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the max

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Everything posted by the max

  1. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    6-1 as Manny drives in another, Scot Shields is being taken out. bottom fifth...
  2. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Bronson is approaching tilde territory. 5-1 going into the bottom of the fifth.
  3. the max

    Apprentice 2

    My grandmother used to order crap from QVC so much that we had to get the cable company to block the channel from coming up for her. She'd spend an entire month's worth of money buying people crap on that channel. Show was good last night, I called Pam getting fired though. She showed good leadership in some capacity, but no matter how bad the women had been before, there was no need for her to go in and act the way she did. She gave everyone else a job and didn't take one for herself and then criticized everyone for the job that they did. She yelled at the Stephanie McMahon midget for being "too legal" when anyone knows that once you turn a lawyer loose, be ready for things like that. They look at every angle. She brought in the right people to get fired, but she didn't make enough of a case against them besides "Stephanie McMahon midget is too legal" and "This one can't speak in front of the camera." If she had a problem with the SMM, she should have taken away the job and done it herself. If she had a problem with Maria(?), she shouldn't have let her on camera.
  4. the max

    Oh my.

    Not only is he cool for posting pictures of his all-male "mixers" but now he's gone and done the "OMG GYUS, IM SOOOOOO DRNUK!!" route.
  5. the max

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    Sosa complains about Chicago being a critical town?
  6. the max

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    That's very likely.
  7. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Maybe this means that Tito will use Embree less.
  8. the max

    Zack Malibu is no fun :(

    Stop calling your sausage-fests "mixers", please.
  9. the max

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    I didn't know they were a morning show. I only got to hear them in the afternoons on WAAF in Boston, and they were VERY good at what they do. Download some of their shows with Stephen Lynch or Jay Mohr making a guest appearance, and you'll be hooked on them for good.
  10. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    I love when the Red Sox and Yankees play, as every game seems like a life-or-death situation. The main problem that I have with the series is that the media goes NUTS over it, ESPN and FOX specifically, and overanalyze every little thing that happens. Other than that, I'd like nothing more than watching the Red Sox go through the Yanks and Cards to take the World Series. But that's me getting ahead of myself. First, a win on friday. Then, we start talking about the LCS.
  11. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    The differences in the Red Sox' shortstops is like night and day. Witness Mr. Hamm going about his business as if he's pissed off to be there. No smile, no charisma, no nothing, even if he has a big game. Witness Cabrera skipping to his position with a huge grin on his face for the first game in Anaheim. Huge fist pump and smile after his bases-clearing triple last night. I will fully admit that I was wrong about Cabrera. I was one of the many Red Sox fans that couldn't understand why they traded a former batting champ for two defensive parts, but now I realize that it's all about the attitude. Nomar treats baseball as his job. Cabrera treats it as fun. There's a huge difference. Cabrera seems to just love playing the game (much like Manny and a horde of others on this team), while Nomar seems to like playing the game, but would rather be doing something else. I'm proud to have Cabrera on my team. The game last night was very good, IMO. Sure, it turned into a blowout (watching all of the Angel fans practically RUN out of the stadium after the Cabrera triple was funny, but kind of sad at the same time.) It was good to see Pedro pitch a good game and see him get taken out after 7 innings. The pen looked good too. Myers' release point must really be tough for Anderson to pick up, because he wasn't even CLOSE to anything he was throwing. Game 3 friday night in Boston, Arroyo v. Escobar. I have confidence in Arroyo. He's had some very good games when the pressure is on (matched against Duque in New York on that friday night with the rain delay, he pitched very well.) If the Red Sox can sweep this series and set up their rotation the same way for the next series, I have no problem predicting a World Series berth. Schilling will pitch whenever he's needed. Pedro looked solid last night. Two aces is always a good thing to have.
  12. the max

    Howard Stern Moving To Satellite Radio

    It's too bad that O&A are afternoon guys. If they'd make a few changes to their act, they'd be a great morning show. I'd love to have Stephen Lynch song playing on the drive to work.
  13. the max

    Larry Bowa on "Baseball Tonight" panel...

    How much money did they pay for Kevin Millwood?
  14. the max

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    I heard a few people predict it as the upset special of the playoffs this year.
  15. the max

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    Right. Forget I even tried with you.
  16. the max

    Do birthdays even matter

    It always seems to matter to family. My mom will probably always buy me something, just like I always buy something for her. But, with most friends of mine, birthdays haven't mattered since we were 10 and stopped having parties at each other's houses. I haven't gotten my friends any physical presents in a few years. Whenever I visit them in Mass., I pay for dinner or something and call it a birthday present for all of them. Seems to work like a charm.
  17. the max

    Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

    I think it's more of the timing than anything. Most fans that have season tickets tend to talk about the sport a little bit more. Just saying.
  18. the max

    The Riddle/Tricky question Thread

    Floated up on water that went back down.
  19. the max

    Last Comic Standing 3

    MORDAL~! "Look, there's your bus!"
  20. the max

    Last Comic Standing 3

    Both guys seemed very nervous, but the audience is just sitting on their hands waiting for something to happen.
  21. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Calm fucking down. They won the game. That's all that matters. Get the 2003 Forrest Gump moment out of your head and move on. The game is over.
  22. the max

    Yankees/Twins ALDS Thread

    By reason, he should be due for a bad start in...July.
  23. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    I was worried, as Timlin can run hot and cold, but I guess he's MONEY~! in the post. 1-0. Offense looked very good today, obviously. Hopefully they give Pedro the same support tomorrow. 10P! Be there or be square! Pedro v. Tubby!
  24. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    Vlad Guerrero scares the bejesus out of me. Even though he didn't even get to the warning track.
  25. the max

    Angels/Red Sox ALDS Thread

    1-0 Red Sox on some defensive issues by the Angels.