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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    World Series 2004

    My best friend convinced his boss that they should get the day off as a celebration.
  2. the max

    World Series 2004

    The beginning of the La Russa press conference, he gets this look on his face like he wants to grab the mic and scream "FFFFUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!" at the top of his lungs.
  3. the max

    World Series 2004

    Dear Mr. Hamm, Thanks beautiful, Doug Meihgounwoginepgaknpgqepog-3pkgkapsmgpalsgasmfwitcz
  4. the max

    World Series 2004

    But hey, he does get $200k out of this I think Boston should get him back just out of spite Only if they trade him at the deadline again. I don't think he'll ever be welcomed back into town now. They've embraced Cabrera.
  5. the max

    Manny's MVP speech

    Manny's postgame press room conference: "So, I tell my wife, 'hey baby...this is gonna be my year'" THAT'S gold.
  6. the max

    World Series 2004

    Tough cookies. On the other side, this basically proves the Ewing Theory. Nomar gets traded and they win the World Series.
  7. the max

    World Series 2004

    He's probably trying to think of a way to cheat his way on base playing PS2.
  8. the max

    World Series 2004

    I bet they retire Schilling's number after this postseason. He'll be a fucking god in Boston forever as well.
  9. Still unbelievable. And it wasn't very stressful. They rolled in and kicked ass in every conceivable way. Red Sox 2-4 starters: 20IP, 10H and 0 runs. They earned it. I've already ordered two World Series shirts and one hat. One shirt I'll be saving for the rest of my life, maybe to give to my kid someday.
  10. the max

    World Series 2004

    Fuck off. Anyway, for the actual fans of the team, this is the most resounding victory I've ever experienced. My phone has been ringing off the damn hook from Red Sox and yanks fans alike. This is what it's like to be a fan of the World Champion? I like it.
  11. the max

    World Series 2004

    *realizes that he's always been a supporter of Boston even when he knew nothing about baseball. Also realized that he started watching Baseball this season and learned a whole lot about baseball from other fans this season.* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the season is 162 games long....it's not that hard to have learning time. Get off the bandwagon. Oklahoma sucks. Now you've done it. Tomorrow I'm going to wake up to 18 pages in this thread on how Oklahoma gets no respect. Well, I'm wondering how he'd feel if I jumped on the bandwagon of Oklahoma, knowing what I know about football. Probably wouldn't like it. The victory is tainted somewhat by people like Dama.
  12. the max

    World Series 2004

    *realizes that he's always been a supporter of Boston even when he knew nothing about baseball. Also realized that he started watching Baseball this season and learned a whole lot about baseball from other fans this season.* WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! When the season is 162 games long....it's not that hard to have learning time. Get off the bandwagon. Oklahoma sucks.
  13. the max

    World Series 2004

    I was just thinking that. Schilling will never have to pay for another meal or drink or ANYTHING in New England for the rest of his life. Schilling's starts after that ankle surgery will always be remembered in Red Sox folklore, just like Senor Octobre playing "The Natural", A-Rod playing CHEAT TO WIN~!, Derek Lowe pulling good starts out of his ass and so on.
  14. the max

    World Series 2004

    Schilling just molested Theo.
  15. the max

    World Series 2004

    Until the day that my child is born, this is the greatest moment of my life.
  16. the max

    World Series 2004

    Bitter much? Alou blames you!
  17. the max

    World Series 2004

    THE CREED GUY!! HE DOESN'T HAVE HIS 'I *HEART* JIM MORRISON' SHIRT ON! He's a solo-artist now? 9 outs...9 outs...9 outs...
  18. the max

    World Series 2004

    *still beside himself with disbelief*
  19. the max

    World Series 2004

    I don't see how this is any different then wearing Band shirts. My favorite band is Metallica but If i wear a Slayer shirt, does that mean I really don't like Metallica? Teams are different from bands though. It's ok to like more than one band, but bob has rooted for the Yanks and Red Sox in the same postseason. He's also rooted for three teams in the NHL playoffs and has at least three favorite baseball teams. He doesn't buy hats, he RENTS them for the rest of the playoffs. I mean, bob, you claim it's because you're poor or whatever, but if you're that poor, why buy the hat in the fucking first place? It just makes you look like a fucking moron that you return a hat after the playoffs, like you're returning a movie or something.
  20. the max

    World Series 2004

    If the Sox lose tonight, they have Brumhilda Arroyo ready for a start. He's been pretty good. After him, they can put Schilling back together for a few innings if needed or start Wakefield. I'm honestly not worried. The Cardinals are looking dead. And we've learned too much about bob in this thread. Do you return underwear after you've worn it?
  21. the max

    World Series 2004

    Simmons' article had me ROLLING. "What do you call 25 guys watching the World Series? The Yankees" I can understand how some Cards fans would be upset that he took shots at them regarding them dying, but keep in mind that he's a Red Sox fan. We've cheered a team in the bottom of the ninth that was down by 8 runs. The fact that they died when Suppan was picked off of third in the third inning and never really got rolling again until Walker homered in the ninth is a valid comment, imo.
  22. the max

    World Series 2004

    They should have paid you 40 dollars to take that hat.
  23. the max

    World Series 2004

    How did you spend 45 dollars on a hat? How? Fucking idiot. You deserve that hat.
  24. the max

    World Series 2004

    Dan Shaughnessy of, the Globe I believe. He started the thing to "explain" why they hadn't won a title since 1918. Ignoring the fact that a majority of the time, they put a poor team on the field, he focused on the fact that everytime they made it to the World Series, they lost obviously. Each time, they were beaten by a better team. 1967 was their best shot, but I don't think that Christ himself could have hit Bob Gibson at that point. 1975 was a good shot too, but they ran into a better team. 1986 came down to the infamous Buckner grounder, and he shouldn't have been in that situation to begin with.
  25. the max

    World Series 2004

    If the Red Sox blow this lead, I will disown the team that I've rooted for my entire life and become a Yankee fan. I'm talking to my girlfriend right now, who is still new to the game and the Red Sox inept nature over my lifetime. It's hard to explain to someone who hasn't been watching baseball that much just how huge this is. I'm hesitant to say that they'll win because whenever I do that, it seems that they lose. Lowe tomorrow. Part of me wants them to win tomorrow to get it over with. The other part of me wants them to clinch at home, on a walk off homer by Manny Ramirez so that I can be at home when they do so. I'm still just, what the hell. This is really happening. I've been pinching myself for the last twenty minutes. The Boston Red Sox. The BOSTON RED SOX. Are one win away from the World Series. THE BOSTON RED SOX.