAHAHAHHA Also, re:Flame Warriors, I've mentioned that Mike is the offspring of a Wonk and a Flack
  14. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    I liked the counter-statistics you provided. Maybe you have a fairly sampled poll that shows Bush ahead, or will you just talk out of your ass? Don't know why I'm asking, but I just keep giving you the benefit of a doubt.
  15. A lovely editorial from the OH SO LEFTIST world of business magazines. http://www.businessweek.com/bwdaily/dnflas..._0937_db009.htm
  16. Jobber of the Week

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    That happens here regularly.
  17. Jobber of the Week

    Iron Chef America returning

    Eh, no Puck? I wish they had dropped Bobby Flay instead, because he seems like an asshole. Emeril has overcommercialized himself, but anyone who says his cooking is overrated hasn't eaten at Delmonico.
  18. Jobber of the Week

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

    The parties are responsible for what blogs do, now?
  19. Jobber of the Week

    Electoral Vote Predictor 2004.

    I understand the arguement that there's so few undecideds already that the debates won't change much, but the Republicans who are arguing this haven't recognized that the results looked different before their convention, and there were few undecideds then, too.
  20. Jobber of the Week

    McAuliffe's spamming plan annoys Washington Post

  21. Jobber of the Week

    Um, is this bad?

    I understand the vandalism, but pardon me if I doubt the suspicion some people are projecting. After all those tales of a battered and defiled White House that had been left a wreck by those Clinton goons turned out to be false, they don't exactly have a track record of honesty on this issue.
  22. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    Yet you posted here about the social issues of wearing a shirt with a wrestler's name on it that you didn't like.
  23. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    This is from the guy who operates on campaign advertising as though it's fully truthful. ("That book wuz about yakuza, rite every1?!?!?!") Don't you have a point to not make elsewhere? Hint: There's more in that book than what was in that ad. But I know that a Bush/Cheney campaign ad is good enough to be a reliable source for you, so there's no point arguing over it. Also, while Bush has a record to run on, it's not a very good one. His response to every claim that he's made a bad decision has been "Yeah well I make bad decisions but I STICK WITH 'UM." Bush brought up that "I know that" Osama attacked us, and then completely went off on a tangent. He started talking about Hague when nobody even brought it up. He was all over the map last night, and it cost him.
  24. Jobber of the Week

    Randy Orton may not be all that over

    Oh, dear lord. If you're that self-concious, maybe you shouldn't go outside. Passerby: Nice shirt, what is it? Sintoxic: Well, see, it's a t-shirt I got at this wrestling show and while it has this guy's name on the back here in the hard to read print, I don't really care for him that much I mean he's okay but not exactly main eventer material if you know what I mean perhaps if he was fighting upper midcard guys, well okay, but you know, he's being overpushed, know what I mean? Passerby: Fuck it, forget I asked. Sintoxic: *yelling at Passerby, who's walking away* WELL, I JUST DIDN'T WANT YOU TO THINK I'M A MARK!
  25. Jobber of the Week

    The OAO 9/30 Presidential Debate Thread

    This is from the guy who operates on campaign advertising as though it's fully truthful. ("That book wuz about yakuza, rite every1?!?!?!")