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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    G.T.G. Governing Graphic Council

    High Ranking Man in Charge of Office Supplies: Steven Seagal You need toner for your printer? I'll take it from those free-loading terrorists and save the wildlife by using recycled paper.
  2. the max

    List what you've played recently

    GTA 3 (PS2) ESPN NHL 2K5 (PS2) Tony Hawk Pro Skater (PSX)
  3. the max

    Why ESPN sucks

    Yeah, I was pissed at this too. I'm sure that B-Simm wasn't too happy about it either, as he hates the fact that people have to pay to read articles.
  4. the max

    Another reason to hate Tim McCarver

    McCarver added, "I'll let you know what I think of Brandon Arroyo after his start tomorrow against Pedro Martinez."
  5. If you had put a picture of bob barron for your 'virgins' picture, I'd have been the GTG lemonade boy.
  6. the max

    Online Ephedra?

    Ephydra is the "easy" way to lose weight, so everyone wants it.
  7. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    I hope Brandon has a good game tomorrow. *prays*
  8. the max

    Is X a HOFer?

    Pete Ro--Let's not open that can of worms. Ken Griffey Jnr. Trevor Hoffman Larry Walker Jim Edmonds
  9. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    This is bullshit. If he comes back and pitches well "Oh my god its a miracle, and the Yankees played their best game" but if he does bad "oh it was his ankle, thats why we lost the series! The Yanks didn't do anything special, our best pitcher was injured" Some fans will do that, sure. Not all of us.
  10. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Apparently they're going to make a special thing for his ankle.
  11. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Papi's Papi. He's like a Dominican Santa Claus. You can't hate David Ortiz.
  12. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    9:30 if we're lucky. There might be a decision by summer of 2005.
  13. the max

    MLB Contract Options

    Success seems to find Counsell. He won titles in Florida and Arizona, playing integral parts in both teams winning it all. He's a pretty good pick up for a team that is looking to make a playoff run...maybe Cleveland?
  14. the max

    Ever been pulled over for speeding?

    Never for speeding, but a ticket for "rolling through a stop sign" given to me by my best friend's neighbor. I was at a stop sign in a residential neighborhood. The stop line was at the very top of this hill, which was kind of steep. So, I come to a complete stop, even start ROLLING BACKWARDS from being completely still while on an incline, and start to go on my way. The cop pulls me over for "rolling through the stop sign" even though I tried to explain to him that I was ROLLING BACKWARDS after coming to a complete stop. I brought this case to court, where it ended up the cop's word against mine, since i refused a bargain to get the ticket reduced since I knew that I'd done nothing wrong. Cop's word won out over mine. I've been pulled over two other times, once by North Attleboro cops (the stupidest motherfuckers you'll ever meet) who pulled me for not having my headlights on. at 3 in the afternoon. Got a warning for that. I actually got pulled over today for "rolling through a stop sign" in my work truck. Must have been the cop's first day in the neighborhood because there wasn't a stop sign for people coming in my direction. Since I'm coming from the street (off the diagram), I'm "thru traffic", meaning that if I were to have to stop, it'd cause congestion on the busy street behind me. So, I come to the intersection, where the people on my right and left have a stop sign. Nobody was even there, but there was a car coming on my left that wasn't even to the stop sign yet. I come to about two or three miles an hour and start making my left. The cop is in the parking lot, watching me do this. He follows me into Blockbuster's parking lot, where he tells me that he's going to have to write me a ticket. "For what?" "Running that stop sign back there, sir" "There's no stop for thru traffic, officer" "There was a stop sign back there" So, I offer to show him but he declines, insisting that he's correct. Since he sees that I'm vehemently opposing this ticket, he finally relents. I drive over to the parking lot right outside of Publix and exit my truck. If you're looking at the diagram, I'm now on the opposite side of the road that I was when I made the turn, looking towards the busy street. I point up to where there "should" be a stop sign if traffic going in that direction should have to stop. I cross the intersection and point to where I made my turn, also noting that there are no stop signs that I have to obey, since I'm thru traffic. Now, he's embarrassed and tells me that he'll "let me off with a warning, this time." I'm thinking "A WARNING FOR WHAT? MAKING A LEGAL LEFT TURN?!" So, anyway, the moral of that story is that Cape Coral cops are fucking morons too, wanting people to stop at fictitious stop signs.
  15. the max

    Online Ephedra?

    And that it's illegal in the US...
  16. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    There has to be a limit on how many times ESPN can say the word "curse" in one day.
  17. the max

    What do you look like...

    Why are you putting hands on a Yankee fan without hurting him?
  18. the max

    Put on ESPN2! Bill Walton is calling a game!

    They're replaying the game from this morning?
  19. the max

    NHL Off-Season Thread...

    I'd pay to watch Jarome Iginla, Martin St. Louis, Ilya Kovalchuk, the Ottawa trio, Glen Murray, Roberto Luongo, Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg (when he's not hurt) and Marcus Naslund. Far from "just" Lemieux.
  20. the max

    NHL Off-Season Thread...

    I might. I'm torn because I'm loyal to my team and would like to see the good players come back. But at the same time, I'd love to be able to watch NHL hockey in some capacity.
  21. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    Anglesault isn't a word.
  22. the max

    NHL Off-Season Thread...

    Will anyone watch if they bring in replacement players?
  23. the max

    The ALCS: New York Yankees vs. Boston Red Sox

    You're right. StupidIest isn't a word.
  24. the max

    NHL Off-Season Thread...

    The Minnesota Wild are *gasp* PUTTING THE FANS FIRST?! SOMEONE CALL THE OWNERS!! http://www.wild.com/fans/010/078/ I say kudos to them, even if they're charging money. It's still hockey.